How does one go about avoiding writing purple prose?
I think you sort of have to get a feel what is "too much" by the way of description. Reread your work after 24 hours and see if it's still quality. If the point you were making becomes obfuscated by too many adjectives or the narration becomes bogged down by inappropriate, unsuitable descriptors then cut it so it's readable.Remember: purple prose isn't inherently bad, its just perceived as a terrible thing because novice writers tend to think that more/bigger words=more talent. Be verbose, but have a point.
Read your text out loud.Reading well-written books might help as well. You are always influenced by what you read and watch and listen to.
Go through something you've written with a highlighter, marking only the passages where something happens. Leave descriptions, metaphors, similes, and ruminations unmarked. Then cut whatever you would skip if you weren't the author but were reading the book or story for enjoyment.
>>4168 >Read your text out loud. In fact, you should do this PERIOD for whatever you write. Formally, informally, for literature, buisness, or otherwise.