Let this be a thread dedicated to the use, providing, uploading, downloading, giving information on, updating it, moding it, creating new characters, of Shimeji,a program that make interactive little buggers on your desktop that throw things, multiply, climb, walk, drag themselves, etc. Ask questions, get answers, provide characters and you own creations,and help in expanding this fun little creation.
Here is a temporary link of this program, and some added collections :http://www.mediafire.com/?hzxoxff9xqqrocd
The tutorial part 1 :Install Java over the english site :(google Java),run the Shimegi application from any folder to start the program.The program uses for about 150mb of your RAM
Tutorial part 2 :On th left is the description of the tabs once you right click the icon of the program down right,use the first option to make one more bugger, and add a few,this will trigger the possibility of them multiplying,the bring my windows back, is in case some of them throw your window (yes you heard this right), and you bring it back
>>31993what is in the collection?
are request ok?
/r/ing Miles Edgeworthi'd be happy with this style pic
>>31998actually, any character from Gyakuten Saiban would make my week
Requesting STALKER Clear Sky NPC.
Ash from Pokemon, please!! (and/or Misty)
>>32000i support this
Should we be concerned about javaws, even though it's only used for Windows 2k?
>>31996BabbyGabeTrollfaceRobert Downey JrCirnoMikuTaokakaRin>>31997Well, i don't know how to make them, but ill try getting some people who can in here (there are a few people on 4chan who are making these),might also try learning myself, so stay tuned, this thread im hoping will be a loooooooong term one, and im also hoping it be spread into multiple threads here, and a bigger community be grown for these.Joined effort no ?>>31998>>31999ill forward the /r/'s if posible, but you guys advertise this here thread to get more people on this
anything venture brothers related would make my day/week/life
>>31996MikuCirnoKagami RinTaokakaRobert Downey JrGabeTrollfaceBabby
How do you add skins?
>>32000Example of what I mean.
>>32003Works perfectly on my XP,by the looks of it works well on vista too,and most people have it working well on win 7,so if there is an issue, i hope group effort will answer it,now guys,i just made this thread after downloading it and trying it out, as well as quick reading problems and answers, so im not well educated in this,but some people are bound to drop in who know what they are doing,and ill be advertising to find these people
>>32008We need someone to get cracking on the rest of these.
I want a Meiko Shimeji so I can complete my Vocaloid collection.
original web page http://group-finity.com/Shimeji/search i use on pixiv http://www.pixiv.net/tags.php?tag=デスクトップマスコット
I can put my full tutorial on here if need be, for those who have trouble. Also, if I've been keeping track correctly, we currently have people working on the followingSpidermanBatmanRubyIrisMiseryHank HillWeskerFinnPrincess BubblegumAlso, I'd still love for a ToothlessI miss anyone?
Needs the chibis from BlazBlue!And I second Venture Bros.
>>32004i have been posting this link on the /co/ thread.hope it helps!
>>32013Great,now, i will be doing collecting of these,and i hope i won't be the only one,we could make a good use of someone who has a good connection to make a general torrent collection, i will gladly join the seeding FOREVER,and updates of the torrent with date and etc.
Still here working on my hank hill. Coming along quite nicely.
I'm working on Travis right now, but if anyone wants to do any more No More Heroes characters please please please do so. (o-or Killer7. I want tiny Smiths all over my desktop.) Also, more Metal Gear Solid please? Raiden and Otacon and Solid Snake would be great! As for /co/-related stuff, the most major superheroes still need to be done. I think someone said they were working on Batman but I'm not sure...
Requesting Seccom Masada and/ or Madotsuki
Why does this program require javaws.exe?What could it possibly be using it for?
Requesting PSO characters
CirnoRumiaRemilia ScarletFlandre ScarletSaïxXemnasBraigJamesMistyTomo TakinoRyo Bakura
Also,EVERYONEDON'TFORGET TOBOOKMARKTHISHERE THREAD>>32013that would be a great thing,be sure to carefully, with full detail, in every step explain how to add additional buggers ifsomeone makes them but doesn't provide them with the program,i am also having a problem here the idiot i am ;_;
>>32022Me tooooooo!
>>32021>shimeji.jargee i wonder why?
>>32026javaw.exe is the program to run it, javaws.exe is appreantly the web searcher program for windows 2K systems.Im using vista.
links back to the threads in /v/, /cm/ and /co/ please?
>>32010I've got 2/3 of the walking sprites done. This might take a while.
