ITT: Bleach is bad and we should feel bad for reading it 10 years in a row.
Eh. It's not like we pay anyone for it.
Oh geez, is that what's left of his face hanging off the side of his cheeks?
>>49260What are you talking about Anon I don't HOLY SHIT
You know I can't help but notice how many panels Kubo wastes.
>>49261Wow, and I thought the wing eyes were creepy.Wait, how many eyes does that mean he has?
>>49258It's like Kubo is saying to himself, "Hey, how can I make this character design even worse?" ever couple weeks.
>>49271I think this works better if we just consider it an out-and-out monster design.
>>49271I'll take Cthulu-nightmare-monster over Azien-butterfly any day.
I still say he looks like a Spawn villain.
>>49272>>49273Yeah but when your villain just turns into a monster outright, you might as well skip any pretenses and just say, "Yeah, the good guy wins. The End. See you guys in a couple weeks, when the new arc starts."That way everyone can take some nice time off from the series. Hopefully Kubo won't drag this out beyond another chapter or two.
>>49281But in video games when a boss goes full out monster the game is over, you know there's nothing left. Like I said, hopefully Ichigo just pulls off his new super move and that's the end of it, no need to drag this out.
>>49284Well, that was sort of obvious by the first transformation like 20 chapters ago. At least this one is cool/intimidating looking.
>>49286It's his obvious final form, if you count every form change as part of this boss fight it's been going on forever.
>>49279Drake, did you really think that the good guy wasn't going to win in a WSJ action series?
>>49289No, I just thought Kubo would skip another form change and Ichigo would've just killed him by now but no, that'd be to simple.
Bleach, Dante vs Venom
>>49297You bastard, I was going to post that. It's such a meta shoop too.
>>49288>It's his obvious final formActually, as much as I wish it was, Bleach has mostly followed the Bishonen Line; the bad guy who changes get more horrific but then more humanoid, or the most powerful ones among monsters are humanoid.Look at the regular hollows, then the Menos, then the Adjuchas, and how Vasto Lordes have been described.Hell, look at the Arrancar and Espada releases: as they go up in rank you go: Cthulhu, squidman, an man in a giant pumpkin eyeball covered in eyeballs, a manther, Shiva, bat-winged humanoid, a woman wearing a battle bikini with a water cannon attached to her arm, a skeleton, and a guy with an eyepatch, a pair of guns, and fur on his clothes.Yammy's release is really the only thing that goes against this.You can even look at Ichigo's hollow form: the first time he went Hollow it looked like a salamander man, but his stronger form was a dude with ram horns and exposed teeth.
>Aizen isn't pretty any moreWelp, I'm done! Enjoy reading the rest of Bleach, guys!
>>49297 Someone needs to draw Dante Fucking up BLEACH and showing everyone how to kill a boss in like than an a minute and being an ass about it....and finish the series in less time XD Dante would fuck shit upAlso...I hope the rumors about a new arc is wrong...because I want this to just end....
>>49318You really think that's his final form?This is not the final fight.There's too much plotTWIST left to reveal.AizenKubo Tite cares too much about elegance to end it like this. Every day is Keikaku Doori Day.
>>49320well, then someone call me when he gets pretty again. Until then, I'm gonna go lust after Crocodile or Adachi or Xanxus or some other horrible unattainable villain character.
>>49318Is this better?
>>49258Aizen, you.. you.. TRIPLE HOLLOW>>49320I honestly would not be surprised if this shit went on for another 3 or 4 months at this point, easy.
>>49322...saved for later trolling
>>49316>>49320>>49323No, you shut up, this is it, no more, end, over, done! No more Aizen bullshittery!
>>49322WE ARE THE 456.
>>49322 What's sad is that the eyes fit where they would be staring down which is the only look Aizen ever gives anyway.
>>49262It's weird cause I don't remember the early parts of Bleach being this... lazily done. Maybe it was because I watched the anime instead of reading the manga, but more thought seemed to be in it when it first started.
I seriously doubt Kubo intends to end Bleach.Why? Because, already admittedly depressed after nothing but rejection and failed pilots leading up to Bleach's surprise success, he has nothing else to fall back on. The series is profitable, he has no assistants or friends within the industry, and he'd be essentially out of a job were he to end it all now. I wouldn't put it past him to simply continue the story after Aizen's defeat.
