Hey guys, do we have a Fallout thread?Let's make a Fallout thread! because New Vegas coming out soon and that it's sort of topical.Pic related, it's a fucking laser rifle.
-Going through Point Lookout now. It's pretty good.-Really looking forward New Vega. I hope they won't screw up Hardcore mode.They probably won't bother since the engine is the same, but I'd like an overhaul of the lame face generator, and some more voice actors at that.>>788542 was really annoying to get into, that ant maze at the beginning is a nightmare the common character times.
>>78856Enjoying the swampfolk, yet? :DAlso looking forward too New Vegas as well, I'm the only one who thinks "Powder Ganger" is a play off "Power Rangers" but hey it's 3 in the morning and I lack any mental stability at this late in the morning. And don't worry you can hardcore on any difficulty level, just makes the game more realistic: Dehydration and such nonsense.
>>78856You mean you got tired of hearing the same old guy voice over, and over, and over, and over again?
>>78856The temple is really easy to get through with only a few fights if you move carefully. I like to use high intelligence/charisma/perception characters but I can usually just run right through.
Desmond was awesome.I wish we wouldn't just get the story from the side of a vault dweller. I want to play as some kid that grew up in an Enclave colony.
>>78884Yeah, I love this guy.Point Lookout seems to crash a lot near the cliffs around the Ozymandias. Couldn't find a known bug that states this.
I tried a new game with FWE a month or so back and gave up a couple hours in. While I always thought the vanilla game was too easy, I don't think excessive amounts of realism was the right way to fix it.Once finals are over maybe I'll go back and set the ammo and damage values back to vanilla settings and give it another try.
- "Finished" Point Lookout about a month ago? (finished all quests, got all the achievements, found all the locations, etc). Mother fuck is that expansion a boatload of fun. I would give anything for a full FO3-style game set in Louisiana with that sort of atmosphere and design going on. Point Lookout is definitely the Shivering Isles of Fallout-- almost BETTER than the full game itself.(Well, in Shivering Isles case it WAS better than regular old Oblivion but that's for another thread.)-Need to play through Fallout 2 again because jesus christ, it's been years and I'm officially at that point where if someone asks me "Hey, Nurse, where do I go next?" I just look at them and go "duuuurrrrrrr." So gotta fix that shit. Plus, I really want to play the FO2 Restoration Project version of the game.-HNNNNNNNGHNEWVEGAS
For God's sake, when am I gonna run out of shit to do in this game?
New Vegas is going to wreck my shit. I wish they had put vehicles in it though. Even a simple Brahmin-drawn cart would have been nice.
>>78854FUCK. YOU.
>>78908Truth hurts doesn't it Senor?
>>78942No, that is not the truth
I just recalled, Point lookout scenery gives me a really fucking strong Shutter Island vibes. It really adds up to the mood.
>>78946 Yeah, gonna have to second that, and I actually really enjoyed Fallout 2. 3 never had tedious moments like 2 frequently did.Then again, the modding community really added shelf life to this game. I STILL haven't uninstalled it, and only just started using mods besides the "More Where That Came From" GNR extention.Basic Needs, Weighted Delayed Stimpacks, and Robot Expert actually make combat a hoot. I think I'll try Hardcore mode right off the bat for New Vegas just because of what these mods have added to the fun of really struggling to survive.
Okay, as long as we can agree that Fallout 3 isn't a Fallout game
>>79033And yet you have no problem with Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel or Fallout Tactics.I'd love to hear what asswipes like you think of New Vegas.
>>79033you really think a top down trun based rpg could be succesull in this day a nd age?
>>79041Hmm.. that's an interesting question, actually.I think so if you add some twists to it.
>>79033Copyright laws state otherwise. Deal with it.
>>79041 >>79042 Yeah, sure it could. The point of a game is to be fun, so as long as you can at least achieve that, the rest is just trying to appeal to an auidence with your concept.Ideally, anyway.
>>79041Maybe not strictly turn-based, but there have been plenty of very successful games that hide the turns behind pseudo-realtime gameplay.
>>79075Agree with this.If point and click can come back, why not?
>>79041On the PC probably since that's one of the major genres PC usually has. On consoles, not likely. It's because of that fact there will never be an old style Fallout game by a major developer.Not that I'm complaining because I couldn't play Fallout 1 or 2 for 5 minutes before being bored.
