Well, the new Devil May Cry looks like a massive disappointment.
Classic Dante's still in MvC3, though, so it'll just be another DMC2 hiccup.
It looked okay. Disappointing, but okay.
Morrigan May Disapprove
Clearly it's gonna be another Nero setup where Dante just shows up and completely steals the whole damn show.
Well I for one have no opinion on this because I don't play Devil May Cry and never have save for a few boring minutes with the first game.
Why did I think of this upon seeing this picture.
cole mohr may cry
I'm not a Devil May Cry fan and even I think this is horrible.
Wow, this looks super British...>made by Brits.Oh....C'mon, you guys can do better than that. C'mon.>Ninja TheoryOh...
C'mon, guys. I don't think it looks that bad.
I have to say, the trailer itself? Looked pretty cool.But why is this dude supposed to be Dante? Why is this is a Devil May Cry game? Why is DMC getting a reboot at all? I mean, look what they did with Radd Spencer. They think this will go over any better?
>>93317>>93318Meh. I have hope. Maybe he'll start out as the standard rpg angsty teenage shitbag who then through the course of the game learns to chill the fuck out and appreciate the world for how inherently ridiculous it is.
Man why are all my videogame faves are getting twisted nonsensically nowadays.Is Mario gonna turn out to be a mopey drug-addicted (lol shrooms) depressive in the next game who's life as a hero is over and he's become just some washed-up bum after the princess kicked him out and married Bowser/Wario/Luigi?
Edward Cullen's the protagonist now?
How the fuck did they go from Brad Pitt in Mexican cowboy clothes, to emo bullshit?
Is this really a reboot for DMC? Or is it just one of those trailers that lie to get people confused and talking about the new installment?
So, now he is Sid Vicious instead of Sephiroth and Duke Nukem's illegitimate child?
>>93315Fucking lol
Having finally watched the trailer all I can say is shut the fuck up you whiny faggot nerds. Shit looks awesome, boohoo he has a new haircut, its probably not even the same Dante, or the same timeline.theres nothing emo about this. just a brazilian version of Dante. Also more hand to hand combat fuck yeah. good soundtrack too.
>>93306Looking at what?
It is probably a prequel or a reverse MGS2. They use classic Dant in MvC3 so it wouldn't make sense to completely retcon the past games. Heck maybe it's Nero's Dmc2
>>93329Ignoring the design choices, the choreography with the fights was rather lame sans super parkour jump. I agree that we should wait to see how gameplay looks but Fuck it Asura's wrath looks better anyway
>>93329Hey brah, go fuck yourself.Even ignoring the lame design of this guy who gives his name as Dante the action was frankly nothing special.
cry some more
>>93333ablooblooblooits probably what >>93331 said. at least thats wht it looks like to me. finally fixing DMC2s place in the timeline. Maybe Braziliante will kill DMC2 fake Dante
OK speaking as a big fan of DMC lemme explain.Dante's visage is nothing to get in a complete hissy fit over. The new guy is definitely more of grunge/demonpunk (is that a word?) kinda deal but I don't really think it's bad as it is arbitrarily different.What you people SHOULD be worried about is the developer making this game. I've only played heavenly sword from them and while that game was cinematic it was also more button mashey and QTE ridden than God of War. A game like DMC relies on fast paced combat that should rely on skill, not on arbitrarily testing to see if you're paying attention to a cut-scene.QTE were bad in Bayonetta. If they're implemented here then it's not gonna fucking work with the kinda game DMC is.
>>93338Enslaved looks pretty damn good though.
>>93338i can see where youre coming from, had no idea they were behind that snoozefest game.its capcoms big earner so im sure theyll be closely involved in production, and will direct the game to something good. Or at least we can hope.
Eh, didn't the same thing happen when Retro was making Metroid Prime?
>>93342same thing happens every game that does something new ever because internet is a breeding ground for aspies.i recall even DMC3 got a lot of shit for being too crazy
You're being kind of a bitch GKE. Being as bad as the 'fanboys' you are so pissed off at is just as annoying for the rest of us.
