You'll see why.
Aw man, got Figuarts Double coming in July... also, I gotta catch up on this. I'd be getting some Nasca too, but FFFFFFFFFFFEXCLUSIVE!
Thanks to seeing this thread I was obsessing all night over trying to find a Kamen Rider Kabuto DX belt with Clock up abilities. Sadly there is not, and now I'm sad.D:
It's way to hard to find the Double belt at an affordable price nowadays.
OHBOYOHBOYOHBOYFiguarts CycloneJoker is in and I've paid for it. So excited for it's arrival. Meanwhile, I've for 3 or 4 episodes to catch up on. Gonna wait for that 4th one so I don't end on a cliff hanger.
>>45464I got my SHF FangJoker the other day, and he is so good.
>>43522Actually there is, and it'll come in an adult size too. It's just a little diffcult to get.I asked the guy how he got it, and he basically said you have to work on an import service like to use this Japanese Yahoo Auctions site here. You won't have to worry about bidding for this store though, it's one of those buy it now things. You pay however much money it is for shipping and basic cost, as well as the money for the service, they recieve the package and then send it to you.It's by no means fast, but the final product is worth it I think.Of course, if you want something more official, Ebay occasionally sells complete adult size belts of Faiz, Ryuki, Kuuga, and Den-O. Be warned though, these have been discontinued for a while, and can get very expensive.
>>43460 Fuck yeah, Foot of the Trial Star.
>>43461 is now almost my fave Rider. this a Double thread, or is any Rider welcome?
Anyone else looking forward to the upcoming W movie?
>>45516Didn't even know about it before now, but now that I know hells yeah!
>>45516 >>45525 appearance of the next series Rider is in this movie, Kamen Rider OOO
>>45496 Video's been taken down. Nobody’s Perfect02. Nobody’s Perfect (Hard Boiled JAZZ Edit.)03. Nobody’s Perfect (Instrumental)
SKULL! / JO-KAA!Henshin!
>>45550DO WANT to the MAX
>>45550The asymmetry is kind of pissing me off.
>>45550 Have another custom figure.
Curiosity- Random-Does anyone here actually like the original era of Riders? Also has anyone read the Kamen Rider Spirits manga?
>>45607It is the most badass thing ever to badass. Why?
>>45610Like I said->>Curiosity- Random-The original Riders are some of my favourite.
W seems almost tailor-made to be easy for the fans to shop in interesting ways lol
>>45614>NazcaSkullHNNNNNNNNNG WHAT?
>>45607 >>Do you like Showa?Love it.
>>45607Though I do like alot of the newer series and it's impossible to find subbed versions of the old ones (though people on 4chan /m/ have apprently been working on it I believe), yeah I like the originals more for being about JUSTICE! and pyrotechnics being better than cheap CGI. I've always though the cheese of the older stuff is a pro not a con.
>>45677 Skull might be friends with Ironman but V3 is best pals with SUPAIDAMAN!
>>45704 And he's got a little more Iron than Tony does.
Count up your sins guys!
CycloneJoker Represent!
[5:08:29 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Hey Tiki.[5:08:47 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: Howdy![5:08:50 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Say, I may have asked you this already, but do you watch any of the Kamen Rider series?[5:08:54 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Because holy shit.[5:09:11 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: W is concentrated awesome.[5:09:13 PM | Edited 5:09:20 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: DIE SETSA[5:09:47 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: The Best Kamen Rider.[5:09:51 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: Forever.[5:10:25 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Come again?[5:11:14 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Also, HOLY CRAP DON KANONJI[5:12:38 PM] The Sneaky Tiki:[5:12:42 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: DIE SETSA[5:12:55 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: THE BEST KAMEN RIDER[5:13:02 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: OHHHHHHH[5:13:04 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Amazon.[5:13:07 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Right.[5:13:13 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Well, check out W sometime.[5:13:26 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: HE WILL BITE YOUR FUCKING EYES OUT[5:13:40 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: Does W bite eyes?[5:15:20 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: W has stretchy arms, a flaming pole of death, a wind cannon, a motorcycle that turns into a jet and waterski, a dinosaur for a secondary morpher, and is connected to the vast knowledge of the earth itself.[5:15:53 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: But yet is still a pussy who doesn't bite eyes?[5:16:11 PM] Spreeses McShillington III: Look, just watch itl.[5:16:20 PM] The Sneaky Tiki: HA! Sure.looks like I'll be watching W.
>>45936 A-MA-ZON!!
