Last thread: >>93074IRC is #bluhbluh at esper, ask for help, blah blah.
I don't remember what I have and haven't posted, so have every damn thing I've made in the past week
I am very proud of this one
~the least-developed trolls~
And it's alternate one-panel.
After pondering earlier troll pesterlogs I have begun to wonder if Karkat and Terezi have broken up. Terezi at least has a very strange reaction for someone already in a relationship when John tells her Karkat is basically in love with her.Also help I'm shipping people at 2 am someone save me
>>94044this is the best thing, it amuses me endlessly
>>94061I doubt Andrew had it planned at that point. In retrospect it could probably just be her taken aback at Karkat allegedly being so open about it.
>>94061Well, they were keeping the whole sordid affair a secret, right? Even if they hadn't broken up, Karkat just out and telling John about it would be kind of surprising.
>>94061I don't know, it might not have been that he said it, so much as what was said. Like, she asked John to copy and paste, probably 'cause she wanted to see what Karkat actually said. I mean, I know Hussie had none of that planned yet, but you know, fanwank is fun.
That is the creepiest act ending I've ever seen.
>>94068Retroactive justification of things said or done later in the timeline by events earlier in the timeline is half the fun of writing/reading Homestuck, I'm sure. Recontextualizing all the chatlogs in light of what Hivebent taught us is incredibly fun. Also loving those Othar pics. Inappropriate that it may be the idea that Terezi can taste *other* things through Karakt's grey skin makes me laugh.
I thought this was rather clever.
i would make some witty comment on this image but i'm pretty sure it speaks for itself.
Anyway we've answered the question of what purpose Sburb serves, which is to create new universes.Which causes a number of pieces to fall in place, like why Skaia is so important since it is the "crucible" in which these new universes are created. Why the Denizens have an enormous grist hoard, as the "Ultimate Alchemy" is obviously the creation of a new universe, and why Exiles are used to rebuild civilization on dead planets, so that they might eventually be used again to create another universe.The big question I think at the fore now is how and why this system came to be. And potentially how it is related to the enigmatic Lord English.I mean really, can it be said that the players of the game are the actual creators of the universe? They play their part in the mechanics of the whole thing by succeeding at the game, but the actual creation is facilitated by Skaia. Why are the players necessary? What is the real purpose of the Paradox time loops and first guardians? And is there really any more to the "ultimate reward" than simply being given access to their new universe?My current running theory is this: All things eventually die, even the universe. Entropy will reach maximum and only ruin will remain. So if you're an immortal, omnipotent, time-travelling demon, how do ensure there will always be more to consume? Devise a way to create new universes.
>>94080i thought the new universe was created via sollux's duality fetish and the fact he adapted sgrubs programming, which i guess figuring in all the fucking predestination bs hussie has a hardon for could be caused by sgrub/sburb
>>94084Hussie basically confirmed on his formspring that Sburb/Sgrub exists as a means for universes to "procreate"
Boy, Homestuck sure is confusing.
>>94079I exhaled a little
>>94064Oh man, I've been waiting forever to make a Tavros/Joker comparison.And while we're dealing with sci-fi crossovers, I've always wondered: did Equius build Data? I mean, he had to get his artistic genius from somewhere...
>>94098H3H3H3 COMM4ND3R 1S TH1S YOU
Othar and Spleen suck to varying degrees
Random question, does anyone have the link to that video of [S] Descend with the audio swapped out for Princes of the Universe? I thought I bookmarked it but can't find it.
>>94105 YEAH
>>94101y u gotta b like dat :(
So now Karkat is in hatelov with John. Troll/human romance confirmed for canon.
>>94117Not really. We just know Karkat wants John that way. If you read his first log he says something along the lines of "We're friends now, okay?". This either means Karkat realized how stupid he was being, or he got crushed/rejected
>>94127God, these are hilariously adorable.
>>94064>>94098Damn you (and also Othar) for making me think about Mass Effect Hivebent.Lord English for Reapers, maybe Spades Slick for Illusive man? Tavros is too perfect for a low-self-esteem Joker, even if that does spoil the whole Dirty Dozen thing the trolls and the Mass Effect 2 crew had going on. Vriska for Jack is almost too obvious. Hm, maybe Aradia for Jack so Vriska can be Morinth where Kanaya's Samara? But then Legion's a robot so...FFF! Quit it!
>>94130Vriska is obviously EDI.
>>94131So John'd probably be Mordin. I mean he already has the labcoat.
>>94135"Plenty of ways to help people. Sometimes cure patients. Sometimes blow up a friggin' asteroid with Bruce Willis. Hell yeah, that would be aweomse."
Guys, guys, I just finished a reread up to the beginning of act 5, and now I'm going through one of them update withdrawals y'all been having. I crave updates, now!
Sollux for Kaiden, Y/N?Psychic, splitting headaches, may-or-may-not die horribly...
>>94145Have you tried...reading act 5?
>>94151Yeah, just didn't re-read it, it feels to "close", I'll do that later when I start to forget stuff about it.>>94150Works good. Oh and they both know hacking.
>>94130 Doc Scratch seems more like the obvious choice for TIM. They both spend their time sitting in a remote location and telling people what they will do.
>>94135I am the very model of an ectobiologist American,I've paradox cloned animals, humans, and Alternians,I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology),Because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology)
>>94156you have all the troll quadrants for that.
>>94118 So all those times he was trash talking about how ugly or primitive humans were to John it was some kind of spade foreplay, even when he was talking about rose’s butt?
Great antagonists make great protagonists. It must be a warm feeling to find the person whose conflict with you will be what defines you, what drives you to be better, what motivates you for their sake (that is, showing them up).Losing a great rival has lead to the decline of great men and nations. Human sexuality doesn't need to enter into it, for even though it's meant as a reproductive relationship there's no need to overlay our own reproductive social mores over the attraction/repulsion. I wish John and Karkat many happy feuds, which they'll have plenty of even as hatefriends since the two have such well-conflicting personalities.
>>94156hahah, fantastic
>>94061W-were they ever for definitely together? Because if so I missed that part. I know it's assumed but IDK link please.
>>94169There was never any explicit "WE ARE MATESPRITS AND WE ARE IN LOVE" sort of confirmation, but they <3'd at each other at the end of their incredibly flirty pesterlog. Hussie cranked the trolling up to 11 and we didn't notice because bluh bluh huge ship, they were definitely in the scarlet quadrant there.
>>94061where did this happen?
BEHOLD.This is awesome. Also, OPTIC BLAST.
>spend way too much time drawing a guitar for a joke>forget the frets; A;S... Solly plays fretless. Yes.
>>94181huh, neato.
>>94183oh man now i wanna make the Endless.damn you, anon <3
>>94186Troll Endless?
