help me /cog/, i think i'm casual scumi tried playing sonic 2 and no matter what i cannot get past the casino night zone bossi play most games on easyhow can i fix thispicture might be slightly related if it doesn't turn into a flower again
>>93965dude that boss is a bitch. I hate it so much and after I beat him once, I just kept using the cheat code to skip that level.
Run up the sides, when sonic's verticle, jump and you usually smack right into him. I've been playing that game since I was a little kid and I just can't beat the death egg on single player. But platformers are not and never will be my forte.To be less of a scrubby casual, force yourself to play on hardest difficulty until you suck less.
I think it's generally agreed that Casino Night Zone is a bitch regardless of whether you're casual or hardcore.Least, that's the case from what I've observed.
Don't even bother with the half pipe thing. Stand on the ground and jump onto the pinball things and use them to go into the air. Just get the timing down so when you come down you hit the top of Robotnik.
Hardcore here. Fuck that game.
>mfw people are having trouble on not only my favorite zone, but also on the boss
Spin dash up the wall and jump off at Robotnik. It gives you better control than running up or trying to use the bumpers.
Have a good night's sleep, try again tomorrow.Seriously, I have beaten so many hard bosses by trying a few times and then waiting until the next day. I figure it's the time your brain needs to subconsciously get with the program.
>>93996This is the one I've always used.>>93999Also great advice.