Via blues news>The Aural Network now offers Mark Morgan's "Vault Archives," a 24-track collection of re-mastered full-bandwidth songs from his old-school Fallout game soundtracks. There are four tracks that can be streamed, and the whole soundtrack is free to download for non-commercial use. http://auralnetwork.com/releases
>>79323I will be playing this as I love you tenderly.
>>79323>Download button isn't workingFFfffff
I'm doing a run as Kenshiro!
>>79493Punching in Fallout 3 is so much more satisfying than in Oblivion. Maybe because it actually does damage.
Bumping this because a thread in /pkmn/ reminded me:WHY THE FUCK CAN'T WE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE JUST HAVE CO-OP IN FO3/NEW VEGAS?! PLEASE?I just want to roam around the wasteland killin' bitches with a few bros. Just ratchet the difficulty WAY UP when you got folks with you and go nuts. God fucking damn.
>>79923 Because designing and coding a great single player experience while ALSO coding a multiplayer experience at the same time makes both suffer.
>>79923Because that would require competency Bethesda doesn't have
An interesting tidbit for New Vegas:http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=54924>Moving the Big Guns to different weapon skills and dissolving the Big Guns skill would allow weapons like the minigun to remain as a powerful top tier weapon without needing to invent low-tier "Big Guns" that might further confuse the dividing line. Coming up with a wide power spectrum of Guns, Energy Weapons, and Explosives would not be hard at all. > Since our skill point economy is more frugal (I'll delve into this another time) and since we do have Strength requirements on weapons (resulting in increased sway for firearms and a decreased rate of fire for melee/unarmed), where you invest your skill points and SPECIAL points is still pretty important. A fully upgraded minigun wielded by a character with high Guns and high Strength cuts down rooms of people like a scythe, even at relatively long range. In the hands of an unskilled, low Strength character, it sprays a lot of bullets all over the place.Thoughts? This mostly seems like a good thing.
...goddamnit, as if the original Fallout 3 wasn't addictive enough already.Wonder if theres a perk/SPECIAL dependent trait to cheat.
>>80759brb maxing out my Luck score
>>79947>New Vegas>Bethesdaoh u>>79942What I'm saying is make it like Fable II's co-op. Er. sort of. Not exactly like it because most aspects of Fable II's co-op is shit. But I'm saying drop in and drop out of people's games a la Fable II and just adventure around with a buddy. When you're with a buddy, the game's difficulty ratchets up a bit more than what you're used to. Design a few areas that can be tackled single-player but are more fun/easier/more effective? when played with a friend. Make the hub for finding a game a bar or something....Basically make it Animal Crossing: Wild World but after the end of the world. :|
>>80761>The hub for finding a game a barI can think of just the perfect place.http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Cafe_of_Broken_Dreams
>>80785Oh GOD, I totally forgot about this. Holy shit, BOB, I love you. That would be fucking amazing. Just make it instantly accessible from the start of the game (thus ruining some of the mystique, but hey, it's for the sake of co-op wasteland wanderin') by allowing players to fast-travel to it from the get-go or something. IDK.goddammit obsidian this is a good fucking idea i just want someone to adventure with in the middle of goddamn nowhere ;~;
I was watching Shamus Young's Fallout 3 LP and he and his companions brought up a rather amusing point:In Fallout, you are basically just a wandering junk merchant.
>Find skeleton during Reily's Ranger's quest with a recording near it.>Man upset, crying, saying he misses his daughter "His Little Moonbeam">Think nothing of it.>Meet Sydney, one of my favorite characters>Finish quest involving her and the Decleration of independence, talk to her>Tells me about her dad was awesome until he up and abandoned her.>"He called me his little moonbeam">???>Begin to sob.
>Alright, I'm out of the hotel and all I have to do is escort the group back to their base.>Why is there a crazy man talking on a loudspeakeOH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING JESUS CHRIST THERE'S NOWHERE TO GO
>>81369>He didn't find the Ranger's Base first!>laughingwhores.jpg
>>81369>Hmm, looks like that bridge-like collapsed section of building might lead somewhere>Get in through sewers>Steadily kill my way through a meat grinder of super mutants for the better part of an hour, mainly feeling satisfaction over hypothesis being proven valid.>Oh, there's some guys up here.>Nope, never met this "Reily" person, just poking my nose around. >Listen, I'm pretty much out of mundane ammo, so I'll just be covering you with this chaingun and rocket launcher.
