Old one's at the limit, so let's get a new one up in this hizzle.http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/08/11/next-tf2-update-adds-trading-new-game-mode/Next update will have trading, a new game mode and the Polycount pack items. I am very happy.
>Clearly it’s Cthulhu themed, and they’re having trouble pronouncing “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn“Oh how I wish this were true.
My body is ready.
You guys might want to take a look at this. From the lad who made Persona Fortress and Wind Wanker.http://www.tf2chan.net/gmod/res/11964.html
>>89721I just spent 20 minutes viewing every single image.20 minutes well-spent.
"Teamwork is for casuaaaaals~" -Kosh
>>89721What DOESN'T have it's own imageboard these days? It's not like it was unexpected, but... still...
>>89775It's been around for two years now, man. It's sort of famous because makani of all people frequents it.Anyhow, posting because of this
What do you guys think is more useful for a Sniper? Jarate, Razorback, or Sub-machine gun?I thought that Jarate would be balls-awesome, but I find myself wishing I could actually DEAL OUT DAMAGE seeing as how I tend to be the only person around when there is a spy, and they're picking me apart with their revolver.
>>89829Jarate is more effective for frontline sniper that hang around other classes on the offensive. Use the SMG if you're planning on standing alone.The razorback just makes the spies kill you another way.
>>89830the smg is fucking useless though, if someone comes at you, you may aswell just throw jarate at them because its funnier
>>89829Use Jarate and noscope like a boss.
>>89836In my experience it can be quite effective at closer range were you can actually hit something with it's poor accuracy.
>>89829Jarate.Always.The smg it's pretty meh but it can be useful at a pretty close range, And razorback have probed to be useless. If at least could give something like a little resistance to fire. A real pity Valve.
>>89922The fact that it reduces mobility kills it for me. Hell, the Demoman's shield gives it TWO types of damage resistance and a charge-attack. The Sniper update was pretty... lacking, especially considering the Spy got the freakin' Dead Ringer and Ambassador.Oddly enough, I've been trying out the SMG again, and they must have upped the damage since the Xbawks release, because I actually killed a few people with it!
>>89954Pretty sure it doesn't actually reduce mobility anymore.And I don't find the Razorback useless, just generally inferior. If your enemy team has 4 Spies, though, it's a Godsend.
>>89954The razorback is the only weak spot of the Sniper vs Spy update.I fucking love the Huntsman, it is a truly pleasure to insert an arrow in your enemies skulls.
It should protect against backburning too.
And you should fear me if you see me go sniper, I'm a master of CHALLENGE PISSING.
This thread needs more d'aaaw.
So I'm gonna dump some.
Any questions?
genderbend of the yearall years
>>90027Why not? I quite like the idea of a skating waitress. It's period appropriate, reasonably practical, and it doesn't scream "Look at my boobs!" also, Trekkie Pyro
>>90025You are small time.
I actually think this might be my favourite genderbend.
Although this one's nice too.
I also really like this one for some reason.
>>90029>Why not?It's not bad, it just isn't great. Plus the apron/skates seems unnecessary; I get that she's supposed to be a waitress but it's silly to wear them while working as a mercHATS ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PREVIOUS LOGIC OF THE PREVIOUS STATEMENT. THERE IS NEVER AN INAPPROPRIATE TIME TO WEAR A HAT OR OTHER HEAD MOUNTED-ACCESSORY.
>>90034what if it is a giant glowy sign hat with neon arrows that point down to a bullseye at your forehead
>>90035A hat of a fool is superior to the empty head of an Irishman.Also, as much as I love most of Mollusque's genderbends, not a fan of her Scout.
>>90033I kinda prefer the "Rosie the Riveter" take on the Engineer.
Even though it makes no sense, Hippie Sniper might be my favorite.
speaking of femsniper...
It's disappointing that FemHeavy is always either Helga or Heavy-Wearing-a-Wig. They could be so much more creative than that.Were I in charge of a FemHeavy design (I don't have the art chops to pull it off) I'd keep the height. Maybe even a little taller. Think basketball player. The sheer bulk.. not so much. There's a very real difference between 'tall, less-traditionally-feminine warrior' and 'testosterone supplement swallowing poser.' Military buzz, fatigues, beret.Just a lady Russian mercenary. Maybe looks like she was in Spetsnaz prior to mercenaryhood, scars all over the face and arms to indicate more than one close encounter with and exposure to flak grenades and the business end of an improved cutting implement wielded by a drunken insurgent.Primary Weapon: more modern minigun. Lighter body, smaller bullets. More accurate. Mechanically it is no different from Sasha, but it's designed for somebody that can cart 150 pounds of gun and ammo around instead of 300. Light enough that Fem Heavy compensates the extra meat and mobility with armor, explaining the equal HP despite less proportionate bone and muscle mass, and equal movement speed.Melee weapon: Fingerless utility gloves, with a 'broken' high tech self defense feature on the forearm guards. When the fists are balled, the protrusion attached to the leather lined metal gauntlets become more apparent. The blunt protruding spikes poke out from where the mid knuckle sits, acting to focus the force of a punch into as small an area to shatter bone as possible. On crits, the pneumatic impact function and the protruding bone-mashers actually thrust out an extra three inches from their mount on the wrist. Alt Melee: Replace those broken pneumatic forearm mounted jackhammers with pistol barrels. Fem Heavy's alternative to the Boxing Gloves has her shooting her enemy point blank in the fact on a crit uppercut. Shotgun/Sandvich/Chocolate stay the same.
