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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 128565572481.jpg - (348.00KB , 800x836 , hatefuck.jpg )
58212 No. 58212
Our favorite rainbow faggots need more love. Shall we make it happen, internet?
Expand all images
>> No. 58213
File 128565584112.jpg - (156.72KB , 900x900 , DC_SinestroJordan.jpg )
Gonna just dump what I have. Because goddamn why isn't there more of this, internet? WHY.
>> No. 58214
File 128565592055.jpg - (128.57KB , 800x800 , DC_SinestroJordan2.jpg )
>> No. 58306
File 128567297751.jpg - (240.20KB , 700x700 , Everyone_is_gay_for_Larfleeze_by_thatoddowl.jpg )
>> No. 58312
File 128567468314.jpg - (247.78KB , 800x1215 , DC_Walker.jpg )
Someone explain to me why Saint Walker is so flipping attractive. And that coy smile? Hell yes.
>> No. 58435
I don't know, anon, but we are both in the same boat, I think.

I have both of these saved, nonetheless, and there's like two fics on the interbutts.


>> No. 58439

Oh god yes. I can't believe those exist.

The internet needs more of those two. Seriously.
>> No. 58471
Maybe it's the head tentacle and the body.
>> No. 58473

Atrocitus should grab that head-tentacle while he's doing horrible things to him. Or maybe nibble on it a bit. Or find some way to involve it in bondage.

Good god why isn't there more Atrocitus/Walker?
>> No. 58479
I reckon it's because even if Atrocitus has dem muscles and Walker has dat ::everything::, they're just too inhuman for some artists to draw...and it is a right pain in the ass to get an Atrocitus that looks right.
>> No. 58626
File 128600126864.jpg - (229.81KB , 900x691 , larfleeze_vs__saint_walker_by_gunslingershakakhan-.jpg )
Bumpin' with somethin' I might ship. ::cough::
>> No. 58627
File 128600131188.jpg - (668.94KB , 707x943 , What_is_this_I_don__t_even____by_thatoddowl.jpg )
>> No. 58628
File 128600136028.jpg - (135.34KB , 540x737 , Milkshake_by_TheBlackCat_Gallery.jpg )
>> No. 58629
File 128600138559.jpg - (204.00KB , 627x955 , Saint_Walker_vs_Atrocitus_by_psychohazard.jpg )
dat ass on Walker
>> No. 58630

Holy hot macaroni and cheese DAT ASS.

Needs more Atrocitus/Walker.
>> No. 58638
File 12860075764.jpg - (57.86KB , 600x600 , 146130 - DC Green_Lantern Hal_Jordan humbug.jpg )
>> No. 58639
File 128600759589.jpg - (90.99KB , 592x840 , 83843 - DC Green_Lantern Kyle_Rayner Sinestro Sine.jpg )
>> No. 58640
File 128600767636.jpg - (8.67KB , 250x240 , 463196 - DC Green_Lantern mogo.jpg )
And this has to count for something, right?
>> No. 58641

I can never look at that damn planet the same way again.
>> No. 58673
File 128605647155.jpg - (210.34KB , 1068x631 , assguy.jpg )
You guys might like this:


Pic unrelated (I think) but highly amusing.
>> No. 59048
Fantasic find,my anon. Thank you

Also, more Guy ass or just Guy in general please :)
>> No. 59053
File 128650874670.jpg - (216.63KB , 800x1136 , Guy_Gardner_Star_Sapphire_by_bunnyluz.jpg )