I just want some more radio broadcasts after the end of the game this time."Remember that kid you saved from giant ants like, as soon as you left the vault? He's still saved!"
The only Obsidian game I've played is KOTOR2, which I enjoyed, but I've not heard great things about their other titles.Still, it's the team that made Fallout 2, so I'm excited for New Vegas. I'll be happy just wandering the waste and immersing myself in Avelone's writing again.
>>81412I always wanted to put together a fan-made Fallout 3 radio show in the style of This American Life. You know, something new to mod into the game so you'd have something to listen to and shit. Plus TAL is fucking awesome. Just never knew how to get the project off the ground.
>>81430Well there's mods to add your MP3 collection to the radio, and also a mod that adds in like 75 Songs from the appropriate era.
>>81430Anyone know where the Super Mutant radio mod went to? I've tried to track it down again and I cannot seem to find it.
>>81436http://www.moddb.com/mods/talk-thing-with-cruk-mutant-radio-beta-ver-05/featuresGoogle is HARD
>>81437In the future, do this:http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Super+Mutant+radio+modIt tends to get the point across pretty well.
http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/14341976/fallout-new-vegas/videos/falloutnv_vdp_060310_v3.htmlBROTHERS AND SISTERS, BEHOLD: GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE!
>>81548Well, that looks... pretty much the same as Fallout 3.Not that I was expecting much different, it's just that the engine's looking pretty clunky by this point in time.
>>81548New super mutants. Ones that are willing to talk to you! Joyfull days!
Bumping because I pre-orderd Vegas today.
>>82237 Likewise, but only once I saw the pre-order benifits. Didn't realize other groups were offering stuff, but thats fine. Classic Set might have been nice, but Caravan looks pretty sweet too.http://bethblog.com/index.php/2010/06/10/fallout-new-vegas-digital-pre-sell-packs-now-available/That, and I really don't want to give Gamestop my money.
>>82555My god... it looks like everything Fallout 3 should have been.
>>81548i'm not sure if this is the same because i'm trapped in some kind of looping advertisment
>>82595Ugh, How meticulously cheesy and over the top! AND I LOVE IT! Im going to laugh my head off if Obsidian end up doing a better (more rabid fan friendly) fallout game than Bethesda.
Dear Bethesda, I would like:-Vehicles-Free play after main QuestThat is all.
>>82616>BethesedaTry Obsidian.>>82604Considering that this is the team that made Fallout 2, and how Fallout 3 had AWFUL writing (the writing was always the best part of Fallout) I can't see how they couldn't do that.Then again "rabid fans," when speaking of Fallout, means No Mutants Allowed, and they consider anything other than Fallout 1 to be heresy.
>>82616Well they eventually had the sense to add it for Fo3 with Broken Steel, so I'm betting Vegas will have it. Then again, even if obsidian suddenly gained amnesia Or just want to whore money out of us with a dlc that unlocks it the modding community will be quick to add it I'm sure.As for vehicles I'd kill for a quest to restore a Highwayman, especially if it could act as a mobile locker.
>>82620True, the NMA crowd arent exactly known for embracing change, hell their bitching about the latest trailer right now saying "Oh look, its Fallout: GTA!"...Though how that's an insult is till a little confusing to me.
>>82595Oh god, I must have this game... I NEED IT. Gonna blow up EVERYTHING.Also, in terms of vehicles? I don't even need a Highwayman or anything like that. Just give me one of those old timey nuclear powered motorcycles I saw all over the place in Fallout 3. That shit would be amazing.
>>82622Chris Avelone hated how Fallout 3 originally just STOPPED. Post-story dickery was the very first thing on his list of promises.>>82624They were having screaming fits over the crossdressing super mutant when we got our first look at the game.
>>82632Is it really crossdressing if they have no gender?
>>82604 Obsidian is always great at writing its just that everything else gets in the way. The fact that they already have most of everything done engine wise and just have to tweak things here and there means that they can actually focus on the story and not have it crippled by other things like usual.
