Holly SynchronisticA fantasy romanceBluemonkey(c)2004Do you know what synchronicity is? C. G. Jung gave the world thefirst modern description of it, in simplest terms synchronicity was anexternal physical manifestation of an internal psychical (or mental) state.He believed it was a fundamental operating principle of reality: acausalsimultaneity . His quantum physicist friends already had a term for it,they called it "magick" (with a 'k').But what Jung marveled at most regarding synchronicity was that therewas no way to empirically determine for any given acausal simultaneousevent which was the cause, and which was the effect. They happened at thesame time, without being linked by a cause. Oh, yeah, that's what acausalsimultaneity means, isn't it? The easiest way Jung reliably documentedsuch events was in "runs," the repeating synchronistic sequences that gavehim a glimpse into the inner processes of the universe. One notable "run"followed after him dreaming about a fish. Contemplating intently themeaning of fish in dreams Jung encountered fish-symbols in a half-dozenplaces the next day, several people even sent him pictures of fish, thathad been posted days before. But was the fish manifested by his dream, orthe dream manifested by the fish?So I must ask, did I create her? Or did she create me?I first met her in a chat room, one dedicated to those like us whoappreciate the budding sexuality of the young. I don't know how she cameto be there, or why.I had encountered a girl, about ten years old, earlier that night, onthe bus home from my editing job. Her thighs were plump and fresh andflawless in her translucent white shorts; little marshmallow-shaped nippleswere visible on her flat chest as they pressing through the fabric of herpolo shirt when she moved, or when the bus passed over a bump in thehighway. She smiled at my attention. And I smiled back. Outwardly I wasjust being friendly, the bus was full of people, her parents sat next toher. I smiled at them, too. Inwardly I wanted to bury my face between herthighs. I wanted to hear her moan and scream as my tongue brought her toorgasm.Right there.On the bus.In front of everyone.A fire burned in my head for the rest of the journey home. The thing Idesired most at that moment was sex with that ten year old girl.I hadn't plan to chat that night. I jacked off furiously to a storyfound in an online archive, about a seven year old and her first lover. Iwas spent and satisfied, but after a while I logged in anyway, just to seeif someone I knew was there, to unload the day's frustrations. But asidefrom myself, there was only one other guest displayed: "Holly10."I thought I had died and gone to Heaven, or else was trapped in aHellish delusion. But no, she was no delusion, she was only Holly, tenyears old. She was a virgin, but ached for a sweet and gentle older man. Iwas a virgin too. That is, she was the first woman, of any age, that Ibrought to orgasm in a chat-room. I had told her of my teenage experienceswith my ten year old step-sister, how we had discovered sex together, andmade love for the first time. She wished that could happen to her. Shewished her brother could do that to her. I wished I could do it to her.That was our first synchronicity.Whenever my body ached, whenever the fire in my head flared, whenever Ireally needed to make love to her, she was always there. There in thechat-room, as if she knew I needed her, as if my thoughts and desire hadmanifested her there. Or her manifestation had set my mind aflame, drawingme to her. She loved my words, she thought me charming, and I loved evenjust the thought of her sweet body next to mine, trembling bare skin totrembling bare skin, lost in the ecstasy of each other's sex. That was oursecond synchronicity...Today I was in an unfamiliar city, far from my home town. I had comehere to meet a publisher, hopefully to sign a contract for my novel, theculmination of ten years' of research on magick and synchronicity. Withair-fare the way it was I had arrived early Saturday morning, even thoughmy appointment wasn't until Monday, to get one of those "weekend stay"discounts. The hotel was expensive, but very comfortable and right in theheart of a downtown complex gleaming with steel and glass, a bustlingconvention center, an underground light-rail and bus terminal.And a five-story shopping mall.With nothing to do, and no one I knew who lived in the city, at noon Iset out to explore, beginning with the mall. The red-eye flight had servedbreakfast, but as is the case with most airline food, could scarcely becalled that at all. The mall housed a substantial "food court." And soon,with a hearty meal on my tray, I found a table near a stone fountain and aplanter filled with potted greenery.There were only a few other people here, no doubt it filled up later.But almost immediately someone quite extraordinary caught my eye, a young,brown-eyed, brown-haired angel. A thick golden brown slightly wavy hairframed her face and draped lightly over her shoulders. Her ten year oldbody was just beginning to break out, soft nipples clearly visible,bra-less, rising up from under the fabric of her yellow sun-dress, her palecalves, shapely and ending in matching yellow canvas Topsiders and whiteknee-high stockings. Her hips swept out from her narrow waist into aheart-shaped curve that would have made Botticelli swoon. She was shapely,strong, hardly more than seventy pounds, well under five feet tall. Shereeked of latent sexuality. Did she dress that way on purpose? Did sheknow what it did to some people?No doubt she did. She was seated at a table with two much older boys.They were engrossed in one of those insipid conversations usual toteenagers, and were completely ignoring the young girl, perhaps the sisterto one of them. But the girl had found another way to amuse herself.She sat at the end of the table, her chair pushed back, perched lazilytowards the edge of the seat. Her shapely legs were parted, the fabric ofher dress having ridden up her thighs, and her white cotton panties wereclearly visible. Tight, white cotton panties. Had I been seated a halfdozen tables to the left I would have been in full view of the cleft of hersex.But I was not the target audience of this little show, a quick glance tothat desired table showed it to be occupied. A middle-aged, balding mansat there facing his son and wife, whose backs where to the littleseductress. I could see his eyes had fixed themselves on the spot betweenthe girl's legs, and he had somehow positioned himself to look just overhis wife's ear, appearing to stare at her face while she talked nearlyincessantly through their meal.About what the woman talked I could not hear. No doubt her husbandcouldn't hear either, what with the blood rushing to his brain. The youngbrown-haired angel of seduction was pleased with this reaction, amischievous little smile creased the ends of her lips. She slowly took anapkin from the table, unfolded it and wiped the inside of her left thigh,from knee to crotch, spreading her legs even farther. The man was having agreat deal of difficulty maintaining his composure. One of his knees wasshaking.Then the girl dropped the napkin.Bending over, she reached down to pick it up from the floor, and the topof her sundress opened enough to allow the man an unobstructed view of thesmall puffy cones that were her undeveloped breasts. I myself could notsee them, but evidently the man could quite well. The foot of his shakingleg kicked the metal table with a loud clang, startling his wife intomomentary silence. The knuckles on the his hand, whitened, gripping hispaper, soda-laden cup so tightly I thought it would explode and drench hisentire family.My meal was finished by this time, so I gathered up my tray and made myescape from the arena of combat, before the creature turned her attentionson me, and I did something to rouse the ire of the two feckless teens thataccompanied her.I mounted a nearby escalator and climbed the polished chrome bridgesthat stacked up in a tower through the center of this over-engineered,glass-roofed cathedral of consumerism. I stopped on the third floor, I hadspotted a Brentano's Bookstore, a rare sight these days. Being thebook-whore that I am, I couldn't pass one up.As I exited the shop I spotted her again, running her hand lazily alongthe brass-railed glass parapet, the brown-haired angel from the food-court.Obviously she was on the prowl for more adventure, and now alone. I smiledas I passed her.She smiled back, cocking her head to look up at my face. For somereason this caused me to stop, and glancing over my shoulder and found thatshe was doing the same. And was still smiling.I turned and she had stopped, turning as well, facing me square on.Feet planted wide, hands lightly on her hips, a curious look filled hereyes. A child, yes, but there was something older and wiser within. Ah, aduel now, of wills.Then I felt suddenly as if I had been struck by lightning, my feetmelted to the floor, my bones turned to ashes, my flesh to flame. I knewher this young girl, she had described herself to me in great detail. Downto the placement of every tiny freckle that dotted her cheeks. "Holly?" Isaid.She flushed, recognition crossing her face. "Bluemonkey?" she asked,uncertainly."Yes. But call me Martin," I replied.She looked at me appraisingly, critically. "You're a bit thicker aroundthe middle than I'd imagined, but you are definitely my beary, hairyBluemonkey." She smiled, she liked me anyway."It's all for you, my love.""Ooh, do you promise?" Holly cooed."For you and only you," I said.A third synchronicity,... and suddenly I was recklessly bold, no longeranonymous and detached, no longer safe behind a chat room nickname. "Iwill die right now if I don't make love to you this instant," I whispered."I am staying in the hotel across the street. Are you alone? Are you herewith someone? Can you ditch them?"
