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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 134350897191.jpg - (1.20MB , 1600x900 , 0c66885df2c06ecdfbba0ad76a0f83fb.jpg )
88372 No. 88372 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How is there no Merlin thread? /coq/ I am disappoint. We are fixing this issue.
18 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 88418
File 13436748089.jpg - (63.85KB , 550x549 , summercourt4.jpg )
>> No. 88438
File 134378961856.jpg - (751.95KB , 576x1224 , 1320788111436.jpg )
>> No. 93742
File 14029140769.png - (422.16KB , 1276x990 , merthur.png )

File 136344165413.jpg - (233.08KB , 707x1000 , 1363314289051.jpg )
91302 No. 91302 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
You know you're a pervert when characters that are meant to scare you end up turning you on instead!

Also, how is there not a Slenderman (and/or The Operator from Marble Hornets) thread on here? Incidentally, I'd love to see some art of horror characters. I'd especially love any writefag that could write some Slendy or The Operator fic, or some recs for fics of that kind.

Anyway, here's a thread for all horror VILLIAN characters (the good guys can be included if they're getting down and dirty with the villains!). Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees, Pinhead, Michael Myers, Pyramid Head, Slenderman, Candyman, Hannibal Lecter, Dracula, ect.

Even generic horror villains like other vampires, zombies, werewolves, and monsters or villains from video games are welcome.
7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93739
File 140277890484.jpg - (81.36KB , 600x663 , 23326 - Freddy_Krueger.jpg )
>> No. 93740
File 140277897672.jpg - (53.56KB , 479x640 , 133101 - Predator.jpg )
Does Predator count as horror villian...?
>> No. 93741
File 140277902242.jpg - (120.46KB , 590x780 , 1216067771108.jpg )

File 137624192327.jpg - (294.75KB , 1200x874 , MaxxGrimm - What Are Brothers For.jpg )
92482 No. 92482 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
The second season is coming in September, and the old thread isn’t bumping anymore, so here’s a new thread for A:LOK and A:TLA fanart.
43 posts and 33 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93452
File 139839099984.jpg - (152.22KB , 1280x1204 , tumblr_n44fo32y2Y1syqqpto2_r1_1280.jpg )
What caption would you put on this image?
>> No. 93453
"please don't notice my six toes"
>> No. 93736
File 140266970990.jpg - (1.19MB , 3858x3252 , Taizen - Bros Helping Each Other Out - LoK - Mako.jpg )

File 140029077946.jpg - (427.09KB , 1100x697 , the_amazing_spider_man_2_by_mixed_blessing-d7ifnvl.jpg )
93567 No. 93567 hide quickreply [Reply]
Seriously no thread for this?

I have yet to find any porn of Harry.
>> No. 93721
File 140161420157.jpg - (65.51KB , 398x750 , Parksborn 002.jpg )
>> No. 93722
File 140161426166.jpg - (167.29KB , 389x699 , Parksborn 003.jpg )
>> No. 93723
File 140161432122.jpg - (122.72KB , 500x615 , Parksborn 004.jpg )
And that is literally all I have saved up. I'm surprised there's not more around for these guys.

File 140030347245.png - (117.03KB , 493x428 , tumblr_inline_n2xdiiKu821qkogii.png )
93568 No. 93568 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Why the hell doesn't this have a board yet? It's extremely popular on tumblr and has an assload of good porn!
95 posts and 93 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93699
File 140160027763.png - (390.90KB , 1000x1000 , tumblr_n6dj2dqwnc1rqqrl7o8_1280.png )
>> No. 93700
File 140160032660.png - (240.29KB , 709x851 , tumblr_n6dj2dqwnc1rqqrl7o9_1280.png )
>> No. 93701
File 140160039382.png - (534.90KB , 1000x1000 , tumblr_n6dj2dqwnc1rqqrl7o10_1280.png )

File 130173324544.jpg - (106.62KB , 350x262 , DCU-Bromance.jpg )
70956 No. 70956 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

Previous thread
278 posts and 56 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93391
File 139680750759.jpg - (30.86KB , 500x445 , Jimmy Olsen_jpg_CROP_rectangle3-large.jpg )
Fuck yeah! Boostling Boostler over the Boostle here.
Bumping n bumping.
>> No. 93540
File 139956142444.png - (156.44KB , 500x424 , boostle_4.png )
>> No. 93688
So, Ted's back! Thoughts? Think he and Booster will meet up? Think he's a one off character? What could his role in the Nu52 be?

