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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 128675025396.jpg - (107.94KB , 720x540 , wikus is a homeboy.jpg )
59226 No. 59226 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
can't seem to find PRAWN THREAD so here's one!

starting with Sharlto Copley being completely ridiculous
32 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 89608
File 134958814535.jpg - (259.82KB , 554x800 , 127823187593.jpg )
>> No. 89699
File 134997848011.jpg - (140.73KB , 699x764 , 437649 - District_9 Prawn.jpg )
>> No. 92921
File 13843210913.jpg - (73.99KB , 515x700 , tumblr_m261y2I2dY1qj33oso1_1280.jpg )

File 134811798380.jpg - (1.00MB , 1198x1030 , 1304795194191.jpg )
89328 No. 89328 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 92859
File 13835412083.png - (434.61KB , 1377x1080 , bujeet.png )

File 132711445361.jpg - (773.01KB , 770x1023 , benomnom.jpg )
83324 No. 83324 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
So, anyone mind a Ben 10 slash thread?

I'm kind of sad I don't run into more fans of it, It hits every superhero sillyness thing
273 posts and 266 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 90262
just because I'm writing so cute it doesn't mean I'm not old!

If you know how old I'm....

I just show my feelings.....I write what I think....even when it is childish or naive!!!!
>> No. 90312
You alright there, kiddo?
>> No. 92804
File 138226686578.png - (143.71KB , 500x313 , benrook4.png )

File 132116528888.jpg - (142.55KB , 800x503 , grab1321005462290.jpg )
80640 No. 80640 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Previous thread: https://plus4chan.org/b/coq/res/72848+50.html
277 posts and 211 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92708
File 138129332296.png - (1.11MB , 720x960 , BWEFT0VCUAAaivc_png large.png )
>> No. 92709
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>> No. 92710
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File 128703382267.jpg - (57.80KB , 500x644 , 20830 - Doctor_Who Fourth_Doctor.jpg )
59400 No. 59400 hide quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
/coq/, how dare you have a Torchwood thread but no Doctor Who one? This must be remedied immediately.
298 posts and 248 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 90647
eleven/ten please more eleven/ten
>> No. 90869
File 135749366997.gif - (0.95MB , 445x636 , tumblr_mg6wlpmcR61r7sikeo1_500.gif )
>> No. 92799
File 138214323195.jpg - (461.79KB , 620x743 , 1103050 - Doctor_Who Fifth_Doctor The_Master Trema.jpg )

File 130254305593.jpg - (40.29KB , 600x500 , 502799 - 6teen Jonesy_Garcia Jude_Lizowski Wyatt_W.jpg )
71519 No. 71519 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
102 posts and 56 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92761
It takes more than one person to make a fandom.
The only reason you got this shitty art is 'cause the artist had an errant thought about demonic cults.
>> No. 92762
Wow. Who knew people could get upset about pron of a cartoon about teenage characters?
>> No. 92771
Why is it that whiny autistic shits like you immediately lose their shit when things don't go exactly like they want? I've noticed that a lot in this awful board; every other thread is the exact same Tumblr-rehashed topic, then when SOMETHING different creeps up, it's the plague.

I don't even like 6Teen nor do I care about this thread, but holy shit you're an annoying bitch.

File 134005674718.png - (419.83KB , 592x703 , marshallllowwww.png )
87273 No. 87273 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Old thread here >>85544

Feel free to drawfag and writefag
262 posts and 212 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92635
File 137900425488.png - (39.25KB , 350x350 , oops.png )
>> No. 92636
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>> No. 92699
Is this by psynard?

File 137915186641.png - (160.71KB , 828x600 , c3aa7b30b83b29fed9bf2a2147e0007f.png )
92644 No. 92644 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I guess the Doublefine thread finally died after like...three years of me checking up on it.
Well, luckily I just replayed Grim Fandango so I hope my self-indulgent human Manny porn is acceptable.
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>> No. 92648
File 137915376538.png - (116.41KB , 857x659 , 3cdf9a490d08b149dcc68f8fff498161.png )
hot off the presses
I know it's not clear that other dude fuckin him 9/10 times is domino hurley but now you know. I mean I can't be the only one that felt the immense UST in the first chapter
>> No. 92649
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>> No. 92650
File 137915389469.png - (182.38KB , 672x624 , df960c69f16d55c991d666be9d2fb008.png )
last one for now
I mean I drew an eddie riggs at some point too but it was a request from /y/ and my heart wasn't really in it

File 134670084416.jpg - (18.16KB , 600x600 , paranorman_mitch.jpg )
89153 No. 89153 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
The first openly gay character in a animated kids movie and there is still no porn of him? You disappoint me internet.
64 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 91550
I like the Alvin and Norman pairing. You mentioned underage stuff but there's nothing wrong with young people being romantic or chummy, right...?
>> No. 91557
Romantic to a point, sure. But if it's a kid x adult pairing, even a non-sexual one, I back away at least 10 feet automatically.
>> No. 92574
File 13785105424.png - (212.63KB , 800x750 , mitch.png )
I'll go back to my corner now.