>>94184oh man askal you should have given him a double neck guitarstill awesome though :Db
>>94187Not sure yet.I do love the idea of either Grandpa Harley or Dad as Destruction, though.
>>94184Well time to change the cover art for The La2t Frontiier.
>>94194that is such bull
>>94194what how doeswhowhat
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>>94201Didn't andrew take that away? Did the site break again?
oh shit this is for reals now
EB: i am not a homosexual. oh god i laughed so hard
oh man i am excite
>EB: see you soon!SHRIEEEEEK
>>94207>>94206waht the fuck mani am so much more excite than you
>CG: IT IS MY GIFT TO YOU.>CG: YOU'RE WELCOME FOR THAT.>CG: YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF SHIT. This reminded me of Ben Bernanke.Also this entire log is priceless.
>>94194It looks like he combined the Cosbytop, Jade's lunchtop, Dave's turntop, and Rose's hubtopband.
... i dont really like Johns new clothesthe cosby-lite is pretty cool though
>>94188The Gretsch Silver Falcon is my favorite guitar so it's the first one that came to mind :3c>>94194>>no homoHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA YES
okay, I am still shaking/flailing from the pesterlog and its implications and such, but can we get some speculation on John's new outfit and what it means? is that symbol going to be a constellation in the world the kids create? why that shade of blue?
>>94214I think it's just some kind of 'Heir of Breath' outfit.
>>94214It's his Breath duds.
I almost feel like crying. Poor Karkat. His perfect Kismet likes him. Platonically.;;
oh gog this was the best EVER
dispatching fanart orders: Karkat and Terezi on romantic hot air balloon date.
I came so hard I ripped my pants when I saw this update.
>>94221don't forget the filial pail basket>CG: YOU ARE SUCH AN IGNORAMUS I COULD SHIT MILES OF RAGE SNAKE TO CHOKE YOU TO DEATH.>EB: ew. this is gold. as soon as I saw John's happy goofy face one appeared on me and it NEVER WENT AWAY
Maybe it's the outfit playing tricks on my mind, but doesn't John seem a bit different?Like, more confident and not as derpy?
Here, let him count out 8 of these things, hold on.>CG: GOT IT????????There, he is now an enormous tool forever.(Oh Karkat <3)
EB: hey, i don't have a problem with your weird sort of alien hate-love thing!EB: it is just that, uh...CG: WHATEB: i am not a homosexual. oh god that is too funnyalso rose x john confirmed
>>94224He knows what he's talking about for once. It's weird for him to be the one that isn't clueless about what's going on.
>>94229thats truehe was always the one that had to take the full brunt of things
So... John is not a homosexual.Any shippers plan on letting this stop them?
oh man i just realizedii missed johnlikea loti didn't realize i had become so attached to these characters goddamnit hussie
Also, trolls confirmed for not giving a shit about gender in romance, at least on a cultural level.
>>94233John is my favorite kid and I was eagerly awaiting the first convo Karkat has with him. since John was so confused with his first conversation and Karkat so annoyed at his not knowing anything, I was waiting to see that turned on its head.and I am so happy now.
>>94232all of the MSPA forumites are going to be denying it"oh hes just being ironic. he learned irony from dave on their dates. makes perfect sense"
>This updateGlorious!
>>94220 Karkat biggest problem is that he sabotaged his greatest hate before it ever started by going backwards. He will never be able to unleash his truest feelings because by the time he is caught up with John he's already spent any frustration he could build in futile attempts to get John's attention in the distant past and left adrift on a wave of friendship he doesn't completely understand. Troll romance sure is pathetic.
So it looks like he is on that land of lava and clockwork, awesome
I want John's Heir of Breath shirt. It looks awesome.Hussie will probably put the kids' SWEET TITULAR GEAR for sale after this.
>>94232well to be fair he could instead be some other orientation in which loving a dude is still a possibility like bisexual or asexual or pansexualshould have been more specific eh johnOR DOeS IT MEAN SOMEHING???????
>>94227Wait, were was Rose x John confirmed?
>>94230Could this mean Karkat saw John's sleep-scribbling and sleep-thrashing?And ICP is a real religion on Alternia. Gamzee's presence just made its prophecies true in our universe, on Earth. (THANKS A LOT GAMZEE)>>94233I missed John so much it hurt and now I am smiling forever and walking on fucking clouds and I don't even careAnd a Karkat pesterlog, which is my second favorite thingIt's justAlmost too much joy>CG: HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY CLAIM TO HAVE TALKED TO ME A LOT ALREADY AND NOT HATE ME, SEE IT DOESN'T ADD UP.poor Karkat
>>94234Considering they puke into a bucket, it's delivered to the mother grub, and then dumps that bucket into a LARGER bucket, it's understandable that gender wouldn't really matter.
>>94245well John knows that him and Jade are related (assuming that would turn him off) and he is not a homosexual so... process of eliminationalso they are so kawaii together like ohmygod so kawaii
Dude... I feel so bad for Karkat.He gets this whole hate at first sight thing, gets pumped up, he's finally found someone who can live up to his standards... and he gets fucking rejected. Like, not even put down lightly, just flat out "NOPE".
>>94232What are you talking about, neither logic nor common sense never been in the way of shipper reasoning, also im sure john is just in denial, he barely could resist the visions of Karkat 's manliness in this last conversation :0>>94234 I think this was confirmed like weeks ago :0
>>94251Aha, but notice how he just said he wasn't homosexual, not that he was heterosexual. A clever ruse!
>>94248For the record, the "puke into a bucket" thing is something that showed up in like two fanarts and people thought was funny, not some kind of confirmed canon fact. But your point still stands.
>>94255Holy shit, just fucking let it be, shipper.
OH GOD THIS UPDATE IS SO GOOD. Hillarious awkward relationship talk on both sides of the spectrum. Karkat's intense ability to loath himself. INSINUATIONS OF TROLL/HUMAN PHYSICAL INTERACTIONS.AND JOHN.
>>94255did you not hear himTHEY ARE KAWAIInothing comes before kawaii
dat update @_@john obviously being in ironic love with Karkat @_@new outfits @_@see you soon @_@also I made a song that has nothing to do with Homestuck at all! but I had to get that aching banjo out of my system because apparently Feferi is too fancy for that shit D=
>>94255They're asexual. It's friendship-end bitches.
>>94251Troll girls are still open:JohnxTerezi (dumping KK for some reason)JohnxKanaya (Ehhhh...)JonhxNepeta (mite b cool)JohnxVriska (WHY.jpg)JohnxFeferi (JohnxJade, FISH VERSION)JohnxAradia (strong punch incoming)
>>94257Never. Their love will burn forever as brightly and intensely as your inability to grasp jokes.