>>82632>screaming fits over the crossdressing super mutantBut that's hilarious. The whole point of fallout is the dark humour, what better example than a 'tell me I'm pretty' super-mutant. Man they could simply re-make fallout 1 with better graphics and they'd still bitch.>>82626>nuclear powered motorcyclesFuck yes, and since there's a FO3 mod for that already, we know its possible!On a related note, why are there no ridable mutant horses or equivalent? I want to play horseman of the apocalypse!
>>82636There should totally be a Tame skill that let's you beat down and tame the various beasts of the wastes. At the highest level, Deathclaw and Behemoth's steeds are no longer a mere fantasy. That, or just make Super Mutant party members mounts. Kind of like how Human and Elf players can ride on the shoulders of Giant players in Mabinogi.
I'm torn.Do I create an entirely new character to fit the game's narrative?Do I recreate my Fallout 3 character and return to being the goddamn Lone Sniper of the Apocalypse?...or do I give in to temptation and begin Butch Deloria's New Vegas Adventures?
>>82747>...or do I give in to temptation and begin Butch Deloria's New Vegas Adventures?YOU HAVE TO ASK?!GET OUT.
>>82723I'd rather just go with the old friend of animals Perk where they won't attack you and actually defend you in some cases.
>>82747Well if the pre-order packs are anything to go by, options one and two are the same, in theory. That is if you were willing to give your money to gamestop.But its a shame there isn't a tunnel snakes pre-order kit.
>>82768 Don't worry, it's going to be as (if not more so, according to dev interviews) modifier friendly as Fallout 3 was.
>>83067Someone should run a betting pool on how long it will be from release till the first naked mod is out.I'm betting.... 4 hours?
As long as I have my Chinese Stealth Armor everything is cool.Also I want some form of clothing customization that doesn't revolve around modding the game.
>>83134>Will we be able to keep playing once we beat the game with this one?>JS: This is something we really wanted to do, but ultimately we realized that supporting post-endgame content would jeopardize the quality of the ending, which we wanted to tell the definitive stories for all of our major factions, locations and characters. Instead, after the credits roll the game will prompt you to reload a save created just before the endgame sequence, allowing players to go back and complete any quests they may have missed. Additionally, we make it very clear when you're about to reach the end of the main plot, so it shouldn't come across as a surprise.I guess how I react to this will ultimately depend on the story.
>>83144read: Obsidian's going to pull something stupid with the ending, like usual.
>>83162in b4 building collapse
>>83163I hope not. I was absolutely crushed by the NWN2 ending.
And then I realized I haven't even come close to finishing 3.Fuck.FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.Be back in three weeks.
>>83186Mask of the Betrayer was good and totally made up for it in my opinion. Just the sheer amount of influence you could have on your party and their lives after was very nice. Really wish the third had continued on that storyline and not...gone off as it did.
>>83186I know, right? Made the whole campaign feel really flat.
So I just started playing the game and I was wondering why my character looks like he's three times his apparent age?
>>83232Fallout 3 character creator is FUCKIN AWFUL, everyone is ugly.Still, great game.
>>83233Yeah. One time I had a child that looked like a hardcore 20's gangster, just because of his face.I need some mods to fix that
I hope we get some bonking opportunity like we did in Fallout 2
>>83253Yeah... not one of his better posts. IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY ON NMA.
>>83257 Yeah, its more effective to make fun of things people ACTUALLY say/do rather than to make usually less funny/stupid things for them to say.
>>83764 >extensive crafting system>make healing potions/powders>poisionsOH GOD OBSIDIAN IS USING BETHSEDA'S ELDER SCROLLS ALCHEMY TRAITSGOODBYE THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF MY LIFE
Well, Spoony seems pissed about it.I love the man, I really do, but he can go fuck himself when it comes to modern PC gaming. I'm going to enjoy New Vegas more than any human has the right to.
>>83818What did he say about it?
>>83819Basically that it's just a glorified expansion pack for a three years old game that any capable person in the modding community could've made by themselves, and how it's ridiculous that they're going to charge full price for it.Which IS kind of true, I suppose.
>>83821No. No it fucking isn't.
>>83821That is so retarded, I don't think there are terms for it.
The guy Spoony talked to was some dude from Bethesda that didn't actually know anything about the game, so he bullshitted.
>>83834Don't know if to take that as a good or bad sign. Though usually when Obsidian is allowed to operate by themselves without interference is when they shine.
