For anyone participating in NoShavember: I'm going to take a picture of me for every unshaven day of November, and I suggest you follow suit. Don't need to post every picture every day, but I encourage you do so for major updates in your (gripes about) facial hair.Everyone else: business as usual, I guess.
Oh god my hair's a mess.But soon I will have some real growth on the beard.
Since the other thread bottomed out just after I posted this, I'll post it here too.
I REALLY want to partake in this, but I have a big award ceremony thing on the 15th that I'm going to have to be clean-shaven for.Best of luck. HOWEVER, I will be posting many pictures from the ceremony.
Sure why not. CLEAN SHAVEN FOR A FULL DAY. Considering I tend to only shave twice a week at most this won't be too bothersome until like next week.What say we meet back here at this location a week from now and trade stories?
I have uneven stubbly facial hair. I'm not manly enough to grow it out but not Asian enough to only shave once a month. SHIT SUCKS. Enjoy your adventure.
here's a before just incase theres enough difference to warrant an after
I must shave. I can't not shave. My beard grows fast and evenly... EXCEPT for at a small strip on each side of my chin. With anything more than a shadow, it starts to look weird.
>>19118I hope you don't think this is weird, but you have a very nice-looking nose.
>>19132I don't own shades.I wear glasses.
If we're going to do themed camwhore threads, we should have a reactionface only thread.
>>19130thanks, i guess...
>>19158Pretty sure you're just horribly ugly
Day three of NoShavember
Theaterfag here. I had to grow a HUGE beard for a play once.I'll be laughing at you poor bastards the second week in, and commending you if you manage to get past the third week mark.
Today's theme was Show an object that completes this sentence: "When I want to attract the ladies I use _______"I think I picked right
>>19192My webcam significantly reduces my stubbliness with bad quality images.
day 5 status report, my favourite shades AND "When I want to attract the ladies I use _alcohol_"
This thread is just reminding me of my disappointment in my sister and her boyfriend for not participating in Movember. We're talking about a guy who grows stubble after he shaves, like- Homer Simpson syndrome here. But my sis said she wouldn't kiss him if he did. Suck it up, woman!
>>19200>>19198>>19192I feel bad for implying you guys are manchildren, but wow I definitely just realized how quickly my stubble grows here. Now I feel wolfmannish.
>>19200Am I looking at that right? Jim Beam with a fucking can? SO JEALOUS.
>>19216Well I am a manchild so it's okay. But once I get some growth it starts growing quickly.
>>19216My friend had a professor that could choose day to day whether or not he wanted a beard or not.
Meanwhile, I shaved this morning and have more hair than all of you combined.
>>19221I wouldn't be so sure.Oh man, it's so itchy.
>>19218you dont have premixes in 'Mericah?
Tried curling my hair, then lost my phone so here's an absolutely rotten cam pic of it - just so I have something to post~>>19225 I'm going to go right on ahead and say that quite suits you.>>19220 I used to winch a guy like that. He was Islamic though, they tend to have that going for them.
>>19233The stubble? After about two months of shaving regularly it's hard to get used to again.Also, dance-techno and black metal joining forces!
Day 6's theme Act Surprised
I think b&w emphasizes the hair
early Day 7 because bed hair is best hair.
I am oddly fond of this picture.
>>19262It is indeed.We were gladiator battling with them at the duty free station.
Day nine and nothing to report
>>19322I see signs of a mo and soul patch.
Movember Day Eight: given up on making a beard animation.
>>19322You got a nice dean-stache going there.
>>19415a what
>>19416Dean, from Venture Brothers.
>>19418just as i suspected>:I
Me and my Zaku.
Oh hey
>>19521I am very much OK with being associated with those fiiine as hale ladies.
>>19484I've got a limited edition red crystal zaku-II figure somewhere.If I can find it I will also take a picture with my zaku,
>>19484i dont have any Zakus so here is me and know what, never mind
>>19601Ah, an Agent and his Drossel.Is there any truer love?