>>93342They didn't drastically redesign Samus. Gave her some new armor in the later games, yeah, and there was alot of worries about "oh no, it's gonna be a big dumb FPS!" but for all intents and purposes, it was still Samus. Not rebooted Samus. Not punk goth or roid rage Samus. Not "the baby the baby the baby the baby" Samus.This is more like....well, taking Bruce Campbell and replacing him with that dude from RocknRolla. It's not the worst thing ever but it's jarring. And in this case, pretty unnecessary because, y'know, Dante isn't an actor. He's not flesh and blood. It doesn't have to be such a radical change.
>>93343It got MORE praise for being a return to form and you know it. That was significantly less decisive than this. Yeah it was fucking crazy but it fit the tone of the original DMC Dante.
>>93345sorry im just tired of the whiny internet attitude where you have to kick up a fuss at everything before you even have a proper context. the game isnt out yet, nobody knows whats happening in it.
>>93349what, no it didnt. i had to deal with people returning DMC3 all the time because "its too cartoony" and whatnot.
>>93351"Let's rock baby.""Nature calls? It's in the back."I'm not saying that no one complained. That'd be stupid and ignorant to say. But alot of fans didn't care for DMC 2 Dante and liked getting the big cheeseball back.That said, now that I've gotten a chance to chill out a bit, this is really just bad marketing again. Yeah, it's cool to keep shit hidden up your sleeves and reveal more secrets and tidbits later over it's development cycle but you can't just toss out "hey, this is Dante now BYE" and expect the best reaction. This is like sticking Shamalama's name on "Devil". He's not even directing the thing and no one LIKES his movies anymore. Or y'know, >>93335 making Radd Spencer look exactly like the dude voicing him just cuz.Also, he was kind of grungy in the short-lived DMC 3 manga so I really shouldn't be this pissed off. I dunno, just that whole "jarring" thing.Meanwhile, watch me get all excited for Asura's Wrath and Shadows of the Damned because the main characters in both are new creations and have no prior appearances to compare them to....
>>93351You're a moron. DMC3 is considered the best game in the series and has been since it came out of the gate. It is that way because it went back to shenanigans and "THIS PARTY'S GETTING CRAZY." The plot was dumb anime bullshit, everyone was insane and over the top, Dante spent the entirety of the game without his shirt on, and the game was balls hard. 2 was none of this. It was srs bsns and boring and drab and easier than your mother and everyone hated it almost instantly. We still do! Imagine that.
How about you wait until there is some actual gameplay before loosing your shit?
>>93358On the internet, reactions tend to be stronger than they actually are. Personally, I'm just worried that this supposed reboot business might be a bad decision. Of course I'm more interested in why Capcom is outsourcing some of their games to other developers.
>>93358 Fight club was stupid. I like pretending to shout on the internet better and annoying Cry King Faggot.
...Maybe its just me, but except for the haircut and differences in makeup, they pretty much look the same. And the hair is basically just "cover the OTHER eye".but maybe i just dont get the vidya
>Rebooting the series...Why? I thought DMC usually sold pretty well.>Developed by the same people who made Heavenly SwordOH GOD NO
>>93365This really.DMC is so episodic it REALLY DOESN'T need a reboot. Let alone at the hands of these guys.Really, it just seems like Capcom/ninja theory wanted to make a game but they wanted to attach a name to it so it'd sell better and they went with DMC because... well BECAUSE.
Why are you all replying to GKE like he's a serious poster? Just look at what he types and how he types it before you let him drill into your skull for god's sake.
What's the deal with Capcom thinning their internal assets and farming out most of the established franchises to make a quick buck with minimal investment risk? Sounds like they are really strapped for cash.
The haircut is pretty ridiculous, I'll admit, but I couldn't help but like the trailer.I'M SO SORRY GUYS I FAILED YOU
>>93375It's alright, I thought it was okay
>>93375It's fine if you like the trailer, I thought it was interesting. Though I'm not sure how to feel about this whole thing yet because they are apparently keeping the whole gun and sword gameplay but they're revamping it.