>>32013>>32013>>32013Toothless,are you the same named game uploader on warez-bb ??!
>>32028http://boards.4chan.org/v/res/73730601http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20101445http://boards.4chan.org/cm/res/2356510the /cm/ one will last longer, obviously
Wesker is coming along slowly but surely. Sorry for the long wait.
>>32028http://boards.4chan.org/v/res/73721178http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20101445http://boards.4chan.org/cm/res/2356510Also, i am downloading these threads and keeping them to upload here when they 404,using 4chan downloader so they get downloaded to the very last second of their life,don't worry about anything
/r/ing Dante from Devil May Cry whenever anyone might get a chance, there's no rush! I would love it if one of his poses could be eating a piece of pizza or a strawberry sundae.
So anyway, I did Apollo...http://www.mediafire.com/?i4j55kjzdxnr7o5Now I'm thinking about making Midnighter and Daken.
>>32033Good idea, noble sir.
>>32027i get no javaws.exe here.only javaw.exe, one for every fella i open.javaw.exe=/=java.exe, the difference between them is that java.exe is always associated with a window/program(firefox for example) while javaw.exe isn't .
I think I am going to work on Courage (TCD), Masada, Ginko, Kirby, and some others that are possibly Persona-related. Iunno if they'll ever get done but I'LL BE DAMNED IF I DON'T TRY
>>32032With animated tentacle arms i hope ?
for the love of god... someone make these adorable little minions...servebots HO!!!
>>32039>CourageMAKE THIS HAPPEN
>>32039Ginko? Like from Mushishi? If so, FUCK YESSSSSS
>>32040they wiggle a bitI'm keeping it simple for the sake of my sanity.
>Doing misc shit>Look in my C: drive>I have IPH.PH>Appreantly a updating file for AOL>I dont use AOLwhat?
>>32039 Courage and Ginko.Me need.
>>32041These are practically served dish,as in pics already finished but only need some minor editing to implement into the program ....PERFECT, but alas i don't know shit about implementing them,someone else should make a moding tutorial thread apart from this one,1. Knowledgeable volunteer needed 2. Trip needed so we don't get a clusterfuck of confusion and maybe form a group3. 1 (ONE) threadwho be the volunteer ?
Just throwing it out there, I'm working on a Potemkin one.
>>32019If you do all the Smiths I will shit my pants and install this immediately.
I know it's a lot of work, but someone has to make Lina Inverse.
a horo skin would be amazing, pic related
>>32048Very good. Can't waitThink you could work on a Millia one or a Zappa one after you're finished? If not, that's coo' too.
>>32045I just found I have that same file... was this from "installing" the original Shimeji?
I'd like to request a few (If it's alright)Male MC from PersonaBad Girl from No More HeroesKen from PersonaandSakuya from TouhouThat aside, really guys thanks for providing so much content, in future and right now!
>32038Fascinating.Im using http://haagen-dazs.deviantart.com/art/APH-Shimeji-Denmark-176329809?q=boost%3Apopular+Shimeji&qo=0
someone should totally create those little kodama from princess mononoke
I can't seem to get these things working no matter what I do.From the pack up there only Tao and Cirno work.
>>32039GINKO? from Mushishi? FUCK YES, make him smoke, please!, don't forget his backpack thing
+9000 hours in MSPaint.
>>32057Make a copy of one of their foldersGo into the Shimeji's folder that you'd like to get workingOpen it up and find the "img" folderCopy that into your copied Cirno or Tao folder(This works with any Shimeji that works)Paste the img folder it and have it replace everythingHopefully now it works
Okay guys, I wanna spread the word about this neat-o program. But I need all the data and bugfix advice you can give.Whatever you can list out, please do. THis includes the Win7 fix.Please?
>>32059see>>32030and thanks for great tutorial (as usual if i may say and am correct)
Anyone thought of doing themselves?I'm planning on it. ~The Grunx
>>32059Also, individual downloads for those who wish it.Big Boss>http://www.mediafire.com/?5nyu9nfmm79u2wwMiller>http://www.mediafire.com/?464pwpp48vpg50cRorschach>http://www.mediafire.com/?0oothsebnnbmsyqNite Owl>http://www.mediafire.com/?2u9bfi41r73b5r1Trollface>http://www.mediafire.com/?9xfbpqqlyimw4h9Taokaka>http://www.mediafire.com/?mwcoiw8rddkshrbRin>http://tomine.chagasi.com/shimemine/shime.htmlRDJ>http://www.mediafire.com/?00aj9jgla05y2hj
>>32061Don't worry my god man, just keep reading this thread,and the future saved 4chan threads i will be uploading that 404'd,im currently uploading the /v/ thread to mediafire since it's dead, btw :my download speed is 4mb/s (400kb/s real time), but upload real time is (around 30 kb/s)yeah, fuck my life
>>32060Hell yeah it works! Thanks man.Are there any more packs?
