>Finally starting to read the Manifold trilogy.
>Reading Thrawn trilogy again
>>4625>Remembering the Thrawn trilogy with great fondness.
>Made a free verse poem that could be interpreted to be about masturbation using passages from Joyce's Araby for class
>>Remember my brother spoiled the Thrawn trilogy for me just to be a fuck.
>Sookie Stackhouse series
>House of LeavesPossible minor spoiler>Johnny made up that story about getting better
>Being of Indian heritage>Loving the Indian kitchen, especially the spices>Reading The Mistress of Spices>It's a girlie mess of a book
>>4627>finishing it for the first time
>Michael Crichton's death
>>4672Wow. How the hell did I not hear about this for a year and a half? Now I feel sad and stupid, and I have no suitable reaction image.
>>4674Seconded. What the fuck?
>>4678>>4674I'm kinda surprised you didn't hear about it too.
>obtained first edition hardcover of The Silmarillion, in excellent condition> for 50 cents
>>4700Woah, where did you find a deal like that that?
>being accused of plagiarism
>Reading Hunchback of Notre Dame for the first time.
>Reading "I, Jedi">Actually pointing out how stupid the ending to the Jedi Academy Trilogy was
>finish Small Favor a year ago>wait to pick up Turn Coat since I'm about to go to college>time passes, another book comes out and I still haven't read it>eh, I'll get around to it eventually>check Harry Dresden's Wikipedia page to refresh my memory of a certain character's last name>notice that it includes a summary of the newest book>self-control fails>look at it>oh shit oh shit I don't know if I can ever read this
>Star Wars: The Bounty Hunter Wars
>>4980>>Remembering how retarded that shit was.
>>4986is that good or bad? I haven't read those.
>>4991It's incredibly good. It's a little wordy for my tastes but oh my God does it have some awesome moments. There have been times when someone wants to say something to me and I'm like "dude just wait like ten minutes shit just got real". Also I'm kind of biased because the whole trilogy is about my two favorite Star Wars guys, Bossk and Boba Fett.
>>4992Bossk is always good.
>>4993Delicious lizard man. Yeah he is pretty cool. Hunts bounties and doesn't afraid of anything.
>>4994Hunts for the Hunt God.Pelts for the Pelt Throne.
>>4997i'd pelt his throne ifyouknowwhatimean
>Skullduggery Pleasant
>>5019I have heard about those. Are they as thoroughly Awesome as they should be?
>>5022You're damn right they are. So good.Who do I need to pester to get the idea of a movie passed around.
>>5019I keep forgetting about this all the time...
>>5023>>5024When I first heard of it it had my attention at "Skeleton protagonist". The rest was just icing the cake, and "Noir-style detective with magic" is the most delicious icing imaginable. Exactly how didn't I pick up these sooner?Well, that's going to change. I'ma buy it, today.
>Alexander Hamilton by Ron ChernowFUCK YEAH AMERICAN HISTORY
>>5019 >>5025 >>Skullduggery Pleasant>Has never heard of this>Wait this sounds familiar>Checks it outOh FUCKSomeone beat me to it. Or not. I'll have to see how similar to my own ideas it is.
>>5025>>5043I feel like I should warn you guys if you pick it up, the story mostly centers and is mostly told from the perspective of the main girl, 12-year-old Stephenie. However, this disappointment is soon remedied when you realize she is FUCKING HARDCORE.
>>5045So it's like Hit Girl is hanging out with a Ghostrider/Spirit/Hellboy hybrid?I'm game.
>>5048Pretty much, yeah.
Well into the second book, Playing With Fire.EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP DYING, I AM GETTING REALLY UPSET.
>get disappointed at how Richard Knaak has mangled Warcraft lore>re-read "Lord of the Clans" and "Of Blood and Honor" to cheer myself up>my face when thinking of Thrall and Tirion being badass with Knaak the Haak nowhere in sight
> "Revenge of The Sith" novelizationMagnificent...
>Have to return library book, owing to it being REALLY overdue
>FINALLY got And Another Thing...>Am reading all the Guide Entries in Tony Jay's voice for some reason>Oh yeah and the book itself is fun so far
>Reading the Color of Magic
>>5267I have no idea what that face means.Also, Pratchett's writing improves tenfold in the later books.
>>5268It's astonishment. I really like it. I didn't know if I would, Discworld seemed like one of those sci-fi or fantasy book series that people take to seriously, which would ultimately disappointed by. Happened to me with Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, and Artemis Fowl never interested me. Bob of Bob, whose taste I've come to trust, would occasionally bring up Discworld, and it seemed interesting.
>>5269After I had read more of the series, I thought the first couple of books were a little too... wandering. The characters just moved from one interesting locality to another with a rather loose plot stringing it together. Also, the setting itself had yet to really solidify; the crazy sword 'n' sorcery stuff kind of settles down after while and gives people a chance to get on with their business. Pratchett's good at parodying all manner of fantasy tropes, but I enjoy his work the most when he takes something mundane (like the postal service) and manages to fill it with magic and humor and intrigue. It may sound boring, but trust me, Going Postal is one of the best books.Anyway, after you've finished The Light Fantastic (which is really part two of TCoM), I'd suggest picking up Eric if you want to see more of Rincewind and don't mind a short read or Guards! Guards! if you're interested in urban adventures.
>>5272Actually, in retrospect a lot of the standalone books would probably appeal to you, especially Small Gods and Pyramids. They're both really good.
>>4700Nice. At least you paid for yours, I stole mine from my high school's library.>Revisiting H.P. Lovecraft
>>5272read everything containing Vimes. Read night watch twice.
>Stranger in a Strange Land from Mike's deflowering onward
>Read Dirk Gently for the first time>Hearing it will be made into a BBC series
>Edgar Rice Burroughs' Princess of Mars is getting a movie?>...from The Asylum?
>The life of Noah Webster
>And another thing
>>Lost my copy of The Black Company's Books of the North
>>5394What's wrong with it?
>>5403The ending, for one. Poor Arthur got screwed again.
>"We don't do what we do for the glory or the fame or the credit; we do it for the quiet satisfaction of making the world a better place, saving the lives of innocents, and being better than you are."
HOLY TITS THIS BOOKBook five can't get here fast enough. I imported it from Europe though, I sure hope it's in English.
>>5415I don't think it's been translated yet.On a related note, how does importing from overseas work out for you? Does the shipping an customs rape you as much as I heard they do?
>>5418Doesn't seem to have. Whole thing looks like it only cost me eight dollars; there wasn't a shipping charge. Which means it was less than half the price of getting the fourth book in from California.
>Finished the Light Fantastic>Now on to Equal Rites
>Get first edition Norstrilia for £5>Can not find Atomsk for any less than £150
>>5404He's significantly LESS screwed over than he was after fucking Mostly Harmless.
Caelan is the worst thing to happen to Skulduggery Pleasant. I am so upset the fires of my rage kept me from falling asleep at work last night.