Um... Animorph thread?
Every time someone mentions that series I have flashbacks to my childhood. Good times... you know, for a kids series it was surprisingly dark and violent, especially near the end.
I know I read the first few books, but I can't remember when I sort of fell out of it. Always thought the Andalites were cool. is works!
>>4453heh, I still have most of the actual books somewhere. I know for a fact I never gave them away or anything.
I like this guys review of the series!
And there is an "abridged" series...Yay?
I know I shouldn't be surprised that there's Andalite porn... but still, cripes. Rule 34, you know no bounds.
I was going to bump this with some fan art.But had non...So heres the intro to the show.
I still read them. I have all of them. Including the chronicles and megamorphs and sticker books and choose-your-own-adventure books. I regret nothing.>>4703I've seen Taxxon 34.
Like I mentioned in another thread, just finished reading the first book today.I hear the series goes downhill after the ghostwriters take over for a while (dunno if it picks back up once Applegate is at the reigns again). Is that true?
Have you heard about the rereleass rumor?
>>5378No? Care to elaborate?
Yeah... I heard a rumor somewere, maybe that reviewer I have been pluging, that Animorph would be rerelease some time this year... Try google... I have no real clue, sorry...