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72377 No. 72377
So i guess this started updating awhile ago but the thread was autosaging and i didn't know so i got caught up and hey lets talk about homestuck
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>> No. 72379
...and there goes John again. I wonder how he knew Jade was coming?
>> No. 72381
Did he even know she was coming? It seems to me like he can't really control where/when he is for more than a few seconds. I don't think he was running away from Jade or even knows she is after him.
>> No. 72384
John is now Sonic, he's blue and has to go fast. Now for Jade to turn yellow and grow a pair of tails while Dave goes all egg-shaped and takes command of an army of robots, after which they can follow him around the loop-de-loops on Skaia.
>> No. 72386
He didnt zap away, though. He windied away.
>> No. 72391
Wouldn't it be great if the hero of Homestuck was the Condesce though
>> No. 72394
Wait no, Dave is red and likes to rap and so is Knuckles. You might be on to something here...
>> No. 72395
Dirk, then? He actually makes robots, and as the Dancestor of a character associated with birds could be considered an "egg man" in reference to the chicken-or-the-egg question.
>> No. 72398
so...long enoigh without an update for baseless upcoming flash speculation to begin?
>> No. 72400
>> No. 72401
He's possibly saving up some updates so as to have more to release just before/while at the next convention. Or maybe he wasn't done making stuff for the game, and got back to it.
>> No. 72402
I smell another story-wide retcon
>> No. 72403

What do you think is the difference between a Thief and a Rogue?
>> No. 72404
Active versus passive. One example given being that one steals for her own benefit, and the other steals for her teammates' benefit. But given what we know of the fluidity of titles, that's not the only way it could play out.
>> No. 72405
Thief takes their aspect from their enemy. Rogue takes things from their aspect. What I'll believe until it's inevitably contradicted.
>> No. 72406
Roxy has also been shown to steal her aspect from others for their benefit, like being there for each of her friends when they were feeling alienated, empty and alone inside.
>> No. 72407
1. that isn't an aspect power. that's just her personality, which might fit in with her role thematically, but it isn't something the game bestowed her
2. that isn't stealing because she is not taking away something to keep for herself
>> No. 72408
1. Aspects and roles have been repeatedly stated and implied to be a reflection of the person they're tied to.
2. Rogues don't steal from others to keep for themselves, that's what a thief does. Rogues steal for the benefits of others, like Robin Hood.
>> No. 72410
>1. that isn't an aspect power. that's just her personality, which might fit in with her role thematically, but it isn't something the game bestowed her
In Homestuck, and thanks to the non-linear nature of time in Paradox Space, there's essentially no difference between causation and correlation. Her aspect is her aspect because of her personality and her personality is her personality because of her aspect. Both were the cause and the effect of one another. It's the sort of thing that can only be true in so self-aware a piece of metafiction.

There's a tendency to think of a character's Mythological Role as a character class, but that's not really the way it seems to work in practice--there's no suite of abilities that are universal to all or even most members of a Class and the way each Aspect manifests seems to depend on the individual as well. Aradia and Dave are both Time Players, but the way they use Time is entirely distinct. I don't think this is solely because of their classes--I suspect if we saw another Knight of Time, he would not use Time Turners, and he might very well not work almost exclusively in stable time loops.

In practice, the Mythological Role seems to work more like a High Concept for the character in general. It's descriptive rather than prescriptive. That's why characters' first time using their Aspect is rarely "magic" or a skill in video game terms, but in the items they create through Alchemy--again, look at Dave and his Time Tables. Theoretically, that combination of items was available to anyone. If John had borrowed Dave's turntables or something, he could be the one doing those stable time loops. Or even if he hadn't made them, he could've just borrowed them and spent three days getting stronger instead of just one. But it wouldn't have happened for anyone but Dave, because it wouldn't have made sense for anyone but Dave to make and use them. They are connected to his personality, and also to his High Concept.

"Temporal inevitability," I think is the term they use in-comic, but it could just as easily be called "Narrative Causality" to steal a term from Discworld. "Roxy did that because it's part of her personality" and "Roxy did that because she's the Rogue of Void" are synonymous statements. Or even "Roxy did this because it what's supposed to happen at that time." And like....it's true for all works, to a certain extent, that characters do things because that's what's supposed to happen at that time, but in Homestuck's case they do it because they are aware that that is the thing they are supposed to do at that time, or sometimes, they refrain from doing it because they know it's what they were supposed to do at that time.