>>19603>>19601Can someone please explain to me what those things are? My housemate has six of them on his desk and I'm afraid to ask why.
>>19610...6?but theres only 5 different toys of her
>>19631Answer: Six of the same toy.
>>19631>>19685Yes. All exactly the same.
>>19691He has far too much money then.
>>19691... exactly the same?do they have a shit load of accesories with each one?if so then he's the fucking reason i had to pay out the arse for mine and should be kicked in the balls. fucking scalpers.if theres just one or two that are larger than the other 4 then he's got too much time and money on his hands
>>19697Gurl I see you lurkin'
Taken in the very bare upstairs bathroom. Showin off my rad lounge sweater (even though it hides the fact that I do indeed have a waist).
I'd post an update, but I don't wanna spoil Monday night's picture.
I'd post an update but I shaved(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
>>19716He shaved.During NoShavember.
>>19712Hydra, I am so goddamn disappoint.
>>19712>>19716>>19728>>19738because. i fucking gave up.
Wow, it's been awhile since I posted a pic of me.So me with my old supervisor from Universal Studios
Also me with one of my loves from Universal
Taken today. Day 22.
>>19774Holy crap is that natural?
>>19775Erm... yes?
>>19774November is the best month ever.
>>19774Moses are you secretly a British gentleman from the 1800s.
>>19774 Let me touch your face, I want those chops.
>>19774That's some real captain price shit!Keep it after movember!
>>19774My god it's magnificent
>>19799Depends if I want females after Movember :I
Another November, another mouthful of Gwar blood-urine.
I feel bad for consistently using my terrible built in webcam, but I can't find the connector cable for my digital camera.
>>19825And your digital camera doesn't have removable media like an SD card?
>>19813god dammit, i haven't seen ANY band multiple times.well, thats all goingto change in january
>>19834Beard growing.
>>19826It does, but I also need the cord to charge the camera, which is dead at the moment.
>>19843 That was terrible. You're terrible. Why did I lol.
>>19843this could not possibly go wrong
My sister is laughing at my hat.This is a great hat that protects me from the cold.She will be sorry she insulted my hat.
>>19932Bear Form Revealed.
>>19932Go ahead and touch it superman. It's a perfectly natural response to a hat so sexy.
Apparently we are swiftly approaching Don't-shave-December.Oh, the choices.
>>19943Fuck you I'm grooming this mustache for Full Facial Febuary
>>19957Alternate ways to wear all the rings
Apparently none of the women in my life like facial hair.I'm going to be shaving probably tomorrow night. Bought some real razors instead of the single blade disposables I had lying around for the occasion and everything.
>>19964Good. With proper razors, maybe you won't have to suffer Zit City for the next week after you kill the beard. However, there is instead a minuscule chance that you'll kill yourself.
>>19964I kinda like your facial hair! But if you don't like it, get rid of it.
>>19964Bitches be crazy.
RIP facial hair. You gave me a ballin' Movember to remember. Because I'm going to be anchoring a newscast tomorrow, I have to shave you off tonight :(.
>>19977My God, dat beard. RIP.
>>19977I salute your beard.
Well that was fun.
>>19988How long did it take you to get that pose right?
>>19991about a minute
I might do movember next year and go for the friendly muttonshops.
I miss it already :(Shaving reminded me of my lack of well defined chin. Now I gotta start working out harder to compensate for the lack of beard.
I got a new jacket. It's is not that great in the cold, and of course the fur in the hood is fake, but dear god it is comfortable and I love it.>Missing in action: My ability to take a picture
I need a camera that isn't my phone.I also need a shave.
>>20055I'd go gay for Chev, too bad i'm straightThis was on the beginning on noshavemember, you can tell because the yankees cap
Noshavember was a good month.
>>20134 And suddenly Pablo was moe.
This is my new hat, I love it's so toasty.
>>20135And then everything was back to normal.
>>20154Your pants are too big.
>>20155Brotip: This is my laundry day clothes. Those are my BEEG PANTS FOR ADVENTURE.
>>20155Everybody has to have a least one pair of baggy pants.
Why so po faced, +4? Where's those big smiles?
>>20155They look normal to me. Tight pants are for jerks.
>>20177I can't smile properly.
Unfortunate how my photographer friend always insists on SUPERSRS fashion shoots, which are mostly about the lighting to her, so I don't get to do much in the way of actual modeling.Welp, fun is fun, I suppose.
One of my coworkers drew an awesome face on my cast and added hair to it for some reason, and its upside down to me so it just looks like Kosh all day.It makes me smile. How sad is that?
This thread has a severe lack of Pablo Dumps.
Your porn-stache is coming back.
>>20331It is my gift. It is my curse.
>>20803Sup lady
>>20814I'll take that as a compliment...?
>>20803Ah...I think I remember you from some /co/ threads.
>>20821Yeah, I posted without my trip in those. Guess I have the nerve to attached the photo to a trip now. I think the only time was before Halloween when people were asking what to go as (I went as Pepper)
>>20823Good choice!
lol ketchup
proud alcoholic
camwhoring ends here
>>20845I feel oddly compelled to touch your hat. Is this natural?
>>20913Yes, but remember to be gentle.
>>20913Not real fur, got it in Beijing. lol military surplus being sold to tourists.
>>20932The asbestos means your head will never catch fire!
To be fair, I should have had the dinner on the table.
>>20934He told you so many times not to put in on the floor.
>>20934Hm.Probably one of the few pics from these threads I'll save.
>>20959 >>20961 You look gorgeous here, that lipstick really suits you.
I'm back from a party party
>>20969>>20961Bad Party?
>>20961Everyone seems to have one of those god damn hats! I WANT ONE OF THOSE GOD DAMN HATS!
Ain't no party like a Manitoba party.
Not good quality but swords, kilt, and BPRD make up for it.
>>21027>>Ain't no party like an S-Club party.
this is a pretty old pic. back when I was young and ackward
>>21109Well, at least I know who the "One of these people post on +4" person is in that /baw/ thread.
I'm showing a lot of lip here...I look like a lesbian.
>>21111You two are cute together and I wish you all the best :)
>>21032If S-Club had booze, red velvet thrones, and high calibur handguns, no one would question their shit.
>>'re right...
>>21119You know, you're a pretty good lookin' dude. And I can say that because I'm secure about my masculinity.
New haircut, new webcam.
pics from last weekend>>21111:3
the hair clip makes me feel pretty
and for the first time ever, meet Robert Carag. He told me to say hai.
Oh god what is this I don't even know
>>21259Oh god i LOL'd. I am keeping this.
>>21119Lookin' good Bones!>>21245That's a read haircut ma'am.>>21259Ahahaha, oh wow.
>>21497I don't understand :c
>>21638Oooh, I always pictured that as more of an "Aaaaaayyyyyy"
>>21658lol I forgot how to spell it
3am and camwhoring in my stolen Japanese bathrobe. Yaaaaaay!
Straightened my hair today.Eh.
>>21843Lookin' nice there.:3
>>21843It makes you look like this girl I went to highschool with who tried to give me a footjob under the table in the cafeteria and now she has a baby but it isn;'t mine don't worry.It looks good.
Vaugely recent.
>>21843Don't be like that other BEAr...Smile.
>>21251you have the best pictures i swear to god. Also i tottaly played that song when i saw the pic.
anonfag poast
HAW HAW lowres
>>22051Tits or GTFO
I bought a new three piece suit and I finally got a haircut. About damn time.
>>22051 >>22081 You always look sad or kind of suspicious. Maybe just confused.>>22093 Oh no, who is this dashing masked man whom I do not recognise. I'm frowning at your shirt.
>>22101My mouth defaults to a frown.
>>22104 I feel your pain. My default face is 'scared and confused'.
Celebrating Australia day in style
>at lab until 9:00PM. not sure when I'll leave.>i could do this work at home but too many distractions>FUUUUCKyou may notice the completely inane crap on the board. the other half is full of useless trash as well.
