I forget, were the cards size of normal playing cards in relation to her in the book?
Public domain, bitchhttp://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11-h/11-h.htm
>>4301If I wanted to read it again, I would get it from the library. No one who knows offhand will say?
>>4318Hey buddy. No one knows offhand.Sometimes you have to do things yourself.See you at the library.
>>4318Their size depends on Alice's size, you silly person.
The only direct physical description of the cards is them being "oblong and flat" and being capable of reaching roses in trees. But later, Alice picks the gardeners up and puts them in a "large flowerpot," so I'm not sure. The whole thing is about using your imagination, so try not to focus on temporal limitations like size and location.
>>4319I can gather that with more certainty if no-one answers for a while longerThere's no harm in asking. As guy who posted:4329 pointed out, it wasn't that clear. It would take reading a good chunk of the book and major interpreting.Not everyone feels that's really worth doing.Some people who go on the internet seem to pride themselves on picking up on those kinds of details in works like that.You actually don't have to be an ass-hole about things like this
I seem to recall that she didn't seem to take the cards very seriously over all, which suggests they were like the size of normal playing cards in relation to her.