Yeah, I have no idea either.
can we have a bloodswap threadless "hey guys rate my AU guys look" and more "check out dese silly edits"
>>67721>>67720I still can't tell if this is supposed to be a parody or not.
>>67723shit, i forgot to post an image.
>>67702Because their urge to voice how smug they are outweighed their realization of the grand irony behind their actions.
>>67701>going to die just like every other MSPA-related board that's ever existed. This place isnt new dude, it's been around for a couple of years...
old thread: >>43149Let's theorizing, love!
>>67683>I dunno. "In thrall" seems to be a big part of the Maid archetype, and that gets glossed over if you couch it as a creator class. You just blew my mind. What are the odds we'll see Jane unable to kill herself to be with her loved ones?
Female trolls don't even give birth, much less interact with their progeny.What are they hiding within the sacks of flesh on their chest?
>>67621so nepeta spends a lot of time playing her boobs then
Thanks guys. This was a nice talk we had.
>>67621I'm really glad I unhid this thread so I could read this. A+ posteveryone else still gets Fs though
Hi, i made a update gif however when I see if it is transparent it still has grey behind it even though I set the file to be transparent, so if anyone can help with this, thanks also if there is a thread for this kind of stuff, sorry I'm lazy and didn't check, I randomly found this site
iirc the update notifier recognises #d6daf0 as transparent, so you will have to make the background that colour to get it to appear correctly instead of making it... actually transparent...i don't know why it is this way but i'm assuming it's so people without graphics programs capable of making transparent images can still make their own.
>>67506It's actually so HSG reaction images can be used in the notifier
Welp, old thread is saging. Let's do this.
guysthis is an old threadswitch to the superior one instead
>>67419Agreed, but use sage for threads that shouldn't be on the top of the front page
don't split threads that don't need splittingit pollutes the board, taking space from other threads
god nogodnio
Old thread >>65129 Speculate about EoA6-3 and other things, yes.
Wow, old one isn't even in its grave yet.
>>67259Are you kidding, the old one isn't even on the page anymore.
no you're terrible
you're both gaylords
Hiatuses tend to bring out the worst in us.
Q: Why do we fall?A: Batman.
What part of this aren't you getting, Parker? You post pictures of Kanaya, I pay you money. Is that too complicated for you?
>>67156Being embarrassed for anything about this scenario is still kinda sad, b-ro.
>>67156You're kidding, right? There are boards here on +4 that have threads since '10. This is a small board, and we try to keep most of our discussion in either the HSG or the art/cosplay threads.Now get out and stop being a douche
youre all horrible
alpha /co/ started a project to bide their time with during the hiatus.It is the story of the personifications of the 4 biggest Homestuck fanbases (HSG threads on /co/, Tumblr, MSPAF, and DA) playing a game of Sburb together.
Honestly, i don't give half a shit if it's an accurate portrayal of the sites. It's supposed to be funny, right? That said, i don't get how I'm seeing so much of hsg wielding dildos
this thread is r. bad too
Old Thread: >>49481This is where you put things when you can't find another thread to put them in. How boring. Yep, just like the bargain bin at the department store, they throw all the marked down crap in here because no one bought it when it was on the shelf where it was supposed to be. See? You get things like art from the Uncanny Valley. Hope this isn't TOO creepy to have as the thread header.
>>66980stop whining and post pictures
>>58051 Where'd you find that?
What Is The Difference Between The Moderator Of This Board And A Very Ornery Grizzly Bear
>>66938>>66939>>66940>>66941>Same Auspistic
Kanaya, go back to being a side character. Your time in the spotlight is over and trying to extend its welcome makes you look tacky instead of austere and fashionable.
We All Appreciate Your Jokes Kanaya
We can have a Ruby Quest crossover Thread?
>>66859It developed independently of MSPA, and was created before homestuck was. They both derive their format from old-school text adventures.
>>66859 Did you seriously necro a thread from 7 months ago just to shitpost?pls go