>>22336Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, etc.
FINALLY got a transfer adapter to get the photos off of my camera, and forgot I had this one.FUCK BEARS.
>>22389It's not what it looks like!
>>22448someone already did a vorked version of vorked. good fucking god... i wish i saved it.
I stylin'.
>>22501>Posts a HUEG face picture>Enlarged reveals FLAWLESS SKIN AND UGUU EYESFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFI mean damn, dat picture.
Blond's gone now.But dark hair makes me realize how long it's gotten.Gonna have to fix dat.
>>22501 More attractive people on +4? Oh yes, I do approve, I do, I do.>>22686 This just in: Astro joined the Beatles. Work it.
>>22689nope, just a tribute bandsee, there i am, center left
>>22686Your hair doesn't have tentacles anymore?Sad face.
>>22501Dear lord you're handsome.
>>22686Actually, your hair looks pretty damn good like that.
I like how the only people so far to call Siberian Kiss attractive are other men.
>>22696Heh, it hasn't for a very long time.>>22700Thanks man. 'Preciate the compliment.
>>22705 Low blow, man. :c
Is been a while since I posted something here.Anyways, I love my new glasses. <3
>>22768Nice glasses, bro. Gonna need new ones soon myself, mine are falling apart :3c
I was going for white, ended up with Marlyn.
>>22717Oh shi-Somehow I managed to complety skip over your post. My bad.Secretly you weren't offended at all anyways
>>22780Looks good.
Testin' out the webcam.
>>22799Lookin pretty sharp there, Bea.
>>22802I could say the same to you chocolate hair! Can I ask you how you went from dark hair to blonde?also webcam why did you make me so orange in appearance
>>22803A lot of bleach. Eventually it just became too expensive to keep up with since my hair grows out entirely too fast.
>>22800Now you need a striped shirt, yellow neckerchief and sailor hat.
>>22799You look rotoscoped.
BlehrgTesting webcam
Got my first cosplay wig the other day.
get out Marth I am piss
So I just reformatted the laptop. Anyone know a good all-purpose webcam ap or am I left to the mercy of the tubes?
helpful you people are.
>>23159You remind me of the poor man's version of Seanbaby.
My friends and I tried on prom dresses despite being way too old for it.Sorry for flooding this thread
>>23180LoLThat's actually a painting of my brother. The flag is backwards. >>23214Yay I look like a dude I like! I'm not sure whether that's a bad thing!>>23242beadoingtheonestep.jpg
>>23242You are adorable. This also reminds me I need to get a tux for my prom soon.
>>23242Bea why are you so adorable I need to hug you.Who wants to road trip to Target?
>>23242There is no such thing as too much Beathis is my post-festival face.also, that slight shadow under my lip hasn't changed since it appeared in noshavember: declare it a failure and resume clean shaving, y/y?
Formal, are you the skinny white dude, or afro'd black dude in these photos?I really can't decide which I would prefer.
>>23242Bea smiling!? I thought I'd never see it.
>>23276>>23283damn dude you grow an afro fast
>>23363Clearly an imposter. The Bea I know would never smile...
>>23308Keep it. How was soundwave?
Figured out a way to wear my hair and not look silly/like a small boy
>>233821) You have some kind of magical head that makes any hair style look good.2) That hair style looks DOUBLE GOOD.
>>23382you have no candy in your little candy dispenser thing.I like your window it looks nice.your floor too, are those tiles?what's in the pot that's hanging from the ceiling?do you often sit on the floor or is it only while on the you use the other computers in the back of the room?
>>23385There are jelly beans in thereThat window leads to the kitchen as do those doorsThe floor is woodA dying fernI sit on a cushion and only for computer useThe other computers are my room mate's.
>>23384It's called Cheekbones
>>23382You're like a prettier, blonder me. Jealous.
>>23380but its going nowhere. absolutely ballin. > big day out
>>23416Metallica are apparently coming to Oz later in the year. My hope is they'll come to Adelaide.