>>90074>It's disappointing that FemHeavy is always either Helga or Heavy-Wearing-a-Wig.Not always!
>>90084Yes, but I think we're talking good designs here, Mindwipe.
>>90085Aside the unreal huge breasts, those are pretty character designs.
no scout's mom 63?
>>90087A glasses-wearing pipe-puffing 50's nuclear family dad seduced by a femme fatale?
>>90086>Aside the unreal huge breastsI don't understand.But, yeah, Graph's are my favorite female TF2 designs.>>90085>hatersgonnahate.jpg
>>90090 Who's this wuss, AND WHERE THE HELL ARE HIS SIDEBURNS?
>>90090I hate to break it to you, but most guys like girls with boobs, not boobs with girls.That sniper's pretty nice tho, if a bit generic.
>>90091>sideburns>female Sniperwut.>>90092Eh, I like the designs because they don't just look like the original characters with boobs plastered on.
>>90090I mean, if you put away the huge breast.I'm not very fan of balloon breasts. But otherwise, Graph's designs are neat.Also, WHOA!Nice snipah!
>>90094Also, nice scoot!
>>90087>>90088anon delivers
Ahaha, oh god, this thread:http://www.tf2chan.net/fanart/res/37325.html
>>90084Oh c'mon. BE designs don't count as good ideas for anything, anywhere, at any time! :P
>>90110Welcome to the party, you're about five posts behind skippy.
>>90084>>90094>breasts larger than heads>generic animu style>good designsReally?Well, I guess that's, just, like, your opinions, guys. Personally, I like my genderbends to look as if they would not be hideously out of place in the game.
>>90113Relax, nobody's hating, just disagreeing.
>>90116 What, gender bending is irredeemable fetish pin up tripe as is. Why not go the full 9 yards and give them tits and asses that would make them unfit for anything other than sex appeal? It’s the only reason people want to switch their sex in the first place.
>Why not go the full 9 yards and give them tits and asses that would make them unfit for anything other than sex appeal?Because it's completely retarded, that's why.
>>90146 And making female variations isn't?
Guys, just relax. It's supposed to be FUN. The worst type of fan you could possibly be is taking seriously a shoot-em-up game that doesn't even take itself seriously.
>>90145>What, gender bending is irredeemable fetish pin up tripe as is.
>>90165My name's Mindwipe and I don't know the difference between a Shoot-Em-Up and a First Person Shooter, a bloo bloo bloo.
>>90170I wasn't aware shoot-em-up was a technical term. I always just used it to describe something where you shot people.
>>90177Games like 1942 and R-Type are SHMUPs.Goldeneye and Halo are FPSes.The more you know!
>>90179Whatever, nerd.
>>90325...Why are they all circumcised.
>>90337 The doctors pay extra for it and do it without asking. Its all part of a moneymaking sham that I saw on Bullshit!
>>90338Yea I was weirded out a little by a statement from a Psychology prof that all male baby got the snip before leaving the hospital nowadays..whu?
>>90341Because AMERICA.And maybe Canada too I dunno.
Just got it last night, spent a little bit getting acquainted with the classes.Already got The KGB, Bonk, Southern Hospitality, and the Charging Targe from offline practice.What's the general consensus on the Southern Hospitality?
>>90375The SH and wrench are fairly even.
>>90341Either way, guys, that time period means it would be mandatory if you were christian or jewish, which I'm most sure all of these guys were.
>>90375If you're getting harassed by a spy, I'd say switch to SH. Otherwise stick with ol blacky.
>>90378We have an Australian, German, Russian, and Scot in the crew. I'm no expert on international circumcision customs, though.
>>90378It hasn't been mandatory to be circumcised as a Chistrian since about 50 A.D.
>>90406Consensus in Europe is that the practice is fucking weird.
>Red vs Blu>Cut vs UncutIt makes perfect sense now.
So apparently I'm so good at killing the other team it counts as Griefing.
>>90688 Man, sometimes it is. Espcially if you're a god-level sniper.
>>90729But as a Heavy?
I...I'm not sure where to post this.From Makani.
>>90771 The internet always falls for the one in the mask.
>>90791Oh god the last pannel.
Bea what the hell are you doing in TF2
Okay, I'm finally able to start playing this. Got a solid internet connection, a computer that can handle it...What's the Plus4 server?
>>92339>plus4 server
>>92340 >>92339 We actually do have one, but its locked and just used for events/inviting buddies. Join the plus4chan Steam group, and feel free to ask for wheres 'Nyaon Nyaon' there.You can also find me from time to time on 2f2f main server: