The other TF thread stopped bumping. EXCITEMENT!!!
I'd love to see more creators making Mosaics.
Can never have ;_;
>>66881Come now, the Japanese dub is still getting its sea legs. Have hope, hupla.On that note, why are Universe comics scans so hard to find on the web?
>>66881I just realized Megatron has gigantic nipple guns.
>>66885I think Hasbro revealed that there will be no new TFA toys, actually.
>>66888Yep, Takara wont do anything that doesn't already have a prototype, Ill buy all there repaints though!
>>66888So, TFA Rodimus & TFA Cybertron Ironhide are the last two? Ah Slipstream.Unless her WFC version gets a figure.
>>66898Takara could make a Ramjet, Animated blurr is being remolded by the TFCC as Cheetror for next year.
>>66903Wait! What of Vortex Blurr!?
Man, the commercials are so boring today!
>>67008 I mean, no power ballade or "they got the power to combind" BAH!
>>67008>A BIGGER...BADDER...BOT!Sounded like he had to check his cue cards.
>>67009I agree, 80's had a lot going for them commercial wise.Brand new animations and kick ass music made just for the commercial.Something you really don't see that much nowadays do you?Correct me if I am wrong, which I most likely am
Guys, I scanned a thing.
I really need to find a Skystalker.So I can buy a Mindwipe.
>>67102I really need to find a Mindwipe.To go with my Skystalker.
Found TFA Arcee at the back of a peg today. Somebody is cursing me right now, but that doesn't matter. People weren't kidding about her thumbs though, JESUS. I wasn't gonna use her swords anyway, but damn. Those thumbs were stressed right out of the package.
>>67105Mindwipes are everywhere here, and on sale.But I only want one if I can find the other
>>67267There are none around here.NONE
>>67300I found a Mindwipe, but I can't seem to find any Skystalkers. I've been seeing nothing but Ejectors & the microscope.
Your lucky, we sweds dont get the later waves and its always overpriced!Dont help that I'm a sheepskate...
>>67461 Yeah, that one! Like the Tele2 comatials with the black cheap. nice!
Just got the new Allspark Almanac. Season 4 really looked promising. And it's so cool to see all the Omega Sentinels. And an animated version of Optimus Primal was one of the bots chosen to bond with them.
>>67546Got any scans? I'm curious as to the layout of the book.
The allspark almanac is Amazing. That is all
>Decide to check out local TRU>See a TFA Arcee>See a ROTF/Generations Jetblade>There's a BOGO50% Off sale on Transformers>Also have a TRU Rewards $5 off coupon
>>67635They also had ROTF Deluxe Ironhide, but I rather have the first movie's Voyager version.
>>67652"Why yes, my hat IS awesome."
>>67652What is this. Why do I not own it.I need to rectify this problem post haste.
>>67929On a related note, how do you make the Japanese intro better? With sound effects!
>>67931needs more G1 laser noises.
The TF wiki is the most entertaining thing I have ever read.
>>68896We try.
>>68089By the by, thanks for the scans.
>>69159Mariocon & Luigimus
>>69159no prob, broheim.
>>69174Or Clicktron and Clacktomus
>>69231Your joke doesn't make any sense.
>>69260Car Talk hosts Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers. Which I come to think makes a lot of sense.
>>69260God, Animated was great.
>>69264Don't transform like my brother.
>>69402Don't transform like my brother.
>>69264God, I love Car Talk. I've always wondered if someone's tried to prank them about trying to remove some possibly "excessive" blood stains, all while trying to get someone at the other end to stop talking...
>>69496"Hello and you are on Bot Talk.""Hello, This be Grimlock""And Grimlock be you""ME GRIMLOCK!!!""Okay big guy simmer down and just tell us your problem.""Other than the Obvious" "IT BURNS WHEN GRIMLOCK RELEASES COOLANT!!!! and then Grimlock leak..for a while""Okay Grimlock, what sound does it make when release coolant?"*Grimlock proceeds to release coolant while letting out a loud roar*"Yow that sounded painful, but beyond that I could hear what sounded like a high pitched whistling and that could mean you have some cracked or loose valve couplings in your coolant exchange system which could lead to coolant getting into or near some of the circuitry in the area and causing some moisture build up resulting in your discomfort and leakage" "Or he could have just drank too much at Maccadam's Old Oil House""That too.""So...Grimlock will be okay now?" "Just get those couplings replaced""Hopefully by someone you know""And you'll be fine"
Ugh...I think I'm gonna end up buying Rapido...still on the fence about keeping Cindersaur though....if I even buy 'em to begin with... yeah, I just discovered who Tony Bacala is. I love his stuff, very Toonami-esque.