Hang on, she had said, and disappeared in a pale yellow flash. Iremained where I was, I honestly couldn't move a muscle. It was as if Ihad lost the duel, and the witch had turned me to stone. The wholebuilding could have collapsed around me and I would still be standingthere. Then she was back, a grin splitting her delicate face from side toside."I'm here with my brothers. I told them I found some friends fromschool, and their mother would bring me home. They were only too happy tobe rid of me, there is some stupid girl from their high-school here," Hollyreported with obvious distaste."Follow me across the street to my hotel," I said, turning towards theexit, my legs suddenly free to move, my bones whole, but the flesh of myhands and feet still tingling and incandescent from the lightning strike.Unspoken, we played a game. Holly followed me like a stalker, alwaysmaking sure I never caught her tailing me. I would stop, and stare into ashop window, trying to catch sight of her reflected in the glass; or lookover my shoulder at a random moment. She was there, but doing somethingelse, or walking the other way, or slipping into a shop. She was skilled;she had played this game before. Irrationally, I was jealous. I doubledback around, tried to catch her, but had only a glimpse of the runningchild desperately trying to stifle giggles with her hands. Then she wasgone.I punched the walk button for the signal on the street corner acrossfrom my hotel. Everything seemed gray, painted with a palette of chromefrom an overcast sky, every surface of the civic centered reflecting silverin the glass. The only color seemed to be the traffic lights. And thenHolly was there, beside me, looking straight ahead, her dress now goldenlike the sun, filling the gray street with light. I could hear herbreathing, it was rapid and short, like a runner; or a lover anticipatingher first kiss. In the middle of the crowded street we suddenly becameanonymous, nobody knew us here, nobody cared. Holly's slim hand slippedinto mine, our fingers interlaced, locked like a vise. I do not know whoseheartbeat was racing faster, hers or mine.We entered the busy hotel swiftly, almost running. A red carpet andautomatic door heralded our arrival, but no one noticed. The lobby waspacked with conventioneers and we reached the elevator safely, stillinvisible, anonymous. Had the elevator been empty we would have fuckedliked animals on the floor before reaching my room. There was a gap for usin a rear corner. In the crowded space Holly pressed her shapely bodyagainst me, leaning hard, not a bit of space between our skin save ourclothes. The top of her head touched my chin. She nodded her head,brushing my short goatee back and forth. I could smell her hair, a hint oflemons or oranges, like someone had distilled sunlight into a bottle. Herfirm ass was pressed against my groin. The young girl fidgeted, shiftedher weight on her feet, and then forcing her hips backward, firmly claspedmy erection in the crack of her ass. I glanced down, I could see a wickedsmile curling the very ends of her lips. I bent down to her ear,whispering, "You are a very naughty girl."As I slowly raised my head Holly turned, whispering in my ear, "Betterpunish me then...with this," and she reached back with one hand to grip myrigid cock with all her strength.Thank God no one looked at us. That would have been the end, for itwould have quite obvious what the Holly was doing. But they were tooinvolved with themselves to even notice our existence. Emboldened, Hollyreached back with both hands and grabbed my ass, pulling herself tighteragainst me. It was all I could do not to cry out.Then we were free from the elevator's press, into the hall, trippingmadly to my door. I dropped the card-key twice, and she laughed at me. Iturned sharply to look at her, but my frown vanished the moment I saw hersmile and her limpid eyes, gleaming with anticipation.Pushing me out of the way with her slim hand, Holly bent over and pickedup the card. She turned as she did this, deliberately, so that hersun-dress rode up her ass and presented me with a perfect view of a firmround ass trapped in a pair of white cotton panties. There at that moment,all doubt fled from my mind. Between her thighs, the soft fleshy lipsframing her virgin sex were clearly visible, and running along the slitbetween them, like an exclamation point, was a line of sticky wetness. Wasit my imagination, or was