That's racist.
>>94289>Foreign Hordes>(Stereotyped) Native Americans
What the hell is the one in the bottom right supose to be? Some kind of neo-classical greek amazon?
>>94298Looks Aztec.
Okay, first off:AAAAAAA THAT TRAILER AAAAAAA OH MY GODand on a more coherent note:I am so fucking excited you guys like you have no idea. I feel like I am going to pop. 2012 just seems so incredibly far away now. It's unfair how long they're making us wait and it's insane to see how good the game looks and there's still two years of development to go. I would play it right now if they let me and probably be plenty happy with it. I'm excited especially by Book and Elizabeth's interactions. Book is so old school american bravado and his commentary throughout the trailer is just great. I'm so glad we're getting a character with a real, strong personality and I hope to fuck they give him a face. The Skyline looks fun and it's all the little things that make it so-- specifically, the sound of that clinking chain being the exact same as a roller coaster as it ramps up the big hill. It's definitely Bioshock in the abilities department (see: telekineses and swarms. Crows instead of BEEEEEEEES but the idea remains the same.)And oh. My. God. The big mechanical bird at the end of the trailer, and once again, I feel like I should restate this:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IS IT 2012 YET
For a "gameplay" trailer, I expect it to contain at least a little gameplay.They should have called it a scripted sequence trailer.
So it's basically just a KKK rapture in the sky?That's...a little disappointing...Oh well.
>>94319You act like Rapture was so much more original and deep in it's deconstruction of social ideals.
>>94321Moreso than a few angry white supremacists.
>>94331 They sure as hell didn't waste time in developing an Us vs. them mentality with the surface world. Any closed off group can become hostile to outsiders and these were common hated minorities of any civilized western society at the time. You could replace Washington with any political leader of England or major European power and it would be the same thing only the native americans would likely become a Gypsy or a Turk.
I remember when people said "this is only called Bioshock because 2K shoehorned that name into it. It's a totally different thing." Well, they were sure wrong. Which is good, because it means I can skip this game and it's clunky, totally linear gameplay.
>>94362maybe it wont be linear i mean setting a game in a flying city is basically begging for some parkour shit or flying contrapoh ha ha ha hahahaha
>>94362Sure is hyperbole on /cog/ today.The game's not even CLOSE to out, how the fuck are you people declaring what it is or isn't all-fucking-ready from an on-rails demo video?
>>94367by judging off of the companys past products(within the same series, no less) and the fact its "on-rails demo video", as you put it, was just that, on rails - if the best shit you got to show off is on rails, well, does that bode well for the rest of the product?
>>94370you mean like a jillion other "early gameplay" videos?
>>94371well sorrrry for not being impressed by unimpressive things?
can they finally sort out the enemies in this game? More variety, and better AI please. It's a city, make it feel like one; dont just make me fight the same three character models over and over again, each one acting like a skittish cat rather than a roided crazy
>>94370The release date is in 2012, you fucking prat.
Well, I was impressed, but then again, I am so insanely biased it's not even funny. Columbia is just so beautiful, oh my god. There are so many colors and I think I have rewatched this trailer at least four times now just to pick out all the little details. Read signs, look at the scenery, that sort of thing. I'm loving how mindnumblingly CUTE Elizabeth is.
>>94375This would be nice.
Have they said what timeperiod Infinite is supposed to take place in? Because if its not past the mid-50s, this picture makes a lot less cultural sense.But if Cerdo Hombre is cool with it, then so am I. And he looks pretty cool with it.
>>94403You sure? Because the soviet union has to be about. The badge on that crazy guy changes from a US flag to a soviet one when he tells crow guy to attack.
>>94401He's all like, "Yeah, floating utopias are okay I guess, but CHECK OUT THIS PIG!"
>>94401 Dude people hated Mexicans sense Texas or as soon as America set eyes on the Midwest. Hell that’s where most of the hate has always originated from. This is right after the Spanish American War which was 1898 and about 60 years after the Invasion of Mexico so it would make a lot of sense for a stereotypical bandito to be one of the first and blatant of the foreign hordes at this time.
>>944011912 is the stated date, but we don't know how long Columbia has been in the air. We know it's "long lost" though.
Bio Shock the TEA party rally.
>>94410Even if its not the badge of the soviet union, and just some "communist" badge, that didnt realy start taking root in polotics untill the 1920's so its probably set then-ish.However, the original "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was published in 1848 so if Bioshock Infinite is set in an alternate timeline (Dirgibles everywhere! EVEN UNDER YOUR HOMES!) I suppose its not that far feched that it took off earlier.
OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODIAMSOEXCITEDFORTHISGAME.I'm curious, though, about just how connected to Rapture/the general Bioshock mythos this game will be, and whether these changes to the gameplay that I love will hinder the experience of it. No radio voice, No permanent powers, no Big Daddy/Little Sister theme, using the skyhook for immediate transportation and combat instead of that intense and nervous feeling of relief between areas - I'll definitely be open-minded going into it, because I love this series and respect the developers, but I'm gonna miss all these things.
>>94472 Pretty sure it's an AU man
>>94473Im begining to suspect the (noun)Shock universe is where all the punk settings go.Im calling it now, next game in the franchise will be DINOSHOCK: A stonepunk adventure.
>>94440 >>94403 >>94410 Not only that, but the clothing doesn't quite fit the era, either. Though from some of the video sequences with the main female character, she does seem almost dressed like a flapper.Bit confusing.
>>94480I want a retropunk world.
>>94480they should have fucking called it steamshock. It sounds awsome.
>>94481>Elizabeth>flapperAHAHAHAH what no that's completely wrong, Kosh, I am sorry. That is like the diametric opposite of a flapper. The only thing that is similiar is her hair kinda? But she's wearing a bustier, a bolero, and what appears to be petticoats? Something to make that dress all fluffy. So... yeahno. Not a flapper.
I'm hoping Infinite, Bioshock, and System Shock are all in the same universe. I would be so happy.
>>94473That's not what Levine said in his Game Informer interview. At least, he didn't say anything like that.
>>94483we already have mystery inc.
>>94515I NEED MORE
>>94519play Peace Walker