>>83842Obsidian have never exactly shone. Two mediocre games and one okay game. Not quite the most amazing track record.
>>83848I don't know, VtMB was amazing and I loved Arcanum despite it's--oh, wait. That was Troika.Yeah, Obsidian has so far delivered nothing but potentially great games marred by halfassed bug-checking, lazy editing, sloppy content cutting, and a general inability to handle a normal release schedule. I'll concede KotOR 2 as being primarily LucasArts' fault, but there was simply no excuse for NWN 2 or Alpha Protocol.I'm actually hoping that Bethesda has them on a relatively short leash, production-wise. We'd be more likely to end up with a finished game.
KOTOR 2 was an excellent game, but a wounded one. Once purged of the Lucasarts faggotry via patch, all the plotlines actually get endings (and awesome ones). Except Bao Dorr or whatever his name was. He still just up and vanishes.Neverwinter Nights 2 sucks, period.Alpha Protocol is a little rough in the programming area, but as far as the role playing part goes it's the shit.
>>83850Alpha Protocol was a shambles because Sega kept mucking about and changing things which is why its got some faulty programing bits. NWN2..meh but as far as I care Mask of the Betrayer made up for a bit of those shortcomings and it really showed what I wish the whole NWN2 experience had been.
>>83855NWN 2 is awful. They cut so much content that a lot of it doesn't even make sense anymore (your gnome companion talking to thin air because the person he talks with was cut, quests that help with the house you could have been able to own in the first chapter). The only thing improved from the first game was the graphics. And then that ending? A trek through a half-assed dungeon ending with ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES.LITERALLY.THAT WAS THE ENDING.Mask of the Betrayer does not make up for the game it's expanding from. It does not magically go back and fix the things that were wrong with NWN 2. And you have to own NWN 2 in order to play Mask of the Betrayer. Maybe if it came with a cut content patch and something to fix the pathfinding and faulty programming I could appreciate it more, but it doesn't, and they have no excuses for Storm of Zehir.
>>83857Makes be wonder what was cut from Vegas....damn. Well I'll hold hope for a little longer but I do agree they need some better system than cutting shit and leaving the ends laying about the place. Maybe they should merge with some of the CD Projekt or some other Western European company since they both know how to A. Make Good Product B.Write good adventure stuff.C. No cut every damn thing and leave it hanging.Only problem they have is getting their stuff translated.
>>83865>Eastern Europe
>>83821 >any capable person in the modding community could've made by themselvesYeaaaaaaaaaaah, thats. Thats not really true. Making games is hard, man. We've got some talented modders, but unless they were dedicating their ENTIRE LIVES to it? No way they'd make it. At least not in under three years.Espcially if you're managing multiple modders. And THAT I speak from experience. Half-Life, you crazy bitch.
It's notable that Spoony is totally going to get it anyway and will probably come off of his bullshit.
I have to also admit that I'm not really liking some of the animation changes so far. They said they were going to improve them but so far it seems like they're making it worse.
I want my shit to not break, or at least a way to fix it completely without using something retarded.
>>84107 Apparently you get repair kits in this game. The Caravan pack actually lets you start with some.
>>84140Good, because that shit got old FAST as soon as you were into good equipment.
>>84204Well, most of the rare weapons were compatible with more commonly found ones (being named variations) and could be repaired quite easily. Using a Lincoln repeater? Just carry two hunting rifles around for parts. Granted, this got expensive for things like Sniper Rifles and .45s, but it never gave me a real problem outside of parts for the Shishkebab. You just have to keep a Resident Evil-esque conservation mindset throughout the game, upgrade your repair skill, and keep a few reliable vendors alive.I'll concede that being unable to repair the Gauss Rifle and Firelance through any means was irritating until Mothership Zeta gave us the Alien Epoxy, though.
>>84215I always thought it was a pain in the ass how rare the ammo for the Lincoln Repeater was.
Movie fits right into the Fallout Universe
>>84389That movie was awesome.
>>84389Doesn't it even begin with the words, "War... War never changes"? I mean when I first saw the previews I thought it was Fallout The Movie.
>>84393Ditto, with that music there is no mistake what the thought process was with this movie.
>>84389The ending was incredible(Also serriously dont read this if you hate spoilers) I even thought he was blind towards the begining, when he's given a room for the night and bumps into a table but then thought "naw, he's seeing things... right?" Now thats some well done plot twist
That movie actually pissed me off when I saw modern technology because my thought was "THAT'S NOT LORE-ACCURATE! .......... Oh. Yeah...."
