Activity on this board has been at an all-time low, averaging less than 5 posts per day. Less than 20% of users said I shouldn't delete the board./writ/ will stay up for a minimum of 1 month from now. If there's not much change over that time, the board will be closed; creative writing will be directed to /coc/, and /lit/ discussion will go to /baw/.
Shit.I helped kill writ by not posting or commenting or encouraging threads enough. Damn.Hopefully we can salvage some of the good threads, like the resources and such, into /coc/.
>>4412Or we can fight to save /writ/, because it's not dead yet.
>>4412You have plenty of time to start posting. If the post rate goes up, the board'll stay after the month is up.
>>4414 To be fair, after poking around a bit? It looks like MONTHS go by without a lot of new threads being started.I don't think combining /coc/ with /writ/ wouldn't really be a bad thing, except for the fact that we might 'lose' /coc/ project threads....Or do we not lose bumped threads off the max listing, I forget how that works here.
>>4485Months went by. What /writ/ always needed was a kickstart, and now that it's been supplied, it's a matter of proving it isn't too little too late.
>>4384please keep this. its getting a boost from 4chans lit (just came from there nvr heard of plus4chan) and i like this layout better than 4chan
Its our own fault, none of us dare put our work on to be critiqued. Including me. Coward that I am.
>>4546The most direct critique I ever got was a troll from Senor, too.
I'd much rather see book discussion move to /mtv/ than /baw/.
>>4620Then we'd have to rename the board to /stern/, for it would be king of all media.
4 Days remain....
When you have to jump this ship:
>>4699Oh, don't worry. We'll just move our /writ/ discussions to /baw/, and when it's overwhelmed by discussions about literature/writing, it'll only make sense to bring back /writ/.
>>4639I would be fine with that.
Wow this board is still here.Kudos.
Bad times man.
So... yay?
Probably forgot to delete us.
where will all the uploads go? :(
Figures a friend points me in the direction of this place and then I see a sticky says OLO DELEET HAPPUN SOONWell, I guess to /coc/ I go :C
>>5417Umm, read the date of the sticky, this board's not getting deleted anytime soon, if at all