>>23439surely you jest
>>23382I like your jammies :D
>>23460Jest? Me? Never sir...
well that was an interesting experience>>23382looking a tad marilyn there, Mayok
>>23526You're beautiful. I love you. Please go out with me.
hey wats goin on in this thred???
>>23580My god! Fred Weasley!
>>23580>>23581I FUCKING KNEW IT.Also, looking for recent pics for me to show off here. Sadly, my hair is not as white as my namesake, though it is slowly graying.
>>23580You are a lot cuter than the way you act.
>>23580You look different than I thought you would.Very Weasley-ish
>>23580 I like your nose.:3
>> do I act???>>23592thanks?Also, I think I'm gonna grow my hair back out. I kinda want to donate it again.
>>23580You should surf more.
>>23595I wish. Not much surfing to be done in South Carolina...
>>23580Don't part your hair on the middle, man :(
>>23605now that you mention it, you're really onto something. >>23580have you considered an even shorter haircut? you could have short bang hair that drapes ever so slightly down. The way it looks now it draws a lot of attention up toward the part in your hair and the lines emphasize your forehead area while thinning out the frame of your face. But... uhh... get another opinion. Don't ask me! I'm just a boy. tee hee hee! /effeminate simpsons reference
>>23605Can't help it. It naturally parts that way now and I won't part it from the side because it would drive my slight case of OCD crazy.>>23608It has been shorter. pic related. I'm getting it trimmed/cut tomorrow afternoon. Everyone tells me to get rid of the part in the middle and I'm gonna give it a shot.
>>23611this is the shortest it's ever been.
>>23612get hair like thisthis is my suggestion to all mensage because everyone hates me and my opinions
So... try to look like I suck penis?
Check out my neckbeard.
I'm a whore I'm a whore I'm a whorei like ties... but mostly because it's too warm for scarves
Sleep and I have such a tenuous relationship, but I don't know why.
>>23617Girls LOVE guys who suck penis!
Trying out a new hairstyle.I also take really bad pictures.
>>23661What's that, you say? Were you talking to me, Handsome?I'm really tempted to give you guys my Duval impression, but I'll save that for a reaction image
>>23661Looks like you've got us... pegged... as something.
>>23611AT least your name is appropriate: you do look like Bart Allen.
>>23614This guy reminds me of Michael Jackson.In a bad way.
Debating growing the beard back. I feel that it is as much a good idea as it is a bad idea.
>>23707Thank you! Best compliment ever.
going for the high school english teacher look...
>>23769and then the "I'm out of lighter fluid, so this'll have to do... seriously" look.good old lucky strike. toasted for your pleasure.
>>23770g'nite plus4chan.
Check it out! Daylight!
Dog steals a smooch while the cat distracts me.
Wait, shit, that's exactly what you wanted.Clever girl.
>>23826Props for pulling off that hairstyle.
Dark Brown hair.... orange/tan beardLovely...And yes...Those are Post its....
>>23829>>23828>>23827>>23826Mayekoi, why you are so pretty?
>>23858Not when it looks like a dirty sanchez...
class is done for the day at noon.not going into work until 530pmso damn bored
>>23884Huh. Now it all makes sense...
God I'm tired.Gonna hit the sack.
So I got those "Glasses" things people are raving about.Damn these things are fun even if they make my ears itch.Also, DRAMATIC REMOVAL and "Yeeeeeeeah" moments, are such golden nuggets of time.
>>23884Aww, I wish my parents were attractive.Although my dad is better looking now that he's older. He was a scrawny nobby necked dork when he was young, from photos I saw, and my mom has always sort of looked like a frog.
Frazzled. Plumbing was never my thing...Damn you Mario! Worst rolemodel ever...Never mind... Hair is violent when I get annoyed
>>23944Scary similar....
For de toof
More beard. Last day of break.... esh. teammates need to be wrangled...
>>23946You look just like my friend Bill.Like, uncannily.
Early morning.Need to get goingBreak is over...
>>23863>>23912>>23978>>24022WHO ARE YOU?!
