OK, I just realized the old thread started autosaging.Link to the new chapter for the sake of courtesy:http://mangastream.com/read/naruto/42232524/2
I haven't laughed this hard reading Naruto in ages.Oh, Guy ♥
>>47547No. No, it really wouldn't. It's just a bad design all over.
>>47555Perhaps not canine then, but SOMETHING. What really kills it for my is GLORIOUS DEMIGOD BODY OOOO~ topped off by teenaged boy face. It looks so...mismatched.I don't really think it's a bad design, just a...very mismatched one.
>>47559There is no face that could make that body look good. Not with that stupid design patterned all over it.
Swirls plus flames plus more canine? So you're saying make him Amaterasu?
>>47560...I kinda like the pattern.>>47561That is what I'm saying, yes.
>>47562It's okay, Anon. DudeWithMoney hasn't liked anything about Naruto since...uh...Well, since we started making these threads on /jam/, I guess.
>>47574Yes, except for...you know the fact that this arc is now poised to give me exactly what I wanted out of it, as I said in the now auto-sagging thread? Just because I'm not slobbering all over Kishimoto's cock doesn't mean there's been nothing I haven't liked.
>>47553I fucking love Naruto.You know, looking at the panel with all of his friends, I coulnd't help to notice how Hinata is in the center, right next to Sakura and just how much she contrasts with the rest in terms of position.
So Naruto gets another power boost, that's alright I guess but who care about Naruto, the rematch of the series is about to happen!
So...who thinks the series will end with Sasuke being redeemed?
>>47581Whether or not that happens, it probably won't be the end of the series but some time before.
>>47581I'm sure it'll happen but I'm equally sure that when it does, it'll be awful. Kishimoto's got himself set up all wrong for it.But he doesn't really have a choice, not unless he actually wants to end the series with Sasuke and Naruto killing each other.
>>47584 >>I'm sure it'll happen but I'm equally sure that when it does,Yes I think this will be the case>>it'll be awful. Kishimoto's got himself set up all wrong for it. And that simply goes without sayingKishimoto writes his characters pretty horribly, that's why the best characters are mainly the secondaries who don't actually have much characterization.
>>47578I think its funny how Shino is all the way in the back. mostly obscured.
>>47593Kind of a running gag, isn't it?
>>47593>>47594Yeah, I noticed.LMAO. Poor Shino.
That picture of Naruto glowing with a fancy fox-like aura that bursts with life energy... I guess he's gone SuperSage FoxMode by this point?
>>47624This is just what it looks like when he's using the fox's power without it's mind affecting him.
What bothered me is that Naruto discovered that Kisame is in the sword because "he is full of hatred". To me that sounds like faggot bullshit. Kisame is a cool dawg.Why couldn't Kishimoto just make him say "Oh I detect a living person in that sword" or something like that.
>>47726Nearly everyone has some amount of hate/anger in them, so if pretty much anyone was in there he could have known.If he could just detect life, that wouldn't explain how he could tell there was a person in Samehada (which is already living himself) when no one else could.
>>47726What surprises me is that a sentient sword is actually a chiller mutherfucker than the person wielding him.Also, Kisame seems pretty chill too. It was a very weird way of outing him. I hope he manages to get out of there.
>>47744...Kisame wants to kill absolutely anyone they come across, or use violence to solve their problems in some way. Remember all the threats to cut off limbs when he was first introduced?
>>47744I'm guessing either any mind the sword has is too simple to have real emotions like that or he could tell they had two distinct minds (unlike the chakra they shared, which was identical).>>47775However, he's also very polite and sociable, which makes it questionable if his violent tendencies are rooted in anger (like Kakuzu's were) or just a natural love of violence.
http://mangastream.com/read/naruto/38409866/1I laughed harder at Ninkame springboard than anything than anything in a good while.
This chapter is fucking bananas. I was laughing the entire way through. This is awesome.
>>48238 This chapter had my inner fangirl all crazy. I'm still suprised at how good Naruto on the whole has been getting.
This WAS fun, but I'm worried about Gai. Anyone else get the feeling that something bad's about to happen?
My... my god, it's WONDERFUL.>>48257If Gai opens the last gate, I don't know what I'll do.
I can't believe Kishimoto remembers the turtle.Hell, I can't believe I remember the the turtle.
>>48238 Geeze Naruto, you really suck
>>48259 Almost the only thing worth caring about in Naruto is side-characters like Gai and such.So of course I remembered every piece of information about him!If the next chapter involved Naruto tripping over and breaking his spine, before slipping into a coma, leaving a team made up of the lesser characters to take the stage and save the day, I'd be quite chuffed.
>>48260God, shut the fuck up. It's just a sprained ankle.