I just realized that the kids crossing over to the Troll's universe was foreshadowed all the way back in the Midnight Crew intermission:Spades Slick had a Crosbytop computer which he claims to have found; There are no humans in the trolls world, ergo no Bing Crosby, ergo the Crosbytop had to have been brought there from the kids universe.And I swear that John had a convo with someone where he talks about how cool it would be to have a monster friend like Howie Mandel (Though I can't find the convo anywhere now)
>>94262 Why not all of the above?
>>94262AG:Hiiiiiiii Joooooooohn!this would actually be pretty cool but i have no ideas for what they'd sayomgmgmogmgomgm we should all make pesterlogs of John pairings yesssssssss
thinker: who sez Rose is a girl
>>94266john egbert in:BOY FLYLARKrated r
>>94264Don't forget to lick it clean when you're done~
>>94263>>94264You two are so adhorrible {>
>>94270Who says I'd finish you? That's not how this works. : T
>>94260MuM, you are great. This is gonna be stuck in my head all night.
>>94261asexuals can still fall in love and have romantic relationships thoughi think what we need here is some kind ofbear with me here i know this is a novel conceptsome kind of ending in which the pubescent children don't all pair up into pseudo-romantic relationships they aren't actually emotionally developed enough forbut maybemaybe the world just isn't ready for that after allperhaps........... SomeDAY?
>>94276you sick bastard
>>94276Son are you retarded
Seriously though, John doesn't like boys. If one guy says he likes another guy, and the second guy says "I am not homosexual" then unless the second guy is being intentionally obnoxious, he obviously means that he's not bisexual either.I don't mean to be insulting the shippers, and I'm sorry if I come off that way. Hell, I'd be just as upset if/when Rose shoots Kanaya down. But there's no point in being in denial about it.
>>94273Listen, buddy, I don't make the rules. It's out of our hands now. You know, figuratively speaking.
>>94277>>94278ONE DAy the world will undertsand my vision......
>>94281Uh, is anyone here sincerely arguing against this?
Man I don't care about any of it. I just want Kanaya to give out one nervous peck on the cheek to Vriska or Rose. All I ask in this beautiful shitstorm of romantic nightmares.I'm really looking forward to seeing the final forms of the other 3 kids. Hell, Jade hasn't even gotten any alchemizing yet.John's little cape is so cute. :3
>>94276Actually, some asexuals can, many can't.Also John is 13, he's not anything yet.
i missed you john. ;_;
>>94289 We can't even enjoy having humans back for a few moments without these jerks going into tired old troll romance shit AGAIN.
>>94289EB: i didn't miss you bea get your meaty hand away from me!
>>94288Some? Definitely. The majority? Nah. Non-asexual people can be aromantic too, they just have a tendency to involve themselves in relationships anyway for the sex, so asexual aromantics, having no reason to be in a relationship, are just a whole lot more noticeable.To be more on topic, I can't help but love John's new outfit. It's just so delightfully tacky. Fuck the haters.
Someone is a Homestuck fan.
EB: Bea go away a i am not a furry
>>94296welcome to three threads agopopulation...YOU
>>94295I'm asexual. My roomate is asexual. We're both aromantic. The other three asexual people I know are aromantic. I don't even know how to make the connection between a complete lack of physical interest in other human beings and romance. It's so tied up. What the fuck is asexual romance besides friendship with benefits you can't enjoy? How can you even tell you're asexual if you feel butterflies when you meet people?WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD.
This update hahaha, oh man.It's nice to see the kids again. Well, one of them anyway. It looks like the kids' session has progressed a bit since we last saw.>>94098 >>94168Troll girls in tight space gear. I like!But who would be Tali?>>94260This is neat!
have you ever tried being asexual...together?
>>94301Sexuality is confusing. Let's leave it at that.
Fuck it I'm shipping it anyway, regardless of John's statements of sexuality. It's too adorable not to.
Of course, this little update is probably just a fleeting glimpse at the endgame. Lest you all forget....JADE HAS BEEN FALLING FOR HALF AN ACT NOW!
>>94260It is such bullroar that you can't use the banjo for Fef. It's a really pretty instrument!
>>94290It can't be helped. Hussie has beaten it into our brains, and it was even part of the actual chatlog.
>>94301Well, I'm ace and panromantic. Sup. Never personally known an aromantic ace, just a straight dude and a pan girl. I'm, uh, just going to go ahead and assume that wasn't some kind of weird snipe against romantic aces.To put is simply, (because shit i should be studying right now) sex and love are two entirely separate things, although they generally tend to occur together for obvious species-propagation related reasons. I may not know what attraction or sexual desire feels like, but I've always felt love the same as everyone else. Once I actually had some people explain to me what sexual attraction is like it was pretty blindingly obvious that I've never experienced anything like it, and yet I can obviously love just fine! Go figure, eh?I can see how these concepts would be confusing if you don't experience either attraction or romantic feelings, but trust me, despite how frequently they occur together, they're entirely separate things. Sexual people who can't tell the difference between lust and love are pretty much doomed to unhappiness in the long run, for example.
>>94310 But they have the decency to avoid it after a while unlike you guys.
Oh man oh manSeeing John again makes me so happyBecause he's all excited and happyAnd has that derpy face of his :3
>>94303Tavros would be Tali
>>94184DUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDEEEEEEESollux playing guitar and itsNot playing a doubleneck guitar
Is anyone else seeing that cape as a gay little scarf?
>>94295Tacky? Fuck you, that shit is hot.
Yeah, that's about what I hoped would happen. I just want John to grow up so he can have a loving wife and daughter to reunite with and give bunnies too.
I'm having a complete freakout that we're finally back with the kids. Can't wait to see them do new stuff.More importantly, I can't wait to see the other 8 trolls get a chance to piss them off and learn the meaning of the disease called friendship.
>>94326I know, oh gosh. There are so many conversations I want to see. Eridan and Rose flipping out over wizards together, Jade and Kanaya realizing how much their lives have in common, Equius trolling the kids under the assumption that their text colors match their blood...
>>94312It'll take a while to wear off. We've still got it in our systems and just need some time to detox. Even then though, many of us might never be the same.
>>94327Kinda sad about some of that, actually. I assume the blood color text thing won't happen since they made the universe, and would know. But maybe not! Then again, Karkat did see John's blood color. I hope it happens anyways.I also hope Eridan flips for Rose since she's a wizard. And then fights with Kanaya over her.
Hey, amidst this glorious update, I got back from AWA where I cosplayed Terezi with a Vriska and Equius. Thought this might be of relevant interest? I will go hide forever, though if it's not.Spoilered so no one has to see my face if they don't want.
>>94321Yes.Also those shoes look like his dreamself's shoes.
>>94330Those are too damn good. Did you photoshop or something?
>>94330Looks really good.
>>94333No. Our Vriska used to do stage makeup in college. She has all of the skills. All of them.
>>94330That's pretty good, actually. The paint isn't even splotchy or anything, and the contacts are a nice touch. Shit's, like, effortful.
>>94330Wow, that's really good! You even got the pointy teeth. Great job, both of you.
>>94330Best homestuck cosplay I've seen.
>>94339Seriously, that is some class right there.
Pretty much echoing what everybody else has said about how awesome it is to see John again and how hilarious Karkat was.I'm 100% fine with John being 100% straight; it's what I expected, though I didn't expect him to say it directly, and it would have weirded me out more than a little if he had said otherwise. It's not going to restrict my shipping, though; when I was 13 I thought I was straight, but it turns out I like a little of both. Human romance sure is weird!I totally called the "all trolls are bisexual" thing, though now they make even less sense as a bisexual species in the biological sense. Why have two sexes if both are not needed to reproduce? They must have reproduced in a more "humanoid" fashion at some point in their evolutionary history.I wonder how John found out about troll romance. Heh, I'd love to see that hilariously awkward conversation. Also THE KIDS AND THE TROLLS ARE GOING TO MEET AND JOIN FORCES TO DO WHATEVER IT IS THEY'RE GOING TO DO I AM SO EXCIIIIIIIIIIIITE
>>94342This pleases me.
I am super late to this but fuck all of you guys.I can't stop laughing at this update.Trolls and kids, gonna meeeeetSo fucking excited~
>>94344I doubt the story will pick up from here. Likely we'll zip back to where we left the kids at the end of Act 4 so we can see all the shenanigans between then and what we're looking at now.
>>94330That is awesome. You both are awesome. DEM HORNS. What are they made of?Where's Equius? I tried looking for him in the background for like a full minute. He's a creeper, right?
>>94341Who says the trolls have two genders?Some just have slimmer waists and bigger chests than others.
>>94349No, they definatly have two distinct genders. I mean, the way they use he/him and she/her and everything. The thing is their reproduction is basically filling a bucket, which is dropped into a huge vat filled with tons and tons of genetic material. Thus, it doesn't really matter who you fuck, so long as your shit gets to the bucket. From there your genetic material will eventually fuck with an opposite gender troll's genetic material. :I
>>94349I think you mean two sexes, but yeah, haven't characters like Kanaya and Sollux both referred to their bone bulges and whatever nooks? Trolls might physically be a single sex species, just with multiple genders. I don't think we've even seen any evidence of boobage or thinner waists or whatever on them, they seem to be all built about the same.
>>94330Pretty damn awesome cosplay there!*thumbs up*
>>94346model magic, which is the devil and i hate it, but i was running out of time. here's Equius:
>>94355Well, damn, Rokkit, you beat me to it. I was gonna go to bed, but you went and posted that shit anyways. ALRIGHT THEN.
>>94355His fingers aren't painted gray. Also, your Equius has a hairy chest.
>>94358he is very hairy, yes. those are stockings on his arms, because body hair is ick but body hair + body makeup is OH GOD EW. but yeah he didn't wanna shave his chest for a cosplay. and we didn't paint his fingers because at least ONE of us had to have functional hands that didn't leave grey fingerprints. we were in these costumes for many, many hours.
>>94359You have to paint your fingernails yellow next time... :V
>>94355>model magicI'm acquainted with that stuff, so I'm doubly impressed by how nice those horns are.
>>94360I was thinking about that when I put on the black! Yellow it shall be next time!
>>94359i'm pretty staggered that none of it seems to have rubbed offhow did you manage that
>>943638|...8,| It did. You just can't see it in that picture. Vriska/rokkit is the one who's good with makeup. She made the mixture, but I put on my own. None of hers rubbed off because she's not retarded, but it was my first time applying makeup and I was in a rush to get to artist alley. A bunch came off under my arms and some on my pants. /sob
>>94352Andrew confirmed that karkats movie posters are exactly what trolls grown up look like (ie. have tits and shit) and also no girl has ever had a bonebuldge reference to them and from context bonenook seems to be either asshole or like where your brain hangs out in your head.
>>94359haha one of my roommates went to AWA and called me just to tell me she saw "the grey guy with the one broken horn and the one arrow one" walking around. Then another friend of mine took a picture of all three of you because he knew I read the comic.SMALL WORLD
>>94364 Oh god damn it stop being such a baby. It's not bad.
>>94352>I don't think we've even seen any evidence of boobage or thinner waists Whuh-oh! Looks like somebody needs to rewatch the trollflash! Also important to note-Terezi's very female ass.
>>94368Except the art crew was told to run with their own style as long as the art fit the criteria. So all that stuff like orange nails and feminine figures still aren't definitively canon.
>>94369Dude, over here>>94365
>>94370Bah. Well still no orange nails!
John will learn to hate Karkat when he is reanimated as a troll.
>>94369Yeah, I was going by hero mode.>>94365Oh dang, I forgot about the movie posters. Welp.
Wow, that cosplay is the best yet. Look forward to seeing what people cook up once we all get our zodiac shirts. They ship this week, right?Also, reading another thread and Hussie's formspring, it occured to me that English is alsoa Giygas parallel.But what I didn't think of is that Pokey is his Doc Scratch. Mind blown.
>>94367Hahaha. Thanks I think?Sorry, it just pissed me off that it ended up smudging in the end no matter what I did to stop it. AH WELL.
>>94365+1. "Nook" seems to be something skull-related. The female anatomical feature is probably a "seedflap".
Can't decide whether this works better for John/Karkat or Tavros/Vriska. Probably the latter.
johnjohn I missed you so much and I love the new outfit and the cosbytop, oh my goglol poor karkat got SHUT DOWN. Sorry Karkat, but John just wants a loving wife and daughter! also you guys, the whole point/fun of shipping is that it's not gonna be canon, so who cares, I can't wait to see more of >>94116 and >>94127.
>>94359can i ask what brand your friend used?also how you guys got the horns to be stable, headbands?
>>94359*of makeup derp. i tried ben nye aquacake and it is...actually horrendous!also i like your equius' hairy chest, he's great.
>>94385There There. No Need To Be So Conflagratory.
>>94382i AM the friend : )let's see, it's a mix of petroleum based clown white and water based grey, both Mehron. more white than grey, because waterbased flakes off/dies out on your skin, whereas petrobased sets well with powder/hairspray, but can migrate if your face is oily. mixing them gives you the best of both worlds. i'm really going to have to write a tutorial or something.and yes, it was some STRONG chest hair. lol. sorry everyone else, i feel like we hijacked the thread. how 'bout them updates? "OUR HATE FOR EACH OTHER IS SO STRONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN THE STARS. YOU KNOW, THE ONES I FUCKING MADE FOR YOU." made me laugh and go 'awww' at the same time. so great.
hey cos players do some lesbian porn for us while all painted up
>>94389 Stop that.
