This is a thread for Gamertags, and meeting up for the vidyas.Let's try to keep this organized, /cog/.Platform: Xkbawks LiveGamertag: bacon greeseGames I Play: TF2, Fable 2, and some Halo Shit sucks.
Platform: treecityGamertag: TheDudeVonDoomGames I Play: TF2 and not much else.*My system's having problems reading discs so I'm out of commission until further notice.**Captain Man's tag is Captain MAAAN.
everything: some variation of Agent Of HYDRA
Platform: Three-hundred and sixtyTag: JonixlordGames: TF2, Haloz, Various XBLA
Platform: PC (screw your ECKSBAWKS TRIPLEHUNDREDANDSIXTYDEGREES)Steam ID: Rykx0rGames I Play: TF2, soon to be playing Left 4 Dead
Platform: X-box LiveGamertag: Zidane035 (my brother's account, but I lack one myself.Games I Play: TF2, Halo, whatever I can get.
Platform: Xbox Circle Gamertag: Hellis3000Games I Play: Fable 2, Gta4, Halo 3, CoD4 and Badcompany
Platform: Dat TripplePSN: malomeat, CatBoyMacWhat I play: MGO, TF2, LBP
Steam - BonkinsEXBAWX- Bonkins.
Platform: XboxFullCircleGT: Sliver Demongames played:COD4, Gaylo 3, soon Gears 2 and Saints' Row 2My account is down though now as is my bawks.
Platform: Xbawwwwks treecityGamertag: PiggyliciousGames I Play: Mostly TF2, lookin to get Gears 2 and Saint's Row, and Left4Dead
I'm not online yet, but I'll be doing so come January when I have the time to play Left 4 Dead.Platform: Well, when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees, etc, etc.Gamertag: JustShotMarvinGames: Left 4 Dead, TF3, Halo, and Gears of War.
Platform: Box of triple 120Gamtertag: nekoamaGames: TF2, Fable2 starting next week, and Puzzle Fighter.
Platform: Xbawks LiveGamertag: RoboChocoboGames I Play: Carcassone, Marathon, COD4, Halo 3, Gears of War/2, Shadowrun, Fable 2We're just listing our online games right?
>>5082yeah I haven't picked up shadowrun in for-fucking evershadowrun really needs to be a Counterstrike Mod
I'm pretty sure I'm the only Kenshiro28 out there so....yeah, just to be sure, I have a Steam account and Xbawx Live. My comp is pretty shit though so I'll probably only be able to play Brain Bread or TFC or something.Shhhhhhiiiit, I should play Blue Burst again....
X-Box Live: Beaconsfield.What a shocker there.
>>5121Also Steam: Beaconsfield.
Platform: 360 degrees and walk awayGamertag: DiscosoproGames: Soul Calibur 4, Fable 2, and Castle I seriously the only one who plays SC4?
>>5089Forgot to list my Xbawx games.Team Fortress 2, Crackdown, Gears of War and the occasional game of Crimson Skies and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
wiseman913 is my GT for the 360
Anyone playing the CoX Issue 13 Open Beta?
Platlform: PS3 STEAM & DA Tag: Tentomon4 (Yes I know its lame) Playing: Littel Big Planet, shotters and oldskola!
Steam: (currently) Zack and WikiI lack the tree sixtees and blu ray players.
PS3AA02EWWarhawk and BF:BC
Anyone want to play the Left4Dead demo together?DaftMoses on XBL
>>5677Protip: Bug the Tree City players.Double Protip: Sure, I'll have it.
>>5698Tree city?
XBL: Silverius PrimeFFXILeft4DeadRSV2Unreal Tournament 3Too Human
Also as of this post, I have more then 210 Thophies! Just add me and check!
shiet. wanna play Bad Company with me anyone? I'm a hack thou.. Full artilery/support player
>>5994 Do you have PS3?
Xbox 360 - General Ivan or GeneralIvanSteam - GeneralIvan
Arch, sorry I ditched TF2. A friend came over suddenly.
Who wants to play LittleBigPlanet? :3Psn: Farfiechu
>>6730Buy me a PEE ESS TRIPLE
>>6245sorry no. Only Three SEEXTY
SteamID: Kingzley90210 or is it Kingsley90210 I can never remember.Games I play: TF2
ITT: PLAY L4D with me
>>7280good idea
Platform: PC Steam ID: KimotaboomGames I Play: TF2, maybe Left 4 Dead after christmas
Platform: PCSteam ID: godofthunder476Games I Play: Every valve game on steam with the exception of L4D(SOON). Red Orchestra, ALL MODS FOR HL.
Platform: Three to the sixtyGamertag: BigRed019Games I Play: Gears 2, Halo 3, COD 4, GTA IV
360 Gamertag: CatboyMac
Platform: PC Steam ID: Sir_huplaGames I Play: TF2
Platform: Xbox Live (360)Gamertag: AegelwardGames I Play: Battlefield Bad Company, R6 Vegas 2, Ace Combat 6 - may play others depending on what i have at the moment,
Platform: PCID: kamin3Games: Everything from the Orange Box! And Synergy! Too bad the OB version's terrible.Platform: PlaystationPlaystationPlaystationPSN: GiovbrnGames: Uuuuuh I plan on getting LittleBigPlanet soon!
