So, my fellow Bioshockers...anyone else betting on escaping a crashing city as a finale?
Yes....Directly into the sea....
if they can make super injections that allow you to shoot fire. why can't they make an injection to allow you to breath underwater?what would the world do if the people of Rapture left their city with the big daddies and sisters and began ravaging the land world.
>>91145>allowssheesh, I need sleep.
>>91125>that picture:3
>>91144Exactly what I was thinking, although that sort of conflicts with the explanation of how they built Rapture in the Amusemant Park in Bioshock 2.Then again, that could be a lie...>>91145Bigger things can eat you in the water. Being able to light a match is a novel concept that would sell well, but doing something that may get you digested by a shark would not.
>>91150I'd take the sharks over the druggies with fire powers.
>>91152Druggies for me, thanks.
As excited as I am for Infinite (Which is super fuckton excited, by the way), I have to admit that the adorable Big Daddy/Little Sister relationship was always my favorite thing about the series, and I'm sad to see it sit this one out. to be intimidated by anything running on magnetic tape and punchcards.
>>91145Send in a team of specialists to deal with it.
>>91164computers in fallout never had semi conductors either.though I expected more since, transistors were invented in 1947, before Rapture was closed to newcomers.
Sorry to slightly derail the thread but...Anybody excited for Minerva's Den?Besides me?
>>91313I been letdown far to much to be jumping off the wall...BUT FUCK, it does look like they finally realized how to make DLC.
>>91157How do you know it won't be returning? Sure, there's been no sight of the sisters, but it would not surprise me if the Handyman was a guardian of the children of Columbia or something.>>91313I'm super fucking stoked.
So I got my recent issue of Game Infomer, and I have to say that my position on Bioshock: Infinate has changed dramatically from piqued interest to FUCK YEAR, KILLAN BITCHES WITH BURDS.Also, thoughts on Minvera's Den, anybody?I'd like a nice debate upon the subject.