...and I've come across a good four or five Guy inflation pics on DA...what the fuck....
>> No. 59054
File 12865087923.jpg - (200.26KB , 565x659 , Buddy_Series___Guy___Kyle_by_JBadgr.jpg )
>> No. 59055
File 128650883442.jpg - (265.69KB , 1863x848 , Wollstone_Comm___Rockband_by_Cacodaemonia.jpg )
>> No. 59056
File 128650887299.jpg - (59.72KB , 600x573 , MAAAAAN_PAIN__by_demolitionlove.jpg )
>> No. 59057
File 128650895945.png - (148.92KB , 600x800 , Don__t_unwrap_that_by_ph1shf00d.png )
Real classy, bro
>> No. 59058
File 128650899444.jpg - (156.43KB , 500x700 , there__s_enough_for_everyone_by_perpetual_insomnia.jpg )
>> No. 59059
File 128650904395.jpg - (389.49KB , 870x1002 , GUY_LOVE_by_Stromphe.jpg )
>> No. 59061
File 128651632259.jpg - (180.83KB , 490x700 , tumblr_l319r9d3eH1qakhmwo1_500.jpg )
>> No. 59062
File 12865163586.jpg - (46.58KB , 350x361 , tumblr_l2m68sOfFs1qc0lhqo1_400.jpg )
>> No. 59063
File 128651639075.jpg - (774.63KB , 2048x1611 , 1273643299127.jpg )
>> No. 59177
Danke,anon for the guy spam :D


I find this outfit hot on him.....what the hell (._.)
>> No. 59181
File 128668409455.jpg - (158.97KB , 635x916 , headtrip081810.jpg )

"Wu-Tang is for the children" always slays me.


Oh, just give it a minute. Hal and Sinestro will be 2011 slash flavor of the year, or at least the summer. We're freaking trendsetters, yo.
>> No. 59182

I'm laughing so hard at this that I think I'm going to rupture something and die.

Needs more Sinestro/Hal. Always needs more Sinestro/Hal.
>> No. 59369
File 128696776739.jpg - (660.03KB , 700x1000 , 1286961139138.jpg )
So I'm actually more one of six or seven people on the internet who ships Hal/Sinestro instead of like, one of three?

I really wish I had something Hal/Sinestro to contribute, but I don't. I can't draw and I haven't had a moment for writing in months.

Have my favorite picture with Guy and Kyle instead?
>> No. 59379
File 128698958352.png - (142.92KB , 517x620 , 1286920725759.png )
It's your lucky day. This was drawn just yesterday.
>> No. 59427
File 128706514683.jpg - (389.14KB , 600x780 , 1286959607337.jpg )
You guys are seriously making me want to start some kind of archive for Hal/Sinestro with the things I've found here.
All seven things. :<
If I actually did, though, it would mean I wouldn't lose that stuff the next time my computer fries itself (hopefully never).
>> No. 59471
no, dude. It's the personality. He's so, like, he's so innocent. I don't know how else to quantify it. Something about that innocent Jehovah's Witness-like hope for everybody's salvation.

Makes you wanna rape the optimisim right outta there, doesn't it.
>> No. 59472
Well in this here doodle of him and Larfleeze parodying their exchange in one of the BNs where Walker is all like "Stay near me Fleeze, all will be well if you are near me." and Larfleeze says "Yes. The hunger fades. But I could go for some dessert." their snogging was consensual. And Christ, was that a long sentence.
>> No. 59608
File 128734079963.jpg - (81.67KB , 504x576 , hal sinestro.jpg )
Here's a Hal/Sinestro series of four. glad to see there's at least a handful who like this pairing.

>> No. 59609

tell me more, tell me more!!
>> No. 59614
I've gone through two versions of it. First one had Walker being interrupted during his "All will be well." by Larfleeze stealing a kiss from him and then turning to Indigo-1 with "But I could go for some dessert.". She bonks him on the head with her staff.

The second one, which I hope to finish soon, has Walker and Larfleeze willingly snogging the other with closed eyes and hands on the other's body. Might continue with "But I could go for some dessert" with Larfleeze's hand on Walker's ass, might. I dunno if my drawing skills can pull it off, y'see.

Unfortunately because I am easily displeased with my work I've killed an entire tree just trying to get it right. Imma upload it here when I'm happy with the results. :)
>> No. 59663
File 128737438219.jpg - (396.67KB , 716x534 , I_WANT_YOUR_EVERYTHING_by_keitoghostie.jpg )
I am on sem break and have nothing better to do so, yeah...