This has all probably been fairly scattered and silly reading, but I think what I'm getting at is that thinking of Homestuck too much in terms of consistent Rules and standard Causality is missing the point of what Homestuck is. It's not random, but it's not a Functional Magic type of system, either.
>> No. 72411
i remember when i cared about homestuck enough to make posts like this and now i can't even be bothered to form a rebuttal

feels bad man
>> No. 72418
did hussie die
>> No. 72419
Yes. Fans are searching for his corpse to kiss it even as we speak.
>> No. 72421
for some reason that reminds me of when tumblr fandom reactions to all the "I hope Homestuck fans drop dead!" hatred was to thank them for the well wishes on going god tier :')
>> No. 72422
>> No. 72423
File 137262535063.png?spoiler - (16.17KB , 332x285 , 1372624087781.png?spoiler )
today's update:
>> No. 72424
>> No. 72425
this is kind of stupid...
>> No. 72426
oh thank god im not the only one who thinks that
>> No. 72427
Is that not the very point of Homestuck? I mean, Hussie's been pretty much saying that from the beginning.
>> No. 72428

and even if it was, he meant it to be a fun entertaining kind of stupid, and this is not fun or entertaining. plus whether or not he meant for it to be stupid actually does not make it any less so.
>> No. 72429
I'm pretty sure he meant it to be his kind of stupid.
>> No. 72431
well then congratulations on succeeding in making something bad and worthless? i don't know why people think "but it was MEANT to be dumb so it's ok" as a valid defense. making your work terrible on purpose is worse than trying to make something entertaining and fucking up.
>> No. 72432
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>making your work terrible on purpose is worse than-
If you try to take Homestuck with any amount of seriousness at all at any given time, you're going to have a bad time.
>> No. 72433
1. that's untrue
2. the latest updates are bad because they are uninteresting and unfunny, not because i am "taking homestuck too seriously," which trust me, i am not
3. i feel pretty bad for hussie if most of the remaining homestuck fans that are still really into it are like you

i have been reading homestuck and have been active in its fandom since the first update
>> No. 72434
Dude don't bring SBAHJ into this. It's a work of beauty and I'm not even sarcastic.

At least something actually important is happening to Karkat now? Even if it's completely contrived and a lame attempt to shock readers.
>> No. 72435
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>i have been reading homestuck and have been active in its fandom since the first update
So have I, chowderhead. I even started some generals in the old site.
Hussie doesn't care if the fans are lackadaisical or not, he's going to keep doing it regardless. He enjoys doing it, and his fans as a whole enjoy reading it. Right now he's just moving through exposition and plot devices, not a big deal. Not every page need to be a major wit tickle or brand new species expansion pack. Just take it easy, one update at a time. The series has a very 'whatever' tone and that's totally fine. I've seen plenty of fans get upset over pieces and chunks, weather by boredom or upset about the direction of a character or plot thread, but in the end if they leave or not, Hussie still has a massive legion to back him up.

And as an aside, would it kill you to use the shift key?
>> No. 72436
Am I the only one who enjoyed the update? Karkat's rants are always pretty great and I didn't think this was an exception. Everything else was kind of meh but Karkat kept me entertained the whole way through.
>> No. 72437
Karkat yelling about something will always be a good thing in my eyes.
>> No. 72439
How is it shocking? Jade said flat out she was going to demonstrate Jane's ability to wish people back with the dragon balls, he's just gonna get rezzed right back up

The only really important thing to take from this is that the one dragon ball limit means Karkat is just a tiny bit more mortal than everyone else now
>> No. 72440
Someone jokingly suggested that John's going to steal Karkat, and somehow or another it's going to end up that Roxy conjures up a Sacrificial Slab and Karkat gets to go God Tier.