File 131129252876.gif - (135.73KB , 250x172 , Dan vs - YOU WILL DIE.gif )
76689 No. 76689 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What?!? No one made a second Dan vs thread? This is in-conceivable! That's it, you're all going on the list. Chris, hold them down with your big meaty hands while I go get the explosives. CHRIS!
219 posts and 103 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92552
>>92503 could you do a request of Dan giving it to his impostor doggie-style?
>> No. 92555
File 13778119004.jpg - (221.62KB , 1280x930 , 1192803 - Dan Dan_Impostor Dan_Vs_.jpg )
some one already did it
>> No. 92558
>>92552 I know and it's nice, I was hoping for a different take on it though.

File 137463166570.jpg - (679.56KB , 800x624 , 1373665442397.jpg )
92323 No. 92323 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
monsters inc/uni general

You know you want that brock luv
dat sully luv dat mike luv dat randall luv
35 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92462

this is perfect
>> No. 92498
File 137687381835.jpg - (2.41MB , 532x4787 , ohdamn.jpg )
>> No. 92534
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58834 No. 58834 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I'm actually surprised at you /coq/ even before the boards went down we didn't get a new VB thread when 4.5 started airing.

Well we've got four more episodes left, lets see what we can do in that time. Venture Bros thread is go.
142 posts and 53 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 92442
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>> No. 92467
File 137592690747.png - (1.13MB , 900x1100 , pigirl.png )
Back with more Pi Wai!
>> No. 92499
File 137693171095.png - (272.04KB , 800x689 , tumblr_mrndma5XVl1rmskb4o1_1280.png )

this thread needs more musclechub 21 let's be real

File 137215690654.gif - (0.98MB , 500x281 , tumblr_m9nn1kWP0L1qefyoso1_r1_500.gif )
92086 No. 92086 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
It's already pretty gay, they just need to take their clothes off.
A mix of art and fic, feel free to contribute
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>> No. 92419
File 137506815146.png - (236.85KB , 500x575 , tumblr_inline_mqij7coHr01qz4rgp.png )
>> No. 92420
Aquabanian!MCRobot. All dat human Jimmy.

The Commander swaggered out of the surf, his grass skirt sagging wetly around his hips.

“Look what I got!” He beamed, holding a large fish by its tail. It flopped energetically until he skewered it with a stick and set it by the fire.

“You did well.”

He sat down tiredly, beads of water running off him into the sand. “Yeah I did. So, you want to give your brave hunter-gatherer some love? I deserve it, you know.” He grinned.

Jimmy pushed him down with a laugh, warm sand yielding under the curve of his back. He settled on his pelvis, looming huge and blocking out the sun before removing his helmet and leaning down over him. Jimmy felt the flutter in his chest as he ran a hand up to cup his jaw, thumbing at his stubble. He tasted like the sea when they kissed. The Commander curled his fingers up through Jimmy’s short hair, pulling him closer, his tongue warm and eager in his mouth. Jimmy moved to mouth at his jaw, his ear and nuzzled deep into the dampness of his neck, sighing as he felt him start to harden underneath him. His skin prickled when wet hands started grasping at his back, fingers gripping into him needily when their cocks brushed together. Smiling, he dipped lower to grind against him, shivering at the muted spark of dry friction. He rocked his hips downward, dicks sliding and rubbing against each other awkwardly.

“Don’t tease.” He groaned, trying to buck underneath him.

Jimmy agreed breathily in his ear and sat himself upright, the fronds of his skirt stuck wetly across his belly and thighs. His erection curved upwards out of the dried grass, precome beading at the tip. He spat in his palm before shuffling closer, soft gasps huffed out in synchrony when Jimmy grasped their cocks in his hand. They slid slickly together as he stroked, each feeling the throb and pulse of the other. The Commander shifted underneath him and tried to grind against Jimmy’s cock, his weight pinning him, stopping him from moving fully. Feeling him shift, Jimmy nodded and started to rock his hips, thrusting into the crowded wetness of his hand, rubbing himself against his di
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>> No. 92421
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86213 No. 86213 hide quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Previous thread has hit bump limit.

Wanted this thread, but it doesn't have title of series in Subject.
303 posts and 171 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

File 137488386749.png - (553.06KB , 1125x1406 , 1097097 - Brock_Pearson Monsters_University cbrye.png )
92387 No. 92387 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 92392
Please delete your misfires

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