Not by me but I laughed.
>> No. 59664
File 12873744774.jpg - (88.79KB , 662x776 , RAGE_HUG_by_Orannis0.jpg )
>> No. 59665
File 128737455122.png - (34.63KB , 412x317 , Lady_Larfleeze_by_jcho.png )
>> No. 59673
File 128738081362.jpg - (47.31KB , 400x293 , crabby.jpg )
Is there a picture of Guy snoring in a recliner/ on a couch/ just generally sacked out somewhere in a living room? And if not, if someone felt inclined to draw that, you would fill my little Bawlmer heart with delight.

(Pic related. I would like to think the crabby is cheering you on, but apparently he reminds some people of Atrocious? I don't see it.)
>> No. 59674
I'm never going to be able to listen to that song again without laughing.
>> No. 59704
File 128742782767.jpg - (527.78KB , 1280x1967 , guysleeps.jpg )
No art, but you can have this.
>> No. 59719

I FORGOT about this! Thank you kind anon!

Guy, why you gots to be so adorable.
>> No. 59736
Okay so now that I'm sure theres more fans of the Sinestro/Hal than just me, does anyone have fic requests? Because I've been itching to write for a while.
>> No. 59739

Anything. Absolutely anything Sinestro/Hal would be amazing.
>> No. 59762
D'aww , that will always be the cutest/funnest page in the series. I always say this but I feel Pat Gleason drew him the best, still wish he was on the series, new guy sucks imo :T
>> No. 59799
Really, absolutely anything would make us happy. We don't have room to be picky.
>> No. 59846
File 128760992076.png - (381.69KB , 848x780 , is this burning an eternal flame.png )
Imma go ahead and share this even if it's terribly unfinished. My computer is outta commission so I might not be able to ink-and-color this for a good while. Aside, just letting you guys know you've got a drawfag for this thread.
>> No. 60091
File 128781101960.jpg - (322.04KB , 804x934 , FleezeAtty.jpg )
Humorously, I'm most sure I hold the distinction of being the first artist to have made Atrocitus porn, back before these two were slashed together. Used to troll /co/ with this around the time larfleeze was introduced, i think.
>> No. 60119
File 128788486929.png - (651.49KB , 1000x954 , Walker and Larfleeze v1 panel1.png )
Hulloo guys, any requests for a bored drawfag? :]

what follows this panel is not porn, sadly, but something sillier.
>> No. 63483
File 129112054633.jpg - (840.65KB , 1911x789 , greenlanternmovie-sinestro.jpg )
Bumping with some Magnificent Bastard. How can you not love Sinestro?

Also, this thread has been hiding at the back of the board far too long.
>> No. 66087
File 129402410585.jpg - (124.99KB , 424x500 , 12722981676271.jpg )
Bump with Guy Gardner, that sexy sexy beast.
>> No. 66089

>that handsome red-haired bastard

>by Tim

>> No. 66127
File 12940912626.png - (144.48KB , 540x706 , tumblr_legunpCA7o1qg0b5qo1_1280.png )
Hng there is not enough Guy appreciation.
>> No. 66285
there's a hilarious Booster/Beetle short fanfic about them cleaning Guy's room in the JLI HQ and finding his porn collection, most of it featuring Guy taking it up the ass from well-hung dudes and begging like a bitch.
>> No. 66332
No fic of Artocitus and Saint Walker, and no rape at that? I'm surprised. And ashamed of myself for wanting that.
>> No. 66333
I... need this. Right now.
>> No. 66338
Where is this fic?
>> No. 71990
File 130333385590.png - (643.09KB , 900x678 , guykykeslash_the_stars_tonight_by_codenameeternity.png )
>> No. 71991
File 130333398076.jpg - (270.01KB , 1280x750 , halguybuckle.jpg )
>> No. 73818
File 130652491093.jpg - (86.76KB , 900x836 , centerfold_guy_gardner_by_guygardner-d3b9dq9.jpg )
Anyone else hoping the Lantern movie will bump up interest in these guys? I know I am. Guy and Kyle are my original OTP.
>> No. 73819
File 130652494768.jpg - (47.78KB , 399x473 , guy.jpg )
>> No. 73820
File 130652502743.png - (269.65KB , 806x662 , tumblr_l1zny4zEHi1qbf9hko1_1280.png )
>> No. 73825
File 130652670788.jpg - (347.98KB , 750x724 , green_lantern__send_off_by_magickmaker-d3h8vji.jpg )
>> No. 73826
File 130652675083.png - (461.56KB , 900x1260 , just_for_a_little_while_by_ladytalon1-d3g91ob.png )
>> No. 73827
File 130652813428.png - (79.50KB , 400x569 , tumblr_legtgx9yH51qg0b5qo1_400.png )
>> No. 73828
File 130652844428.png - (787.41KB , 1024x1434 , nothing_but_a_ring_and_a_smile_by_ladytalon1-d349x.png )
>> No. 73833
File 130654423942.jpg - (289.06KB , 800x1200 , guy stop taunting kyle.jpg )
Sexy Guy pictures? Is it my birthday?!
>> No. 73849
File 130661928871.jpg - (322.26KB , 541x807 , tumblr_l1c80y3iyE1qb97lvo1_1280.jpg )
Surprised this hasn't made it up here yet.
>> No. 73850
File 130661969295.png - (220.30KB , 1280x1024 , tumblr_lj24ut3Cv41qhive8o1_1280.png )
>> No. 73857