You don't install anything; each shimeji is just activated by the .exe. To get rid of it, just delete the folder, no uninstalling needed. Each Shimeji is the same; what makes them different is their img folders. Basically, keep downloading different shimejis, and trying the .exes, if you find one that works, you can get any to work. Just replace the img folder with one of the shimeji you'd like.So, say you downloaded the Big Boss one, and it works. Just copy the whole folder, and replace the img folder in the copy with another one you want. You'll have 2 folders, both with an .exe., .jar, and some other stuff, identical except for the img folder. Keep doing this for every different shimeji you want. Once you get one working, all you need are different img folders.Um... I hope this made sense. Once you get it working, it's easy to figure out.
>>32062>>32030No, I've heard of that faggot though. Apparently uploads virus filled games or something. Ruining my name. Gar. Also, thanks.
took me a while to makehttp://www.mediafire.com/?xt072ob9bjj0yd4
/v/ thread :here is the temporary link of it whole saved as promised :(i don't know if any fileshares and which have free user unlimited time file storing, and don't have any related accounts so....... well shit, you guys take over)here :http://www.mediafire.com/?1r4adx8dmq1zf71http://www.mediafire.com/?1r4adx8dmq1zf71http://www.mediafire.com/?1r4adx8dmq1zf71http://www.mediafire.com/?1r4adx8dmq1zf71
>>32047You already have all the sprites?Then it's helluva easy. Just go to the /img folder and replace the sprites there with proper Servbot sprites.1 - standing2-3 - walking4 - falling5-10 - various degrees of "flying/jumping"11 - sitting12-14 - climbing15-17 - sitting and watcing mouse movements18-19 - impact20-21 - lying around I guess22 - jump23-25 - climbing on ceiling26-29 - idle animation, I think30 - another idle animation31-33 - idle animation while sitting on top of a window34-37 - tossing a window38-41 - spawn #142-46 - spawn #247+ - not sure, not every skinpack uses it for some reason
>>32069>my face upon download and running thisThanks so much
It's a regular old fashioned party. Also, these guys drain memory like crazy when you have multiples on.
>>32074Not even gonna lie, your wallpaper is fucking creepy. (reminds me of E.T.)
http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/40494713#40494713/a/ thread
>>32076>>32076here is a better one :http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/40494878http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/40494878http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/40494878i made it to at least provide evidence that it ain't a trojan, by providing the two threads that are filled with people using this program
>>32036Do midnighter, my good sirI will forever love you
Alright, since javaws.exe is supposed to be a web searcher for windows 2000, I removed the file entirely and now going to try again to see if it still calls apon it.
D'aawwww. Axel has a crush on Rin. <3
Just wondering if who ever was working on the Sebastian (from Kuroshitsuji) was finished or if anyone has any updates on that?I'm dying for it, tried to make my own Ciel but got frustrated and gave up after 8 images.
some guy on /a/ said that the program was sweeping the registry and trying to connect to the internet, anyone knows about this? or is he just trying to scare people?
>>32082Let's break this downWhen I first downloaded it, I scanned it. Clean.Also, let's say it was a virus, or spyware, or any such. First off, it's adorable as fuck. Second off, I'd just run rkill and then Antimalwarebytes to purge the fucker.
>>32074Where... Did you get that Axel? He's so adorable...
Why do they never push my windows?
>>32084And to add on to this, my AVG and MBAM also found it clean.>Inb4 hurr hurr avg
I saw this in one of the threads (I think it was /co/) and the only thing I could think was "HOW DO I GET THAT?"So, how do I get THIS PARTICULAR SHIMEJI?
I was working on another anons idea of making a red pikmin. I have to sort out how to do it though since i screwed up the idle animation. Does anyone know if the pictures have to be a specific size? I'm forced to bend the flower because of size constraints.
there are some good ones in this pack (pic related)http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MRGIPG7Z
>>32091what Death Note character is in that shimeji?
>>32086OH GOD YES