I REALLY DOUBT that's going to happen, but it does raise one new way for the remaining trolls to God Tier, if indeed that needs to happen.
>> No. 72442
To be fair, Roxy's ability raises one new way to do practically anything. Yes, "do". Not just make. She could create entire branches of reality by simply stealing their non-existence, if Hussie decides to ever explore that route.
>> No. 72443
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goggles is a treasure.
>> No. 72445
You know, Karkat getting hurt by Jane could set up some fairly intense conflict between Meenah and her alternate self. And since John is also obviously upset, I guess that means it could also lead to Meenah teaming up with him in some kind of Karkat vengeance squad? Especially if it turns out he did come back to life, but neither of them realize this until they're at Condy's throat making a grand speech about it.
>> No. 72446
>Jane has the power to revive the dead one time
>in a comic where death is next to meaningless and barely even slows you down

Life continues to take a big, hefty dump on Jane Crocker
>> No. 72447
You have to admit though, she does get a pretty nifty alt costume out of it.
>> No. 72448
Or none of that could happen and Karkat could just get resurrected immediately...
>> No. 72449
Are you a seer?
>> No. 72450
Jane has the shittiest power. Seriously. Even Aranea's is more useful.

But I guess that's what you get for being lifeless~ but I guess she might have something else up here sleeve. I mean, John went from tornado drill to wind mode.
>> No. 72451
My theory is that John's ring of life can some how boost Jane's life powers, like the void ring boosted Roxy's.
>> No. 72453
All it did for Roxy was make her invisible, and it still didn't help against tricksters. Not much of a boost.
>> No. 72454
It might be interesting to see how this will affect her just/heroic deaths though.

If she gets killed in this state, does she get a "lol nope" do over? And if so, would it cancel out the waterbitch's mind control shit?
>> No. 72455
I'm very surprised that Jane's resurrection didn't turn Karkat into some evil Crockercorp zombie. It's just a technology induced evil state for Jane, but we don't really know the full extent of her influence. And it's about time we had a true necromancer in Homestuck.
>> No. 72459
I think the invisibility was caused by her Void powers awakening. She seems to have concluded as much when Jade asks her if she knows what her powers do.
>> No. 72463
How many seers does it take to get their shit together?
>> No. 72464
Come to think of it, this is extra bad for Terezi since not only is she newly-sighted, but aren't Trolls generally a nocturnal species to begin with? They made special mention of the fact that Kanaya was unusual for not being bothered by sunlight.
>> No. 72465
The alternian sun is probably a lot worse than lolars or any others.
>> No. 72466
Can...can the characters see any of that glitch stuff?

The player planet environments aren't nearly as harmful as their realistic counterparts anyway. Otherwise, Dave would have easily overheated from being so close to the lava on his planet.
>> No. 72468
Incoming seer strife? Or will John of jade zap in to interrupt?
>> No. 72469
Incoming seer strife? Or will John of jade zap in to interrupt?
>> No. 72470
Apparently they can.
That's. I can't even imagine how trippy it must be to see real life glitches
>> No. 72471
I think it's something we'd see if we ever got Aradia using her troll powers more, but she's stuck doing afterlife time stuff. On the other hand, the Condesce does have all the troll powers, so she could end up using Aradia's eventually as well.
>> No. 72472
That's weird. John's presence seems to remove those artifacts?
>> No. 72473
Like blowing (star)dust out of a cartridge?
>> No. 72474
John confirmed for being the hero Homestuck deserves.
>> No. 72475
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit.
>> No. 72476
I love how Terezi sometimes sticks out her tongue when something new happens as her first instinct, forgetting that she can no longer taste visuals. Old habits die hard.
>> No. 72478
Oh snap. I thought it was just her being weird or doing so in disgust.

Anyway John's warping through time cleaning up glitches. Who here hopes he cleans up that little flash from a while back that we got cheated out of seeing?
>> No. 72479
The weird thing is that he could actually retcon it with his new powers. I wonder how Hussie's gonna handle that when he retcons something more important than sticking his arm into random panels or standing just off-camera.
>> No. 72480
Did Rose suddenly forget that computers and messaging devices exist?
>> No. 72481
Talking to John via computer right now might be impossible with him displaced in timespace. As for talking to Roxy directly, she might just not know her handle.
>> No. 72483
>> No. 72485
What they really ought to do is go inside for a bit and have the turtles serve delicious smoothies to them while they recuperate, presuming any of them would do that as thanks for Rose letting them wander around her huge tower-house.
>> No. 72487
I'm sure those turtles are still very thankful for Rose dismantling their tower in mid air, terrorizing them and possibly killing a number of their friends.
>> No. 72488
It's been years, and they're consorts.
>> No. 72540
(There has been an update.)
(Not much of plot relevance has happened, but I think ARquiusprite is still pretty funny in an unsettling way.)
>> No. 72541
I think so too.