I seriously need to get around to watching some of this. Half of my friends are obsessed with Kamen Rider for whatever reason. This guy right here >>45674 is a fine looking motherfucker and I'd like to see him in action.Someone answer me one thing though. Why do they look like bugs?
>>45941Skull is indeed one Hard-Boiled Badass. Too bad you don't see much of him in the series.
>>45941Because the first ones were based on Grasshoppers.
>>45941Well, >>45946 and I assume to appeal to Japanese youth, who love the shit out of bug catching and collecting and what not.
>>45941Have some explanation through Braves series.BACK TO RIDERS: I just finished Kabuto and now I need my frilly shirt to wear to Otakon with my KaGAmi, ZaBee, and Kabuto Zecter-owning pals.
So I've been really wanting to get into Kamen Rider, but where the heck do I begin? Starting at the original series seems as nuts as starting with old Doctor Who.
>>45968 Showa is fantastic good sir, Hongo is the original and greatest Rider.The only problem is no subs.If you want somewhere to start I would say start with Double, it's current and it's a good series overall.Another common suggestion is Kabuto, but I'm not that fond of it personally.
>>45968I'd go with Double. It's still going and it's a damn fun series to watch. Balances the comedy, drama, and action just right. Also, the soundtrack is fucking awesome.
This place has links to subs for some of the Showa series (V3, Amazon, Black, Black RX)http://kamen-rider-episode-download.blogspot.comIf anyone's interested.
>>46109It'd be cooler if it actually looked more like it had parts from Accel's suit instead a red pallet swap of Joker and all the other left side drives.
I was playing aria of sorrow the other day and came across the "Kicker skeliton".I got the refreens!
>>46117Yeah, and the belt morpher still even has the purple on it to represent Joker.
Greatest Wine-based Rider, EVER!
>>46108 Is this meant to be 'Trial Fang'?
>>46142Accel Kuuga.
>>46143 Someone mention a Cool Guy?
Anyone remember that thread we had a while back discussing how Kamen Rider and magical girl shows like Pretty Cure were pretty similar to each other, and how awesome it would be if the two were to team up?
>>46418 Awesome!
Anyone know if all of the Heisei series been subbed? Cause I'd really like to start with Kuuga if I'm going to get in this thing.
>>46438Yes, they've all been dubbed. Only problem is Kuuga hasn't been dubbed very well, as it's just the Hong Kong Translations. Ryuki had the same problem for a good while until other subbers came along. TV-Nihon and others have said they'll sub Kuuga, but TV-Nihon stopped caring after the fourth episode, and since they all wanted to follow TV-Nihon, so did everyone else.
So, has anyone given a reason why the first Kamen Rider show hasn't been subbed or dubbed?
>>46445Takeshi Hongo keeps Rider Kicking all the subbers that try because they keep screwing around with it with -tachis and such...
Have a review!
>>46840Also Bros for life.
>>45968 Watch W if you want to be current.Read Kamen Rider Spirits if you want the distilled taste of Showa awesome.
>>46867 You mean this?
>>46870 Quite, though more of it's been translated, up to Ch46 I managed to come across at some point.
Axe is my XMA instructer...he's the shit...
>Kamen Rider W 45Well, Mick is no longer a Dopant, so things ar-Oh God.
>>47334RUN!!! FUCKING RUN!!!
Spoilers for the movie>>This transformatinon apparently leaves a deep impression that W is a masked rider (like how no, 1 and 2 had to cause the turbine to spin in their belts)>>It is said that this is a deliberate respectful homage to Ishinomori by Riku SanjoI am looking forward to this SO HARD
Thread you linked to has died, do you have another source for 'movie spoilers'?
Was in /m/ and saw this.
>>47996I saw that through Vangelus' twitter. Hot damn!
>>47996Speaking of MidnightCrewSubs, are they up on youtube or anything? Cause I really don't feel like downloading each and every one on megaupload.
Well, here we are. Part one of the three-part finale of, in my mind, the best Kamen Rider series of the Heisei era. Yeah, I said it, it's better than Agito.Here's hoping OOO doesn't backtrack some of the positive steps this series made in the pacing of character development and not getting hung up on issues that could be resolved faster than 20 episodes. The aesthetics look great at least.
After seeing 47, I hope they release a 2nd dopant gaia memory toy with Utopia so I can dream about NazcaUtopia or WeatherUtopia. And I wonder if they're gonna make a Quetzalcoatlus memory.
>>48340I want that stage, but then I would have to get some memories to go with it.
>Kamen Rider W 48NO! IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS! NO!