Platform: TreecityGamertag: Comrade AnkhGames I Play: Tee Eff Dubya. If you're lucky, you may be able to drag me into Halo or Left 4 Dead. But, I really hate Halo.
>>11784You better be ready to kill zombies with me and Piggy.
>>6776Also I got a PS3PSN: DrKingsley
Platform: XBox Rock CityGamertag: LuncheboxGames: Left 4 Dead, TF2, Carcasonne
Platform: PCtag: [M] SaulGames I Play: TF2 is about it, sometimes CS:S
"Pymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Particialssssssssssssssssssssss..."
Platform: PCGamertag: ?????Games I Play: TF2 & L4D. I'm an easy kill. Trust me.Oh, join Plus4Chan's steam group you lazy bastards!
Plataform: PCSteam ID thing: MESIASGames: TF2, Portal, Half Life 2(if the bastard wants to run), GTA Vice City.I'm also playing some PS2 games, but I don't think this count here.
>>13211That's how I request friends.
PSN:BluejayBlueswhat I play...LBP and MGO atm.
Gamertag: King of SCIENCEGames: Tf2, L4D, Gears 2, Fable 2, I have other games for live I just don't play them. But I might hit some dead times when I run out of free 1 month trials.
on steam now as aintitthewaygot CS:S, TF2, and HL2:DM. Well get Left4Dead when I have left4broke
>>5137I play SC4
Platform: PC.Steam ID: WokenupGames I Play: TF2. Need to buy some more...
Platform: RROD 360Gamertag: MorticerGames I Play: Gta4 and Rumble Roses XX
Platform: PCGamertag(Steam): [AWaC]TOAST (or "el_toastio" if that doesn't work.)Games I play: TF2, L4D, Natural Selection.
Platform: PCGamertag (Steam): inchondmGames I Play: Mostly L4D right now. Sometimes CS:S, DOD:S, or Dystopia.
Platform: X-Box LiveGamertag: StarnikGames I Play: Castle Crashers, Halo, and Nurse is telling me to get Left4Dead...
Hey does anyone else here play Red Alert 3?Figured I'd ask in this thread instead of making its own separate thread...So... Yeah. Lemme know.My new Steam name is Dobby Consfield.So look me up.
>>20247I sent you a friend request.>>20253DO IT. I'll play with you!
>>20433So will I.Maybe now Nurse will accept my friend request.
>>20527I... think I did? It's been a few days since I've been on XBL, but I'm pretty sure I did.
Platform: SteamGamertag: GadrenGames I Play: TF2, though I haven't played in a while.
PS3PSN: SD-Zer0Warhawk, Burnout Paradise
XBL: El DdevilPSN: ChesirebankerSteam ID: thebankerddevil
>>21930 Having problem getting you on PSN!
PCSteam id : punchssL4D, TF2
Platform: the one eyed monolith (the 360, not my penis)Gamertag: mikemasGames: L4D, GTA4... not much else, I think I may have Lost Planet hidden away somewhere
Gamertag: Kapposowhat I play mainly: COD5, GOW2, SC4
>>22701alsoI connect like once a month lol
OH, almost forgot these... my pokemans information..Friend Code for Platinum: (name is Pat)1075 6837 2355 For Pearl: (name is Zero)0516 3898 8136
>>22743 I will do mine too, even if I cant conect my pearl...Name: T4Code: 3780 6343 0827Also: Looking for Bulbasaur!
>>23826Ah okay, I can get that for you in my pearl game.
>>23961 To bad my Wi-Fi USb Connector has stopped working...
I wish I knew how to get mine to work, period...
>>24097 But now it found my Wii? Well my DS is old...
Also my Brawl F-code is 3395-0167-0085!
Platform: PCSteam ID: Charlie NoodlesGames: TF2 (among others, but mostly TF2...)
>>23961 I'm ready for that now!
Pokeyman PlatinumManic1247 5122 7205I'm not good with this kind of thing.
Also I have started adding you guys on steam!
Steam: Misplaced Hicks
Steam: BernadetteS
Steam - GeneralIvanReposting because I just got TF2.
Steam- hatachi
>>20247I too would enjoy a few more rounds of ZOMBIE SHOOTAN
>>24851Okay, I'll add you tomorrow morning; sorry for slowpoking so hard there
Might as well post this now that I'm occasionally on steam.RamenKingRoshiMostly on TF2. Considering I don't really own too many multiplayer Steam games anyways...
Platform: PSTreeTag: Kichiro77Games: Demon's Souls, MGS4, GTA4, LBP, and a bit of Killzone 2
PS3YbunkerLBP, CoD4, Burnout Paradise, Orange Box, GTA4, , Bad Company, MGS4Mainly the first 3 though.