Hi there.A group from 4chan's /lit/ has put together a monthly magazine-like thing containing original written and drawn works by anonsWe'd like to expand this project to involve more artists illustrating stories. If you think you would be up to the challenge, contact us atzinewritersguild@gmail.comSecond issue has been releasedzwg.wildwestwaffles.com
Someone was asking about this before:>>23445Nice to see there are already 200 pages out.
well done 4chan
Wow. Cats were herded. Brings a manly tear to my eye.I really liked the russian roulette story.
I shed a tear.
So, can anyone submit writings to this thing?
>>24349Yup, anyone. Just make sure it's edited and ready to go before you submit. Check out the wiki (http://zinewritersguild.wikia.com/) for the FAQ's and such.
Would an essay on one's personal experience with protesting Scientology (discovered through 4chan) be a lame submission?
>>24351Really depends on how well it's written. It's a somewhat interesting subject, and I can imagine it being done well. Send it in, and if we think that it is lacking we won't put it in.
>>24351Most likely, yes. While essays are very much accepted, that Scientology stuff has already become very over saturated.
I see my boyfriend's story got published in your zine.
In the extras section of the second issue, there are examples of the art that was already submitted for a story from the previous zine, if you want to get an idea of what is already accepted in terms of drawings.
This really should be published, but the .pdf design is too confusing. If it were a little cleaner, I wouldn't be surprised if this were a real magazine.But yeah, since it's under free non-commercial distribution rights, that would never happen. And too many writers without consent.
>>24381Mine printed out just fine and looks good at that.
I was thinking, what if we and the /lit/erati who were so inclined could get together and record themselves reading their favorite short stories or poems (whether written by themselves or simply a fan favorite widely appreciated by /lit/ would be up to them). And we could release albums with these tracks on them, at a much more staggered pace than the zine, in much the same way that /v/ has it's wildly popular Classy Rainymood albums and /co/ has Frank West.