Please tell me someone has found a link to this.
>> No. 73860
OH! So glad for recent bumps, or I would have never known this was here! :O

Have some drabbles, featuring mostly Guy and Kyle.

prompt: epigamic
word count: 148

“Might as well be a peacock, the way that bastard struts around,” Guy mumbled under his breath as he wiped down a counter.

“Glare any harder and his ass will ignite,” Kyle chuckled as he dried a glass before putting it on the shelf.

“I ain’t Supes, but that would be a great power to have,” Guy continued glaring.

Kyle slung the towel over his shoulder before folding his arms over his chest. “Only for it to piss you off when he has more people visiting him with get well wishes than hanging out at the bar?”

“We’ll have a free beer night to celebrate,” Guy smirked. “They’ll come here instead of there.”

“You think of everything, don’t you?” Kyle smiled and moved down the bar to intercept Hal before Guy could.

“What’s he grinning about?” Hal asked, an amused smile on his face.

"Starting a bonfire in your honor," Kyle grinned.

Prompt: new
Words: 94

"I'm surprised," Soranik smiled as she sat beside Kyle. "Guy's not with you."

Kyle's grinning as he turned to her from looking off at the field of training rookies. He pointed to a swarming pile of new recruits attempting to take on the light-show of devious constructs being forced on them. Hovering above them is one Lantern, and from this distance Soranik can just make out the red hair.

"He decided to put in some overtime, help out 'Wog," Kyle chuckled, forming a construct of popcorn in a bowl. "Care to watch the show?"

Prompt: sweet
Words: 337

"You didn't have to come out here, Icy," Guy said, his hands on the table in front of him.

"No, but I wanted to see how you were doing," Tora smiled softly, her eyes warm despite her elemental nature. "I still care about you."

Guy shrugged. "I'm fine-"

"You need anything?" Kyle was there at the booth, drying his hands with a towel.

"Thanks, kid, we're good," Guy waved him off. Kyle nodded and backed away, hesitating for barely a moment before he was gone.

Tora watched Kyle's retreat before looking at Guy. "So, you're fine?" she picked up the conversation where it stopped.

"Yeah, it's good here," Guy shrugged again, a little smile on his lips. "Corps keeps me busy. Maybe not out of trouble, but you know how that goes."

She hummed, she knew the life of a hero, and reached out to pat Guy's hand. "You're happy, righ-"

Two waters were placed on the table. Kyle straightened and smiled. "In case you get thirsty," he said, trying to look innocent.

"Sure, thanks," Guy rolled his eyes. "Now do you mind?"

Kyle made a placating gesture and made himself scarce.

Tora smiled. "So, do you treat him well?"

Guy was mid-sip from his glass and choked. "Hu-wha?"

"He's worried," she nodded her head towards the bar where Kyle was obviously trying to look busy.

Guy looked to the bar and shrugged, tracing condensation on the table. "He doesn't need to be, and he knows it."

