I think it works...
>>5695 Its funny that it started with Azula as the Joker, and yet she wasn't drawn.
>>5696HIS PARENTS ARE DEEE.... no wait one is still alive.
Need to add this one, too creepy not to.
>>5707thats gunna haunt my nightmares...or my dreams...
fresh out of /co/
>>5706Wasn't it just his grandma that's alive?
I'll post the rest I guess.
>>5725 This one...wow
This is the best thing ever.
>>5727 Oh yeah, I like it.
Cat suki gave me a boner.
>>5732Boner achieved
Would Iroh be Alfred?
>>5737 He is Gordon, Momo is Alfred, Appa is the Batmobile, and Hawky is Robin.Long story, check the Avatar section if you want to know more.
Mmmmm, freaky.
Say cheese!
>>5747 you forgot these.
>>5749 yes, Batmobile
>>5752>>5751>>5749>>5748>>5747SO MUCH WIN
Everything in this thread is WIN WIN WINNothing about this thread even approaches unpleasant. <3
Song= Dr. Leslie Thompkins
Someone on /co/ suggested Longshot and Smellerbee could be Nightwing and Batgirl(Cass)
Long Feng = Mad HatterJu Dee = AliceJet = Jason Todd...Jetson
Sokka- WolfbatmanAzula- JokerTy Lee- HarleyMai- Poison IvyZuko- Two faceJin- The ScarecrowIroh- Commissioner GordonKatara- Ms. FreezeAang- NoraAppa- BatmobileSuki- CatwomanToph- Clayface (I still wish she could be a good guy though)The Mechanist- Lucius FoxTeo- OracleHawky- RobinLongshot-NightwingSmellerbee- Batgirl (Cass version?)The Boulder- Killer CrocLong Feng = Mad HatterJu Dee = AliceJet = Jason Todd...Jetson
>>5760 Who's to say you can't take some libertyies with it? I mean what about Bumi?
>>5761Oh yeah, Bumi is The Riddler.And of course you can take liberties, it's a fan-made project.
>>5761Bumi is a fan of riddles though.
>>5761Well of course you can, but I think I speak for everyone looking to have fun with this when I say that threads need to be more like "lol yeah, then X does this lol" rather than "NO X SHOULD BE Y AND MAKE A INTO B".I just think we need to let this stay off 4chan for a while, get some great material here, then go at it again refreshed.
I think we should just enjoy every hypothetical scenario in this shits-and-giggles idea without worrying about establishing a canon for anything to do with it.It's not like anything that's done with the hybrid characters and scenario is going to wind up as anything more than private giggles. So even conflicting or contradicting character portrayals could just be rolled with.
could we confine this to 1 board?
>>5775No, it's that good.
I didn't do this but this needs to be added
>>5809this fits the regular continuity so perfectly.
>>5810Especially now that both of them are in prison.
>>5812 I almost saw BatSokka as Guts in the Berserker armor with that huge helmet of his, which makes me want his bat suit to be possessed or cursed in some fashion.
>>5809Anonymous /co/mrade delivers!
There are a lot missing here.
>>5851 I like this guy's versions.
>>5852 Delicious Katsuki.
>>5853 More Ivy Mai
More Katsuki.
>>5857 Nighmare fuel
Two in one combo
>>5862 Sweet dreams...
>>5864 Still looks like ultimate green goblin!
>>5872 not sure about that.
I like this one, considerably.
>>5875Seconded, considerably.
Retro version.
>>5889 story time
On an unrelated note I just watch Batman Begins for the first time...
So I thought I'd do a strip parodying the scene in Batman Begins where Crane gasses Falcone in the holding cell but honestly I'm not good with words. You guys couldn't lend me hand could you?It I had really got was;"Have you tired my tea?""It doesn't look like much but the customers go crazy(or 'wild') over it."She's also put on the mask while the victim takes a swig of the tea. Also, who should get gassed? I was thinking that two hammers guy from Zuko Alone as he sort of runs that town like a mobster type.
>>5923I know she gasses Iroh at some point and makes him see a bunch of Lu Ten ghosts surrounding him.
