This is a fine board you have here. Except for one little problem: there was no Crocodile thread on the front page.But now there is. It's Crocodile time.
Crocodile is overrated, and because of his loud fanboys/girls I really can't stand him anymore.
>>8847It's a pity, but it happens. Personally I don't let the fans dull my enjoyment of the character. He's cool....but when I want to discuss something related to him, that's a different matter.It's like how the Pythons were Ok with Jesus when they were filming Life of Brain - they just weren't fond of his fanbase.
One of my favorite villains, but yeah, his fanbase is pretty bad. He's had his time to shine and became just another person in this crazy One Piece universe a very long time ago.
>>8847>>8848>>8849THANK YOU.
I'll be guilty of one of the people who over-fanboys about him. But yeah I'm aware of how annoying it is.
Just about all of the good OP villains have at least one moment where they're talking about their evil plans and no one can fight them yet and all you can do is sit there and think FFFFFFFFFF YOU BASTARD SON OF A BITCH.Crocodile had some really good moments like that. He was such a Bond villain.
>>8882Crocodile is the Bond villain. Fuck water, that's his true weakness. His pathological need to set up ridiculously intricate and dickish death traps instead of just oneshotting everyone just doesn't work in a series where determination and moxie fuel the protagonists.HE HAD LUFFY NEAR DEAD TWICE. TWICE. I DON'T CARE HOW STYLISH IT IS TO LEAVE HIM TO DIE, FINISH THE FUCKING JOB.I mean, don't, because if Luffy is dead that would suck and there would be no series, but seriously, Crocodile. Twice.
>>8883Crocodile didn't fuck around with the fight the first time, he had some spare time so he let luffy futily attempt to attack him. Then swiftly took him out with a hook shot to the guts, dried him to nearly nothing, and then left him in a quicksand deathtrap.the second time luffy knew his weakness so he double didn't fuck around and dried him out and dropped him off a building.Crocodile had some respect for luffy by the third time so he gave him a real fight.
>>8884Uh, yes? I know how it happened, I'm not sure why you're explaining it to me.
>>8885In most cases such things would kill a normal man.Luffy would have been dead save for his ridiculous will, and Nico Robin. Luffy also would have been dead if not for discovering Croc's weakness and benefiting from some total serendipity with that water reviving him.I imagine by the third time Crocodile was simply bewildered how the fuck this rookie was still alive. Where the first death was "LOL ROOKIE" and the second death was "I should have taken you more seriously", the third fight is the equivalent of the Bond Villain actually taking it personally and actively HATING James Bond, not just generic super spy No.5
this is a very strange thread
>>8887It is interesting that you reply to comments without actually listening to them.Anon is saying that his weakness was that he didn't kill his opponents and merely left them to die. Nothing you have said really...goes a way to excusing how dumb this is. By all rights, he should have tore Luffy in two or otherwise ensured that the kid was properly dead, if not the first time around, then defiitely the second.But yeah, it wouldn't have made so good of a series if that had happened.
>>8995I think what he's saying is that draining someone of their bodily fluids and dropping them off of a building isn't "leaving them to die," it's killing them. And the sand pit thing was roughly equivalent to putting someone in cement shoes and dropping them into the bay. Crocodile wasn't just leaving Luffy strapped to a bomb set to go off in eleven minutes, he was trying to outright kill him. If a Bond villain had ever run the superspy over with a truck and left him for dead, then that would be a closer analogy.
>>8998No I'm pretty sure it's like leaving him in a pool with a laser shark. Yeah, it should kill him, but you aren't watching and it's needlessly complicated.IE-Bond villain.
>>8999I still don't think that the latter two attempts on Luffy's life could be described as "needlessly complicated" since he was just using his sand powers with no real preptime, but I just now remembered the deathtrap under Rain Dinners and yeah that was pretty much exactly what you're describing.
I can't wait for his secret to be revealed. Specifically that he is totally Luffy's mom.
>>9002I can't decide if that would be the worst twist or the best twist.
>>9002I would believe it. I still think that he used to be a chick until he met up with Ivan.
>>9002I still think this is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.
>>9007That's what they said about Sanbo too, but you'll all see. All of the non-believers shall see!
>>9008Sabo being Luffy's mom is also one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
>>9009Not Sabo, Sanbo!
>>9016Jonix! Are you trolling /op/ again?
>>9017Are you making rp non-characters still?
>>9019Are you trying to push the blame onto someone else again?We're trying to discuss YOUR problems Jonix! You need to get over this trolling addiction! It's not healthy Jonix!
The first time I saw Croc this song got stuck in my head. It's still fits.
>>9349I thought for a second there it was afro luffy in the mouth of that crocodile, but then I noticed that it was part of Hook's sleeve not a boxing glove and the real thing came into picture.
Two more things I like about Crocodile, not so much as a character but more how he was used in the story:He was built up longer than any other villain in the series (who has been fought yet). Usually the Strawhats find out about the current arc's "boss" right before or after they make landfall on the island. In this case, they were fighting Crocodile's agents almost since the moment they entered the Grand Line. Even though Drum Island drew some attention away from him, he was still the looming threat from Chapter 103 to Chapter 210.Also, his final beatdown was one of the best Luffy has ever delivered. It was awesome to see Luffy kick Arlong through his own headquarters, symbolically destroying the building as he defeated its master, and it was even cooler for him to smash Enel against that giant golden bell. But there was something intensely visceral and satisfying about Luffy just plastering Croc to the ceiling with a continuous gum-gum gatling, punching so hard so many times that he broke through the bedrock and sent the villain rocketing through the sky.
>>9756On the last note, Lucci also has SUCH A SATISFYING DEFEAT, and it's basically the same move. Gecko Moria's doesn't nearly stack up to the other two, but Oars being defeated by all the Strawhats feels amazing if just because they used the power of DOCTORAL KNOWLEDGE.
Bumping this because today (August 2) happens to be Croc's birthday.
>>10277I...I share my birthday with Crocodile!?/dies of happiness
>>10277Wait then what the hell is with all the fan artist doing this NOW?seriously, there's a glut of this stuff on Pixiv.OH! and yes Acidgraffiti you were rightblahblahblah
>>11694Lol no worries 8/2 was Croc's fanon birthday because it can be pronounced wa ni9/5 is his canon birthday, so now he has two per year
>>11698What the hell happened to those gators anyway?
>>11702I don't even know but I'd love to see Croc return one day riding on one
Croc looked so much better during the War Arc
>>11799Oh god I lol'dsaved
Ok, so. That's Ryuzaburo Otomo as the Venusaur there. Now I can't stop picturing Croc going "BANA BANA BANA :|" at Robin during an argument.
>>11955Fuck, now I want someone to take an entire chapter of the Alabasta Arc and replace Croc's lines with that.
I thought I'd share this because it's put together perfectly.
>>11963...That's actually the video I meant to share, instead of "Blood Red Crocodile..."Embarrassing mix-up aside, it truly is brilliant. The "world's greatest RAT!" part is sheer genius.