>>24048 Voi.enough said.
>>24071on what boards are we supposed to find a wild Voi?
It has been terribly cold in my basement today.
>>24165is that a face mask of Eli Roth?
>>24166Zachary Quinto. We got like four of them at a con one year so we hung them all over our apartment.
It's-a meeee, Moses.
>>24216To macro or not to macro...that is the question...
>>24227Do it.
Just got a haircut. Also, I hate that my job requires me to be clean-shaven.
>>24256...My God, Doc. You are the whitest man on the planet.
>>24257Impossible, I'm not Irish.
>>24258Everyone has a little Irish in them. The Irish are whores.
What is the point of this thread? Well other than the doggy style lovin' going on in >>23828 .
>>24305Because human beings like to see human faces.
Wild....For fire....My beard-stubble is gone... I was working on some less than stable Chemicals.... Fire was involved...The stubble got burnt... had to shave the face to get it treated.... (Note posting gap) And that is no mustachio. that is fire burns
I got a new electric razor. Spent 40 bucks on it and checked reviews online before I bought it, so I got one that works instead of tearing hair out of my face painfully.First step in trying to look less like a creepy hobo on a day to day basis.
I really just want to show off my new haircut. Oh god, look at that shortness.
>>24443The cutest of headcrabs.Miley, I bet your hat knows a lot of gross facts about animals.
>>24456This is a really cute haircut!
>>24456the haircut looks goodyou yourself look a bit scary
>>24456Looks good on ya!
>>24456This owns. You own.
Took a picture of my Build-A-Bears. Crash the Snow Leopard and "Jumpin' Jack" Flash the Cheetah. They're special edition stuff; part of the profits got donated to World Wildlife Foundation. That's why they have those tags around their necks.
>>24478Fuck yeah, I have the snow leopard too. He is Menudo, named after a delicious dish my Mom makes which is oddly enough nothing at all like the Mexican soup.
>>24479Right now, Crash is without shoes because my youngest brother went and lost them. He has, like, seven or eight Build-A-Bears of his own, and a full set of clothes for each, and he had to bum one of my two pairs of shoes.The punk.
>>24456I like the bangs a lot. *thumbs uppu*
How should I get my hair and/or facial hair cut, guys?It's been at least shoulder length for seven years and I feel it's time for a change.
>>24485hehe filename*ahem* your glorious mane actually looks fairly metal. I might try something with your beard. Crop it to a chin patch or something, see how that does. >"A beard is not an excuse for a jawline!"
>>24486I keep a goatee because I need more jawline. ah, delusions of facial hair grandeur.
>>24486This was some time ago. Better yea or nay?
>>24493I say yay but try and keep the body of what you have now in the goatee
Dad gave me some money.Incoming haircut/dye/camwhorathon.>>24493Righteous.
>>24499My godI must draw you
oh hi
>>24498Shouldn't you use that to pay for food and put away so you can not be poor?
>>24499Hey Doom, what's with the new nick?
>>24514Who now?
Going to get a haircut tomorrow.But first: this
New shoes today! They have heavy, flat soles. I love them. And they make me feel taller!
>>24521>doesn't know doom. check the first post of the thread.
so I can so I can keep track of the visions in my eyes
>>24550I am elightened!Also a hat.
Finally found my phone (and thus shitty camera) so I can finally show off how much of a crazy bitch my retarded purple hair makes me look.Old people don't talk to me on the bus anymore. :(
Finally got a card reader for my comp. Shyeah, random bed hair!
>>24612tooth stop being so adorbs >:(
dat asshole who didn't put up his tripcode
So yeah um I guess here is me with wet hair. I haven't had a haircut for many months because I wanted to grow it out before I did anything with it, but I have no idea what to have done when the time comes.
>>24626i read that as "adsorb"
Haircut!Tomorrow: bleach.Also my eyes are huge under those glasses.
Eh... May as well.
>>24687... Waitaminute... Oh, fucking logo.
>>24689Hold on, I got this.