>>94388>sorry everyone else, i feel like we hijacked the thread.Oh, poppycock. I for one like seeing what neat stuff other fans are up to, and details about the process are interesting to me.But yes, that update was wonderful, and that line about stars was one of the highlights.
i havent worn makeup save for halloween costumes when little, and it always got itchy on me and wound up smeared to hellwas your makeup also itchy and bad
honestly there are funnier lines but i think the stars one is my new favorite just due to the asynchrony of itit's hilarious but also sort of unexpectedly sweet and tragicor maybe hilarious because of that
My favorite part was "oh god, the quadrants..."
>>94389Why Would You Request Such A Terrible Thing.Just Terrible.
>>94397As an impartial male who holds both people who post pictures of themselves and creepy internet douchebags at about the same level of scorn I would like to step in to say that the request was, in fact, not terrible in the slightest (though it was creepy and douchebaggy).
>>94399I Sincerely Have Not The Fondest Idea To What You Are Inferring.I Mean Faintest Idea.Excuse Me For A Moment While I Go Mull Over Something That Is Definitely Absolutely Truly Not This Obscene Suggestion.
>>94399>>94400uH, JUST FUCK ALREADY!
>>94401:33 < Is that purrhaps something matesprits do? Mews to me! *goes off to purruse her shipping wall*
my beefy hand aches for you
Wait I just realized that you guys are roleplaying. Has hivebent messed up my sense of grammar so much that posts like that seem normal?Alternate final sentence:Shut thef fuck up
ok justjust stopjesus fuck
>>94405I thought it was hilarious.
>>94407I'm sorry for your loss.
>>94412hey man i'm fine with the occasional post like>>94397but its a slippery slope, if we allow this too much before you know it we're all drawing and roleplaying our "trollsonas" and shitting all over the thread
although i never roleplayed or drew iti confess i came up with a sort of trollsona(mostly it was me imagining how i would interact with the troll characters and i was basically a bigger wimpy wimp than tavros)
>>94414 Maybe you should have thought of that before these threads started to reproduce in several day intervals. Shit's been out of control as soon as Bea brought this plague and its fan art upon us; it's too late to talk about self control at this point.
>>94416There is only one solution. We have to kill the head vampire.
you're all a bunch of blithering feculent shitholes but that's fine i guess
I delved through pages of margin scribbles and crudely drawn felt 63 with a mental hazmat suit to get this for you worthless crotchstained barfpuppetsyes I am using this as an excuse to use Karkat's wonderous vitriolic wordsmithingin other news Lexxy still draws awesome things; the world needs more adorable John
>>94414We've already kinda been there. Over that last break, folks here posted their trollsonas and some of them were actually pretty neat. Junk's in particular is cooler than the back of the freezer.I apologize if that's a crappy simile. My head's in a fog, and I'm feeling less-than-clever.
>>94421could you link to junk's?
>>94422Here ya go.>>90399 >>92040
>>94423those shutter glassesthose clothesSO FLY~
>>94424Junk's troll has all the style. All of it.
>Seeing John again.
>>94426How did weGet through one night without him?If we had to live without himWhat kind of life would that be?Oh and weWe need him in our meaty arms to holdHe's our world, our heart, our soulIf he ever leftBaby he would take away everythingGood in our lives
>>94431I'm reading this in spoken word.Shatner style.and now I have all the giggles.All of them.
Ancestors, dishonoured, beyond comprehension, etc.
>>94416gimme worst poster awardAlso I keep laughing at "oh god the quadrants..."
just got back from college to see a update with john doing a nonchalant "no homo" responseoh god the forums must be imploding
>oh god the forums must be implodingI haven't seen a single person sincerely go "Oh noes, now I can't ship John/Dave or John/Karkat." And I am right down in the trenches and gutters of that nutcase segment of random.I have seen many, many, many, people make posts of the sincere or facetious assumption that there will indeed be SO MUCH FLIPPING OUT, and the shippers wept, etc.Implosion might be the right word. Everybody 'expecting' drama and talking like it's gonna be there, and nothing...actually happening.I find it vaguely irritating, but I know it'll all blow over as soon as we get another update.
>>94459The only drama/reaction I've really been expecting/looking forward to is all the anti-romance anti-troll people backlash. The fact that the very first update for Act 5 Act 2 was Karkat falling in loathe with John amused the fuck out of me for that exact reason.I've seen people who actually thought "oh hey Hivebent is over finally we'll NEVER SEE THE TROLLS EVER AGAIN." The very idea that there are people who think Hussie is just going to IGNORE everything Act 5 Act 1 brought up just baffles me.
Onion Horoscopes are out for this week.>Aries >Fate will give you a lot to do next week, and you had better do exactly as you are told or Fate will start executing hostages.And I just read that Sing a Melody fic last night. I am weep.
>>94459I assumed that because of the precedents. I mean, you saw what happened with the paradox babies one, or when Vriska crippled Tavros. If anything, I'm glad that their reaction hasn't been dramatic.
dudes have another lexxyart
Between >>94420 and >>94480, I'm seeing stars.
>“hey, welcome back!! i missed you! so much has happened while you were gone, i can't even begin to say. but what matters is you're here now, right? i'll tell you as we go along! the others are dying to see you, i swear... come on already, let's GO!”; u;
>>94487Stop being so depressing. :(
>>94319Oh, uh, sorry? :3c
>>94488Why so depressed? We got to see John again and now the trolls and kids are going to GATTAI.
>>94438why did you use karkats hair
Okay, sonot to detract from the whole newest update thing herebut am I the only one who absofuckinglutely loves Gamzee twirling his clubs in "[S] Make Her Pay"?I've only seen like two posts on it at all, but it's easily one of my favorite moments in that flash. Maybe even one of my favorite moments in all the flashes.Okay I did not mean for that last bit there to be a reference, I just can't think of a better way to phrase it because it's like 5 AM here and I am very tired
>>94487Uuuh quote recognition bulb is flashing, but were is it from?>>94494Because I'm lazy and artistically retarded, thats why.
>>94459This shipper has only shed tears of laughter so far. Our species evolved to ignore canon sexual orientations ages ago.
>>94487ASKAL, PLEASE SHARE WITH THE ENTIRE CLASS WHERE THIS IS FROM.Also I'm super late saying it, but y'all cosplayers are awesome. I mean, literally, filling me with awe at how well-done those costumes were. never would have thought to mix petroleum- and water-based makeups before, would have saved me so much grief
>>94501Haha, I'm sure I was one of the two posts talking about how much I loved that part. I don't know why I like it so much, but it's like a combination of the music with the mustachioed basilisk coming out of nowhere and how nonchalantly Gamzee turns and starts twirling his clubs all adorably badass-like. It's definitely one of my favorite parts out of [S] Make her pay.