Any of you guys or Gals going to TFcon next week? The schedule is up! Maybe you will care about this...
Got Leader Starscream today, barely had enough cash for him on me, and they had EVERYTHING new. Oh how they taunted me from the shelf. I couldn't even look at them for fear of temptation.
>>70285Hasbro or whoever...artbook now, please.
So, say, I decide I don't want Cindersaur: would anyone here like to trade?
>>70375What you want for for 'im?
>>70502I dunno. I don't know what y'all got.
>>70620What's shipping like?
>>70620nope sorry.Also, I totally forgot about everything I was thinking of listing under "really want". Had it thought up and everything yesterday but never wrote anything down, fffffff....
>>71082It's cool, no worries, brah.
WHY! Why dont we get this in sweden!
Oh, David Kaye.
>>72049I actually yelled out loud "FUCK" when I saw that.
What if its made from JETFIRE (or what was left of him)!
I never EVER G1 fan-rage (except for that time they first revealed movie designs).But what the hell?!
>>72243Everything non-LSotW is pretty much an affront to all things good.
>>72243Not Goldbug then its not in any sort a good version of older Bumblebee I HATE THE CAMARO!!!!
>>72245I'm enjoying the Ironhide mini.
>>72243That is one boxy motherfucker.
>>72281This. I don't mind that they changed his design again, it's just obvious the guy that made it sucks at designing mechs....which, admittedly, is probably pretty hard.Of course, they have a stable of artists they could've called on but no one ever said IDW had common sense when it comes to Transformers.
>>72299Well they're certainly doing a hell of a better job than Dreamwave.
These came in on Saturday. They look great...I might just obtain Rapido for mold completion.
>>72274The Ironhide mini is gonna have to work hard to get me back after the big masked Alpha Trion reveal turned out to be just Alpha Trion with a mask. There's no point in hiding the character unless they have something to hide, dammit!
Ok, I just finished Last Stand of the Wreckers, and I'm following the Ironhide mini. Is there any other decent comics I should be reading?
Does anyone know what happened to that Transformers fanart site from kkal? All I see is 으하하.
>>72422 The old marvel stuff if you can stand old/bad art...
>>72327That was 'tarded. The hell was the point of that?
>>72440I hear that. I was so totally expecting his jaw to have been ripped off or something. Not that he wrapped himself in fabric to protect himself from magnetic storms or some shit.
>>72439Or if torrents aren't your thing.
>>72327>>72440>>72454>Yes. This is to guard against electromagnetic attack. Obviously.It's like hes wearing a tinfoil hat. Alpha Trion seems to be slightly insane.
>>72529But not quite insane enough to be interesting.
>>72543I don't know...I think his constant "Dude, I am Alpha Trion check out how awesome I am I brought you back from the dead and everything hey why don't you think I'm cool?" stuff is interesting enough that I want to see where it's going.Also, finally reading stuff outside of Last Stand of the Wreckers...Costa isn't as terrible as a feared (still kind of B-list though), and the Bumblebee mini is...kind of terrible.
>>72243Oh what the fuck...Oh well, as long as they don't screw the characterization of Bumblebee, I may forgive this.>>72529>>72274I should catch this one.I've been pretty away from TF comics since All Hail Megatron, and I want to read that one again, since there's something that bugs me about it. Also, haven't read the Coda part.
>>72439Thanks, man.
>>72274I am loving Ahn-hawd being lost and confused.
Ahn-hawd is amazing
>>72745This and Last Stand of the Wreckers just....makes the Bumblebee mini even worse.Sorry if I seem hung up on it but it's just SO BAD.AND WHY IS BLURR ALL G1 AGAIN AND WHERE DID THAT ALT-FORM COME FROM AND WHY IS HOT ROD ON THIS COVER WHY IS BUMBLEBEE SO NAIVE CRIPES
Wait, Kim Jong Il is the straight up villain of the current comic?What the fuck?