"I think it's sweet," Tora cooed, and Guy scowled. "He watches our every move. See?"

Tora reached for Guy's hand again. Seconds later, Kyle was bringing a bowl of bar snacks by.

With a sigh, Guy smirked. "Sit, kid. It's alright."

Kyle looked between the two of them before slowly sitting beside Guy. He looked uncomfortable until Guy put his arm around his shoulders.

"I was just telling Tora here about how great things have been lately..."

Prompt: laughter
Words: 138

When the bar is at it's busiest, it's also at it's loudest. There is laughter and shouting coming from almost every booth, every counter stool. The patrons enjoy themselves, ordering round after round, meals, snacks, food to go. The wait staff bustles along, chattering with the customers and laughing along. The green and black uniforms fill the place--all the more reason for things to not get so rowdy. On occasion, there are a few that don't know their place, but the rest, the regulars, they set them straight and operations continue as normal as they ask for seconds, thirds, fifths, tenths--hey, you're at your cutoff. It's loud, but it's a pleasing atmosphere with camaraderie and cheer, so no one complains.

When the bar is at it's loudest, Guy is happy.

Prompt: striptease
Words: 75

"Watch this move," Guy says. He unbuckles his belt and it let's his jacket fall open. With two shifts of his shoulders, he's got his jacket down to his elbows and he let's it fall right off his arms.

Kyle laughs and holds up a construct dollar.

"Fuck no, I want the real thing, Rayner," Guy snorts, bending over to pick up his jacket from the floor. When Kyle whistles, he sighs and wiggles a little.

Prompt: body paint
Words: 170

Kyle read somewhere that body paint was supposed to be a sensual activity between lovers, to explore their bodies as well as their creative sides together. He explained this to Guy, who only rolled his eyes and smiled before yanking Kyle onto the bed. And so they used the chocolate paint to decorate each other. Kyle worked lines of tribal markings across Guy's chest, conscious of where they flowed as his tongue would eventually follow.

His conscientration was deep, and he only squirmed a few times against the tickle of Guy's brush. It took a few moments before Kyle realized that Guy had seemed to finish, and Kyle looked up to notice Guy was smiling rather smugly.

Kyle looked down at his own chest to find a crude drawing of a penis on his chest, erupting in playful splatters of chocolate cum.

"I'm not much an artist, but... ya know," Guy shrugged, proud of his work.

Kyle laughed, pulling Guy to him to kiss him. "Really sexy, Guy. Really sexy."

Prompt: bound
Words: 197

"This is a mistake," Kyle manages to gasp.

"I'm not risking getting fired for a damn mistake, kid," Guy growls.

Kyle squirms, moans, and arches against his partner. "We made an oath!" he whimpers in protest.

"So? You've been screwing around with Natu," Guy bites at Kyle's jaw, Kyle's earlobe. "What makes this different?"

Kyle tries to push Guy away, weakly. "We're bound to that oath," he says further.

Guy bites Kyle's shoulder hard, making the mark as obvious against Kyle's pail skin as he possibly can. "What is the difference?"

Kyle all but cries out in pain, writhing and rocking against Guy. "I'll lose you!" he gasps out, strangled.

"I'm not letting you go, not even to damn Natu-"

"Dammit, Guy!" Kyle finally shoves Guy off him. "You're on your final warning!"

Guy reaches for Kyle. "Like I said-"

"You're willing to give up being a Lantern for a quick screw?"

"-I'm not risking getting fired for a damn mistake," Guy growls again, pulling Kyle to him.

Kyle shudders against Guy as the red head steals an enticing kiss. "Besides, what makes you think this is gonna be quick, or even just a screw?" Guy smiles, devious and lewd.

Prompt: territory
Words: 287

Hal may have a few inches on Guy, but Guy has more size in his shoulders and chest. So when he looms, even looking up at Hal, he's still just as intimidating.

"Kyle's not going out. He's closing the bar tonight," Guy says with a growl.

Hal shrugs. "That's fine. I can just sit at the bar and wait-"

"No loitering," Guy adds.

"I can wait in his apartment."

"Wanna keep your balls intact?"

