My computer is cluttered with so much junk, I don't even know where to begin to start deleting.Are there any programs or methods to help with the process of cleanup?
Let me get you two links. both, see how much you save first.THEN start going through your computer manually to delete stuff. Start with programs using the Add and Delete Programs thing. Trust me, doing it manually is best for you, and your computer.
>>2143Thank you Vorked. You're so helpful.
>>2144Also, run Defraggler again after you uninstall and delete stuff.Fragging happens when you move, delete, and rename files. Especially large ones.
You could just.Reformat.
>>2146Bad idea? Yes.
Put a list by your computer. For a month, write down every program you use/set of folders you go into (I don't mean be obsessive; if you go into your pictures folder once, write down "pictures" and then don't bother noting it again).After a month, go through and delete everything that's not on that list.