>>93377As did I. The premise (city of demons with Dante being some horrible crossbreed/government experiment gone wrong) is pretty bad but then you stop and think "mystical child of great demon warrior with evil brooding brother" is pretty bad as well.One thing suggested in this thread I kinda like though is that this game could be a Prequel to DMC3 (or if it is a reboot have it be roughly around the same timeframe as pre DMC3) and that Dante gets his more traditional white hair as his demon powers start awakening.I'll also admit (though it's very petty) that I like that this Dante smoked on camera and was pretty casual about it. With America being as butthurt about drugs and alcohol as they are I have to at least give props to a company willing to show characters doing things that are admittedly bad for your health (I'm looking at you MARVEL). And original Dante, while cool, had some rather questionable pastimes. Like, the most he did outside of shooting demons was eat PIZZA and STRAWBERRY SUNDAYS. I'll admit this is eccentricity might've just added to the character at times, but c'mon. He's a half-demon mercenary with guns and a sword. Let him have a beer once in a while.Also he kinda looks like the protagonist of Nocturne to me and when you're reminding me of Nocturne you're doing something right.
>>93357DMC3 probably had the best plot out of all these action games. Character development some backstory and even a little twist. I'd hardly call it bullshit.
>>93383 Voice's too gravelly for his scrawny body. If they're giving us even younger Dante at least give him some muscle mass. I do like the weapons they showed in the trailer but damn did they test meth on him as well as demon blood or did they just trim him down to sell better with the Japanese?
Uh if we're talking about 'young Dante' haven't we already went over that kind of plot with 3?
>>93370only dumbass faggots like you who don't read posts feel that way.
>>93390because its not that dante
>>93393Your posts are all inflammatory and full of grammar/spelling errors. I've seen better stuff on a Bethesda forum.
>>93393 Why don't you read the thread before being an idiot. That was obviously in response to the prequal young Dante theory.Though it seems you are either just trollin or need to seriously chill out.
>>93390 I don't know either way dude really fucking thin. I guess it'd help him do those stupid long jumps if they appear anywhere outside of cut scenes but he still looks like they took him out of a drug din/rehab in the late 80s.
Looks fun, could be different guy with same name.NOW COLE FROM INFAMOUS, HE'S A CHARACTER WE KNOW Got slaughtered in the redesign.
Uh, isn't he just much younger in the new game, not to mentioned he was jailed and tortured? Also, why is only the top of his head white?
>>93400I hear Cole's redesign has gotten so many negative responses that Sucker Punch is redesigning him to keep in tone with the first game. So it's not all bad
So it's a different guy, like a completely different guy right?And people are throwing a SHIT FIT over him being in the game despite the fact that he is no less outlandish, trendy or derivative than the classic lead?
>>93375Yeah, I saw the trailer right after the first post in this thread and actually was a bit impressed by it. I think I'd have been more impressed if it wasn't Devil May Cry and/or Dante. The British punk-ass aesthetic is actually pretty awesome. It's just really really fucking weird that they felt the need to reboot DMC already.
>>93409No, see, that's what some folks want. As far as facts go, this is Dante, maybe, or something.
Saw the trailer.Think all the bitching is still pretty retarded.
Hairstyle's eh, but other than that I like the design and concept- both for the character and for the setting. A coherent urban fantasy setting with scrappy punk delinquent protagonist? Hells yeah, a world better than DMC's previous nonsensical settings.Even if Heavenly Sword had its shortcomings, the game's production effectively combined passion, big budgets and a genuine creative spark. For the last half-decade I've seen dev teams with those qualities do a surprisingly good job of compensating for their shortcomings. Hopefully they'll approach DMC's gameplay strengths as students rather than equals. (Note: seriously talking out of my ass at this point, never played either game or had a PS2 or PS3, oh god so poor)Here's the main thing I want to say to all the criticism: A reboot doesn't have to be a condemnation of the original flavor. It can be an attempt to make something that's good in its own right, by drawing inspiration from & standing on the shoulders of that which came before while adding your own originality and innovation.
>>93416 If they're going to toss out everything and make something unrelated to the previous series, why slap the name on?Trying to defend it with those words as if the concept was something inspiring is absurd.