>>84448 >>84460 I've actually been avoiding watching that movie since it was painfully obvious even from the trailer he was carrying a bible, and a few reviews warned me off since Using an infalible God as a character often ruins any chance at real plot.
>>84491Well yea, but that isn't the reason the movie comes off as awesome.
>>84491Dont worry the main character Is far from an infalible god, or a true moral centre as befitting a post apocalpytic tale.
So I've decided to do a blind as fuck run of Fallout 2. Anything I should know before ACTUALLY playing instead of spending the last five hours in Arroyo dicking around?
>>82616Allow me to rephrase:Dear Obsidian,please just include the most popular mods out there.
>>86793Oh God, official Real Time Settlers?
>>87779>Official RTS modOh jesus. The idea alone.
Thanks to the movie Radioactive Dreams I'm going to be naming my character Phillip Marlow (A double name joke as the two main characters from Radioactive Dreams are Phillip and Marlow, named after the famous character Phillip Marlow)HE WILL BE THE FALLOUT UNIVERSE'S FIRST PRIVATE EYE!
>>87818Technically that would have been the Vault Dweller. Remember the Gizmo Quest in the first game?
>>87823...You DID play the old games, RIGHT Tiki?
>>87826Yassuh, Back on my cousin's computer, were the first computer games I ever played, probably why I don't remember'em to well, I keep meaning to download them again, but something always comes up.
What I would like to do with this Fallout Trilogy disk is somehow apply the FO2 Patch and FO2 Restoration Mod to the disk itself, so I could just have a permanent copy of a fully restored Fallout 2. There's probably a way to do it, I just don't know how.
Totally preordered my copy today. It comes out the day before my birthday so FUCK YEAH~! Obsidian is giving me a birthday present!
>>87870Or pissing in your birthday booze. Remember, this is Obsidian.
>>87870 I wouldn't plan on being able to download it via Steam on the day it comes out, if thats how you preordered it.
>>87874Hahaha oh god no Kosh all I own is a little crappy economy laptop. No, I have a 360.>>87871I am optimistic about New Vegas, obsidian's track record taken into account and everything. Even if it's just Fallout-3-with-more-stuff, I'll be pretty satisfied.
Thought this mod might intrest folks waiting for Vegashttp://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13688
I wonder if this time they'll replace damage reduction with actual damage reduction.Like, DR right now is a percentile reduction of an attack. Say you get hit with, oh, a 74-damage shot. DR is 50, so you only get 34 damage.What I want is nullification. Again, 74 damage, DR is 50. Instead of 34, you get 24 damage. By that logic, getting hit with anything weaker than fifty gives you no damage.
All I hope for this is for it not to crash so much and have tons of bugs. Also I hope they fix up the animations cause their current "fixes" make them look retarded.
>>88021 Yeah, and the combat AI seemed to be durping. People with long range weapons walking right into melee characters and rubbing their faces together like in F3.
>>87946In that case rejoice, for the damage threshold has been confirmed. Armor has both a percentile and a subtractive damage reduction. This can and will make certain enemies or amor types completely immune to smaller weapons.
I want classic Fallout writing with new "Fallout" gameplay.
>>88058Awesome.In that case, I suppose it will be countered with bonus damage, then?Steel armour is immune to small-arms, but either restricts your vision or makes you more vulnerabel to radioactive or fire-based weapons.
>>88062To be honest, I'd just settle for some writing thats better than Bethesdas. Which wouldnt be hard since the only memorable characters are Three Dog, Moira and Fawkes.
>>88068Don't forget Your President, John Henry Eden.
>>88075You mean that guy that's just President Dick Richardson from Fallout 2, except he's a computer with a radio station?Oh yeah, real memorable.
>>88076A fair point. I just loved his voice.
>>88076It's very memorable to the people who came in on Fallout 3, of which I bet there are a lot.
>>88075>>88085Fair point, Eden may not have been the most shocking of character twist but his voice was very distinct.
>>88085Depressingly, yes.
>>88149I liked the fact that he had a slightly British accent to him.
>>88162>Eden>British Accent
>>88210Well, he IS this guy.