I this my self with Figuart IXA
>Kamen Rider W 48Goddamn that was sad. Still, though, DAT FUCKING ENDING MAN. DAT FUCKING ENDING. And next episode's preview only has me that much more pumped.>>48364Well, it's not like it was a bad ending. Sure it was sad, but goddamn was it awesome.
>>48433It was more meant to convey shock and horror. I didn't really have any sad reaction faces on hand, and I didn't want to look for one.I'm lazy.
I'm sad that Double is over.
>>48774Where'd you get W 49 Subs?
>>48792 has been releasing them on /m/ for a long time now.
>>48797Either I'm herping so hard that I derp, or that site only has back to ep 36. Where can a newfag such as myself watch the W series in its entirety?
>opening scene...why does Santa have a monkey?
>>48806Because he runs the Pet store.
>>48807Wait, it was a pet store this whole time?God, I thought he worked at some department store or something.Anyway, a very odd end, but at least it didn't have any characters act stupid at the end. VERY good series overall.
Oh, and I hope W-Time does OOO subs too.
>>48805Fuuuuuuuuck, I don't feel like Youtubing this, but waiting a week for a .avi of this is gonna kill me.
Finally watched Amazon. A short but sweet experience.
Loving this show guys. Props to dasheer for the link.Thanks for the memories.
>>48900God, now I've got that Fall Out Boy song in my head.Thanks for the Memories~*Dopants transform*Even though they weren't so great~*Gaia Memories shattering*
>>48917>I've got that Fall Out Boy song in my headHere, this should solve your problems.
This movie was great if not for the blood load times!
Well, Kamen Rider OOO premieres today.Let's see if it can live up to even half of the standards that W set.
Newfag mode engaged.In Kamen Rider Decade, are the different worlds actually previous Kamen Rider shows?
>>49065Yes and no. While these do use the same Riders as from previous seasons, and how their systems basically work, the actors are different, as well as their motivations and world situations.In the original Kiva, Fangire are the main enemy of the world, and hunt humans for energy, while Kiva and IXA hunted them. In the Decade world, Kiva's a little kid, the Fangire are trying to integrate with humans while feeding off a synthetic human energy duplicate, and IXA doesn't exist.
>>49069Okay, I'm just imagining that, to the fans, Decade is one big crossover orgy of amazingness whose effect is lost if you're not familiar with the characters beforehand.
Okay, so, the girl who wrote most of the episodes for Den-O is writing for most of the episodes in OOO.
>>49077I thought that was L and Kira from the thumbnail.
Here's the OP....I think I'm gonna need to let this one grow on me, because right now I don't know how I feel.
>>49088As for what I've seen of the episode itself...Yeah, I can roll with this.
>>49089The floating hand is freakin weird, it looks like a left over from Kiva too.
>>49089I'm going to miss engrish belts.
>>49118Although vending machine bike is pretty neat.
Coins. Coins everywhere.Good theme song is good.I think I'll like this show.In other news I've decided to watch the entire Heisei era as soon as I find working links for most of Agito.
Kabuto OVER! And it was RAD!All I need now is so Love.God Speed Love that is;
>>49151 And boy was it werid!I think I'll try some W next.Also The NEXT if I feel for a movie.Bonus:
>>49417For the love of Ishinomori, do not watch The NEXT. If you have to watch a movie, see The FIRST. The NEXT is a shitstorm, plain and simple. Nifty fight scenes, but terrible, terrible story. Couldn't decide if it wanted to be a Rider film or a horror flick, and decided to split the difference in the most ineffective way possible.
>>49420 See >>49051 Also do you know where I can get all W eps?Youtube failed me...
>>49422Yeah, try They've got torrents for the entire series, and a few others besides. Granted, it's not the fastest way to watch a series, but it's better quality than youtube by far.
Just watcher the first episode of OOO. Pretty good so far. I laughed at the Happy Birthday scene at the beginning.
Damn, the sync's all fucked up on the Over-Time eps. Anyone know how to fix this?
I'll just put this DUB here.
More dub, and is the sub up yet?
WHO'S THAT KAMEN RIDER?I was gonna say Kiva.
Cakeman is easily the best thing in OOO. No idea what his deal is yet, but he is full of Ham and awesome.
>>49716from /m/
>>49763Holy mother I can't breathe
Look what I on the front of /rs/
Oh Jesus, iPhone 4 product placement.
>>49773Because Kamen Rider has never been about trying to move products onto it's fanbase
>>49790 Whats the writen on the bike again.
>>49798Beats me, I was too busy being distracted by the awesome.