>>94501A lot of people really loved that part! Some even said it make them like Gamzee more.
>>94501It's a really cool little animation. I'm kinda bummed Gamzee didn't get as much to do during the intermission but hopefully we'll see more of him.We never found out how goatsea died, did we?
>>94567Yeah, but it's cool. It means for now we can keep on believing that Eridan harpooned him entirely by accident!
>>94567I figured it accidentally inhaled an empty Faygo bottle.
>>94567Ironically, a miracle.
>>94569He had a giant-ass harpoon sticking out of him. ): You didn't notice?
>>94572... D:
IUHI DON'T KNOWJust copy/pasted it from the original post:
Homestuck is the gift that keeps giving and here is solid proof why.
>>94598Indeed.We need to found the Church of Hussie after this is over.not byron though
>>94598holy fuck that is AMAZING dhfgsdjf
>>94598Oh my god.Hardest I've laughed today.
>>94598"a throne is but a bench covvered in vvelvvet."Also, according to the forum's fanart thread, Lexxy has it 'on good authority' that John's outfit involves a hood with a small cape. >>94420 I guess we'll see the whole costume more clearly in future updates.
>>94596i don't care if it makes me a pedophiledemfuckingthighs
>>94603you and me both mano/
I think that, once you start looking for thighs like that on chicks,you can't really call yourself a pedophile anymore.So you posers better step off.
>>94598this is the COOLEST DAMN THING
>>94610yeah, you're probably only a pedo if you're drawing the trolls to look like>>94079this right here
Hey, does anyone have the links to all the troll versions of the Disney's songs?
>>94598this is so rad i dont even know how to handle it. merely saving this doesnt feel proper.
I started writing a fanfiction set in an alternate universe where Karkat trolled John forwards instead of backwards, but the conversation still mostly ended the same. I was about halfway through it when I realized how recently it was that I looked down on the writers of fanfiction and thought about what I had become.I was pretty fond of one bit of the conversation though, so I'll share that despite my shame.>CG: YOU KNOW WHAT JOHN? YOU CAN SUCK MY BONE BULGE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO.>EB: hahaha you are not really helping your case!>CG: GOG DAMMIT. I NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS POSSIBLE FOR SUCH A PRIMITIVE SHIT LIKE YOU TO ELICIT SO MUCH HATRED AS I FEEL FOR YOU RIGHT NOW.>EB: i thought we just agreed we would only be hatefriends?>CG: FUCK YOU.
This . . .>>94293. . . reminded me, what was that excellent site with the 3D reference models you can spin around?
>>94620Could you link it perhaps?
>>94623Sup anon
I just reread the pesterlog in anticipation of more updates.Am I wrong, or did John just imply that they decide that the creation of the scratch, the Rift, the very thing that has consumed the trolls and kids for over a year......was done on purpose by all of them, was in fact planned all along? Because everything else aside, I think that blew my mind the most. They WANT reality rent apart, after all this time.
>>94625Yesss. Thanks Othar.
My best friend says that this development has made Homestuck jump the shark for him; he says it's become too heteronormative and fandom-y. He worries that the move towards shipping-oriented drama will leak into Hussie's other works and taint them, and that a Problem Sleuth crossover would be a bad thing.While I understand his complaints, I still think he's being pretty unreasonable.
>>94626Yeah, it's their doing, and entirely on purpose. They're breaking the game! Remember Rose up-fucking her first gate?
>>94630Yeah, but the surprise is that the trolls were COMPLICIT in it the entire time. They wanted it to happen, after we see months and months of them ready to murder the kids at any cost to stop it from happening. When they caused it to begin with.oh god my headAs for the friend, he sounds like a jackass. I slather myself in fandom shipping nonsense and saw and accepted this development with Karkat a mile away. Nevermind John doesn't like guys, he has no way of understanding blackrom as is.
>>94609/0\im too late for the thigh-five
>>94629>heteronormative>characters who are openly bisexualumUnless he's referring to the fact that the only characters who are openly bisexual are aliens making non-heterosexualities seem inhuman. But isn't the whole point of Homestuck that no matter what a weirdo you are, no matter how dorky or ironically cool or verbose or what color your blood is, that you can be accepted and loved for that?whelp i just typed that about a webcomic goodness
>>94629it was already heteronormative i mean pretty much everything isand that isn't just unreasonable it's unrealisticif you refrain from consuming any media that doesn't line up with that sort of worldview you'll be left with exactly jack shitjust be happy it passes the bechedel test even that's remarkably rarevalid worries regarding the fandom shit thoughbut eh what can you dojust be glad it brought you entertainment for as long as it did i guess
>>94634He meant that even though all of the trolls are effectively bisexual, the only couples that actually succeed are the straight ones. He felt that Hussie really dropped the ball.
>>94635Oh, he's gonna keep reading it, but apparently he'll never be able to enjoy it as much as he used to.He's really pessimistic about the future, too. He said that the trolls meeting the kids can only lead to shipping drama infecting them.
>>94638Wait, what relationships succeeded?
>>94638Have any of the romantic relationships really succeeded?Fef and Sollux are morails, not matesprits and I'm still pretty convinced Terezi and Karkat break up judging by their future logs. Oh, wait, I forgot about Aradia and Equius but that's a whole 'nother beast being as that relationship may be heteronormative but she's half frog and dead.I don't know! v0v
>>94629This is so stupid that I'm not even going to bother with poper grammar and just spew hate in this general direction 3 2 1...ACTION!Who fucking cares Homestuck "jumps the shark" every month or so (ok now they're not playing a game they're getting killed by meteors ok now you're a not-imp playing with cans in the ruins of earth's dead civilization ok now you're a universally loved genius psychic furry cutesy granddaughter of an obscenely rich hunter/explorer/scientist with a dog who is a god ok now you're an alien (who is a god)), it it's been fandom-oriented (SUGGESTIONS BOX) since the beginning, anything Hussie does leaking into other things he has done would only contaminate them with further greatness (because he's acutely aware of real or perceived flaws and actively uses them to control readers' reactions and expectations but that's a whole different post) and someone using "heteronormal" in the context of a webcartoon (the same one where the guy had an extended scene where he gave out stuffed bunnies and jammed some air guitar while pretending he had a mullet. You know, high brow sociological commentary) is obviously missing the fucking point so hard that it's a sure sign that you should be looking for ways to discretely murder them instead of listening to anything they say.A PS/HS crossover would be pretty bad unless it's not-canon, though, since these things are better as self-contained stories. Did anyone care that the whale showed up in Jaibreak? No, it was just "oh look it's the whale ok moving on." If anyone besides Andrew made it you can bet it would suck (since it'd be 100% fan wanking) but if Andrew did it he'd be not-working on HS, which we should all agree is pretty much the worst thing.I know someones posted something after this so that'll be a different post.