>>88213...Holy shit I had no idea he was in A Clockwork Orange. He's one of my favorite actors and I never knew that.
>>88224Really? Its one of his more memorable roles.
>>88252I guess it's that I've never thought of him having been a young man. Even though it was the same name in the credits, I didn't connect the two because Malcolm McDowell has always been the same age he is now.
>>88213But the character doesn't sound British. At all.
Incase you guys didn't know, Fallout is free on GameTap. So put down your BitTorrent and go to GameTap.
>>91064Which one? The original or the crappy sequels?
Original of course.
Wasnt sure if this had been posted yet but:http://kotaku.com/5624898/fallout-new-vegas-achievements-revealedNew Vegas Achivments: • New Kid (10) Reach 10th level. •Up and Comer (20) Reach 20th level. •The Boss (30) Reach 30th level. •Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal (10) Recruit any companion. •The Whole Gang's Here (25) Recruit all companions. •Crafty (15) Craft 20 items. •Mod Machine (15) Install 20 weapon mods. •Walker of the Mojave (10) Discover 50 locations. •Master of the Mojave (25) Discover 125 locations. •Globe Trotter (25) Discover all snow globes. •You Run Barter Town (15) Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods. •Blast Mastery (15) Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons. •Love the Bomb (15) Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives. •Lead Dealer (15) Cause 10,000 damage with Guns. •No Tumbler Fumbler (15) Pick 25 locks. •Stim-ply Amazing (15) Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks. •New Vegas Samurai (15) Cause 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons. •Jury Rigger (15) Repair 30 items. •Hack the Mojave (15) Hack 25 terminals. •Artful Pocketer (15) Pick 50 pockets. •Outstanding Orator (15) Make 50 Speech challenges. •Desert Survivalist (15) Heal 10,000 points of damage with food. •Old-Tyme Brawler (15) Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons. •Know When to Fold Them (10) Win 3 games of Caravan. •One Armed Bandit (10) Play 10 spins of Slots. •Little Wheel (10) Play 10 spins of Roulette. •Double Down (10) Play 10 hands of Blackjack. •Caravan Master (30) Win 30 games of Caravan. •The Courier Who Broke the Bank (30) Get banned from all the Strip's casinos. •Hardcore (100) Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode. •Ain't That a Kick in the Head (10) Complete Ain't That a Kick in the Head. •They Went That-a-Way (25) Complete They Went That-a-Way. •Ring-a-Ding-Ding (25) Complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding. •The House Always Wins (30) Complete The House Always Wins. •For the Republic (30) Complete For the Republic. •Render Unto Caesar (30) Complete Render Unto Caesar. •Wild Card (30) Complete Wild Card. •All or Nothing (15) Complete All or Nothing. •Veni, Vidi, Vici (15) Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici. •Eureka! (15) Complete Eureka! •No Gods, No Masters (15) Complete No Gods, No Masters. •Come Fly With Me (20) Complete Come Fly With Me. •Talent Pool (20) Complete Talent Pool. •Return to Sender (20) Complete Return to Sender. •Arizona Killer (20) Complete Arizona Killer. •You'll Know It When It Happens (20) Complete You'll Know It When It Happens. •G.I. Blues (20) Complete G.I. Blues. •That Lucky Old Sun (20) Complete That Lucky Old Sun. •Volare! (20) Complete Volare! •The Legend of the Star (20) Complete The Legend of the Star.
>>91065Are you saying Fallout 2 was bad?
>>91854I hope those "X amount" achievements aren't limited to one run of a campaign.
>>see the list>>see New Vegas Samurai>>demand that you can use a guitar as melee weapon
>>91924>Six String Samurai refrence.BROTHER!
>>91924>>91932>Other people loved Six String SamuraiKINSMEN!!!!!!
Shaddup all of you. Or I'll let the Broccoli monster eat you.Anyways, I remember an interview where the New Vegas guys said that SSS was one of the things they took inspiration from. That's probably where the New Vegas Samurai achievement comes from.
>>91854Right now that I've had a chance to look at this sane, awake and sober>The Whole Gang's Here (25): Recruit all companions. Multiple companions? Here's hoping.>The House Always Wins (30)>For the Republic (30)>Render Unto Caesar (30)>Wild Card (30)Judging by the high points, they look like the end quests. Obviously choice of siding with the Republic of California or Ceasers legion. Here's hoping wild card or House always wins is the "Take over Vegas for yourself" option.Also>>Six String Samurai fansGod damn it if I have to kill an elite samurai because of you people I will be very annoyed. Amused too, but mostly annoyed.