their steam rising from them?The card-key unlocked the door with a loud snap, my hands swept aroundher waist as she turned the knob, propelling us both through the door.When the door slammed shut Holly's arms flashed around my neck. I liftedher off the ground, her lips found mine. Her tongue flicked like a fishinto my mouth and for a moment I did not know where her tongue ended andmine began. She jumped, her legs clasped around my waist, I could feel herwet panties even through my jeans, her pubic bone grinding against myimprisoned erection.We fell onto the bed, a eight-limbed writhing beast, trying to crawldown each other's throats. Gasping for breath I broke away, standing up totake off my leather jacket. Holly kicked off her shoes, then knelt on herknees at the edge of the bed, watching hungrily, waiting."Is this what you wanted, Holly?" I asked."Yes," she groaned. "Oh, yes, Martin. I want you. I want you now."I approached her, my hands visibly trembling. She smiled at this, as Igazed into her liquid mahogany-brown eyes. I could see her pupils dilate,and there were little gold flecks around each iris. I kissed her again,sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, imprisoning it between my teeth. Shegroaned again, a low animal purr. My hands found her round ass, slid downher thighs, under her dress, and pulled it in one motion up and over herhead.Her pale skin erupted in a turgid sea of goose-bumps. There before mewas my goddess, Holly, my goddess of synchronicity, naked but for whitepanties and stocking feet. The crotch of her panties glistened wetly,soiled, plastered to her skin. I could see clearly the rounded lips andcleft of that was the gateway of my only heaven. Above her shapely hipsand trembling stomach her chest was creased with a shallow valley, fromeach side of which rose two perfect peaks, rising smoothly no more thanhalf-an-inch from her chest, surmounted by two tiny, soft, pink nipples.Trembling still, my hands lightly touched her bare waist, my fingersrunning across her goose-bump covered skin to find the valley over herspine. Her spidery fingers tugged my button-down t-shirt from my pants.She pulled it up to my shoulders, I lowered my head and she pulled it downmy arms. The grin had not once left Holly's face, save when our tongueswere intertwined. To remove the shirt I had had to let go of her waist,but she knew I didn't want to. Swiftly she pushed my arms aside andpressed herself to my naked chest, rubbing her slim torso like a cat overthe curly blond hairs covering my chest and stomach. My hands cupped herheart-shaped ass under her panties, and she kissed me, sucking my bottomlip into her mouth, imprisoning it between her teeth. She was a fastlearner.Holly let go of my lip with a wet snap. "You like that?" she asked."Mmmm," was all that I could reply as I tried to crawl down her throatagain.After a while my lips found her chin, her cheek, her jaw, her ears. Mytongued filled these with saliva, she shivered and gasped. I kissed thevalley between her nose and her brow, then brushed lightly over her closedeyelids. She sighed as I moved down her neck, my hands still trapped bythe elastic of her panties. My lips found the hollow of her collar-bone, Ifilled it too with my tongue. Then, down her chest to find a buddingnipple. It was soft, like whipped cream, and it expanded as my tongueexplored it, tiny little bumps covering the soft pink surface. Nowhardened, I sucked it into my mouth, pulling it and the skin around it awayfrom her rib-cage and muscles. Her fingers laced into my hair, gripping metight; then stroking down the back of my neck, pressing against my back.She moaned sharply, a burst of air rushing from her lungs.Then she said, "You're goatee tickles."I started to pull away, but she held me firmly in place, her arms youngand strong. "No you don't," she said. "I like it. But do the other onenow."I could not refuse her, and transferred my attention. Saliva stretchedin a glistening strand from my mouth to her recently sucked nipple, a ringof red skin marked were my lips had been. Once I had asked Holly aboutthis, asked her what would happen when a man sucked her nipples. No onehad ever done that to her, she had said. I was the first to taste thispleasure. "I feel tingling going all the way down to my cunny," shemurmured in a little girl voice.She trembled, her nipple trapped in my mouth, her chest pressed into myface. Her muscles of her ass pinched together, trembling and claspingthemselves tightly in a jolting series of spasms. She was coming already;a heady, musky aroma filled the room. Her hands fell loosely to her side,she swayed on her knees is if drugged. I pushed her backwards, her legsfolding into a flattened 'W' on the soft bedspread.Holly's skin seemed be glowing golden from within, her face flushed withsexual arousal. She straightened her legs, then parted them, so thatnothing was hidden from her lover. She had stopped trembling now. Thegrin had left her lips. They parted, wet, as she began breathing heavilyand rhythmically. Her tongue licked them as she watched me remove myshoes, my jeans, my socks. "Mmmm," she murmured, now able to see theraging erection trapped within the red FTL briefs I had put on thatmorning. The end of that bulge was moist, stained dark.I climbed onto the bed, my arms and knees holding me over her, like alion over its prey. I could see her toes stretch, her feet arching, themoment I did so. Her thighs spread some more, so my knees would be betweenher legs. I bent down, and found her eager, questing tongue. But soon Iescaped from her embrace to trace a line down her chest with my quiveringlips and tongue, over her flat stomach to the swelling mound between herlegs. My finger tips hooked under the elastic of Holly's panties, and Islid them down, as she lifted her ass off the bed to make my work easier.Her thighs came together as I backed away, and then the panties were downher ankles and onto the floor.Holly lay there now, passive and relaxed, her legs together, as I rolledher stockings down her legs and off her slender feet. There would benothing between her trembling skin and mine but the heat of our sweat.Staring into her eyes I freed myself from my sticky briefs, my erectionpointing straight at her, thick and glistening, the veins on its surfacebulging like never before. With a tiny gasp she spread her legs wider, herarms reaching for me. Her pussy lay open before me, a wet cleft hiddenbetween a pair of perfectly hairless, flushed and swollen lips, a pair ofpale, over-ripe figs.I was floating, I could not stop the pull of her, as I crawled acrossthe bed, my hands running up her legs and thighs, and my mouth to hervirgin pussy. I touched her hot mound with my lips, she mumbled something,her fingers gingerly touching my head, combing into my hair. The smell ofher was intoxicating, sweet and hot, but what of the taste? My tongueflicked softly over the fleshy line, and her vulva opened like a flower atits touch, her clitoris and hood unfolding, thick and sticky strands ofwhite cream stretching from side to side over her hymen and the sublimegaping darkness within.My tongue lapped up Holly's wetness, and her fingers digging in to myscalp, the air rushing from her lungs in a gasp as her hips thrust upwardto my face. The taste is like ambrosia, the wine of the ancient gods; mytongue forces its way into her, stretching her hymen and drinking deeply ofthe milky depths within. My goatee buried in the crack of her ass, I couldfeel my moustache brushing back and forth over her quivering clitoris. AsI suck her dry her fingers curl up in my hair, pulling, tearing. She digsher fingers into my ears as her thighs and hips writhe under me, I can feelthe heals of her bare feet striking my back. My name is on her lips, overand over and over.Holly grabs my ears, my neck, pulling at me, pulling my head upward."Oh, Holly, I am not finished, I could eat you for hours," I beg."Not now. Later," Holly moaned. "I need you inside me. I need you tofuck me. Now, Martin, now!"I moved over her once more, held aloft by my knees and elbows. My handsmove under her arms, and curl up, over her shoulders. I gazed in to hereyes, my lovers eyes, and fell into them, my lips a breath away from hers,which I can feel hot and sweet upon my face. Her thighs spread wider and Ikiss her, my tongue dipping into her mouth. Then the glans of my ragingerection touches the hot, wet space between her thighs, the fleshy figs ofher mound parting as swiftly as the automatic doors in the hotel lobby. Mymouth was filled with her sticky sweet ambrosia, now coating her own tonguetoo; but she was still dripping wet.Then I was within her, a boiling hot wetness surrounded the tip of mycock. It slid over the head and down the shaft like a tight, flamingrubber ring. The heat within her was incredible, the muscles of her vaginaconstricting with every one of her labored breaths, milking my cock everyinch that I moved into her. She had flinched just a little at first as Ihad penetrated her, breaking her hymen, but then her thighs clasped metightly, gripped my waist, her ankles crossed over my back, pulling me intoher, deeper and deeper.Time seemed to stop. There was only flaming heat and florid wetness, asheath of flesh that seemed to envelop my body from head to toe, startingwith the tip of my cock. Her pelvis surged against me, her pubic boneground into mine, every bit of my seven-and-a-half inches was buried withinHolly's virgin pussy.There was rushing sound, like the wind, like a rainstorm, filling theroom. It