Which is the more quintessential Transformers music?Dare by Stan Bush or The Touch by Stan Bush?
>>74571I want to check this out now, just to read it with the TEam America voice
>>74593I'm more partial to Dare myself.But I would say THIS is for being the perfect marriage of Stan Bush's vocals and Vince DiCola's 80's synthesizer shenanigans.
>>74593More quintessential? The Touch.Better song? Dare.
>>74593 The Touch is great at the start when you're thinking of when Prime did that wicked jump when the song began, but after a while it starts to drag. Dare keeps up the energy throughout.>>74595I need to set this up in an exercise playlist.
Man, Wayward may be cheesy as hayle, but at least she writes a decent tfs-turned-humans story without gaying up or sexualizing--...FuuuuuUUUUUUUCK.
>>74677>Live Script ReadingGIMME GIMME GIMME
>>74679I was just there, it was GLORIOUS! David completely forgot his cliffjumpper voice so he made him sound liked Solid snake. TFcon has been the most fun ive had in a while
>>74885Can't wait for it to be on youtube.
>>74887Vangelus said he wanted to get it up fairly quickly, but who knows how long it will take.
>>74885Oh this the Middleman Reading of the Series Finale and the Last TF Live Read (which I really need to put on my MP3) Best stuff ever! Really hope ComicCon has something that awesome this year.
Probably my favorite little moment of the con was Me and David discussing how hot tara strong is, he looked at her picture in my almanac and started saying how gorgeous she is, then we gushed about her work and he basically told me every voice actor in the industry wants to bone her.
Movie News!Mysterious new bot with fiber optic hair.I'm digging this for some reason.
>>74896>every voice actor in the industry wants to bone [Tara Strong]Yeah, no surprise there.
To the /co/mrade who also bought this the hell do I put his arm down?
>>75245Flip his arm thingies down a bit more, shift his painful looking shoulder things towards his head more. Those fucking shoulder things....I understand the JaAM comic so well now, even if that was for the Armada toy.
>>75297Got it, but had to remove his guns from his back and fiddle with the front wheels.And the figure feels so...plastic.
>>75300I didn't even know you could leave the guns on his back until I saw pics of him with his "boxing glove" mode which I cannot figure out for the life of me.
So I got Rapido and Cindersaur...I don't think I can give up Cindersaur now. It is the GREATEST recolor of all time.
>>75347I must see its beast mode.
Speaking of BotCon, this arrived for me earlier today: BotCon 2008 Shattered Glass Autobot Jazz!Got it from a /toy/ soldier. Probably going to be one of my last major purchases (after SDCC 2010) for awhile.
Prime pic are online by the way. STING! auditions! Im in them!
I has KicktruckIts nice
So. This is...a thing.Should I feel bad that it excites me, just a little bit?
>>78487Those are things?
>>78487As long as it's not the infamous "beast", I'm very ok with this.
>>78487There's alot of cool things in those pics, but my favorites are HFTD Lugnut, Deluxe Perceptor, and yes, the Dinobot PCC.It actually looks better than the constructicon PCC set.
>>78487THE RUMORS ABOUT "THE BEAST" WERE TRUE! pic related>>78547Hot shit!
>>78559Oh come one, >>78487 doesn't have any more resemblance to this than any other possible design.
>>78564And it's not even the original Dinobot team, but a whole new squad of robot dinosaurs. And it doesn't surprise me they'd pick a Parasaurolophus for this new team.
I was out of town today and saw both Hunt of the decepticons and Power Core combiners! Overprices ofcoure... And I reader support the local shops so... Also rotf Knock down and Ejetor came in the mail!
what is this doing on page 4
David Hayter by way of David Kaye.
>>83308This is why you let your actors read the script before the performance.
So.Who else had fun at AA.Idid
>>84051Wait. Auto Assembly was going on while I was in that country? FUUUUUUUCK.Oh well, just have to hit BotCon next year
>>84052Scott Mcneil was there, as was Derrick Wyatt.I met them both.Oh, and also Simon Furman, he told me to bring a portfolio next year.Derrick Wyatt adopted me as his daughter and added me on Facebook.And Scott?...that's another story.
