There you go again, Parker! Going off-topic and getting the thread locked! Try to stay focused here!Kanaya thread
Why do people go on MSPARP to hate on Homestucks? Like,why??? There isn't a need for it!!!
same reason other people roleplay as trolls in youtube comments
> Like,why??? There isn't a need for it!!!My sentiments re: this thread
>>73026Interesting photo you have there.Did you steal it?
So i guess this started updating awhile ago but the thread was autosaging and i didn't know so i got caught up and hey lets talk about homestuck
>>72960because of Becs prototyping making her loyal to jade i think
>>72961>>72962Oh, alright that makes sense. Gotta say I'm glad to see them make it to the battlefield finally. I wonder if Jack will finally be recruited as a good guy.
>>72965Just because his relevance as the big baddie has waned doesn't necessarily mean John and Rose are going to buddy up with the dogcarapaceman who killed Mom and Dad
Speculative biology is fun! You get to ignore the human body and make up the anatomy rules as you go.And while I've seen tons and tons of beautiful troll fanart, only a small fraction of the artists have taken their artistic liscence and run with it.So I'd like to see all the inhuman troll designs! Whether they've got digiitigrade feet, tails, or armour plating; cute or scary or gross; let the theories roll!!Pic by skepticarcher
nice articles
previously on >>47522A crime is afoot! Surely this gumshoe will get to the sole of the matter.
>>72417somemoby here R-E-EL angry bout sharkasm 38)
>>72420Nah meng, it's cool.
does anyone know how to make the gamzee hood from his God tier
ok 4chan! it's time for the mystery box! first clUe it's something green. ^U^
Of course it's not weed. She's made out of weed, so smoking it would make her a cannabis cannibal.
I'm pretty sure it was weed.
This thread is so poorly executed.
New thread because come on guys i mean really
>>72373No, the first time they met was back on LOMAX. But this is the first time we've seen them meet.
>>72372But it's a dialogue AND a monologue, so there's no reason NOT to call it a dialoglog.
>>72374We saw Jade fight Jack alongside Dave in the header in the Doc Scratch pages and also kiss him to revive him
Because I simply can't let one of my all-time favorite threads die. The good, the bad, it all goes here.Dave: Imbibe apple drinkPonPonPon Equius and Nepeta.Please Don't Taste The Art[Homestuck] Karkat: Lament
Homestuck Animation WIP: Extended Version
And while we're at it, let's bring this up.Mambostuck (Homestuck Animation)
pro as heck guide to homestuck
Welcome to our quick descent into madness.animated
>>72263An update you silly creature.I crave story progression. I simply thought I was over it, that I wasn't into it that much anymore, but I was wrong.
never realize how much you miss the fandom when there's no upd->checks out HSGnvm
Anyone else playing this? seems to still be in beta but there are lots of sessions going on. Just started yesterday myself and it's fun strifing and trying to figure out alchemizing so far.
>>72295So far, rolespects only determine your base power bonus and access to unique roletech attacks if you're high enough on your echeladder. I'm not sure what Hope has access to.
>>72294If by "overwhelmingly" you mean "exclusively" then yeah, I agree.I think I'll wait until it's actually fleshed out a bit before playing
Needs a bit of kernelsprite based handholding, "Your first task should be to set your inventory by going here in the menu, ect..."
IIT, we kick out the jamz.Post your favorite Homestuck music. No judging, just your favorite tune from the mythos and why it's your favorite. is [S] WV: Ascend. That shit gives me chills errytime. I think it captures the sort of grand scope of SBURB that both amazes and disturbs me.>dat time lapse>dat animation>dem guardians being BAMFs and not the absurd jokers we thought they were until that pointSo much dope.
Get UpOne of my most favorites never yet used in a flash. Makes you really feel like you can pick yourself back up after some shit went down.
Pipeorgankind:Pipeorgankind actually i just love showtime in general.
>>71479Sburban Jungle will probably always be THE homestuck theme song for me.My favourite flash is still 5x deadly showdown or whatever oneSomething about it is just so entertaining
Could we perhaps have a Problem Sleuth thread, since I've only just gotten around to taking care of it (yeah, yeah, I know) and loved it more than I've loved anything else for quite some time? In particular, I'm looking to have some quality fanart posted here, there isn't terribly much of it on MSPAbooru.
Glad you enjoyed it!Looks like the old thread's still around. Here you go.
A place for good pictures from AU's and crossovers that are basically something with "stuck" added to the end. (This is from "samuraistuck" btw)
>>56790No it actually was a God Tier Jade.§ion=&q=homestuck+wizard+of+oz#/d4gtnpbAnd yeah, there were pretty slim pickings. Kinda why I was asking for suggestions.
>>56789>Wickedstuck:DAlthough if you compare character roles, shouldn't their positions be swapped?
>>48450Anymore?I love it!
Well then...
>>71463Symbols, candy corn, Betty Crocker, and a happy Yaldabaoth sun face. Yup that's definitely something.
>>71470BUT WAIT! THERES MORE!From the original card:>Everybody's talking about astrology, so find out the birth month and day for each child and give horoscopes as favors. Ask a friend to dress as a gypsy and tell fortunes. Serve a bowlful of [bold]rainbow colored cream ball "planets"[/bold] with your sunshiny Zodiac Cake.
>>71463That looks delicious.I'm going to make the fuck out of this.All glory to the batter witch.