ITT: food you tried while on holidays and liked but couldn't find once you got home
I have never, ever seen a burger involving blue cheese anywhere in Australia. Which is a damn shame because at any given time I want to eat three.
>>3277beef and bleu cheese is like some kind of godly combination
There's some type of chewing gum from Japan with Felix the Cat on it that's FUKKEN AWESOME that I can't find anywhere else.Also,>no Reese's>no bleu cheese boigasPoor Australia ;_;
Good Mexican food.Doesn't exist in Europe.
They don't have Reese's in Australia? Really?Think I'll be appreciating it a bit more now....too bad I can't Reese's Nutragous anywhere anymore, though.
>>3301Reese's is pretty much exclusively American. That said in recent years it has cropped up on shelves over here, funnily enough first place I ever saw them sold was in Topshop.
Tesco's had little packaged pancake snack things.They were delicious with strawberry jam.Also tea. I don't know how I'm failing at making tea good but it's nothing like what I had overseas.
Real ramen soup. Also kebaps. I'm sure both of them exist in the US somewhere, but I can't get them anywhere where I live.
>>3305There are some approximations of real ramen places in NYC. Actually, that's what I'm gonna go with. And cheap shawarmas.
>>3303how are you not making tea right?
>>3310 Somehow instead of making DELICIOUS TEA I get tea tinged water.Maybe I need to let it brew more but I can't find the balance between bitter and awful and delicious and flavorful.
>>3311Have you tried French pressing that shit?It's what I usually do for hot tea, and it's usually full without being bitter. vOv
>>3311Maybe you need to use better tea? Bagged or loose leaf?
>>3312That's actually a really good idea. I think we have one kicking around here somewhere. Thanks!>>3313Maybe it's shitty tea I dunno, one was a strawberry blend from Harrods and I have a Darjeeling I got in Oregon of dubious quality. Both bagged. Should I switch to loose leaf?
Goddamn lardons. I had these in a small town a few hours from Paris and I fell in love. So damn tasty and buttery and om nom nom
>>3315If you want what you got overseas, you should get your own tea plants and brew them fresh or pressed. Most citrus trees have leaves that make great tea; lemon, lime, orange, etc. Jasmine makes your whole block smell amazing and is one of the most popular teas but it is a vine and tends to get very heavy.Dried leaves from a box are ok tier. Bagged is always shit tier, no exceptions ever in the universe.
>>3317Are there any leaves that can grow indoors? Oranges and lemons won't grow in NV but the jasmine will be worth a try.
>>3316Also oh my god this looks good
>>3316What the hell man, I've seen those things called anything from Turkish pizza to Khachapouri. The world needs to decide where the hell this thing comes from and call it one thing.
>>3320That picture made my butthole smile and my toilet cower in fear behind my towel hamper.
>>3309I know that much, but NYC is a good 7 hour drive away from me.
VICTO-FUCKING-RYbut at a cost. its really inconvinient to get them and this was nearly $10.
>>3327lol @ a laptop remote, if you have it plugged into an hdmi for your tv or whatever why not just use a wireless mouse from wherever you are?
>>3328i dont have it plugged into anything. i only ever use it to control media player while im not at the computer
>Reese'sFuck yeah, I love me some Reese's!
>>3327>this was nearly $10.FUCK. That is one hell of a mark-up. These are $1.89 regular price at my store and regularly go on sale for between 88ยข and $1.50, usually around Halloween time. Wow. Next time you're in the states, load up.
>>3339given that the regular 2-pack is only a bit more expensive than your regular chocolate bars here and four of them would be significantly more, i think its ok
>>3343that said i found an online retailer that can do it for half that
>>3344DO IT.
>>3346oh i will
I just bought a whole bunch of Reese's at the dollar store because of this thread.THREE dollars worth. That's like 40 Reese's cups.
>>3289It is. It's replaced pizza as the thing I want to eat when I can't think of anything to eat. Then I remember that I can't get any here, and contemplate emigrating.
>>3358Are they exactly like regular reese's cups? not like a weird imitation or different?
>>3363It IS real Reese's. They are just sold a the dollar store here.
>>3338FUCK YOU. NO, WHY'D YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME. ;~;Also as a reverse on the relationship, I currently live in one of the very VERY few specific ecosystems that allows wasabi and huckleberry to grow naturally. I hate heading to other areas in the US because everywhere else is nowhere near as fresh or delicious.
>>3338You know what? I think I'll head there tomorrow. There's one a block away from the trolley station.
In-n-Out is garbage.
>>3372Trolling in a /ck/ thread. What's the world coming to?
>>3377disliking fast food =! trolling
>>3378In-n-out is p. good compared to other fast food.French fries are awful but the burgers are soooooooo good.
>>3379animal style fries are worth it if only for the extra cheese and onions. also have you tried dipping a french fry in the chocolate milkshake? an ohio friend of mine suggested it. (they do weird things in that part of the country)
>>3380I don't know about normal milkshakes, but fries + Frosty are amazing.
>>3380No but when I went to McDonalds as a kid/preteen I'd always dip my fries in my ice cream. So good~
>>3379get the 100 patty burger one they do or whatever
Just got back from the grocery store with three 4-packs of Reese's. The peanut butter cup I had just now was more glorious than I thought it would be.
>>3380>that part of the country>early 90's teen drama/sitcomAnybody who grew up with Boy Meets World and hasn't tried french fries in milk shakes did not actually watch Boy Meets World.
>>3437 I like chewing it softly and the chocolate just coats the peanut butter perfectly, it becomes like a sugary nectar in your mouth and every bite is heavenly, truly a treat! I like to put some in the freezer too, then use one as a topping for ice cream. Do you like ice cream? Well if you do, imagine the added bonus of melting a cool peanut butter cup with your tongue while enjoying your favorite scoop of ice cream. My all time favorite though, is topping them on a chocolate cheesecake...
>>3437if you stop crying for half a second i'll send you some goddamn reesesjesus christ
No seriously how much would it cost to ship a 4 pound box of Reese's to Australia?If you can't get it there, and we can't get whatever you have here, COOPERATION SUPREME?
I'll ship out Reese's to anyone. With a service and postage charge, of course...
well why won't anyone (ahem) mail me tim tams
You know what's pretty good? The Reese's Whips. It's like a Reese's Cup, but in candy bar form.
I'd like to eat at a Sonic sometime but last time I checked the closest one near me is a few hundred miles away.
>>3457Because Tim Tams are delicate items, and may (read: will) be damaged in transit.Also, if you live in California, I hear a lot of Philipino grocery stores stock them now.
>>3460What's so great about Tim Tams?
Harris Teeter stocks Tim Tams around here (Maryland). Last time I checked they even had their own display.>>3463They're goddamn delicious that's what's so great.
Penguin was here, tim-tams are exactly the same
>>3467I've had these. I'm feeling UK/Germany nostalgia.