Hi.I'm gonna make a scale model of the Johto region from Pokemon out of nothing but trash and cardboard and such. Actual work won't begin untl tomorrow evening, but I got the idea from a small lighthouse sitting on my shelf, which will be in the final product. Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna keep a diary of my work on here. Expect a photo of the beginning product tomorrow at about 9:00 or 10:00 pm.Picture is the image I'm basing the final product on.
Sweet, dude. I'm looking forward to it.
Then when you're sick of it, convert all the mountains into science fair goo volcanoes and record it fizzing to death. It's the only way.
As per usual, something fucked up. The reason I wanted to do with was because I was getting some extra/left over poster board from work. It won't happen until tomorrow. See you this evening at nine. 16-20 hours, I'll have it getting started.
Alright. Not much done yet. I have three of these poster boards and the Olivine lighthouse. I hope the posters are big enough. This is sort of a preview, I guess. Work probably won't commence until the weekend. Busy, busy, busy. Also, won't be updating every day as I wanted at first. Expect weekly, or maybe bi-daily.
use it for 40k terrain.THE EMPEROR WILLS IT
This seems like the kind of thing that would take several months and a backyard of space.
Make Kanto, you pickled fetus.
>>14446Kanto's too plain. Might attach it eventually if I find the time.>>14444By scale model, I didn't mean TO scale. I mean it'll be like... small enough to fit on three poster boards.
>>14448>Kanto's too plain. Might attach it eventually if I find space.I swear to God, Game Freak said the exact same thing.
how did this turned out?
>>14470 well, i am very glad they ended up inclufind Kanto in G/S