What's that? You want a free 4 player co-op game on Steam? "Alien Swarm is a game and Source SDK release from a group of talented designers at Valve who were hired from the Mod community. Available free of charge, the game thrusts players into an epic bug hunt featuring a unique blend of co-op play and squad-level tactics. With your friends, form a squad of four distinct IAF Marine classes."Persistent items based on level, free, and co-op goodness. Did I mention... free?If you don't have Steam and have a decent computer, get it for this, at least. And add me :D
I've been waiting all day for this.
steam servers too busy ;_:
I can get a TF2 hat. It can suck balls for all I care.
Steam names. Post them.
>>87280On second thought, let's make a steam group!
>>87274Change your download location in steam settings.
So, is this a dual-stick shooter, or what? Like can I play this with my 360 controller and have fun, or am I gonna have to use my mouse (gross).
>>87283Hopefully the controller will be an option.
god tier viral marketing
>>87276 >>87286 >Hat Trick>Complete 2 co-op missions online. Earns a Team Fortress 2 parasite hat.Wow, that IS good viral marketing. I might have to hold back on crafting dat Pyro hat depending on how it looks.I'll be installing this game later tonight after the servers stop melting.
>Free hatFuck year!
Got mine working, will be done in a couple hours.
Oh god it's so fun.
I've only just got it working now downloading now. Goddammit.
I'm finished.
Downloading now!But it's gonna take me a while to install.
>>87302Same here
Game is pretty tight. Added my own soundtrack etc.It's pretty much L4D but top-down.
>>87308And persistant weapons.I like different squad makeups.
50% now!Hurry, hurry!
kosh, sage, and sailor mercury, that was a blast, i fucking love this gamei laughed, i cried... i got a hat
>>87364Complete 2 co-op missions online
>>87365Yeah, I did that, it just wasn't showing up. It's there now, though. Looks awesome on Pyro.
This is seriously fun. Missions are a little short, but still, it's awesome. It's like that one cutscene from Starcraft when they're blasting Zerg on that Research Vessel
>>87381It's an arcade shoot'em up is what it is. And it's pure magic.
Head-huggers give me brain cancer.
Modding community can do wonders with this game.
Needs a flashlight methinks. Also more incentive to stop and read the PDAs.Also also, FUCK THESE PARASITES GOD SHIT MORE THAN ONE CAN ATTACK AT A TIME
This game would a thousand times better if the parasites and flying bugs were moved or changed.The flying bugs pretty much guarantee at least one hit and a parasite WILL kill you or at least make it so the medic wont be able to heal anyone else any more,It ended with a guy and his flamethower at the front with the rest of the team carrying extra ammo as he burned EVERYTHING
>>87409Sounds like a pretty good strat actually.
>>87406I hope to be able to say that I played Alien Swarm before they nerfed the fuck out of parasites.And I agree with you on the flashlights and PDAs. Your team will not stop to read PDAs with you. Ever.>>87409Yes. Same thing happened to me, minus the "rest of the team" part because we all died and the only guy left was lucky enough to have a flamethrower. Damn parasites.Also? The game needs a damn manual. Gaming veterans know what to do, but nobody else does/will.
Yeah, I spent about an hour and a half trying to plow through with three other guys. Medic is just frustrating. I'll stick with gunner.PARASITESGAH
>chainsaw flamethrower combo
>How I feel with flamethrower/rifle.
The game is pure magic with friends, but it really suffers in pick up games.At anyrate, I'm totally game for a playthrough right now. I usually roll as Officer (Sarge) or Technician (Crash).
Apparently there's a shitload of console commands, including ones that let you switch to first person, and one that lets you activate a fucking AI Director.
>Flamethrower, nothing else, all the timeFeels good man.>>87406There's a flashlight for the third slot, not that it's really worth taking.
>dying>all day erry dayIf I had the chainsaw, things would be different around here...
Can't wait for new campaigns or mods.
So some guy says he's found a secret boss. I'm not so sure about HOLY CRAP!
Holy shit this game is hard and I love it.Just played with Max Galactica, Gibbermad, and some other bro. We were playing on easy mode and we kept dying.A lot.Probably my fault. I am unmatched in the realm of friendly fire.
I love portions where you're forced to mow through waves of enemies. You've got no choice but to just pour entire armories of firepower into the enemy mass in front of and behind you.
>>87456I just beat it on hard with a few friendsAnd I sucked.We died a lot though.
>>87456I'm surprised you never actually managed to kill any of us.
>>87455 >So some guy says he's found a secret boss.That doesn't surprise me, theres probably a LOT of unused content left for folks to discover in the released SDK.You know what that makes me think this game is, though? 4-player Contra. (Well, okay, on Insane mode, maybe).
>>87475It would for me if Wolfe ran around shirtless.
The modders are quite quick with maps.
where is my hyrule field map i wish to roll and pretend its just as fast as walking
>>87488 "Looks like you're ready for your first parasite!"
First it took ages to download for me and everybody in my friends list was playing it without me.Then I finally set it up on my parent's computer (I'm at their place for the "vacation" since I work in their town) and the framerate is bad plus it made the computer overheat.Then I set it up on my own computer, and at that point it wouldn't let me join my friends games most of the times for no reasons at all.And now I realized that the game keeps freezing all the time on my computer, so I can't host either or actually play it at all decently.So yeah, fuck this game.