>Gai landing on a shark's face >"This is no time for rapping! And he went to the north!" >GAI'S SUMMON >GAI VS. A TIDAL WAVE MADE OF SHARKS
>read latest chapter>my faceGuy just makes everything better. Also dat backstory, its about damn time.
>Those who open the Seventh Gate, the Wonder Gate, pour glowing blue sweat from every inch of their body"Use your glowing sweat to fuel sweet rave parties!"
http://mangastream.com/read/naruto/19840303/1>>48619I knew that thing wasn't made of chakra.
>>48626Oh my God. That Gai. DAT GAI.He has 8 MORE of those techniques? God damn, Kishi, you teasing bastard!
>>48627He what? I don't think that's what Yamato meant when he said "one of Guy's Eight Celestial Gates Attacks", but rather it's one of his attacks that uses the 8 Celestial Gates (of unspecified number).
>>48625 Man I've just realized how much better Gai is than Kakashi now
Gai is a beautiful, beautiful man.
Goddamn it, Guy is awesome!!
Man, between Guy's attack and Kisame's backstory, there's just too much awesome in this chapter.
>>48629I think only the surface of Kakashi's powers has been scratched.But Gai is Highest Tier right now.
>>48657>I think only the surface of Kakashi's powers has been scratched. You mean he held back against someone like Pain
Kakashi has more versatility, but Guy has more power.
>>48659It's like a human versus a bear.A bear can tear the fuck out of everything in its path a lot better than a human, but the human can do a whole lot more than tear the fuck out of everything in its path....This is a really dumb metaphor.
Kakashi has been deballed ever since he said to Naruto he had been totally surpassed by him... Except this isn't even talking about Sage mode, it was before that since he said that just because he made up one new version of his Rasengan that involved wind chakra.I'm starting to doubt Kakashi even knows a hundred techniques nevermind a thousand, Copy Ninja my ass.
>>48682Kakashi is next in line to become the goddamn Hokage.
>>48685Being Hokage isn't just about being the strongest, it's about being the most fit to lead. Even if Naruto is stronger than Kakashi now, it doesn't make him a better leader.
>>48687You still have to be a strong sominabitch to be a Kage though.
>>48685 HAH! it's not like the last couple of Leaf Hokage's were all that impressive and even from them Kakashi would be a step down.
Gai and Kakashi are on equal terms. Whenever Guy challenges Kakashi, Kakashi wins half of the time (which is why they're rivals) (at least, that's what I remember from pre-timeskip). They're like the top two non-Hokage ninjas of the Leaf. They're also still pretty young and have more room to improve (Kakashi continues to develop new techniques, Guy subjects himself and Lee to crazy training). The only reason why Kakashi got the nod above Gai is that Gai probably CREEPS THE FUCK OUT of the council with his youth speeches...
>>48692It's important to remember that half the time, their matches are things like Rock, Paper, Scissors.
>>48693Wasn't it mentioned that only once had Kakashi convinced Guy to do something as trivial as that for a duel?Even if not, they still apparently duke it out from time to time. I'd say they're still fairly equal.
In a straight-up fight between the two, I'd put my money on Gai. Not because I necessarily think he'd win, I just like the dude way better. They're pretty evenly matched.However, as much as my heart flutters at the thought of Gai as hokage...Kakashi would be a much better choice for that position.
Hmm... Chronically-late, pervert, cyclops vs Youth obsessed, work(out)-aholic with an obsession for spandex.Damn that's a tough call.
Guy and Kakashi will be forced to fuse into Kaka-Guy. Naruto will beat sasuke into submission and then they'll be all "I'm sorry bro." Sasuke dies for some reason but comes back because they wouldn't even let him die during the Zabusa arc. Girls don't matter in this series.For the love of God, I just want Bleach and Naruto to finish....The last chapters were pretty amazing, though, I'll give them that. In fact, thank the stars for that.
>>48736 Please, must never end. This shit will continue in pointless sequel series.
>>48736> Sasuke dies for some reason but comes back because they wouldn't even let him die during the Zabusa arc. "wouldn't even"? The total number of at least semi-important good guys death post-time skip (3) is greater than before (1) even if there have been more fake deaths post-time skip.He was far less likely to stay dead back then than now. None of the young protagonist ever die in Naruto (Kishimoto even admitted this) and Sasuke currently has a good chance of being killed at the last moment just to avoid the issue.
>>Girls don't matter in this series. Don't remind me.
Man it's nice to see the millions Naruto is making in the states get some use. Dat animation!
>>48814It is written... that once every 50 episodes... the Naruto animators descend from Oh High... and actually give us a quality fight scene.
>>48834Specially if it involves Hinata.
>new chapter outOh boy, cant wait to see how this goes->page 11>pic related>last pageOh jeeze, really?At least I can finally put Naruto down until the eventual Naruto v. Sasuke fight again.