>>49384His panels aren't like that now because he's lazy (it's not like a smaller number of larger objects are easily to draw),they're like that because he's given excessive detail and attention to physical actions for the sake of spectacle. It's a stylistic thing which he's just really overdoing.It's a trend that was actually pretty popular in Western comic about a decade ago, but started going out of popularity because of a lot of people overdid it resulting in complaints about the inability to tell a story which takes less than a full trade book (pretty much the same thing people complain about Kubo doing).>>49393>I wouldn't put it past him to simply continue the story after Aizen's defeat.I'd be OK with this. Christ, I would hate Aizen dying to end the whole series, because that just proves Kubo was just using him as a crutch to keep the series from ending (like Naraku).
>>49395Bleach has always been fairly decompressed. There's nothing wrong with decompression, it's a perfectly valid storytelling device and it used to work pretty well for it.For several years now, though, it's changed from being a storytelling choice into an excuse for him to only draw about half as many panels as he should be.
>>49395 I doubt it will end but when he dies Bleach will have even less direction for a few chapters/months.
>>49395 It's him being lazy as hell, this is also shown by him having a number of set pieces of dramatic action in terms of layout and composition he reuses.
>>49396>>There's nothing wrong with decompression, it's a perfectly valid storytelling deviceWrong! Wrong, you asshole! Wrong! It's the tension between lulls and action in stories that make them good! The proper balance between the two is important and decompression upsets the balance, just like a story comprised entirely of action sequences would!
>>49406I didn't say Decompression worked all the time. Decompress everything and you have a Bendis comic or current Bleach and nobody wins.That doesn't mean it can't be used as a valid storytelling device! Compression and Decompression are both useful in different ways. Some comics lean more heavily towards one than the other, and that's fine, so long as it fits the kind of story that's being told and the writing is good enough to support it. It's not actually synonymous with 'shitty lazy drawn-out pacing', no matter what the impression that reading Bendis comics leaves you with.
you guys are trollingkubos style is more visual than anything i bet you guys didnt even see ichigos hilt change on the last pagenot to mention numeroous other things revolving around previous statements kubo has written about hollows etc
>>49424The hilt's been like that since Ichigo levelled up a few chapters ago.
>>49424A visually oriented style is no excuse for laggy storytelling, and if you have to read author interviews to know what's going on, the author is doing it wrong, plain and simple.
>>49424Fanboy detected.Sound the alarms.In before shistorm.
>>49429>>49453>>49460Do you not realize that's a troll, are do you just want to rage against someone that badly?
>>49461He already had us in his illusion.Actually, you're right. I did want to rage a bit. The post QUALITY reminded me of when I used to visit forums.
>>49284 This is Kubo Tite. it took him two years, two different storyarchs which aren't over yet, and several asnine character deaths to get this far, it he's anything, he's not done milking it.
Honestly, at this point, I just miss when Bleach was funny, in addition to well paced fights.Like, in between "holy shit fuckin hollows man", we'd get crazy shit like Orihime going on an insane picnic-turned-boxing daydream, or the quirky Shinigami flunkies in the Soul Society arc.Last time we had anything close to that was, well, Nel and friends. And I get the sneaking suspicion that's not going to happen again for a while.There's pretty much nothing left to endear me to any of these fuckers now.
Wait, who the hell are you.
>>49529alucard, what are you doing in bleachget outactually on second thought stick around for a while
>>49529Okay what the hell Kubo.>>49484Well we had Don Kanoji, and also Captain Tuberculosis teasing Lilnette.
>>49529I.....think that's suppose to be Ichigo.
>>49529>>49532>I.....think that's suppose to be Ichigo.
>>49533Kurosaki GammaAkutabi Ichigo...Kurosakutabichigammakidoes he finally get to wear sunglasses while in bankai?
>>49535 Only if its at night
>>49529Bleach: now with even more characters
>>49555Not exactly. It's out on mango stream.
>>49555's Ichigo after fusing with Zangetsu to "become Getsuga".Given he said he need to "give up" his shinigami power, I'm expecting he's getting a major power-down after he's done using it.For those confused by the lack of translation, "Mugetsu" means "no/empty moon".
Captain Ginyu is going to swap bodies. Just you wait.
Oh you've got to be kidding me. Kubo's playing that card?
>>49571 PFFT. Oh man, this is really something. I don't know what to call this after reading up on all the shit Kubo's done to this point but this...this has to be it. It can't get any more ridiculous then where these two have taken it.
>>49574Just watch. After Ichigo inevitably regains his powers, he'll get the ability to super Bankai into a giant robot or something, with his new ultra mega Getsuga being a Nanoha style planet buster.