>>87501800x600 windowed low texture detail low effects detail no shadow detail
>>87501It isn't the games fault you suck at computers
>>87506making a computer WAY above the RECOMMENDED specs overheat is the game's faultnot being able to join friends game that are not full for no reason is the game's faultrandom freezing for no reasons is the game's faultterribly slow download speed is well, not the game's fault but the steam servers, and we're talking about a steam only gameso yeah keep your insults for yourself. This site really is circlejerk after all, if somebody isn't part of your butt-licking private club it's "you suck" after 5 mins.
>>87507 Senor is practically a card-carrying asshole, but you still have to fill out the Rage form.
>>87507No, seriously, my computer is WAY over the specs and I haven't had a single issue. It most likely is user error in some way, shape, or form.Overheating is absolutely never, ever, not in a million years, going to be a program's fault, I am sorry but that's the truth. If your processor or videocard is heating up too much then you did something wrong to get it to do that. Poor ventilation, bad fans, not enough fans, not a good enough heat sink. It is user error. Period.Don't get mad at senior, as if he's nice to anyone ever. If he thinks you did/said something stupid, he tells you. We've all been on the receiving end of it.Calm the shit down.
>>87509Actually, I've noticed my GPU temps are quite high in Alien Swarm. It seems odd. However, it's still under 70C, so it's a non issue.
My computer overheats on Alien Swarm too. But I've got a video card a tier above what the rest of my rig is comfortable with. It overheats on TF2 once a blue moon.
And yeah, maps load super slow and the framerate chugs sometimes, which is weird for a friggin source game. But it's free arcade fun, get what you pay for.
>join pub game>be only tech>take forever to do hacks
One thing that irks me is how cumbersome it gets in close quarters. Combined with lag = lol ur ded. I've been getting a lot of that tonight, taking a lot of hits I shouldn't be etc. I hope it was just my hosts.
i wish i could lower my settings even more because i enjoy the gameplay more than the graphics yo and my poor ole comp is judderin
Also, Worthless tier:AVK-36 Marksman RifleLight attachmentNVGs
>>87546Well, Steam has been pretty shitty tonight in particular, which is odd.Also, hi me!
So what do you guys have set as battle music?
>>87562I wish I could get mine to function. Otherwise:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqnAX3PpD_Ehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga1fu8LcgoYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIGHCoVzqtkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7EQlfprV9E
Got my first chance to play tonight. HELL YES. Gonna binge on this tomorrow, most likely. Hope I'll see you guys around.
>>87563From what I've heard it won't work if it has any album art embedded.Also my gfx card just overheated :|
>>87509Yeah, except >>87518>>87565and also>Update today>Fixed crash to desktop on certain graphics cardsSo yeah, the game's fault. Hopefully this will fix the freezing issues I have too, and if it doesn't I hope they will at some point.
>>87446and what might these commands be?
>>87571The overheating was partly my fault for setting it above the recommended settings but even on the recommended it gets ridiculously hot in comparison to other games.
>>87563This is one of the songs in my library. I love when it comes on during a huge shootout.
>pubbing with a medic>I pick up fire extinguisher to kill some flames>the dick steals my tesla rifle and leaves me with pistols with four fucking shots.>I spend the end level dodging and punching aliens
>>87587Use flamethrower, never pick up stupid extinguisher again.
Dear Ninja,Sorry for lighting you on fire so much. You are credit to team.Love,Toxie
Dear Sagehoge,I'm sorry I left you behind all the time, but I was dealing with some frequently distracting fire issues.Dagda had 183 friendly fires,Ninja
>>87634Sage was having keyboard issues. It would either make him keep running or stop dead, that is why he kept blowing up. I was on Skype with him.
>pick up fire extinguisher>realize later you forgot to go back to get your real gun
>>87644I finished one of the levels with nothing but a fire extinguisher, because one of the guys carrying our turret died, so I had two turrets. Once they were set up, there were no weapons left on the map but a fire extinguisher.Fuck yeah.
>>87587 >>I spend the end level dodging and punching aliensActually. I have a confession to make. I know you guys love the chainsaw, but......thats shit tier next to playing as a peace medic equipped with the power fist. I'm addicted to it.
>>87646That only works on Easy/Normal mode, though. In the harder modes the regular drones seem to outrange melee attacks and clearly outpace them.
>>87634>Other team members love dancing around madly with flamethrowers and tesla cannons>Constantly trying to get a clear shot so we can actually KILL some of these things while we're at it>Unlock chainsawAnd my team and I lived happily ever after.
>>87646I punch shit more than anyone else I've played with. I just found out about the power gloves or whatever and I cannot wait til I unlock those.
>parasite chain reaction deaths for entire team, over and over
>run out of ammo while shooting a shieldbugs butt>fucking punch it to death
>Deima Bridge run>Insane>Officer and medic only
>Playing a PuG>Idiot medic never heals anyone>Is the only one left at the end>can't fucking navigate, runs all the way back to near the beginning of the map, has to break down some doors I welded shut to get back quickly>Finally dies at the end>WHY DID YOU WELD THE DOORS YOU FUCKING IDIOT???Because there were swarms coming up from behind us you idiot, and if you hadn't gotten your dumb ass lost it would have never been an issue.
>>87696All of my deaths so far have been due to bad medics. And to people thinking you can get parasites off by shooting at them.
NO GUNSTURRETS ONLYFINAL DESTINATION...Except that you need a gun to shoot those barrels in the Freight Elevator part. GG anyway, guys!
>>87713 Next Up!>Two Peace Medics With Power Fists>Dual Chainsaws for everyone else>Insane Mode>Speed Run
I wonder if it would be possible to make maps with multiple floors that toggle invisibly when your character goes up or down stairs. I think portals or visgroups could do it cilent-side, entities and all.Now someone needs to convert all the L4D campaigns.