>>94643>Who fucking cares Homestuck "jumps the shark" every month or so (ok now they're not playing a game they're getting killed by meteors ok now you're a not-imp playing with cans in the ruins of earth's dead civilization ok now you're a universally loved genius psychic furry cutesy granddaughter of an obscenely rich hunter/explorer/scientist with a dog who is a god ok now you're an alien (who is a god))Jumping the shark doesn't just mean a shift in focus, it means that the driving forces of the series have changed. All of those things fall within the realm of silly stupid awesome Homestuck things, but apparently romance drama doesn't>and someone using "heteronormal" in the context of a webcartoon (the same one where the guy had an extended scene where he gave out stuffed bunnies and jammed some air guitar while pretending he had a mullet. You know, high brow sociological commentary) is obviously missing the fucking pointSomething doesn't have to be serious to send messages (intentional or otherwise). His argument is that the series has become "about" shipping (which I dispute) and as a romance-centric story does a poor job of supporting non-heterosexual couples (which I can kind of understand, though I wouldn't put it pass Hussie to pull some gayness on us out of nowhere).
>>94643Uhhh. I think you need to sit down and take a breather, dude, you're getting way too worked up.
>>94644Oh yeah, and his beef with the fandom isn't that they have too much control, but that Homestuck is now "the sort of thing that has a big fandom" (his paraphrased words).
>>94646You know, I can't really imagine this having happened with Problem Sleuth. I still don't think Hussie was actively courting it until Hivebent, though.
>>94638I think your friend needs to wait and see which relationships are going to pull through. Tavros sort of rejecting Vriska opens the door for Kanaya/Vriska, and even if that doesn't happen, Kanaya/Rose is still fairly plausible. Since Dave is Hussie's self-insert, we know he's homoerotically interested in his fans. And all the trolls are (supposedly) bisexual, which creates all sorts of interesting possibilities.So sit tight for a while. Hussie is a cool dude, he'll come through for us queers one way or another.
>>94648and then fandom will hijack it because the gays are just soooo kawaii~ n_n;dude/dude couple and suddenly one of them will always be portrayed as an anorexic blushing and pranceybecause one party in a relationship always belongs in the kitchen damn it
Update. Oh god they are so adorable why.
Such beautiful chaos.
awwww Turzi and Karkles. <3
>>94652>Eridan: Boggle vacantly at these shenanigans.
I have the gigglefits now.
>>94652I love Gamzee's horn pile.
>>94656There is absolutely nothing to not love about his horn stash.Vriska's gotten a lot nicer since Taaaaaaaavros turned her down. Probably a ruse.
Haha past gamzee
>>94656I bet he nests there at night.
>>94652Now with more grinning Tavros.>>94656THRONE OF HOOORRRNNSS
Most fucking amazing memo ever and I haven't even started fully reading it yet.
I have learned that it is impossible to argue here because by the time I'm done speaking to a guy he's already responded twice and when I'm done with that people make giant posts that I want to respond to but I can't because when I'm halfway done with my (currently 681 words) post there's an update.OH WELL I guess what I was going to say is that every time there is a shift of focus in any way (story direction, point of view, mode of storytelling, etc.) dumb people think it has jumped the shark and that it's unbelievably stupid to complain about relationships halfway through a story.
>>94650>because one party in a relationship always belongs in the kitchen damn itjohn must reclaim the love of baking his father attempted to instill him with, it will surely be a pivotal character development point
This was surprisingly funny and adorable. I'm surprised that Gamzee and Nepeta aren't going to help them, but we'll know how this is going to move.
gamzee doesn't know what the fuck
>>94667>why.jpg because someone mentioned prancy blushing anorexiathats why
>>94667Oh GogBest line of that update ever
>>94648I wouldn't put Eridan♠Sollux out to pasture yet either.>>94669I guess it's because Karkat made it clear that anyone who's going to troll the kids better be doing it to piss them off and not help them. Though Gamzee did try to contact Jade at one point, I think.>>94666Is that John, John and baby John? I don't get it.
>>94673>johndave.jpgI think it's dave.But for some reason the idea of an all John family is cracking me up.
>>94662just notice how creepy tavros is being
>>94675hes smiling because he is happy for themhe cant help it that his mouth is filled with terrible fangs that make his smiles look creepy
>>94670Oh yeah, forgot about that detail.
Tavros reminds me of Eduardo from Foster's Home.Adding to that is Spain's love of bulls and the fact that Don Quixote was written by Cervantes, a Spanish author, and the resulting conclusion is that Tavros is a Spanish/Mexican kid in a wheelchair. YEAH, PC TROLLS! Really adds a whole 'nother angle to the Land of Maps and Treasure, since Spain was such a big player in the Age of Exploration.also this update is the best update. and it makes me think that Karkat sometimes types in his blood color for Terezi when they're alone
That memo. Hilarity and cuteness EVERYWHERE.>CAG: Do you guys realize you are sharing a key8oard and taking turns to argue with each other?>CAG: That is kind of cute. ::::)>CTA: yeah ii hate to 2ay iit, but iit really 2ort of ii2.Also, 'pouncellor'. I can't articulate how adorable that is.
>>94679You mean the blood color he didn't know she had figured out? The blood color that he hates?
>>94690>You mean the blood color he didn't know she had figured out?Are you perhaps talking about the blood color she explicitly told him she had figured out hours in the past before their King battle?Yes, that blood color.
whoops more boring non homstuck remixesI don't even know where to put this stuff.
>>94695That's proving my point, not yours, silly Anon.
>>94698He told her before the King battle. This is well after. How does this support your point?
>>94654Of all the things in that picture, Eridan's expression cracks me up the most. "Oh God, Baldric...once again Dame Fortune vomits on my future."
Looky what I found on regular /co/.Very pretty and sad. Poor Kan. :(
>>94699That he never told her about the blood color until something that was fairly recent, and he hates his blood with a passion. Why would he use it?
>>94707Also that he never actually told her, SHE told HIM.
>>94707Slick has the same candy red blood and he idolizes him, right?
>>94707Oh haha. I thought we were still talking about the >blood color he didn't know she had figured out?not how reasonable or not it is for him to type in that color.
>>94705 See >>93813Another wonderful pic from Andrei.
So hey, have we talked about Karkat's magical John-obsession possibly having something to do with Terezi's willingness to murder him?On the same vein, Kanaya's willingness to amputate Tavros's legs having such to do with her intense FUUU reaction to Vriska's rapekiss?
>>94715Yup, I recognized it was his. :)I was rather -EXCIT-ED to see one of the pieces from that in a larger size, and I hadn't noticed the text in the background at first.