pounded my ears and echoed the throbbing fire in my head, sweatstreaming from every pore in response to it, an echo to the throbbing ofmy cock within her tight pussy. Then I realized the rushing sound wascoming from us. We were shouting in ecstasy.Her hands and arms were wrapped tightly around my neck, her tongue dugdeeply as it could go into my left ear. My lips were on her neck, suckingat the skin just below her hairline, perspiration was pouring from herbody. The musk of her sweat even more heady than that from between herlegs.I shifted my weight, Holly grunted, my pelvis drawing my cock out fromher fleshy sheath. Just a few inches, and then I thrust into her again,hard and firm. A loud throaty grown escaped her lips and with my secondstroke, longer, her body thrust up off the bed to plaster her hot skinagainst mine. One more thrust, and then I too was groaning, my pubic haircrushing against her clitoris. I came, a streaming jet of semen explodinginto Holly's tight virgin pussy. It seemed to last forever, my hipsbucking into her as her pelvis thrust madly back at me, as wave after waveI ejaculated into her. Her hands were now on my stomach, her fingersdigging into the soft love handles around my waist, pulling me into her,harder and harder.Then she screamed, a throaty growl, unexpected out of one so young. Icould feel her orgasm then, the flesh within her pussy gripping me tighterand tighter in a rhythmic spasm, like a pair of hands were in theresomewhere, crushing my cock, forcing the blood back into my body, and mycum into hers.
We collapsed, immobile, drenched in sweat, breathing heavily, breathingin unison. Our hearts were racing, but racing as one, each beat of minematched by one of hers.Not wanting to crush her, I rolled over onto my back, with herstraddling me, my cock still buried inside her. She sits up, kneesgripping my waist, her hands upon my belly, her touch like an electricspark. Then she begins to bounce up and down on my cock, riding me like ahorse. By Holly's face I see she is going to cum again, and her hands gripthe hair on my chest, twisting and pulling, as she throws back her head,hair whipping around. Wet, it showers my face with her sweat and I cantaste the salt of it on my lips.Holly rises, my cock sliding all the way out to its tip. I think she isdone, but no, she slams back down its length. Again. And then rising oncemore, she comes down hard, her whole body writhing on my cock, churning herass against my pelvis and crushing my balls painfully. Beautiful,exquisite pain. She laughs as she cums, this time. And once more liquidfire streams from my cock to fill her up. Where could all of that begoing, I wonder, where could it all be coming from, as she collapses nearlyunconscious across my chest, her arms outstretched, her thighs quivering.This is no ten year old girl. The soul inside this creature must beten-thousand years old.After a time our eyes open, open a the same time, to find each lookingdeep into the others. We are lying together, on our sides, the bedspreadpiled on the floor, soaked with our sweat and her virgin blood. Cool whitesheets are spread beneath us, somehow keeping us from falling through thefloor and the ground beneath and out the other side of the earth into thedepths of space.Absentmindedly my new lover runs her hands over my body, examiningeverything. The hairs on my chest, on my belly, her finger questing intothe crevice of my belly button. She pulls my curly pubic hair out intolong straight strands, then watches curiously as they curl up tight whenreleased. She dries off my cock with a sheet, then explores every bit ofit, too. Clear fluid dribbles from it in response to this treatment. Boldshe wipes it with her finger and puts it into her mouth. Then Hollyglances up at me, as I watch her do this. She blushes, embarrassed, like achild who has been caught dipping her finger in to the frosting of abirthday cake, hours before it was due to be eaten."I could feel it," Holly said. "I could feel it coming out." Shestretched and lay languidly across me, her head resting in the crook of myarm. One leg moved absently, rubbing her smooth inner thigh against myhairy leg, then hooking over it. "I could feel your cock spasm as your cumpumped out. I could feel it splashing inside me, even hotter than yourcock. It felt like it was going all the way up into my stomach."We seem to lay there for hours, holding each other, as our bodies cooldown. And soon our interlude must end. One of us suggests a shower, theother takes that as an excuse for more fun.The shower is hot, steam filling the white-tiled room. With soap in onehand and a soft terry cloth in the other, I clean the dried blood frombetween my lovers thighs. There is not so much of it, really, I hadexpected something more