"Whoa!" Kyle is in between them, pushing them apart. "Whoa! What the hell is this?"

"I don't even know," Hal says, glancing at Kyle. "You mind telling me?"

Guy is jabbing a finger in Hal's chest. "I'm not letting you put moves on the kid, you hear me?"

"Hal wouldn't-" Kyle starts, but he is gently pushed aside.

"And if I was?" Hal asks, smirking, using his full height to look down on the red head.

Guy's blue eyes narrow for just a moment, and then he's grabbing Kyle by the skin-like covering of his uniform. Guy has his lips on Kyle's and the younger man falls instantly into step, his mouth parting in acceptance, his hands moving to Guy's chest. Guy pulls away slowly, dragging the rush of the kiss out until their lips finally seperate. Kyle blinks in a daze before heat breaks out on his pale face.

"Uh. Um..." he starts as he looks at Hal, who seems to be somewhat shocked himself.

Guy easily plows on. "He's mine. So I suggest you keep your hands to yourself. Or I'll break off your fingers and shove them so far down your throat you'll be fingering your own ass."

Kyle coughs to hide the laugh.

Hal clears his throat and smiles smoothly. "Duly noted."

Prompt: blue
Words: 58

In uniform, they tend to look green. In his University of Michigan sweatshirt, they are more of a slate blue. Under the mellow light of the bar, when Guy is at his happiest and most relaxed, his eyes are the prettiest baby blue Kyle has ever seen. He's yet to find a medium that captures the color completely.
>> No. 73862
There seem to be two similar ones:


>> No. 73931
File 130688139774.jpg - (379.44KB , 770x992 , GleasonGuy.jpg )

This story was way too hot not to share. Actually pretty much every story in this group was pretty good. This one though, hng.

Also, thank you Pat Gleason for drawing Guy so goddamn hot.
>> No. 74007
More practice drabbles featuring Guy and Kyle!

Prompt: pirates
Words: 48

“Space pirates, huh?” Kyle smirked as a shuttle flew straight for him. His uniform lit up with construct decorations--a tri-corner hat, brocade coat, and cuffed boots. “Two can play at this game.”

Glowing green cannons surrounded him and he raised a construct cutlass toward the approaching ship.


Prompt: nice
Word: 191

Guy likes to watch Kyle sleep. It was a habit that started out of worry, that Kyle’s nightmares of Parallax would get the better of him, but Guy found his presence seemed to stave off the dreams. The habit, however, remained. And not that he will say it out loud, but it’s really kind of adorable to see Kyle curled up, with the blankets bunched around him and his face half mashed into his pillow.

The nicest part was watching Kyle wake up, though. Given the chance to wake up at his own pace, Kyle stretches in his sleep and tosses the covers around him. Like smooth, detailed, delicate strokes of a brush starting at his toes, a gentle glow brightens at his feet and slowly moves up his body in swirls and sweeps, suiting him in black and green. By the time his uniform completes at his neck, Kyle’s blinking his eyes open and yawning through his final stretch before his mask forms on his face.

“Going somewhere?” Guy leers, leaning over Kyle for a kiss. Kyle returns with a languid smile and his uniforms dissolves like paint in water.

Prompt: heat
Words: 122

Kyle was always amazed by the other Lanterns. The colors and textures of their skins, the way they moved, their expressions as they communicated. Everyone was so different, but united so easily by will in green and black. Kyle sometimes wondered what medium would be the best way to convey all these differences, and all he could think would be to use everything he could get a hold of. He's curious the most about how to illustrate the uniform, how to convey the burning heat of the green and the frigid cool of the black, how to proudly display the illumination of the lantern insignia.