>>94717Yes!, another pic for my "Gamzee gets high with" collection.>>94716I would like to look into the deal with Kanaya. Terezi doesn't really surprise me, but Kanaya is fairly tame to be doing something like that. I mean, I would not see her as being one to express her emotions like that...
>>94716After we found out about Terezi's penchant for "justice", and especially after she set Doc Scratch on Vriska as a way of punishing her, I kind of figured that Terezi actually sent John straight to his denizen as payment for screwing up the troll's end game. You'd have to assume that the kid's are still being blamed for that when she pulled it off, and that most were still bitter about including her.
>>94720I don't know, it's an awful passive-aggressive form of revenge, since technically in the end he benefits from it.But like, if you essentially had the chance to do some intense violence upon your romantic rival AND got to pretend it was a good deed, well...And if someone had to chop his legs off, might as well be her.
>>94722I guess so, but it just feels so...sinister for her to be doing. It's like that saying about how it's always the quiet ones and whatnot. you Zig. Fuck you.
UhhhI don't know if you guys know of/like Shimeji, but I did a thing. it's your very own screen crawling, window throwing, PCHOOOOOing John. I... guess since people like sharing fanart/music/whatever here, I'd share this too...
>>94716Why would Terezi give a shit about Karkat hatecrushing on John? They're in separate quadrants. Unless Karkat wasn't paying enough attention to her or something, but that'd just make her look petty and dumb.
Hello is is safe to assume that it would be impossible to understand what you guys have been talking about and that I should just skip it all? Yes, I think so.On the last page, Terezi looks lighter than the other trolls. But when I check the colors, it turns out she isn't. What's her deal????????
>>94730It's probably just her bright red glasses contrasting with her skin and tricking your eyes or something idk.
>>94723Looking forward to Kanaya finally snapping and flipping the fuck out, you have no idea.People seem to have it in their head that Kan is this perfectly nice girl who does nothing but help others, but she's shown many times to have a dark side somewhere in there. Or would that be shiny side? The passive-aggression links her to Rose even more which is always cool.
>>94717That's wonderful.
>>94729I don't think separate quadrants negates jealousy, and Terezi isn't a paragon of maturity. I'm not sure I buy her "funishing" John for the kids screwing up their game because that honestly doesn't seem to have her that bovvered. She may also be dicking around with John because he brings up how much her and Karkat wuv each other. But she doesn't really fuck with the other kids near as bad, there's probably a reason for that.
>>94736She made Dave cry.
>>94737Wasn't that because he had just thrown his own corpse out the window? Or am I thinking of a different time.
>>94737Dave's just a crybaby.Nah, just shitting you. But I am not sure that hurt feelings is on equal turf with DEATH.
>>94736>She may also be dicking around with John because he brings up how much her and Karkat wuv each other.And why would that bother her? He's brought it up once, when he said that Karkat was basically in love with her, and that didn't make her angry; she just wanted to know if it was true.
>>94715lol the little mother grub in that pic gets me. "Here Mother I Have Shrunk You Down To Purse Size Come Perch On My Shoulder"
>>94738The same Dave who captcha-cloned his own brain in a jar? I think having to chuck his own dead body would just traumatize him more than make him cry.
>>94747Society just doesn't understand usA bloo bloo bloo
>420 hours agoHurrrr>>94726I fucking love this.>>94747Now I love it more.
>>94752I'm already having far too much fun from this.
>>94752>Land of Thought and Juxtaposition>Mage of Verve>Pink gateWell fuck you too.
>>94716Terezi almost murdering John was because of three things. First, all trolls are sort of fucked up. Second, she has a penchant for justice and the kids ARE supposed to be villains in the trolls' eyes. And third, she didn't think it'd really kill him. It was a fucked up situation, but it had NOOOOTHING to do with shipping.Kanaya doing that to Tavros' legs were a strong first example of what Kanaya was, and that was somebody who tried to be ultra-helpful to everybody but didn't always mind how that help came about. She splits open her Mother Grub as well very nonchalantly. It's a casual morbidity and a dedication to volunteering, in a sense, in that she doesn't take anything very seriously except herself (and apparently Vriska.)I don't think what I said makes any sense, but I stand by it anyway.
>>94752...well, fine then.
>>94758Hahaha, oh wow! What a sad land.
ok i have a SUPER IMPORTANT questiondo all seers inevitably go blind or is that just terezi and sollux
>>94761Sollux is a wizard, harry.Also we couldn't possibly know for sure, but it's implied that prophets go blind.
Awwww look at that little nubby update. So small~
>>94761Sollux is a Mage.Rose is a Seer and she's not blind, so I don't think so.
>>94762oh yeah i think prophets was the word i was looking fori wonder if rose is safe then
This is rocketboard John, not jetpack John, right? Otherwise the yellow wouldn't make any sense.
>>94766Well yeah, that's the caution tape AR strapped him in with.
>>94751I didn't notice that. That's great.
Woah man, that's deep...
>>94761Wait, what?When did Sollux go blind?
I suddenly feel like I should be hosting What Not To Wear.
>>94780He didn't.
Sollux has yet to go blind I think. It'll probably end up revolving around the weird galaxy eyelenses things.
Hell yeah.
So I'm on earth?
>Land of Steel and Iron>Mage of Doom>pink gateffffff
what can i sayi'm just the best
I'm rich, bitch!
well alright
Yeah, this is fun.
Fuck yeah ally of guile
Guys, there's a sweet rave at LoGaG. We will party 'till the sun comes up. P.S. I will make sure the sun dosen't come up.
I accidentally clicked before I could get a screenshot, but I had Land of Gust and Vines, Solider of... something or other.GUSTS AND VINES ARE MY FAVORITE THINGS EVER! D:Oh well, I guess this is almost as good.
>>94793>Oil and HorrorThat sounds profoundly unpleasant.
>>94804ahahaha best title.
It never occured to me to screenshot, but the first one I nabbed was 'Land of Twilight and Islands, Envoy of Action.'Yeah, I can work with that. Whatever the hell an ultra-generic title like that is.
>>94816Envoy of Action sounds awesome. It's like you're being shipped to different places to cause explosions and kick people in the face.
Aw come on Shawn, I can't rhyme all the time.
it's gotta be love
What's the update about
>>94829The Land of Wind and Shade and The Heir of Breath.
>>94802>Duke of Crunkholy shit.
I'm the nightmare of environmentalists or something
Awwwww yes.
>>94851oh god widdle glasses-less jadetake it away
Oh sweet, does this mean I get to train the monsters in my land Pokemon-style?
>>94855no john nowhat about daves
rusty nickels guys
Nothing too interesting but I made some notes on a couple of them
NEW THREAD: >>94870