So I can't be the only one whose favorite character is Von Zinzer.
Amongst all the crazy awesome I cant decide on one favourite, but he's definitely one of them.
I for one just found myself saying "yeah that's about right" during all that "CARE TO ASSIST ME?" business.
>>91390Not really. It's Zeetha and Higgs. Zola might as well be up against a natural disaster.
>>91400I don't know, they would certainly take her in a fair fight, but Zola's good at not fighting fair.
When in doubt, RUN.
>>92067I figured she'd run, it's her best option right now. So, all three of them just jumped through the last layer of holes, which Agatha blasted in the floors way back when: the castle doesn't know what's down there.
Is Mezzasalma lying his ass off?
This plan is the best plan.
>>94093I'm going to laugh when this is how the GRAND HETRODYNE EMPIRE brings down Castle Wolfenbach.
>>94815I wonder if it's even possible for a spark to repair something without improving it?
>>94835That depends on your definition of improving.
>>94843Improving; Adding new features and/or make it stronger/faster/bigger/explodier.
>>94843Everything a Spark touches turns to awesome. I call that an improvement.
>>94843Rodyle, we're not talking about a Spark's idea of improving, we're obviously talking about our idea of improving. Obviously. Christ.
>Agatha's Man-Jail.jpg