>>24691youre unfunny
Dyed, cut and styledMy hair is once againfffffffabulous
I have come to the conclusion that no matter how many photos I take, i shall always look like durp.Also, I have a Mohawk.
>>24788Here's a side view... I just realized, the back is all crushed since I've been in a car most of the day.Also, I will never smile for pictures.
>>24612Somebody needs to make one of those "Same face different clothes" gifs with tooth.
>>24788Hey man, if I saw you on the subway, I'd look twice.
>>24764That's a fancy haircut you got there miss Maya.>>24612Nice!And everyone else is looking good as usual. :3
Also, I think I'll gonna need a haircut in a couple of months.
Not the best photo ever but oh well.
>>24847Hahaha, almost in TEARS here.
>>24847Awww. ♥:3
>>24823Nice hat.
>>24847Oh god.
This was a long day.
I am owl necklacing it up.
>>24913Cute dress!
I really don't like my hand in this picture.
Got a new hair cut, but still haven't replaced my glasses.
>>24945Lovely as usual, Ms. JUNKU~.
>>24945Also, your awesome bangs distracted me from the LENS FLARE.
>>24945You look like this girl I had a crush on in Kindergarten.I mean how she looks now, cause I still see her from time to time.Not saying you look like a little kid.
>>24945>still haven't replaced my glasses
>>24813That is because you are a lady and a scholar.Also, I look like I might mug someone.
>>24930You are so damn cute!
It's two in the morning, I am sitting here eating pancakes with my hands, sipping tea and listening to other people's sexual problems via advice column podcast.I am a one classy dame.
Guess I'll repost this here, kinda old tho.. I don't drink, it was just a cosplay suggustion someone said for my Pepper costume.
>>24991oh so it you that facebook keeps telling me to befriend. you have cool hair.
Shit's up.Way up.Goddammit I forgot to shrink my resolution.
>>25008god, my chin rolls are BULBOUS. Fuck me.
>>25009Way to double post, asshat.
>>25015fuck your shit, shit fucker.
This is an accurate portrait.
>>25032i wish that was you
>>25033No Senor, this is what you with was me.
>>25034dat pablo
>>25032dos eyelashes
Part of an assignment for Photography. Damn this was fun.
>>25057this, too. Struck by a chance bolt of lightning, Bart Jojo Allen is given super-speed. He fights crime as THE FLASH
>>25057Photo taken without flash.>>25058Photo taken with Flash.
Today I looked like a little boy.
row row
>>25121Your lesbian is showing.
>>25139That or my Asian.It's hard to tell sometimes.
>>25121Oh god that shouldn't make me more attracted to you D:
>>25125And then AoH was labeled an enemy combatant.
>>25121OH wow.You look pretty.I must confess, I have something for boy-looking gals.
>>25195>Senor is not bad lookingwat.
>>25197needs more jackets
>>25195>>25197>>25205>>25205>>25205>>25205>>25205goddamn it senor
>>25197Okay nevermind.Miley is still the only gal for me.
Ready to browse the internet!
>>25213Spoony what happened to your nose?!? D8
>>25213bro u is STYLIN
>>25218You rang?
Planning on taking my hair down to like half an inch this summer.That will be the shortest it's been in about... fifteen years.
>>25230No, we have an arrangement. He only eats visitors and I don't burn him to ashes.
I felt like posting a better picture of me.Funnily enough, I seem to be wearing the same shirt.To be fair, I really like this shirt.
>>25252>gayforyouspiderman.jpgalso, nice palindrome get.
>>25252>I felt like posting a better picture of me. Yeah...we're still waiting...
>>25211Waaaiit....what did I miss.....
>>25178Hey the Jetfire touched me first. seriously, i turned around and ran into its wing.
>>25196Dude, Senor looks like British Leon Kennedy. Haven't you ever seen him before?
hi again
>>25319N'aww, you're cute.
>>25319Omigosh I love your hair.
>>25319I like the new hair. Total improvement.
