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No. 65685
The way I'm understanding OP's question isn't really in a 'characters vs plot' kind of way. You know those youtube videos that feature Homestuck characters doing stuff over some voice track or soundclip, but the Homestuck characters featured are often really out of character or only barely relate to what is in the video? That is what I'm thinking of.
And yeah, there are a number of people like that. The appeal of Homestuck characters for them generally seems to be using really basic cliches. To them Dave doesn't have any characterization other than 'cool kid,' for example. The appeal of the characters for them isn't what is in the characters themselves, but in what little comics or animations they can use the characters for. This is partly why there are so many Homestuck fan-things that have everyone acting really out of character, the creator doesn't really know those characters beyond their most basic element (cool kid, blind girl, stoner clown, etc.).
So yeah, I'd say there are definitely a number of 'fans' who are like that. Otherwise I don't think there'd be as many ooc fanworks.