...Did he do any of the voices?
>>84084Ahahahah, I am only joking. CHECK IT OUT IT'S ME AND MY NEW BFF.
>>84359what are you like 15?
>>84362...20? I know I look young, but eh.
>>84359>>84058Lucky you Jazz.And I'm glad you had fun.
Man, when are we gonna get some leaked concept art for the new movie to hate? All I've had to hate on is cardboard heads on sticks.
Derrick J. Wyatt's The Fallen is the best.
>>84476Unicron sure looks like he could go for some Mrs. Pells Fishsticks
>>84476A leozack is fine too.
>>84478Hahaha, cannot un-see.Would've been bonus if he were voiced by Maurice LaMarche, too.
>>84519I don't think the whole "cannot unsee" thing works if it's intentional, or positive.
>>84479>Death's HeadMaaaannnn....
Hey, guys?Why is Kim Jong Il in Transformers now?
>>84598Yes, it is an outrage we will never see him animated.
Derrick Wyatt drew me.Derrick. Wyatt. Drew. Me.I didn't even ask.He drew me.Me!HEDREWME!I...I think I can die happily now.
>>85304Oh holy shit you make an adorable cartoon.
>>85304Shame the show didn't get any further. You might have ended up next to the other people he had sketched for TFA Their loss.
>>85304It's....Other Jazz.
This was so good. I liked it even more than Wreckers.
>>86192You have terrible taste.
I can't tell who's crazier, eastern or western fangirls.
Jazz would like this one. It's got a solid 100 seconds of Starscream shaking his ass.
Holy jesus there's so many of these.But... why?
Man im still missing TFcon even though its been over a month D:Im going to have to stay at the hotel next year!
>>86478I like it alright.I already showed it to Derrick Wyatt.
This is probably the only WFC toy I'm getting. I don't even know why I like ti so much, I usually hate figures with Vehicle modes that can be described as "nothing, but with a gun on it"
>>86610But Speaking of figures I already have, Drift is amazing.
>>86610Its a very nice Megs with a huge arm cannon
I'll probably gonna get me a Cybertron Bumblebee, since I like his design.>>86610I like how it looks.>>86616It really looks very good, for a character that is pretty meh for me. I'll think about him.
are they doing anything with soundwave and his lil' compadre
>>87152WFC Soundwave is getting a Deluxe figure, in wave 2 of the Generations line. No tapes though, from what I've seen/read so far. Transforms into a Cybertronian SUV.>>86642A SMALL Megs, since he's deluxe. If WFC Optimus is anything to go by, he'll be tiny compared to his usual Voyager figures.
>>87239Well that and someone has worked out how to get his "server" alt mode.
>>87241"Server mode"? Do show & tell.
Man.I still haven't played War for Cybertron. I bought it like a month ago.
>>87309You're not missing much.
Have YOU preorder Last stand yet?For I have!
>>88065You know it!
Just got Ironhide/rodimus. Feels good man
I have 51 transformers. I do not have the room for all these.
>>88416Give them to me.I have almost every Animated Decepticon. I am just missing the Constructicons and... Cyclonus? Team Chaar.
>>88416I'll take any Soundwaves you don't want.
>>88416You're in a similar situation like me.I have around 52 figures, and bearly have space for another figure. Including my non-tf figures.
>>88416If you have any of these:Classics StarscreamClassics RamjetUniverse AcidstormUniverse StarscreamTFA Autobot JazzI'm interested.
>>88416List them and I might buy some.Especially Autobots, I need more Autobots.
>>88907Sorry bro, none of those. I'm going to post my complete sell list in a day or so, once I figure out where to post it>>88592Only got the one you got>>88590I have a Cyclonus, but I'm keeping him. Unless that 3 pack hits north america.
I stumbled over something I thought you've might want to see.
>>89040Isn't that thing, like, horribly expensive?
>>89041Yeah, and that's PRE- High profile customizer.Regardless...
Oh yeah, I got Huffer & Smolder cheap (only 149kr a pie) today. Well good night!
Man, I have been missing out.
Whose the greatest Shark around?
