Old one's autosaging.Boxer Hockey fans will probably enjoy this. I personally could not stop laughing at the credits including "The Girl From Epanema" in them.
>>87003I have got to get these.
>>86659Me neither, until Vriska. :3
so uh the boxer hockey walkimation was taken down
The show's not that interesting, the costume design is hideous, so why can't I stop watching this show?
>>84913I'm lazy so....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man:_Back_in_BlackHappy hunting. After work I can probably look around /rs/ or someone else will. I dunno.
>>84917Oooh, man.That's some vicious irony.
God Bless you, Comic Con.
So...uhhh, how about that new phantom "costume" design by Alex Ross?It's...something.
>>78319There's no reason to think that cover isn't beyond the year 2040. That could be thousands of years into the future, after nature declares war on humanity and wins.
AND there would still be a chance that he isn't the last, last one.And here's my thoughts, which i've always had about the costume, having a really strong blue colour in the jungle would conceal him pretty well, and he's always looked like a witch doctor (or atleast along those lines) to me, especially with all the skulls and statues of him all over the place.
You can never go far enough with a character, there's always a beyond to every good character.I read a lot of Phantom when i was a kid, i still do.. seeing his kids grow from babbies to teenagers to well, i reckon adults some time in the future, it's a grand thing.And all the Phantoms die young, every single one.. even Julie Walker.
You know what we need?A Lackadaisy Cats thread.
Thread 42 >>84919IRC is @ espernet #bluhbluhPost if you want any help or guides because we so awesome, it is unreal, and we would like to share our awesome conversations with you. Really.
>>86409Is this acceptable?>>86410
>>86426crwwwwwwwth! This picture is great!But we have a new thread now! :C
Guys for reasons that are complicated and not worth going into I need to become more familiar with She-Hulk's character by....tomorrow.Please recommend me a quick reading list, preferably with download links.
>>86164Guilty as well.
>>86164>>86170It's a take-off on a certain cover for the magazine Vanity Fair. Demi Moore posed, nude and very pregnant, and people got a bit up in arms about whether it was tasteless or beautiful and natural etc. If you've never seen the cover, you should really Google it; She-Hulk's pose is an exact copy. My apologies if both of you already got the joke and and now think I'm a big doof for explaining it.Oh, and OP, I hope you have (had) fun reading these. I loved that series!
You can tell I'm old, because I remember when this was a controversy and all over the news. And when that She-Hulk comic cover was a relevant spoof......I'll just go off and contemplate my remaining mortality now.
The most underrated villain of all time.
Alien robotsHigh schoolGenndy Tartakovsky
>>86159The Titans were in Zeta Gundam first not in a side story OVA. They also showed Earth as some what corrupt in 0079. You really never watch a lot of any Gundam show have you?
This thread is stupid now.
>>86187(yeah right!)
Anthro Thread part 3.Oh God what's wrong with me that she's my favorite. :I
>>85954I'll say.
>>86110Speaking of Freya while I usually don't care for furry melodrama I couldn't help but feel she got screwed over in FF9. Even her ending was a downer.They gave way too much screen time to that naive crybaby dumbass Garnet who still got too much attention when she went mute.
>>86110Seconded.Argonians ain't much to look at, but the wonders of fanart take care of the rest. Love me some Argonian Maid.
Just keep repeating to myself that I will reserve judgment till I see the models in motion closer to the films completion and maybe I won't lose my shit.
>>85486I just realized...they even misspelled his name.
>>85741He's always been Hannu. "Honnu" was the typo.
>>85758>Honnu's name is often also spelled as "Hannu". Huh, so both are correct, my mistake.
Well shit.
I'm interested in him working with Caselli (again) on ASM. I've really been digging Spidey's retro aesthetic, but I also love Caselli.
>>85022Gosh I love the Iron-Spidey suit.
Oh my!Someone bring him here!
I'm not sure if I should take this as an apology for the TURRABLE costume...
Screw you, that costume was okay.
>>85726Okay, I'll give it that it was okay, but it was still leaps and bounds inferior to his Yellow duds.
IRC is @ espernet #bluhbluhLast thread: >>83163You can get to our irc by going to http://chat.mibbit.com/ choosing Esper [webirc] from the drop-down menu, typing whatever you want as your nickname in the "nick" box, typing #Bluhbluh in the "Channel" box and pressing go.helpful irc guide: http://pastebin.com/XSsJqje4
>>85733Which is odd. It seems to work pretty well in a pinch.
>>85721I am laughing like a maniac.
'cause i like it
done for tonite
I kept calling it Nerdroid for a while there.
He TOLD you about stairs!
GHOSTY SHARE THREAD A slightly more permanent fixation than my /co/ threads.
>>704925 DO WANT. :<
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=008d817df8ede0ccc2b435915e8821d7da0de301df60b4cca543906a5faff527Homestuck 5 ^I'll get some ALTERNIA up in this bitch when I remember where I put the link.
Do you have your mediafire homepage?