>>93418>If they're going to toss out everything and make something unrelated to the previous series, why slap the name on? Because they need to make money?
Oh, one caveat: I don't really give a crap about the main character's hair, but lose the poofy shoulder-thingy on the overshirt and I'll be a serious fan. Especially if they opted to go with a jacket more like the one seen in Kara no Kyoukai.
>>93420You really need to get over this Shiki obsession Dagda.
>>93418>Toss everything out and make something unrelatedYou're having a knee-jerk They Changed It Now It Sucks reaction. Stop for a moment and pretend that we're talking about the first trailer for Batman Begins. Then go back and read your post again.
>>93421What can I say? Her visual design plays to my tastes, so it's what comes to mind when I try to envision a better way of doing things.
>>93422 Except Batman begins does not change the character or it's designs radically. I assume you don't actually know much about Batman outside popular culture.Your points are weak and your realiance on reaction images laughable.
>>93424>Batman begins does not change the character or it's designs radicallyUhmmm... did you forget about the part where they turned Ras' ah' Ghoul from an immortal masterminds into a not-so immortal mastermind?Admittedly the differences are petty but so are these.
Okay, here's my biggest point to the people out there defending it: yeah, all right, you say it looks good. That's just, like, your opinion, man.Here's my issue: If it's not a reboot, then it's another prequel and these faggots are honestly trying to convince me that this hipster cock sucker is not ONLY Dante but is also younger than 19. That's how old he is in 3 and 3 ends with Dante in his DMC1 kicks, so don't try to tell me it was set between 3 and 1. The tone of the trailer is wildly different from the other four games. DMC is supposed to be stupid and off its tits with occasional srs moments, that's just sort of what it does. 2 is considered a misstep because it did not realize this (and it's piss easy). Devil May Cry games are not difficult to write. Just look at Bayonetta, Sega pulled that shit off marvelously."But Nurse," says you. "What if it is a reboot?"There is no need to reboot Devil May Cry all ready. The games are still a new thing, they are still fresh in the mind of nearly everyone who owned a playstation 2 growing up (IE nearly half the human goddamn race or some insane number like that). If you want to make an action game about a brooding hipster demon faggot in Limbo City, then fine, be my guest. Do whatever the fuck you want.But, and this is most important: Calling it Devil May Cry (or fucking DmC fuck you Ninja Theory) is the most blatant and obnoxious cash grab on the planet. It is a Bomberman Zero situation. It doesn't look like Bomberman, it PLAYS kinda like Bomberman but shittier, and yet they're still saying "This is Bomberman." Fuck you, no it's not. This is the same situation. Instead of creating a new IP or something, instead, Capcom and Ninja Theory are going off the obnoxiousness of "brand identity" or what the fuck ever and that might be the most stupid thing about this.If this game turns out to be great, then fine, whatever. But until I am proven otherwise, it's garbage.And finally:>Kamiya based his idea of Dante on what he perceived as "Stylish" -- with a long coat to make the character "showy", witty like a "British guy", and a non-smoker since Kamiya sees that as more cool.>and a non-smoker since Kamiya sees that as more cool>non-smokertl;dr? this game can kiss the fattest part of my ass.
>>93441wow you played the game already?
>>93443>mfw i didn't talk about the gameplay at all
>>93447 No game play huh? Well then we'll just have to judge it on the merits we see in it right now, which is none seeing as I have no idea how "non-smoker British guy" handles or who the fuck is torturing DANte or whatever is going on before the action cut kicks in. Also whats with the wife beater and shark teeth? Is he a surfer as well as a British-Guy American?
>>93441Nurse.Kayima also thinks Bayonetta is stylish.Just think about that for a second.
>>93447of course you didnt, you just talked out of your arse
>>93455I thought he was going for "sexy" with Bayonetta over "stylish".
The beard rule triumphs once again
>>93462Either way my point is that Hideki Kamiya, like all great minds is REALLY GOOD when he is but when he isn't, he REALLY FUCKING ISN'T. For every Alan Moore and his Watchmen there is a Lost Girls. And Kamiya showed that while he can be good with a story (Okami/Viewtiful Joe) he can also be REALLY BAD. My point is more or less that the guy is not infallible and even he can fudge it or just be wrong on occasion.I mean hell, the fact you're claiming Bayonetta is SEXY might make some people's heads spin.