dramatic. I explore her marvelous, shapely bodywith soapy hands, and she explores mine with hers. I marvel at how perfectshe seems to me, how exactly she is what I desire most. Her attentions onmy cock have awakened it again. She hugs me, kisses my chest and nipples,tugs at my chest hair with her teeth.Holly flashes that wicked smile again. "I want to do everything,' shesays, "but you've got too much hair down there." She stretches out of theshower to the shelf over the sink, returning with my razor and shaving gel."Well this is new," I say, as she sets to work."How do you know how to do this?" I ask."I shave my dad sometimes," Holly replied, looking up at me, "No,Monkey! His face! Don't you have a filthy mind!"I laugh but she warns me to be still, unless I want to be cut. I obey.She makes quick work of my thick pubic hair and rubs the fresh pink skinwith soap and water fingers. She runs her hands down my thighs and legs.Then my cock is in her sweet mouth. She cannot take all of it, but seeingthe look of ecstasy on my face she grips what won't fit with her hands.Her lips ride up and down the shaft, her cheeks deflating as she suckshard, her lips forced into and out of her mouth with each stroke. Hertongue rubs the underside, her teeth touch gently on the tender skin. Ican feel the head of my cock tickling the back of her throat; and therealization causes me to cum. I explode down her throat.Holly gasps, then coughs, swallowing every bit of it. "I could feel ithitting the back of my throat!" she exclaims, "Wow!" She grins up at me, "Ilove it."I can't stand it, my member is suddenly rigid again. I pull her up andpush her firmly against the wall of the shower, her palms flat on thetiles, her heart shaped ass arching up at me. Looking over her shoulder,she watches as my cock slides in and out of her pussy with long, slowstrokes. Soon we are moaning, her head is down between her arms, she can'thold it up any longer. Her cries of pleasure resound each time my ballsstrike her preteen ass, and I know that everyone in the hallway outside canhear us.And I am glad they can. For we are lost in the ecstasy of each other,lost in the ecstasy of sex, lost in the ecstasy of love. Lost, as I comeviolently once again, thrusting so hard I lift Holly's feet off the showerfloor. Now soft, I pull out of my little lover, amazed that so much wentinto something so small.Holly bites her arm, pressed against the wet tile, as her pussy spasms,buttocks clenching, a jet of my semen streams out of her and onto the tile,down her thighs. She clenches again, and I move behind her, she rests theweight her steaming pussy on my cock. I press my bare pelvis into her ass,as she arches her back, and reaches up to lace her fingers behind my neck.Turning her head, she kisses me full on my lips, our tongues curling aroundother.Between breaths she murmurs, "I love you, Martin. I love fucking you,Martin. I love you fucking me."I do not remember how long we stayed that way. But then we weredressed, walking hand in hand out of the hotel and into the mall. There isa bus-stop on the far side that would take her to a friends house, the oneunwittingly acting as her alibi.I steer Holly into a jewelry store, and buy her one of those sillysentimental love necklaces, the kind with a heart that splits in two. Shesmiles at me, unable to say anything, but her hand repeatedly squeezesmine. The middle-aged clerk smiles at us. "Your daughter is verybeautiful," she says to me. I thank her, and say that indeed she is.Holly seems suddenly to be nearly beside herself, trying desperately tokeep from laughing.We find a secluded bench in a quiet area, where the storefronts arevacant. Holly carefully breaks the pendant in two, unraveling thedouble-chain. One goes around my neck, she stuffs it under my shirt; theother she proudly displays on the outside of her dress.She says, "Wait here, don't move. I have to pee."Holly returns a few minutes later, something clenched tightly in onesmall fist. Smiling that wicked grin, she sits next to me, pressing herthigh against mine. Her fist snakes down between us and into my jacketpocket, then out again, empty. I reach in cautiously, and find her whitecotton panties, made sticky from the anticipation of today's lovemaking.Content, Holly leans against me, stroking my arm with one hand, theother invisible behind us, fingers trying to force their way down my pants."When is your meeting?" she asks quietly."Monday morning," I answer, "and I don't suppose you can sneak out ofyour house tonight""No, not likely," she replies. "But you know, I was planning to spendall day Sunday at an arcade with my friends." She pauses, "Its in thebasement of this mall. See you for lunch?""Of course," I say. "What do you want for lunch, my love.""Room service."The End