Haha Kisame you glorious bastard, even in death you win.That last page, though. GEE I WONDER HOW THIS IS GOING TO GO. :|
For some reason, the shark in the water prison reminds me of a hamster in one of those clear balls.It's HILARIOUS. Also, horrifying.
Eh, I'm okay with this. Naruto got what they came for, so it's not like it was a wasted trip.
I gotta say, if Kisame had to go out, this is as good a way as any. Opting to take himself out rather than allow vital information to fall into the enemy hands? He's more ninja than half the ninjas in this series.
>>49013I think that was something of a deliberate point- he's very much an adherent to the old-school definition of what it means to be a ninja, the one Naruto likes to say "screw that noise" to.
>>49013Village of the Hidden Mist, they make ninjas right.
I salute you, Kisame. The only character in this manga to get TWO awesome deaths.And I liked your bromance with Itachi, too.
>>49024 >>49025 >>49026 At first I was like 'Oh I dont remember reading this' but then I lol'd
Kisame is fucking win. I was pleased with this chapter.What worries me is what's to come, considering how Kishimoto has dealt with most of his female characters so far...
>>49253It won't last.
ITT no one is surprised.http://mangastream.com/read/naruto/93055731/1
>>49275Oh what. Come on Kishi, really?
>>49277I kinda love the reaction, "PFFT, Whatever bitch, it's just an Arm."
>>49275>Flashback right after another flashbackGee willikers, I sure do think nothing will happen to her and she'll totally beat Madara.Is Kishimoto just trying to weed out all the extra characters, specifically Akatsuki?
>>49280Most likely. The series is probably going to end relatively soon, so he probably wants to wrap up most of the loose ends.It really seems either this would happen, or Konan becomes one of those characters that leave and the heroes say they might meet again but never do.
Isn't this chick normally useless kidnapper-bait when she gets wet?
>>49283For the billionth time, her paper is waterproof (we saw her using it in the rain when she was a kid), Jiraiya was using oil, which was assumably far more sticky and viscous than rain water, that kept her paper from unfolding.
>>49282She's fighting someone who's last boss potential and you honestly think she has a chance of walking away from this? If she was just trying to get away, maybe but she's out to kill the guy and we all know how fucking impossible it is to kill a sharnigan user.
It's pretty clear who the final boss is and was always meant to be.
>>49291 INDEED!
So the only Akatsuki that would be left are Madara and Zetsu. Gee Zetsu, sure are making yourself useful. I hope Zetsu is insanely powerful.
>>49275Wow, color me not even slightly shocked!
>>49287>She's fighting someone who's last boss potential and you honestly think she has a chance of walking away from this?I was responding to your "Kishimoto is trying to weed out the extra characters" comment, not the sarcastic one about Konan winning.
So what if, by some cosmic twist, she actually pulls it off, even by kamikaze? >>49304Well there's also Kabuto and those zombie Akatsuki+whoever that other corpse that Madara was afraid of was.
>>49312Then...the story is pretty much over right then and there. Madara is the only villain who's actually up to much of anything of import these days.
>>49317What about Zetsu and Orochimaru? Where are they?
>>49333Zetsu seems to be pretty loyal to Madara, so he might try to keep his plan going, but I'm not sure how he could do that. Although I get the feeling Zetsu might be able to bring Madara back from being what most people consider dead, given he can already apparently replace Madara's body parts.I'm assuming you mean Kabutops when you said Orochimaru.Yes, well without Madara we still have him and Sasuke, but both their goals are rather close-focused (on his research and/or killing Sasuke, and beating Naruto then destroying the Leaf Village) so the whole "4th shinobi world war" plotline a lot of the last year or so has been setting up would just go out the window.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaoh my fucking god
So much ridiculous shit in this chapter. I can only laugh in disbelief.
In a way I almost have to respect Kishimoto for this chapter. When he goes Full Retard, he really doesn't hold back.
>The Uzumaki clan's trademark red hair turned white.>Nagato>UzumakiOh boy.
What are the odds that the body's made out of paper?
>>49562Every piece of which is adorned with the image of a hand flipping the bird.
>>49544Why does Madara always lose THAT arm... seriously.
>>49540Rainbows don't really work in black and white.Perhaps you should have pushed for a colour page or something.
>>49586If I hadn't read it here I wouldn't have even known it was a rainbow.
>>49615But Madara even says "your rainbow birdge [with] seven colors".
Bones asked me for some editing. I made this one for me.
>>49649And this one for him.
And then I made this.
And I, this.
Oh u guies
>>49560I noted that to.. Oh boy indeed
>>49659I lol'd
>>49659Korgoth of BarbariaYes, I Googled it
>>49648 I stopped doing any critical reading of these two shounen series. I usually just assume it's all part of some retarded reference to some japanese cultural thing or something else in the series that doesn't matter anymore. for example, remember how the rainbow used to mean something back when orochimaru was cool. remember that? he used to be cool.