>>5923 Yes, go for it. We need to keep this project alike.Also have some of this.
I traced thisI traced this SO HARDI'm a shitty tracing faggot
>>5809 this must be colored, for great justice
>>5942there's a problem with that. if Mai's green it fits the wolfbatman universe but if she's flesh colored it fits the regular one.
>>5696 Green is the best!
>>5951 Shego's color.
>>5948well then do two versions.
Well, I like the new Katara Freeze version.
It would appear that someone else is doing it too.
>>6059The parallels aren't that hard to figure out...we may have to do something about it though if any other related characters show up. If she goes in a different direction (Aang or Zuko being the Bat), then we can just let her be.
>>6057 That is pretty bitchin'.
Eh, I like classic freeze better.
So did you guys hear this thing got leaked?
So would the Dai Li be Joker-Azula's henchmen? They could all wear appropriate facepaint.I can just hear Grey DeLisle's voice saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are tonight's entertainment!"
>>6251No, Long Feng is another villain, and the Dai Li turns on him.Maybe lockdown?
The Dai Li don't have to be associated with Long Feng in this continuity, just like how Wolfbatman and Ms. Freeze aren't brother and sister, right?
Over on /a/ we've been thinking of making a DA account to host all the art that pops up here and see if the fantards can come up with something useful. The art would be credited to MK, HP, GD (need to know what those last two stand for), RoachPatrol and whoever else has made stuff respectively.
>>6255No, they are brother and sister, they just don't know who the other is.And the Dai Li are associated with Long Feng. Imagine all the Dai Li wearing Alice in Wonderland style playing card outfits, and remember how later Azula/Joker takes control of them later.
So, there's no, like, canon to this, which is fine. The art, I think, is cool enough, and a few fics popping up here and there're nice , too.Still and all, I'm a little curious as to origins. We've hinted at them, and seemed to place things in a alightly-shifted maint Avatar 'verse. For my part, it seems like you could put it post-finale, but that MAY just be because I find unscarred Zuko still being bannished to be weird. Following are a few origins to be ignored/blocked/baleeted, whatever:
>>6276For one thing, Ba Sing Se is an odd choice for Gotham, considering that our three biggest characters (Iroh Gordon, Two-Zuko, And Jokezula) are Fire Nation. However, if you set it all in the Fire Nation capitol (whose name I forget) post-war, not only do you have a big city full or opulence and corruption, you have a place that's had the stability pulled out from under it, resulting in, no doubt, a wave of crime as people try to build their own militias to "save" the Nation, stockpile weapons and Benders to protect themselves, or just try to carve out as big a peice for themselves as they can. It's a festering cesspool now, and MUST be saved for the world to reach balance.
>>6277Which brings us the the Wolfbatman in question, and how he got here.Now, call me a terrible Nolan, but I like connecting origins to one factor, a bit like how Scarecrow and Ra's were connected in Begins, so we can easily connect Katara and Sokka here.It's plain that, with the aftershocks of chaos going around, the Avatar does a lot of traveling around the world, settling border disputes, helping negotiate trade, and every so often putting down an armed resistance.Naturally, he's summoned to the Fire Nation to discuss with Lord Zuko what's to be done about it's various problems. He's accompanied by his betrothed, and his best friend, who's currently taking a vacation from looking after his villiage.Being Aang, he handles the discussions well enough, but eventually talks Katara and Sokka into going out and enjoying themselves, under the auspices of "inspecting the city at night". Worth noting is how Katara suggests they stay inside, where Sokka encourages the outing.Walking undisguised, primarilly because it's beyond compreshnsion that somebody's be dumb enough to attack the Avatar, they manage to enjoy a play (And Embyr Island production chronicling an old Fire Nation folk hero) and head to a reastaurant, when they are attacked, seemingly at random, but a mad-eyed former memeber of the Navy.
>>6278Aang tries to talk the man down, suggesting e put out his fire, he can't win anyway, and there's no need for that in the world they're building. The man, however, spits up a huge gout of flame, summoning up a firebender ambush and leading to a fight. Perhaps from lack of practice or suprise, it's tough for the three to get back into a rhythm; they try to draw their attackers into a nearby sewer outlet, to givethemselves more options They have no idea WHY they're being fought, the firebenders don't say anything. Aang is on the verge of just summoning up an air bubble or a mini-avalanche or something, when something he doesn't detect, throwing star, hits catches him just above the neck. In the half-second that the sudden intrusion comes in, the dozen firebenders focus all their fire on the young Avatar, pretty much burning his skin off. Katara naturally goes wild and water-whips the lots of them, drawing blood and even maiming a few of them.Sokka is naturally horrified by this, but can't seem to react, being just as horrified by the random fate that's befallen their Avatar. Katara, for her part, os treying to do the healing water trick, summoning gallons of water from the floor and enclosing Aang in it, flagrantly ignoring the physicaly strain this has on her. She's crying now, screaming about how it's "the wrong water" and begging for Aang to get up. Sokka tries to roust his sister, tell her they need to find help, but she just keeps pushing the water untill it gives her a case of feedback, spraying all over her in it's energized state, and blinding Sokka momentarily. Katara gingerly picks up Aang, and tries to stand, mumbling about "forever" and "the iceburg", when she appears to slip and fall into the channel she brought up, and doesn't fight the current as she falls downstream.
>>6279Recovering several days later, Sokka is distraught. He's lost his sister and, in a manner of speaking, his brother, and more to the point the world just lost the only thing that was able to SAVE it. Still in the Fire Nation, and not willing to leave until he gets some word on where Katara or Aang could be (not to mention that leaving would require flying on Appa, and that's a whole realm he doesn't want to be in), the Firelord loans him a house that used to belong to a noble (now in jail for warcrimes), located just on the outskirts of the city. He takes to coming into the city at night, possibly retracing his steps, possibly looking for the same random bunch of thugs, he isn't sure. What he DOES notice is the state of disrepair the city's in, how far it's fallen, and how he couldn't SEE that because of his proximity to Aang, and the hope he provided.Robberies and prostitution and human trafficking, all aboud, and Sokka wonders who will stop it. The angrier he gets at these corruptions, the more he finds himself getting into fights in the various red lantern districts of the city, wearing a disguise as a favor to Zuko, but nonetheless getting his ass kicked in the typical fashion. He wonders if there's some way that one man can do anything, can ascend to a place like the Avatar had.An idea begins to form in Sokka's head, which he admits is none to bright. He thinks back to the folk hero story, about a man who, unseen in the cover of night, would bring justice to the enemies of the Fire Nation, and dissapear without a trace. Some kind of spirit.
>>6280Sokka disapears for a year, with rumors of the semi-celebrity being seen in the desert around Ba Sing Se, the Foggy Swamp, and the South Pole.When he returns, he's got quite a hefty amount of money from around the four nations, which he immediatly translates into Fire Nation currency. Nobody's sure how he got it. He buys the old house from Zuko, and appears to hole up there permanentlyout of grief or just stupidity, it's left unclear. He takes in his friend's flying byson and lemur, along with his messenger hawk.Several night later, a shipment of fire powder is kept out of a protecting gang's hands, mostly because thier hands were broken by some mad flying animal. The next night, a woman is being robbed when her attacker seems to suddenlt fly into an open window.Rumors swirl. Some fearsome creature is preying on the parasites in the capitol, putting fear into the hearts of those who thrive in a world without an Avatar. A small girl is the only one to have caught sight of him. She draws a picture, the public's only idea of him.It looks likea wolfbat, up on two legs and walking like a man.The hushed story spreads; in this new, chaotic world, it isn't some divine spirit who protects them, but a monster, a force of nature given human form and not human mercy.The Wolfbatman.(and now, a break).
>>6277>>6278>>6279>>6280>>6283Ooh, I like it. It also fits with the idea of Zuko being "the other hope" from TDK, seeing how the Fire Lord would be the only one who people can rely on with the Avatar gone. Which would lead into the perfect set-up for Jokerzula to come in, and then Two-Face Zuko. But perhaps in that case Mai should be Rachel instead? Only without the attachment to (Wolf)batman.
>>6283Seem to've gotten a bit carried away there, but whatever.Anyway, as Wolfbatman becomes a more pronounced presence in the capitol, law enforecement bodies (the ones that aren't crooked, anyway) are trying to fight back as best they can. Remembering his strategic know-how, as well as his acument regarding seiges, Zuko kindly asks his uncle if he could move his teashop into the capitol, and act as some kind of oversight body to the police force, without nessicarily having to take part (which is sort've like a commishoner, I guess). Iroh agrees, and arrives shortly with his whole staff, including the girl, Jin, who took up with Iroh's shop after some mysterious cicumstance regarding her family.Recognizing the Dragon of the West's expertise and near-incorruptability, the Wolfbatman makes him an ally, going to him for sesitive information on cases and (though he wouldn't admit it) some amount of comradere.
>>6286 Meanwhile, Prince Zuko's become a more successful Fire Lord than most people, himself included, would've thought.He's launched a campaign of cleaning up all the dirty ties that the throne had, which helped keep his father seated during his more outrageous moves and kept rebelion quiet. He's also cracked down on the upswing in crime that's been going on lately, primarily as a result of reconstruction. It helps that he has an image that people can get behind. He's a come-from-behind victor, who was dragged through the same muck of dishoner and manipulation that so many working-class fire nation citizens went through, only to come out on top, seeking the same change they are. He has a beautiful girlfriend (who's something of an empowering figure for young women), is gifted with the powers of oratory, and makes plain everything that the government is up to. Even his eye sacr, once considered a mark of dishonor, is considred part of his "look", an indicator that everybody has a flaw, but it can be overcome. They believe in him.Naturally, he wants in on this Wolfbatman buisness, because as much leeway he has with the official currents, he recognizes the strength of a masked vigilante to overstep the rules to do what's right. Working through Iroh, the three form a triumverate, fighting for the heart of the Fire Nation and, by extension, the world.
A wild artwork appeared on /co/
>>6287Wolfbatman's influence is felt in a less-than positive way, as well. The symbolism inherent in an (apparantly) normal man rising to the shape of a legend does something to the frayed minds existing just on the precipie of the public's notice.For instance, Princess Azula has taken a rather odd turn in her rehabilitation. Up untill now, she only reacted with hostility or silence to attempts at discussing her issues. Her only regular visitor is the former elite agent Ty Lee, who only really seems to arive every few months, sit silently across from the princess for an hour or two, and leave sobbing, smearing her makeup. On one occasion, she leaves this makeupbehind, to depressed to notice.That night, the guards at the prison she's being held at reportstrange laughter filling the whole building. A few request to leave, just to get away from the sound. One brave or stupid guard goes to investigate.None of the surviving staff are quite certain how, but the princess manages to get free, and a massacre follows, the whole prison burning to the grown with several of it's inmates escaping. A follow-up investigation reveals evidence of oddly haphazard firebending, with one conspicuously missing item: The warden was attacked, but only his sword was stolen.Some days later, a commemerative painting of Zuko, mostly painted as a PR move, is horribly vandalized, a ghastly smile and rings around they eyes burned into it, along with the question "Why So Serious?"
>>6289This is Wolfbatman's first big challenge. This "Joker" is consolodating power among the Fire Nation underworld, gathering up the dregs of society and the true maniacs to prove a point that's well beyond his comprehension.While her crimes escalate in severity a night, during the day Sokka is trying to help out Zuko with his "rich socialite" persona. Being Sokka, this mostly involves big, showy donations to the same charities and buying a dining hall so it'll look good when people report Zuko and Mai eating at the front of the place.This activity gets him close to Mai, whom he's never really talked to, as he discovers her own informal campaign; attemts by hook or by crook to get the upper class in the Fire Nation off their ass and on the streets, giving of themselves to try and alieviate the hundred years of being downtrodden that everybody else has had to go through.(Being with Zuko, Sokka notes, really gets people riled up).The main crux of Mai's plan, strangely, in a forest replanting campaign, obstensibly to renew the aggriculture buisness but, as she confides in Sokka during a semiawkward lunch, because she just LIKES the forest. It's the only place she's ever felt peaceful.(BTW, I'm trying ot keep these short but sweet, introducing a character/concept per post. If I need to trim any fat, just tell me so).
>>6290The Joker is wreaking havoc in the meantime, and neither Iroh's forces nor Wolfbatman can get a grip on her. The high chancellor, several ambassadors and, oddest of all, a royal architect all fall to the new, organized crimewave being led by this madwoman.At one of Sokka's charity dinners, the Joker (might have to change that) arrives and announces that she's looking for the Fire Lord, and it's really only a matter of the attendee's prefrence if they want to be burned alive while she and her cronies look for him.She recognizes Mai (who doesn't recognize her) and tells her a story. About how she was once a high-ranking official, with big plans, and big dreams. She was all buisness, of course, but you need to stay focused. Thing is, the thing that she wanted, that she'd basically built her whole life around, dissapeared when a friend of hers just...betrayed her. This was a trusted, carefully chosen ally, and out of nowhere they decide to just quit the plan. And everything fell apart from there, and she began to realize, as it got worse and worse, that there was no point in being serious about anything. Nothing matters, because there's no permanance, no fate, no destiny. It's all a big joke. The Joker says that she cut a smile into her face just so she could appreciate that joke more.As Mai's eyes go wide with realization, the Wolfbatman arrives, starting a fight and a hostage situation that I'm guessing anon can predict.
>>6295I'm feelign a bit tired, now, so I'm going to cut over to Katara.SHE would progress downstreammaking an adhoc-airbuble of herself and Aang by bending the water outwards. She realizes that the only way to save Aang right now is to freeze him in a block of ice, to preserve him the same was he was protected for one hundred years. Tearfully, she does so, promising to find the legendary healing water that can salve any wound, and in the meantime finding the monster who took him from her and the world.She does the same for herself, sheathing her body in ice so that she can protect herself; both from heat, which as a result of the overcharged water causes her pain, and the world which has basically killed her soul.She incorporates herself into the criminal scene, fitting in well with the new class of criminal in the city. This is really just an attempt to find out who ordered the hit on Aang, and to get information on the healing water.She thinks that Sokka has abandonned her, ading to her hatred of the world. In battle, she tends to just toss water and freeze it in mid-flight, like she did to Jet. In order to do so, she keeps a large tank of it one her back.
>>6299I endorse your efforts and may incorporate them into ideas of my own, this is most certainly a curious project
>>6288 holy shit, I love this picture.
Hmm. Just some thoughts, with the disclaimer that I haven't yet watched most of Avatar but have picked up on alot of the characterization and rough background. Starting with Zuko:-Zu-Face could become psychologically dependent on the coin flipping thanks to one too many of Jokezula's Just As Planned moral dilemmas; no matter how hard he tries to do good, he always plays into her hands, so now he'll just make decisions randomly and not waste time questioning chance.-In a twist, Zuko's scar could appear to be the same as in the TV series when it's actually covering the entire side of his face but is hidden with make-up. Perhaps he's been quieely obsessive-compulsive about downplaying the scar since childhood, not realizing that the makeup he's using is damaging his skin, gripped by the paranoid (and accurate, in a self-fulfilling way) idea that beneath the makeup his scar is growing. -When pushed off the brink, Zuko's two faces represent not good and evil but "honor" (pride) and "cowardice" (shame). Combined with the above, what you have is a man who wanted to to do good, but has been rendered so insecure by fate and the deliberate sadism of Jokezula (who likes to confide in him as she manipulates him) that he either refuses to tolerate any doubt of his actions or takes the most negative view of himself imaginable, while random chance for decisions to avoid any sense of personal responsibility.
In response to >>6276 and on (assuming that all this conceptual work is by one person):What makes me hesitate here is just the idea of starting with the Avatar series as canon; my impression had been that this was an alternate universe, rather than everyone having changed into a batmanverse-equivalent over the course of the last X years. The reason I'm leery of this is that it can make it alot more difficult to smoothly blend the different characters, though retroactive reinterpretations of the series' continuity could help (see the above example of Zuko hiding the full extent of his scar).Personally, I'd rather loosely match the Avatar canon, but with the different characters having played a smaller role in the large-scale events of the series and not necessarily having known each other as well before now (or even met).Also, just to avoid making more posts than necessary, here's a revision of something I wrote on /co/ in response to someone asking how Jokezula got her scars."So you wanna know how I got these scars?It's a funny story. See, my father was....a warlord. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Little brother tries to use firebending to defend himslef. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he starts to roast the kid, laughing while he does it. Turns to me and he says 'Why so serious?' Comes at me with hands trailing smoke, 'Why so serious?' He grabs ahold of my face with one hand, like this*. 'Lets put a smile on that face!' And..... Why so serious?"(Ten minutes later, she tells someone else a completely different story)*Thumb and forefinger on either cheek, curving slightly upward in a way that would leave a mark kinda like a smile.
Lastly, just collection of thoughts. In my mind/humble opinion:-Wolfbatman:offensive bending techniques::batman:guns; they're how his parent(s) died, he's trained to combat enemies who use them and doesn't condone their use by his allies. -To merge the two settings, you could say that "Gotham" is located in the center of the world and was once the capital city of the water tribe until the fire nation captured the city and the firelord declared that this would be the new capital of the fire nation from which they would dominate the world. This keeps Sokka's water tribe ties (the south pole tribe being made of refugees who fled the fall of their city) while still giving him a tie to the fire nation capital.-Sokka's public personality: a mix of irresponsible playboy Bruce Wayne and All Bitches Want Sokka.-Considering that Zuko's supposed to break down as a Harvey parallel, Iroh's relationship with Zuko logically makes him suited for a Commissioner Gordon role (tried to help him, with little success). . .but then what about Alfred? Maybe his grandmother, but it's a stretch.-The above bit on Zuko could merge with the idea of his background involving Scarecrow Jin- his breakdown being due to the one-two double whammy of her fear tea and Jokezula's manipulations.-Rather than being written out, Aang could be the superman to Sokka's batman.
>>6316 Aang is the Nora to Katara's freeze.
>>6317Just voicing an alternate way to go, either scenario works for me.
>>6314"My husband had a gambling problem... And he got in real bad with the mob. So they burned his mouth. And then he thought I wouldn't find him attractive anymore! So, to prove I don't care, I took my fingers, put 'em in my mouth, and went like this!" (she sticks her fingers in her mouth and stretches her cheeks out) "And now? HE CAN'T STAND THE SIGHT OF ME!"
>>6316Momo is alfred, haven't you been paying attention?
>>6320Husband? You sap.
>>6321not that guy, but I think Alfred should be Alfred. Ya know, because he's Alfred.
>>6314 >What makes me hesitate here is just the idea of starting with the Avatar series as canon; my impression had been that this was an alternate universe, rather than everyone having changed into a batmanverse-equivalent over the course of the last X years. Yeah, I'm for the alternate universe too
>>6336As it is an AU, there should also be an Avatar-616 and an Avatar-DC (and any other ones that have the potential for non-faggotry in the idea process)
>>6370Featuring Spider-Suki and Iron Toph.
>>6375If you mean "Azula as Dr. Doom" then yeah.
>>6374I vote for SpiderSokka instead. I mean, who else would make wisecracks and design some kind of webshooters. Suki can be the Black Cat.Also, I vote for Azula to be the Red Skull.
>>6380Yeah. I just said Spider-Suki since that's canon.It NEEDS to be Iron Toph, though.
>>6381well if you wanna obsess with the metal bending, sure. With her attitude, she's closer to the Thing
>>6382Well, she IS the only Metalbender in the world. Plus I have a feeling she'd be quite the drinker as she gets older.
>>6384well, I suppose. I guess I'll just stay in my Kimiverse then
Guys, we may want to avoid Marvel-Avatar discussion in this thread so as to stay on target.
>>6390 yes, thisso was Boiling Rock Warden decided on for Clock King? If not then who else might fit?
>>6398>Boiling Rock Warden>Clock King
>>6414 I know, but it's the best we've got so far
>>6415well what about Piandao, Sokka's master?
Why not...... no clock king at all?It's just a bunch of convenient semi-parallels. There doesn't have to be a Clock King, and fitting it in is proving more forced than the ease Sokka fills the role of Wolfbatman.
>>6417Hmm, perhaps.How about Pakku? His first episode showed him as being pretty anal about when his students should arrive for lessons.
>>5695ANYTHING with Mai in it works
>>6398Someone mentioned Wan Shi Tong for Clock King. But I'm not sure if it could work, all the other villains, (except Mai and Toph) aren't involved in spirit mumbo-jumbo.
>>6428 Like giving birth to Harvest.
>>6484 Sounds hot, does that mean that she also get sexual gratification of seeing people being digested by her plants?
>>6314I'm with you. Works better as an alternate universe.Also, we need more nurse jokerzula. Much much more.
>>6505 Yes, imagine...Hair down nurse Jokezula, bare footed, and with nothing underneath that tight fitting medical uniform.
>>6472I was the first to suggest Wan Shi Tong for Clock King. It was a joke.I prefer to not have a Clock King. We got the major characters and enough material to not resort to Clock King.
>>6505Only if we can also get Roblee Quinn
http://www.livejournal.com/go.bml?journal=capslock_atla&itemid=480494&dir=nextCheese it, they're on to us!
This has been forsaken. I now declare that we move to the grater DCU and have Wolfbatman with the mild mannered Aang as Superman and Toph as Wonder Woman or something...
>>6536 Whats the matter?Why so serious?
>>6538I almost died.
>>6534>>6535Don't run away you LEETAL BAYBEHS.
>>6538 lol, oh shit.
>>6538way to fail
>I wonder. Does milk come out of Ivy's tits or does sap?
>>6562Or both. Her tits can help produce a delicious healthy breakfast.
>>6564 Like syrup mixed with milk. You know, I'm gonna try that.
>>6566It tastes glorious just so you know, even if the syrup was watered down and exposed to delicious flan
>>6571 It did.
>>6566I did that with pure maple syrup once.Tasted great. Like the milk left over from Frosted Flakes.
not mine, but posting
>>6709that shit is awesome
shouldn't the fire be blue?
>>6709Whoa, coloring I could die for
>>6716it is....so simple but yet so complex.
Remmember the batman one-page fancomic about him nocking up all the chicks. Let's do that one with wolfbatman.In b4 NO!
>>6877Bitches love Wolfbatman.
>>6536I did have the idea that sometime in the future of Wolfbatman, Aang is brought back and becomes the Superman character, and Katara becomes normal, but forgets everything and becomes a Lois Lane character.And Ozai is Luthor.The Library Owl is Brainiac (or the guy who stays in the library, possessed by the spirit).My idea ran out of steam there.
>>6985 If we are doing Aang=superman we migthe just start freah. Like Smallvile.
>>6986This should be a separate /coc/ thread where it's Avatar and the DC universe proper rather than Batman and Avatar.
>>6989 Well...
>>7096...i came
>>7096I was going to put a giant Appa/Momo robot in the background, but at the last minute I just opted for speed lines. Was that a good idea?
>>7103Post the original
>>7105I like to call him "Getter Momo".
Well, I found this.
I got some too.
>>7857>>7858Jesus Christ thats terrifying!
>>7860Who should Zhao be?
>>7855That is so hot.
>>7858>>7857 awesome
>>7858This made me cry.Thanks for reminding me, jerk.
>>7857>>7858>>8108These made me feel so bad... Poor Toph...>>7860I lol'd, and I lol'd hard. Thank you.
>>8125>These made me feel so bad... Poor Toph... why? she's the greatest earthbender ever now, the cost is insignificant to her.
Bumping this thread because it was at the bottom of page 10.Also, are you guys attached to the idea of Momo as Alfred? Because I think it should be Gran Gran.
>>7096I like this as more of a Marvel Adventures type thing.The main "Wolfbatman" is mainly grimdark gritty TDK-style.Whereas this (AVATARMAN, Icewoman, Iron Toph, Firelord *I know its Torch, but Firestars name is easier to spin*, and Wolfbatman) can be a more lighthearted thing, with comical villains.Guest-starring Jun as Black Widowmantis and Spider-Suki.