He smiles at the patrons in the bar and tries his best to sketch out some ideas.
>> No. 74924

>> No. 75198
We need more content for this thread. XD
>> No. 75248
I found this, thought I'd share. It hasn't been updated since 2008 though. :I
The Green Lantern Master List of Fanfic
>> No. 75260

Should we spam the comments with links to fics since it was last updated? Then at least it would have an update of sorts, if only in the comments?
>> No. 75354
Can anyone else not get to this? Even logged it it keeps asking if I'm over 18 (which I'm) :(
>> No. 75357

Can't say I've had the problem. Maybe folks can copypasta the fics here for prosperity? I would nice bumps with content. :D
>> No. 75377
There's a few new slash stories at the kink meme. :)
>> No. 75405
File 130889816742.png - (194.95KB , 746x436 , 390141 - DC Green_Lantern Hal_Jordan Larfleeze.png )

Try it again? Sometimes LJ gets stuck in an infinite loop with the adult warnings system, but it's usually not permanent.
>> No. 75407
File 130890273557.jpg - (246.87KB , 584x851 , waroflight.jpg )
Yay! It working for me again. :D

>> No. 75424
I love rainbow Hal.

He's so majestic.
>> No. 75440
Orange Lantern Hal looks like he's about to molest Green Lantern Hal.

So my mind just straight up went to Hal-on-Hal sex in less than three seconds, and I think that's a new personal best.
>> No. 75443
I love how Yellow Lantern Hal is actually afraid. Now I want Sinestro/Afraid!Yellow Hal. He's a mess that Sinestro would be facepalming over.

Sinestro: You are fear! You aren't suppose to be afraid!

Hal/Hal would be amazing and silly at the same time. (Indigo Hal poking Dead Hal with a stick would be awesome too)
>> No. 75515
URGH. New Movie could have used more slash.
>> No. 75540
When I went to see it I couldn't stop staring at Sinestro. He's so pretty and those ears are made of awesome! Then the training scene with Hal I had my slash goggles at full blast.
>> No. 75589
I liked the small smile Sinestro gave Hal at the end. <3

I expected more Sinestro and was kind of disappointed. Then I reread Secret Origins for the millionth time and was happy again.

The kink meme has like 3 stories for them and more being written each day.
>> No. 75666
Thinking about drawing. What pairing guys?
>> No. 75673

Guy/Kyle! Or Larfleeze/Saint Walker! :D
>> No. 75683
I second Guy/Kyle
>> No. 75702
Some more practice writing.

Practice: dialogue
Words: 128

“Guy, where the hell do you think you’re going?” Hal demanded.

“You writin’ a book? Kiss my ass and you can make it a love story,” Guy growled, marching his way toward the door.

“We don’t even know where he is!” Hal shouted, all but chasing Guy down. “Going out now isn’t going to help him!”

Guy rounded on him, glaring a hole into Hal’s face. “And waitin’ here is? You know if it was him here instead of you, he’d be out there!”

“You think I don’t want to be out there looking for him?” Hal bit off. “You think I want to stand here and wait for news?”

Guy snorted and turned away, heading toward the door again. “Then get off yer ass and do somethin’.”

Practice: detail
Words: 283

There is enough of an oxygen mixture in the atmosphere that asphyxiation would only be slow instead of instant. That would be a slight relief if only the heat of the planet’s surface wasn’t so oppressive. Readings from his ring weren’t very optimistic, but all Guy could do was hope that his readings were missing something.

Guy had nearly given up on this particular planet when his ring finally chimed it had spotted a life-form. In a streak of blazing green, Guy homed in on the coordinates. The stats from the ring were bleak--life signs were minimal, possibly failing. Guy cursed and poured on the speed.

The sight was something a little heartbreaking. Guy couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Kyle’s ring drained to empty, and it looked like it barely had the energy to land him safely before it gave out. He was bleeding, but not quite broken, skin abraded and raw from sliding a landing along the rough, packed ground--nothing his now tattered teeshirt and sweatpants could have saved him from. He was still breathing, his heart still beating, and that’s all Guy could care about right now.

Guy’s ring bloomed bright green warmth around Kyle, tenderly raising him from his impact zone and cradling him in constructs of blankets and comfort. Kyle stirred, only one eye able to open, but Guy hushed him. “Don’t say anythin’, kid. Not a word. You can talk when you’re feelin like you haven’t skated on sandpaper.”

Kyle smiled, or at least tried, and shut his eye. Satisfied that his charge would be comfortable on the way back, Guy lit up like a green flare through the atmosphere and sped onward to Oa.
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