File 138581911552.jpg - (105.00KB , 900x674 , Johnny_Test.jpg )
92969 No. 92969 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
13 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92986
I have no idea who that is
>> No. 92987
The more specific someones fetish is, the less likely there is to be high expectations for good art. For some reason Western-style shota seems to always cross that line, and never quite looks right.
>> No. 93655
Johan is pretty damn good

File 139389153553.jpg - (587.88KB , 720x600 , bfa2b553edf4.jpg )
93299 No. 93299 hide quickreply [Reply]
Are out there more Discworld fans? I started re-reading my collection and I have a mighty need for gaying it up a bit.
>> No. 93654
The problem is that the Discworld Watch fandom is almost too classy for places like this. I try every few years or so, but mostly just stumble on nice things. Well-written fic, really nice art etc.

File 128831662610.jpg - (610.98KB , 1280x1965 , Secret Six #26 014.jpg )
60443 No. 60443 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
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>> No. 93374
File 139580136718.jpg - (70.72KB , 450x499 , tumblr_mxheq2Ou2d1s8y6njo1_500.jpg )
>> No. 93527
File 139943330572.jpg - (162.26KB , 600x496 , konclark4.jpg )
>> No. 93546
Cuh-rist. Anymore of these two or of Clark?

(dat batman symbol made my teeth clench for some reason)

File 136061253758.jpg - (2.50MB , 3210x2398 , Dragon oral col big.jpg )
91170 No. 91170 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Wakfu/Dofus thread?
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>> No. 93304
File 139424012469.jpg - (839.04KB , 2563x2504 , 1a.jpg )
>> No. 93541
File 139958795618.jpg - (504.34KB , 1203x1080 , 2a_redux.jpg )
Art by Aogami
>> No. 93544
File 139976584285.jpg - (367.07KB , 1087x1080 , 2b_redux.jpg )

File 13994831035.jpg - (317.74KB , 827x1169 , jackademus - Lantern Corps Sector 2814.jpg )
93531 No. 93531 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
And Lanterns that are not green.

Other thread autosaged.
6 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93538
File 139952715015.jpg - (78.44KB , 500x375 , tumblr_maeg1g5alU1ruenvc.jpg )
>> No. 93539
File 139952726272.png - (594.64KB , 1269x958 , tumblr_n2q5koOxfT1rdjcxao1_r1_1280.png )
>> No. 93543
File 139971415189.jpg - (38.40KB , 392x525 , 82f9c17dgw1ee0as5sen1j20aw0el0tl.jpg )
Aww hell, just when we make a new thread, plus4chan makes a whole new site. Maybe it'll be more active now (I can dream).

File 130864086125.jpg - (419.33KB , 720x945 , big apple.jpg )
75249 No. 75249 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
How about we a get a general /coq/ thread?
92 posts and 70 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93415
File 139739290140.jpg - (51.40KB , 453x600 , fucklot.jpg )
>> No. 93417
Oh man. This takes me back.
I used to jack off to these back when a boiled egg was enough to get me off.
>> No. 93505
need lover

File 139878733074.jpg - (62.92KB , 316x472 , image.jpg )
93476 No. 93476 hide quickreply [Reply]
Barnaby Grimes is a book series by Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell. I'm sorry to say I have no gay pictures... Due to the fact that Barnaby Grimes rule 34 does not exist (yet)! Please can someone make it, pleeeeeeeez?!

File 139875524771.jpg - (287.61KB , 700x848 , image.jpg )
93468 No. 93468 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I can't believe nobody thought of these guys! Phobos & Cedric (from Disney's W.I.T.C.H) are such hot little f-----s, you just can't have a gay 'western' thread without them! XDD

Most of the pictures were by this person http://jesusnotchrist.deviantart.com/
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93472
File 139875565954.jpg - (182.39KB , 900x672 , image.jpg )
I wish there was one of Cedric in his gorgon form x Phobos XDDD goosh goosh
>> No. 93473
File 13987564223.jpg - (30.10KB , 382x406 , image.jpg )
>> No. 93475
I'll try to draw something since these two are so damn rare!

File 128565572481.jpg - (348.00KB , 800x836 , hatefuck.jpg )
58212 No. 58212 hide quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Our favorite rainbow faggots need more love. Shall we make it happen, internet?
310 posts and 172 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93523
I've noticed we're not bumping. Considering I can only access the last 50 posts, I say we make a new one (now with a less terrible OP image).

Poor little Power Ring is the whore of the Crime Syndicate who gets used by them regularly? Not everyone needs to take their turn on-screen if it's too much work.
>> No. 93526
>Poor little Power Ring is the whore of the Crime Syndicate who gets used by them regularly? Not everyone needs to take their turn on-screen if it's too much work.
I'll give it a shot!

New thread is probably a good idea

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