>>90325WHY WAS THIS NOT DONE IN THE SHOW?!Also... I still imagine Crispin Freeman voicing him like a goofy (or goofier) evil version of his take of Straight Cougar (of s-CRY-ed fame).
>>90368Because Predacons were going to be a season 4 dealie, and the show got cancelled before any of the vast, vast number of potential stories could be covered?
>>90384Sounds about right... still awaiting the Japanese to do the right thing, and demand a 4th season out of us., this is link to War for Cybertron how?Still looks great doho.
>>90368Well, Wyatt actually did a bunch of designs and sketches that never made it into the show. A lot of them he just does because he enjoys them.Here's Deathsaurus (or whatever the hell you want to call him).
Bludgeon>>90384It wasn't the only thing:
>>90497And numerous sketch for a theoretical Kickback design made for demonstrative purposes.
>>90325Also, here's a different Sky Byte design made by Bill Forster which was used in the second AllSpark Almanac.I like Wyatt's better.
The overall theme of Season 4 would have been energon. Apparently when Prowl and Jazz reconstructed the AllSpark there were energon deposits left behind in Detroit. Also the Autobot team was set to change. Prowl, being dead, was going to be replaced by Jazz. Bulkhead, Arcee and Sari were going to remain behind on Cybertron, partly because Decepticons were attacking Bulkhead's energon farm town, but also because Sari was going to be educated about Cybertron. To replace Bulkhead, Ironhide would have joined the Earth team, getting an Earth mode similar to his movie form. Picking up from the end of Season 3, Megatron would have been put on trial in the prison town of Kaon. Unfortunately, Kaon is Megatron's hometown and he knows all its secrets, so he would have made Kaon break off from Cybertron and relocate to the middle of Lake Erie in Detroit, where it would have served as the Decepticon's base. Sentinel would have managed to make himself Magnus, at least for a while, as Ultra Magnus would have died (probably due to his wounds from Shockwave but it never says for sure). Sentinel would have had the orginal team from Project Omega create something called the Powermaster upgrade, which would make him more powerful. He would have then travelled to Earth with the AllSpark to try and destroy Megatron, but fail. Prowl's ghost would inhabit the bodies of Autobots and Decepticons powered by AllSpark fragments to warn Optimus to stop Sentinel. Optimus would have then taken the Powermaster upgrade for himself, gaining the ability to combine with his trailer into a flying Autobot mode as big and as powerful as Megatron. In one episode Megatron would have found Blackarachnia and recruited her to his cause again. It would have been revealed that Blitzwing didn't use to be insane until Blackarachnia reformatted him into a triple-changer. Apparently the technology's been perfected now as Megatron would have been rebuilt into a triple-changer, transforming into a Cybertronian tank and jet mode. Blackarachia would have come to accept her organic mode, and decided she doesn't like taking orders, setting out on her own to try to create an army of Predacons. Soundwave would have returned and joined Megatron's team. Bulkhead and Sari would have been caught in a transwarp accident and end up in a 'Shattered Glass' version of TFA. Starscream was going to be resurected by Slipstream. Sari's origins were going to be explained. Detroit would have been overrun by Minicons from Kaon. Cosmos would have come to Earth, with an entire episode dedicated to him losing his memory. The Construticons would have fought the Decepticons for control of the energon in Detroit. In the two-part season finale (called "Megatron Must Be Destroyed!") Optimus would have had to gather as many allies together to end the threat of Megatron.
>>90502Y'know, I may like Wyatt's better, but I'm getting a bit tired of people freaking out over the pictures he's done lately. Same for the people asking himn random questions on Twitter/etc. and taking his word as law. He's just the character designer, she show's over, and he's moved on to another project. He may still be a fan, but nothing he says or draws is gonna mean anything.Of course I may just be butthurt over another person telling me the Animated version of ____ I drew a year ago is wrong because Wyatt just drew ____ and they looked different. faces!
>>90497Bludgeon with first mate Cannonball and Bandit-deco'd Lockdown!That would've be so boss.
>>90505Considering a nice chunk of his random art kinda got tossed into the Almanac anyways (I could be wrong but I'm preeeetty sure they weren't planning on having Scalpel on the show any time soon)
>>90601Actually, it seems that the art for both the AllSpark Almanacs was done by Bill Forster (like that Sky-Byte pic).