>>25373>>25376>>25440haha aww thanks
brb, takin the funvee
Okay guys, we need to band together to buy Hydra some facial hair implants, because he looks BADASSSSSSSSS with a van dyke.Also, I am one of the people in this picture.
How drunk am I in this picture?Not drunk enough.
>>25547why are you tied up on the floor by a group encircling you wielding a sword and advocaat?
>>25589Okay so maybe I was drunk enough.
>>25547>>25589>>25590And suddenly I am optimistic about North.
>>25590What's that second button, under the Star Sapphire one?
I got haircut motherfuckers. And a cold but no one likes colds so that doesn't matter.>Not pictured: The thousands of tissues and cough drop wrappers behind me
Electronic Cigarette action!Realistic glowing cherry (green LED) and smoke (vapor) without any harmful second hand smoke or awful stink! 'Smoke' indoors without worry!It reminds me a lot of smoking a hookah, it's supposed to be cigar flavor, but I can't really tell at all.
I am practicing my Brando sneer.
Brown Wizard needs a haircut badly!
Very old pic.Might as well share.
>>26000 Yeah that v-neck tee sure makes you a hipster. I bet those jeans don't even look like something a dad would wear! You filthy fucking hipster.
>>25949Alternatively, a shave and a haircut later...
Once again, I am pleasantly reminded that there are no genuinely unattractive people on +4.Unf.
>>26000>SiberianWhy hello sailor.....wait why is that my knee jerk reaction to the homeland.
>>26036You're funny people.
Here's me being a wistful faggot again.
>>26038Well, obviously, you have a lady-boner for Russkies.
>>26038My reaction was thinking of the MGMT song.
>>20959>>24685>>24764Hell.It's always the ones I'll never meet in my lifetime that I fancy.
>>26036This thought brought to you by my not having posted a picture in a while.Though I do agree.
I need to get a picture for that wall.
>>26125I expected you to be more ... bald.And more british-y....And maybe a tad more plastic-heart-y.
>>26126Maybe you're confusing me with Justin?
I was browsing /co/ and saw an OC thread.I took this just to show my disapproval.
I'm just gonna upload some of the stuff from my photography final because I think it's some of the best pictures of myself that I have.This was fun to shoot
>>26140May I say that you look quite strapping.
>>26171Who is this strange, yet compelling individual?
>>26161you look like anime
>> that a good thing or a bad thing?
>>26176Is he wearing an Iron Chef T-shirt in that clip? :o
>>26160>RED EVERYWHERE>Reading Green Lanternwut
Motherfucker, look at me, I'm adorable.I'm practically a goddamn fairy princess over here.
>>26446Get yourself a tiara.
>>26446You cut your hair AGAIN?I think you have an addiction. To doing things to your hair. Which I think you've admitted to, but reiterating.
>>26446>Mayekoi bragging about herself>Again
>>26524I'd brag too if I were the hottest thing on the site.I have to settle with SECOND hottest.Oh, what the hell-- ADORE ME.
>>26524Well, it's better than the whining about family & such. Somewhat.>>26527How old are you? 15?
>>26527>he thinks he hot>a 15 year old chav
>>26527o lol
>>26532...Sixteen, actually. >>26546Oh, feck off. I'm posh as can be.
Incoming suit.
>>26604Girl on right is lovely.Middle seems fun and sociable.....Left seems healthy, to say the least.
>>26604>Just realized I judge women based on the shoes they wear.
>>26606Women have shoes?!
>>26607Hey, just a few days, I found out they had FACES. The things you see when you look up every once and awhile.
>>26609I thought that thing was a titty hat.
Mayekoi you look like a lesbianMy hair is too curly to lay flat as a cute pixie fringe, I'm sorry.
>>26609Funny you should mention. I went through a "depression" in secondary school. In the beginnings, I recall.I could tell every girl apart from her ankles. Shit was weird, man.
>>26615If it /looks/ like a lesbian, and /acts/ like a lesbian...
>>26630It's from the island of Lesbos, Greece?
>>26615We have the same hair style.I'm not sure how I feel about that.