Last thread: >>49759
>>57906Hot Damn with Chili-Cheese! DAT EXPRESSION
Aaand lily-fox will not be posting slash on her dA anymore. :||| Fucking haters.
>>57993Are you serious? What happened? She got complaints? Really?I hate DA sometimes, place is filled with vore and diaper furry fetishes, but it's slash that offends people? What the fuck?!
>>57996She gets complaints everytime she posts slash and she just got sick of it. I have to say I understand where she's coming from, it must suck for her. I gather she'll still be posting it on her LJ, though. Not that I know what her username is on that.
>>58004It's Torreadora, in case you're interested.
>>58093You're welcome!
I just finished watching Toy Story & TS2. There is some sort of thing going on between Woody/Bo/Buzz at the beginning of TS2, and you can't convince me otherwise. BP: "You're cute when you care."W (flustered and slightly whiny/sheepish): "Bo, not in front of Buzz." BP: "Eh, let him look."*leans in for kiss, only to be distracted by her sheep calling for her*BP: "This is for Woody, when you find him" *kisses BL on the cheek*BL (obviously flustered): "Alright, but, but I don't think it'll mean the same coming from me."I'm gonna see TS3 again at the cheap theater this weekend, with my slash relationship goggles firmly on. And then there will be porn; delicious, scrumptious writefag porn.