>>92037> "Take over Vegas for yourself" optionOr that option doesn't exist, because RPGs never let you become a dictator like you want to, even if by the end your karma meter is so far in the red the land you walk becomes barren plague-land, you've destroyed every other major power, and you are armed with all the land's greatest weapons plus enough money to fund 3 world superpowers.
>>92038What about Oblivion: Shivering Isles where you become the Prince of Madness?Or Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines where you can become the defacto sherrif for the new regime.Or fallout 1 where after the master is defeated you found a tribe becoming its cheif elder for decades untill you finaly get sick of not being dead yet and wander off into the wasteland.
>>92038Heh got that option in Singularity. Fuck both the Dictator and the man that wants to reset the time line back to normal.I'm gonna take my Time Warping powers back to the states and make the US a brutal war machine.
>>92041Also Dragon age where if you have the noble origin you can become king.
>>92041>What about Oblivion: Shivering Isles where you become the Prince of Madness?Haven't played it, sounds fair enough though.>Or Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines where you can become the defacto sherrif for the new regime.Not really the same thing.>Or fallout 1 where after the master is defeated you found a tribe becoming its cheif elder for decades untill you finaly get sick of not being dead yet and wander off into the wasteland.Not even close to what I was talking about. That's really got nothing to do with the player, it's just the set-up for 2. And the dweller is certainly no emperor or anything of the sort, he's just a dude that people started follow. The Journal he leaves seems to indicate he's rather apathetic to the whole ordeal.
>>92046I admit the fallout 1 thing wasnt realy a "you are the boss now" type thing.Also now that I think about the way VTM:Blood Lines ended, maybe "House always wins" is the support the old boss option and "Wild Card" is the blow up everything and then leave option.
http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/features/1852/Pete-Hines-Interviewed-By-Planet-Fallout>being able to make your own chems and stimpacksOh god, they added Alchemy, basically? ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME WASTE MORE OF MY LIFE BETHSEDAive got 200 flax seeds why
>>92041>What about Oblivion: Shivering Isles where you become the Prince of Madness? you got a staff. woop di fuck. nothing in oblivion had any consequence.
>you got a staffNo, thats how you became the prince. After become the prince you get guards and have to protect the realm of the shivering isles (Or leave it to the guards. Or not protect it at all)Hey I'm not saying it was the most godlike of rewards I was just giving an example of a "take over" option in an rpg.
>>92546Weapon moding and chem creation? Well at the very least they've improved on Fo3's game play already.
#1 thing Bethesda needs to add:Vault-dweller enemies all have VATS. Let them use them. The Gary vault would have been harrowing if every psychotic Gary had matrix powers. You know, instead of being a wasted vault full of paper doll enemies.Moreover, Butch had VATS and he never used it either.
>>93060 How would you know when they did? I think its just, in game context, computer-assisted aiming.
http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/09/15/fallout-new-vegas-for-ps3-meet-the-companions/Thank a /tg/ poster for this, not me.
>>93347HA! I Like it!! Wonder if I get to bonik anyone?
>>93347 >>93356 Theres gonna be so many goddamn mods for new companions, much less what you can 'do' with them, so I don't doubt it.
>I dunno, I'm not very interested in New Vegas...>See VA list>Ron Pearlman as narrator >Wayne Newton as DJ>Matthew Perry, Zachary Levi, Kris Kristofferson, Danny Trejo, Michael Dorn, and Felicia DayMOTHER FUCKIN' SOLD!
>>93501Why the hell wouldn't you be interested in New Vegas? It's tightened FO3 combat+the good writing of the old series.
>>93501 Think you can still get the pick-and-choose preorder benifits.http://bethblog.com/index.php/2010/06/10/fallout-new-vegas-digital-pre-sell-packs-now-available/
>>93501> Dorn"Marcus? Is that you?"
>>93519Yea, looks like a rough cut visual from the Fallout Wiki
>>93532>Snow, Evergreens>Suddenly realising I saw this in the previous screenshots alsoHoly crap, can it be that parts of New Vegas...ARENT BROWN?