KOFXIII 's PS3 version is on Bitgamer. It's under 1GB! Lord Christ, I wish I still had my PS3...
I kept asking myself, where's Terry? Where's Terry?Then Terry showed up.And I died a little inside.>WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH
But dammit if this series of clips didn't make me want to re-work the entire movie with KOF sound effects.Well, a super abridged version because the joke would only be good for about 15 minutes or less.
THIS JUST IN: Sequel announced for world's shittiest fighting game!
>>92295>>TERRY BOGARD CIA...You lost me.
>>92438They're making another Mortal Combat game?
>>92472yes and i can't fucking waitMK has always been my favorite fighting game and it's also the only fighting game i've ever bought save SF on the arcade.
>>92438How bad it is?I would ask to one of my friends, but he's a die hard FF fan and I know he'll be biased due his fandom.
>>92496Wow, I'm actually liking this again.
>>92496Real-time damage to the character models? Now that's something unique, that's a good thing to bring to the table.
>>92540Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance had a simple version of that too. Each character had 4 skins. Unharmed, light damage, medium damage, heavy damage.
>>92540indeed and those FATALITIES...damn that was something with Johnny Cage. Though for as graphic as those were I'd like to see some of the other classic enders
>>92543I was more impressed with the animation myself. I actually kinda liked the quirky terri-bad motion capture from the PS2 and onwards MK installments just because it seemed to add to the goofiness of the series but I'm pretty impressed with what they have here instead. Also those were some GORGEOUS backgrounds.Now make another 2-player beat-em-up like Shaolin Monks and I'll be happy.
>>92544The Vs. mode in Shaolin Monks wasn't too bad, either.
>>92496I'm worried about the X-ray moves being abusable. Then again, this is MK, where balance takes a back seat to entertainment.Impressive detail on the backgrounds, models and animations though, game looks great.
>>92585Well, they don't really look unblockable or anything (Johnny's is a counter for one thing) and I think Boon himself said they were still tweaking the power meter and trying to figure out how fast it should fill up.
>>92585X-ray is nuts. I wanna see if any of the other stuff is as insane as Sub freezing your liver and crushing it.
http://www.capcom-unity.com/snow_infernus/blog/2010/09/09/new_marvel_vs_capcom_3_trailer_on_gamespotDAT TRON BONNE
>>92645>>92646My life is complete.
>>92642>Trish doing what she did
>>92642>Implying Tronne Bonne is indeed still playableMY HEART! SHE IS FULL!
>>92642>Joe riding Amateratsu>Captain America blocks a helicopter>Trish surfing a motorcycleWHY MUST THIS BE A FUCKING FIGHTING GAME? SUCH A WASTE.
>>92669You're a waste. A pantywaist.
>>92669> Joe being saved by Iron Man >and Amateratsu being saved by Morgan...dawwww..did she have rocket boots?
>>92680nah, she's just using her jets, no?
>>92642>>Tron Bonne kicking ass in her walker after allHELL TO THE FUCKING YES
We all basically understand that in the span between Tony and Morrigan fighting and rescuing Joe and Amaterasu, they had sex, right?
>>92711well she wasn't winking at Jack
[x] Tron Bonne[_] Jin Saotome[_] Songbird[_] Nathan Spencer[_] Aaron Stack / X51 (Machine Man)[_] Squirrel Girl[_] Hsien-Ko (Lei-Lei)
Morrigan x Amaterasu.They're lesbians.
>>93484So much butthurt over this.
Anyone Remmber Bloody Roar?
>>93484>>93489I don't see why, we needed more XX chromosomes on the Marvel side and new ones too. Who else could they have picked?
>>93495Still crazy happy about Tron being back... But seriously WHERE THE HELL IS MEGAMAN ALREADY AND SPIDER-MAN FOR THAT...ohhhhhI see what they're doing. SPIDER-MAN AND MEGAMAN REVEALED IN THE SAME TRAILER BECAUSE MARKETING.
>>93496also, wow, Check out the Asgard stage here, it's got so much pretty shit going on.
So Capcom gives us Trish, and the consensus is "Alright... but do we really need someone who's basically a female Dante?"Capcom responds by giving us X-23. Touche, Cap. Touche.
>>93484Hey, it's Ophelia!
>>93503>Trish>X-23Oh man I have never wanted something to end in Lesbians so hard in my entire life...
>>93505Nurse you always want things to end in gay sex of some sort, this isn't news.
http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/sep/18/spider-man-and-wesker-confirmed-marvel-vs-capcom-3/ALRIGHT, MY TEAM HAS FINALLY BEEN CONFIRMED!!
>>93767So Dr. Doom and Super Skrull, no Fantastic Four.Dormammu, no Dr. Strange.Tron Bonne, no Mega Man?This is kind of silly.
>>93769Super Skrull covers all the Fantastic Four's powers in one character, that's his whole reason for being included.
>>93770Of course I realize that, but it won't stop me from being fussy about it.
I'm too busy being excited that I'll be able to have Spidey/Deadpool/Joe.
>>93775There will never actually be any fighting with your team. It's just endless snappy one-liners until the end of time.
I got tired of this bullshit back in the SF3 days...
>>93769...since when have Dr. Strange and Megaman been deconfirmed?
>"Look Out! Here comes the Spider-man!"I FULL JOY'D!
>>93866>Oh God that's totally Josh Keaton.
>>93891YES! YES IT IS!
>>93866Oh man, I just noticed they remixed his old theme.
Speaking of Spider-man
>>93990Man, what a typo
>>93998That's a Freudian slip if I've ever seen one!
>>94152It's easier to balance if the characters are less over-the-top different.
>>94152You also forgot the bit where they just kinda mashed them together from a bunch of different games (for better or worse). Enjoying your charge characters there?
>>94160I'd prefer broken variety. I liked how all my matches felt different in earlier games.
>>94170I dunno man. I love MvC2 but any game where Zangief isn't fun is a game I have to question the integrity of.Like, maybe MvC2 was actually a closet Nazi.
>My face when the last few seconds.
>>94174Metal Gief as an assist is fun.
>>94296Yun and Yang are cool. Also there's supposed to be more characters coming so cross your fingers.
>>94296>>94303Wait, hold on a second, I saw gameplay of these two on Gametrailers and it said "Arcade Edition"Is there a third version of this game on the pipe line? If so, I'm glad I didn't pick up Super when I had the chance.
>>94309arcade as in cabinet
>>94311... then I'm guessing the twins will eventually be DLC for the console version?
>>94318The twins plus all the updates from the Arcade edition.
>>94322>>94318not necessarily. they have to make cabinet sales somehow