So... Have you copy of LSOTW came in yet?Mine have not even if the other two books(The avatar guide and some swedish fitness book my mom wanted) have.Hell if Armada TPB vol 3 that I bourth yesterday come in before it I will be miffed! enough, the voice actors for the characters of Bumblebee, and Soundwave were not revealed. These characters were shown during BotCon 2010 back in June.Two new Decepticons, Breakdown and Knockout have been added to the list of characters.MAIN CHARACTERSAUTOBOTS# Optimus Prime - Peter Cullen# Arcee - Sumalee Montano# Bulkhead - Kevin Michael Richardson# Ratchet - Jeffrey Combs# Bumblebee - Rumored as Josh Keaton (already voicing Jack)# Cliffjumper - Dwayne "The Rock" JohnsonDECEPTICONS# Megatron - Frank Welker# Breakdown - Adam Baldwin# Knockout - Daran Norris# Starscream - Steve Blum# Soundwave - UnknownHUMANSJack - Josh KeatonMiko - Tania GunadiRaf - Andy PessoaJune - Markie PostAgent Flower - Ernie Hudson
>>90992># Cliffjumper - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as you know who!
>>91003Starscream is a squealing fangirl?
>>91003He sounds like Cobra Commander...heh I grin.
>>90993"Haters gonna hate."
>>90992"Can you olfactory deteeeeeeeect what the Cliff is fabricating?!"Also, Ernie Hudson and Adam Baldwin. Neat.
>>91031And his Robot and Vehicle mode have bull horns, I love it.
>>90992I like this. This news sounds good.
>>91120I love it so damn much
Once again, the best there has ever been.
>>91215 It will air on the Hub, Hasbro's own new chanal.And we will allways have youtube.
>>91650>Drift 001>implying the first in a Drift series>implying a Drift seriesWHY
>>91650I wasn't terrible. In fact I don't understand the hatred towards this character at all. None of the books he's starred in has been worse than say, your average issue of Teen Titans. And as a character he's not even that annoying. As a so called "over-powered writer pet character" he's not even as bad as say, Furman's IDW Grimlock to use a Transformers example.I am hoping that we see him trying to be a complete dick and beat down for it at least one more time before he becomes an autobot so the change doesn't seem so sudden.
>>91732*It wasn't terrible
>>90797And it did, and I was...Great read nontheless
>>91732because they first introduced him as being "omg so awesome Kup and the Wreckers luv him omg". Still, it wasn't THAT bad.Then the Spotlight came out and...he was boring. It wasn't a terrible one-shot on it's own but he's just really boring and generic. And omg three swords.So yeah. Furman's IDW Wheelie is a more interesting character than Drift.
I like the part where Driftlock kills the guy who looks like Carnivac. Y'know, the noble Decepticon who has his doubts about the Decepticon cause and goes rogue.
To whoever here wanted me to middle-man for them the MP Grimlock, they're at my TRU now.But, it's $69.99 and kind of heavy.
FINALLY got this in my hands; obtained from eBay. The seller is most definitely not getting positive feedback regarding this transaction. I just can't decide if it should be neutral or negative.
>>92758Found mine!
>>92758Is this figure hard to find?
>>93071depends on where you are. It's a store exclusive.
My modest Animated shelf.As big as it's ever going to get
>>92616I may drop you a line after I get all my Rider gear sorted and sold
>>93118Rider gear? You're gonna post a list of what you want to get rid of here, aren't you? *puppy eyes*
>>93204Well as of this moment I still have my Double Driver (complete without box) Stag Phone (on hold) Frog Pod and my Emperor Kiva Dragon Bracer (complete without box)
>>93210How much are you wanting for that Doubledriver?
>>9321564+shipping if in the US. otherwise I'll have to recalculate. There was an interested party before but its been a few days since he's contacted me last and I've sent him a few emails with no reply...I'll give him the weekend but that's it.
>>93216Belt is up for sale again along with the Frog Pod Gadget.Belt is 64 plus shipping Frog Pod is 24 plus shipping
Got me a cryotek and a RiD megatron in the mail yesterday, awesome.Never got a refund from kiva emporer and he never responded to my emails. Not awesome
Vangelus is now part of Channel Awesome
>>93923Sellout.Nah Im just kidding thats awesome, he really should get more exposure.