But ugh, come on Hussie. I want plot progression not humorous banter.
>> No. 72543
I partly partly agree, in that I'd like banter and plot to be interwoven rather than separated into nonsensical tangents and infodumps. Moreover, it seems that attempts to speed up the plot are at least partly what causes more snags in the plot to develop, thus actually slowing it down by adding more things to explain. I figure/hope things will naturally pick up once the characters have finished essentially shaking hands with each other to confirm they're all on the same page.

Also, it cold be that this was more just to remind us that Dirk was on the way back now and he's not actually supposed to be in on anything important yet, with the humorous conversation thrown in as a bonus.
>> No. 72546
So ARquiusprite and Davesprite are hanging out? That's neat.
>> No. 72547
I'm just hoping for the alpha and beta kids to FINALLY meet. Banter is all well and good, but I'd love to see some actual character interaction and plot advancement.

I find that lately homestuck has gone from "show, don't tell" to "this is all the shit that happened, but you don't get to see any of it here's some exposition"
>> No. 72549
When was actually the last time Homestuck was "show, don't tell"? It felt like like your latter remark for ages now.
>> No. 72550
Not the same person, but "too long ago, unless you count the times we've been following a Jack".

Also: Dave, no. You need to go back in time in time to when the alternate kids chapter started and just make the whole chapter un-happen by bringing everyone up to speed real quick and then taking them to your present. Or maybe have John do it, since he can break continuity better.
>> No. 72555
I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'd really rather see what the trolls are up to.
>> No. 72556

>> No. 72557
If the mayor dies, I'm blaming all of you guys who were wishing something would happen in place of more banter.
>> No. 72558

Also I'm really loving how Hussie is using panels lately. Very cool
>> No. 72559
Uh oh. Guys? I think we lost Dave.
>> No. 72560
Dave has seriously cracked. He's become unhinged
First he laughs so hard he starts crying, then he becomes hysterical over the mayor.

Tbh I think if/when he actually meets Dirk he'll just have a full fludged breakdown it'll be fantastic
>> No. 72563
And the hussmaster trolls us on kid/dancestor interaction again
>> No. 72565
So Jane CAN talk. Good to know.

and Kanaya is just plain sick of everyone's shit. I love it.
>> No. 72567
These turns of events are interesting. It looks like Jane's going to give some explanation as to why Kanaya ought to fear her, and with that hopefully some clue as to what she wants them to do. Meanwhile, I have no idea if Dirk's tendency to fragment ought to have any affect on how he handles being glitched, and if so what effect it would actually have.

Also, I'd actually be more accepting of harm befalling WV now that he's so beloved by the main cast, since now I know he won't just die in a pointless explosion caused by characters who ought to know better and quickly get forgotten.
>> No. 72568
No Kanaya! Please don't die, I love you! you stupid bitch.
>> No. 72569
Jane is just straight up diabolical
>> No. 72570
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I just want to get to the god damn fireworks factory. Can we please just get to the god damn fireworks factory.
>> No. 72571
Shush, you already almost killed the mayor! If you're not careful, he's going to end up killing off Ms. Paint or PM or something.

...what is the "Fireworks Factory" in this scenario, anyway? The three-way jackoff?
>> No. 72572
>You would drink heavily from its multicolored well, and the hemospectrum would be your wine list preceding the great feast of passion.
Kanaya confirmed for killing Lord English!
>> No. 72574
I think it could also refer to killing the empress, or perhaps draining power from LE after he's already mortally wounded. Or maybe beforehand, to weaken him enough for Dave to get a strike in?
>> No. 72576
Or it refers to her chugging all those bottles she just bought, then sloppily making out with Rose.
>> No. 72577
i don't understand, what just happened
>> No. 72578
John's breaking the comic. He's rewriting events
>> No. 72579
oh wow, this is meta as fuck
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