I was just doing some quick calculations, and even if Konan prepared 10 tags a second, it would have taken 1908 years to make 600 billion tags.someone over on Narutofan broke it down even more; http://forums.narutofan.com/showthread.php?p=34971469#post34971469-----------------I can't get over how ridiculous 600 billion paper seals is.To meet the 600 billion quoata, she would need to produce 228,159 paper seals every second for 1 month. That's 13,689,546 paper seals every minute; 821,372,779 paper seals every hour; And 19,712,946,700 paper seals every day for one month. In 2007, all the newspapers in the world only sell about 395 million copies per day (55 million in the U.S).Assuming Konan's paper seals has the same dimensions as a standard playing card (63 mm x 88 mm), 600 billion paper seals would have a surface area of 3,326 kilometers squared. New York City has a surface area of 790 kilometers squared. Konan's papers could blot out the sun in New York City four times over.A standard 52-card deck weights 94g. 11,538,461,500 decks could be made from Konan's paper: weighing at a total of 1,195,583 tons. One ton of non-recycled office paper uses 24 trees (each tree 40 feet tall and 6-8 inches in diameter). Without ninja magic, 28,693,992 trees would have to be slaughtered.The typical thickness of a playing card is 0.25mm. If Konan were to stack up all her paper, it would have a height of 150,000 kilometers. The diamter of jupiter is only 142,984 kilometers. It would take a stack of over 11 Planet Earths to reach 150,000 kilometers.The total volume of the paper at 831,600 cubic meters exceeds the volume of the BP oil spill at 4.9 million barrels or 780,000 cubic meters. Konan's papers could soak up the BP oil spill.Konan's attack produced one billion explosions per second. If the amount of energy released from one of those explosions is equal to just one gram of TNT then the amount of energy release per second is equivilent to 1 kiloton of TNT. The total amount of energy released from the 10 minute onslaught is equvilent to 600 kilotons of TNT. To put this into perspective, the Little Boy atomic bomb exploded on Hiroshima with an energy of about 15 kilotons of TNT.Sources:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspaperhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Cityhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_52-card_deckhttp://www.conservatree.com/learn/En...reeStats.shtmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepwat...izon_oil_spillhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TNT_equivalent
>>49700Maybe she used some sort of Kage bunshin.EVER THINK OF THAT HUH, HUH, HUUUUUUUUUUH?
>>49707Are you suggesting that paper made paper?
Isn't it possible she just, you know, did it with ninja magic? Like, summoned them or something? Really, there's a lot of problems with this series, but this doesn't seem like one of them.
>>49721 Are you incapable of conceptulizing how large a number 600 billion is? Really?
>>49722I'm saying that there are bigger concerns.
And was it really necessary to have a billion explosions a second for that 10 minutes?I mean really, there 600 seconds in 10 minutes, so she couldn't have just done 10 explosions per second (6000 tags). Or if she really wanted to make sure, go with 60,000 tags for a rate of 100 explosions a second. That seems like it would be enough. Or if she really wanted to be sure, go crazy and have 1000 explosions per second with 600,000 tags.Nope, had to be a billion explosions per second, that seems totally reasonable. I don't Kishi even understands what numbers mean. Or maybe he's just trying to out absurd Kubo at this point.
kishi been out absurd kubo kishi out absurbs everythingremember when byakugon and sharingan were equal remember when hard work and determination paid offremember when part 1 was better than part 2
>>49720Yes, yes I am.
Has anyone even considered that she could summon paper from the paper dimension?
>>49779Seems more like she summoned boom from the boom dimension.
A clever reference? Is Kishi telling us Madara's plan is really a childish fantasy after all?
>>49832It would be nice if he did acknowledge the fact that Madiera's plan is completely batshit insane. I mean, seriously, the moon?
>>49831Pedobear!Jiraiya's kids? Poor Nagato. I can finally understand his PAIN.
>>49784boom paper from the boom paper dimension
http://mangastream.com/read/naruto/63074102/1All this chapter made me think of was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAdaQhitdKg
So, anyone gonna try and read that "Bench" One Shot Kishimoto's making?
>>49891I'll wait and see for the general reaction.
>>49890Wow, that was boring and mildly retarded.
>>49899I actually liked it.
>>49899Most Naruto chapters are these days. This one was only okay
>>49908I'm glad you enjoyed the adventures of Frog Costumes and Flippy Tiles, I guess.
>>49934I thought the bit with the frog suits was kind of funny. It amuses me to imagine Jiraiya trying to be all cool and hip with his young wards.
>>49934I treated it like an Omake chapter. It pleased me in the pants area. It reminds me of "Naruto"'s early roots as a fun ninja comic while maintaining the serious business all-out ninja war themes. It wasn't great, but it was better than ninja flip out keikaku secret technique shippuden.