>>93927's pretty good going the distance
>>93932Damn that was weird, Vangelus requires FANFICTION!!!!
>>93824A damn shame. I few times I had a transaction with him, they went smooth. Even spoke with him in #/toy/ about one of them and didn't seem like the guy who would scam. Still believe he didn't do anything intentionally.But, I guess he caved under pressure and/or the trolling & heckling on /toy/ became too much for him. Even after the alleged car trouble & the guy who the $500+ order (both of which should've been handled by now), you'd figure he'd get back to the other people.What did you order from him?
>>94040Animated Ultra MagnusCybertron Dark ScorponokBeast Wars TigerhawkRotF Voyager MegatronRotF Ice Cream Twins>Fuck the ending!
>>94076Ah, some big items there. Perhaps that's why he got tripped up.Anyway, hope it gets resolved in one way or another.
>>94100I dunno, I found the predicons being turned into The Great Ten kinda neat. Whether or not I think it'll succeed depends on how quickly they leave/die. If they actually explore the political implications giant robots aliens having formal allegiances with specific countries, instead of the blond chick just repeatedly going "this is bad" then I'm game.
>>94115He stopped responding to my emails awhile ago so ive just given up. But enough with bad news lets talk about good things, Ive got a big convoy on the way! SUPER EXCITED! a riff.
New Wreck-Gar?NEW WRECK-GAR.
>>94486I yelled out "GOLLY!" and then felt like a dork.
>>94486DUDE! Thats rad!
>>94486...I haven't bought a Transformer figure in years, but I am so tempted with this. That sculpt work is fucking delicious.
>>94486 Wounder if you get two, will they ride like in the movie.
>>94486Man, if it weren't for the lightpiping I'd say this was a cheap custom from the TFW2005 forums. I hope the head looks sharper and it's just the TFCC's photography that makes it look bad.And I'm torn between liking the asymmetry and thinking that we've moved past this in terms of motorcyle transformers.Still looks decent though.
>>94500Dig the holes in his seat, and the shape of his crotch.
>>94608HOLY FUCK
>>94608No way man.Nuh-uh.No way they're actually going to do that.Oh my god, they will.
>>94486Whoooa...very nice.Who's the truck?
/toy/ must be going apeshit.
>>94703Not even on the front page.
>>94712Dammit, I was hoping for more pics.
>>94733The mag hasn't hit anyone yet. Wait a few days.
>>94740Apparently people are starting to get the issue now.NEW DELUXE LASER ROD OPTIMUS PRIMENEW LEGENDS CLASS TRAILBREAKER (new name: Trailcutter)And in the comic,SENTINEL PRIME GETS A MOTH-LIKE SIDEKICK
>>94928Also, MP Rodimus won't come with a trailer in the US, but will have other accessories to make up for it.
Other new stuff not from the club mag.
And 'cause I love ya
>wake up from nap>see this>mfw :DDDDDDDDDD
>Thunderwing>Jazz>Scourge>Mothafuckin' G2 PRAHMSHIT'S GETTIN' REAL
>>94954Looking really AUTOVAJIN there Wreck Gar
>>94945>>94943Is it weird that I'm most excited about the PCC's?
>>94979>DINOBOT MEGAZORD. I'm fuckin' stoked.
>>94942Oh, motherfucker, that bike is in BM Thrust colours. So Yeah, I`m buyin it.Now we just need ROTF Mindwipe in BM Jetstorm colours.
>>94941- Dammit, I told myself I wouldn't get WFC Cliffjumper, but now I don't know...- I may have to get Darkmount now. These two back-to-back would be scary.- TEMPTING. He'd be a great addition to my growing number of jets.>>94942Windcharger looks great. Hopefully they make a redeco, since I'm not a big fan of the red.>>94944JAZZ & TRACKS ARE INSTA-BOUGHT. Fallback (ROTF Brawn) is a maybe, since I'd want his gun accessories.>>94945That PCC Jet is beautiful.>>94954All very tempting. I'm getting a major Universe Cyclonus vibe from Generations Scourge.>>94987GIMMIE.
>>94941>>94942>>94943>>94944>>94945>>949542011 is a great year to be a nerd.Seriously.