>>93469But onto the point of Devil May Cry, I'm not really phased by this. Yet I'm a huge Devil May Cry fanboy. So why am I not raging over Capcom basically shilling out like Nurse said and giving Dante over to some random third party who's grasp on him seems to be only tenuous as far as we've seen?Well this has to do with the fact that being a Devil May Cry fan is like being a fan of Star Wars. You have the good, the bad and the shit in between and at this point you don't even really care anymore when something stupid happens in your particular fandom because you're so goddamn use to it that it just does not phase you anymore.Like getting exposed to an incredibly innovative and cool game like Devil May Cry 1 but also having to subject yourself to an admittedly terrible story. Full of implied incest and Castlevania Cliche's so up the rear end you might as well have had Mundus say "WHAT IS A MAN?" at the end of it. But hey, it's still awesome so who cares right?Then comes 2. MOTHER FUCKING 2. And suddenly the utterly bad storyline is replaced by an utterly boring one so you can't even distract yourself from the easy as shit combat and the utter genericness of it all. Feeling like any small uttering of interest or personalized style getting ripped out to have a completely void game lacking in anything remotely fun and interesting. And once more, you hear the guys behind the second are making the THIRD ONE AS WELL.BUT WAIT. The third one is actually BETTER THAN THE FIRST IN SEVERAL REGARDS! Suddenly you get your faith restored as not only do you get a much better (dare I say even GOOD?) story with interesting characters and stupid but entertaining dialogue that takes all the good aspects of DMC1 and gets rid of all the bad parts. Actually having Vergil's utterly void and mute death in Devil May Cry 1 suddenly bring a tear to your eye because you actually know what he was like before Mundus bound his spirit to some armour and you actually empathize with him. Not only making an awesome game but somehow IMPROVING the awesome one that came before it!Then comes 4... and Nero. And the first memories of Raiden come flying back. Good thing is that his romance wasn't nearly as hammey as it was in MGS2 but it still suffered from that goddamn retarded Raiden syndrome of having the actual main character doing all the work while you're just a casual third party to all of this. SERIOUSLY I DON'T MIND PLAYING AS NERO BUT DON'T JUST REVEAL DANTE IS STILL TECHNICALLY THE FUCKING HERO OF THE STORY! GODDAMNIT THIS IS SUPPOSE TO BE NERO'S GAME! THIS WAS WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MGS2 AND IT'S WRONG HERE AS WELL. But still the combat was awesome so we didn't care.Then comes the anime and you THINK that'll be good. But NO! In fact it's right up there with the second game in how utterly bland, boring and stupid it is. It's being done by Madhouse so you THINK you'll at least get some good action but LOL NOPE instead you get guns being fired and then cutting to the end of the combat as vague and utterly pointless plot happens around Dante. So a game about crazy over the top action, getting done by a studio known for animating crazy over the top action anime winds up adapting it into an anime that HAS NO CRAZY OVER THE TOP ACTION. What sense is there in the world!?So am I angry that Capcom is outsourcing one of my favourite games to a random third party who hasn't really done much and seems to be changing the setting and character's to a completely different kind of world, implying that they wanted to make a different game entirely but wound up having to use DMC's name so they could sell it? Well yes I am angry. But it's no different than any of the other shit this series has given me so I really have no point of getting pissed off over this.Thank you and goodnight.
>>93469>I mean hell, the fact you're claiming Bayonetta is SEXY might make some people's heads spin.It makes the head of Kamiya himself spin.Or at least porn of her does.
>>93472 But when isn't their porn of something?
>>93407OH THANK GOD>>93409No, that's what everyone WANTS.
>>93372If they were just looking to make a quick dollar, there were a million other ways to do it. They could've easily made another DMC that adds nothing and changes nothing. That's a cash-in.
>>93409That trailer looked like shit from an action perspective. DMC3's opening was better directed.