Is there a website where you can:- input the books you've read, maybe by month- have it show you all sorts of cool statistics and charts about your reading habits?I feel like there must be, and if not, there should be.
so kind of like MAL but for books?good idea
There are facebook applications that track books read, but the last time I tried one it was crap. Granted, that was years ago.There are also some programs that do that; is one. That one's actually kind of neat in that if you have access to a certain kind of barcode scanner you can scan the barcodes on the books you own and it adds the book to the database. Typing in the ISBN does the same thing, just slower. Other programs might offer this functionality, but I haven't tried them. I don't know if it has reading statistics, though.My experience with these kinds of things is that they're neat, but require a lot of attention. is a good start (my favorite book website on the net)