>>49574>reading up on all the shit Kubo's done to this point >reading upHm?Why is everyone raging so much?
>>49576 No, he'll accidentally summon the ghost of his mother from Hell and she drags Aizen down with her. This is will start the Arc that finally visits the Underworld as this is once again ALL ACCORDING TO HIS PLAN.
>>49577 I don't know all of it, I skipped shit here and there.
>>49579Don't worry about it, you haven't missed anything important. They're still on Namek
>Aizen on a higher plane of existence then everyone elseOh shit he really is unbeatab->Ichigo goes a couple planes higherI hate you, Kubo. I don't even know why I read this. It's like a trainwreck and that train was full of feces, and now the feces are everywhere.
>>49592Also will Orihime ever truly be relevant?
>>49593This is a Shonen series. What do you think?
>>49593Speaking of Orihime, can't she just Time-Reverse Ichigo back to having Shinigami powers?
>>49595Don't be ridiculous. That wouldn't take twelve chapters and six training montages.
>>49571>Really start to like Ichigo's Super Saiyan 2 form! It's simple, but you can tell there's been a real change in power. Ichigo looks mature, but still like Ichigo! Plus, the zanpakuto looks cool as shit with it's more rugged handguard and chains up the arm.>And then this shit happens.I... I hate you, Kubo... I hate you so much... It's like every time I start to think "well, I guess this isn't so bad," you make it worse! How do you do that!? A-are you evil or something? Are you the devil? This is like the worst super power ever! All it does is bring me eternal suffering and longing for what should have been! I feel like the ghost bride on the coast, waiting for a sailor who will never return, except the sailor is a QUALITY GODDAMN STORY OR SOME SEMBLANCE OF SANITY.fuck i hate this manga, why can't i stop reading it
>>49597We all waited in line for this ride and we want to see where it's going to end. We just need it to end.
We're all smokers now, this is what it means to be a smoker, it's terrible for us, the pain and suffering just isn't worth it... But damned if we can stop.
So the main character, the sun of a human mother and a non-human father, will defeat the main villain and sacrifice all his great skill and abilities by the end of the story.Huh.
>>49601You forgot the unusual hair color
>>49607Blond hair wasn't that unusual in the Alchiverse, so I didn't really think it qualified.
After peaking my head in here now and then, I'm glad I stepped away from this series when I did. Does anyone else remember when this was just a neat story about kids fighting hollows in their town? I miss that.
>>49610Actually, the fact that it's gotten so ridiculous is what brought me back. The more absurd it gets the more I'm enjoying it. It's just so obvious that Kishi doesn't even give a shit anymore.
>>49600 Speak for yourself, I don't read this stuff. I read the reactions other people have. You and Nurse are like canaries in a coal mine for me.
>>49612>KishiSame shit. Same day. Different series.
>>49614Meant Kubo... But yeah, it's pretty much the same thing. The only reason I actually give Bleach a break is because it honestly doesn't seem that Kubo's taking his work seriously anymore whereas Kishi probably does.
Alright, so it's Alucard versus Venom. This is ridiculous.
>>49704Is. . .this supposed to be a negative statement?
>>49704That statement right there is more awesome than Bleach will ever actually be.That statement right there could quite possibly counter Walken-Shatner MechaShiva.
>>49751I dunno about that one- it's more just how Kubo depicts things when a character has trouble following their enemies' movements. It can happen when the opponent is right in front of them, too.
>>49756Seriously, dude? Kubo loves the popping-up-behind-them panel.
As I read I keep thinking that the video games will have a field day with all this.
I liked super powered Ichigo. Why's we gotsta do Getsuga?You know it's going to have the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP bringing him back from the brink of it all right when it's about to become permanent.
>>49775He still isn't wearing sunglasses. I'm piss.
>>49775>You know it's going to have the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP bringing him back from the brink of it all right when it's about to become permanent.I don't think it was meant to imply the change to his appearance or personality would be permanent, just the loss of shinigami abilities. Plus he fused with what were practically split personalities, so I doubt he'd be much different even if they stayed together.
All I got to say is... who the fuck is getsuga...If he really did EXSIST before hand, I am pretty sure everyone would be after his power instead of some black orb that can bend boundaries. Plot hole is a plot hole.
>DEM SPOILERSOh lawdy, if this shit about Aizen's bankai turns out to be real, I may just drop Bleach. It's probably what's best for my health.
>>49812Too many typos. More subtle and you'll get me next time.