How bout them new Mountain Dew flavors?If Distortion is your favorite, hang your head in shame.
I've only tried WhiteOut and Typhoon so far, with preference to WhiteOut.
Whiteout: taste like Fresca Distortion: taste like regular dew with lime.Typhoon: ugah. I'll stick with mixing regular Dew and Hawaiian Punch.I voted for Whiteout and Distortion.
White Out is the best so far.
Distortion tastes like Surge
Wait, there's new Dew flavors?
>If Distortion is your favorite, hang your head in shame.Now don't be like that bro, that said I have yet to try any thus far.
Distortion is the best by far. Typhoon is the absolute worst. White Out is Fresca. Which I don't like.
>>3101this.>>3104i trust your taste.
White Out is like diet Mountain Dew.Distortion isn't different enough from normal Mountain Dew to be distinct.Typhoon is the only one that actually has enough of a flavor to warrant its existence, and even then I still prefer original recipe.This is a disappointing Dewmocracy.
>>3109Better than the Dewtatorship.
Lime is ALWAYS enough reason to make a new flavor. Mmm... pepsi lime...
>>3115Pepsi Lime is great, but Mountain Dew is already an indistinct citrus flavor. Adding more citrus isn't really that noticeable.
>>3149Which is why it's the BEST.
>>3151It's the best... for being, America.
>>3154When the competition is between unremarkable, dreadfully bad, and Fresca...Unremarkable wins every time.
>>3155IMO, there isn't a winner.
I have not tried any of these mountain dews.I had sworn off sodas to try and lose weight, and when I tried a soda again after not having it for like a month, I couldn't stand the taste.Are they actually any good or are they like that shitty kind that they sold to advertise Halo 3?
>>3157So I tried regular Dew after drinking Distortion and Whiteout all week...And I didn't like it... I donno what gives, but I can definitely taste the difference between the one with extra lime and without lime, and I DON'T LIKE IT. ;__;I ruined Mt Dew for myself.
>>3096Finally tried Distortion. It was bland.
Distortion tastes like a weaker version of the already existing blue
Tried out Typhoon on Thursday. It was pretty good, hope it wins.
>>3324Get the fuck out of my country.
Whiteout tastes just like regular DewDistortion tastes like watered down regular DewTyphoon tastes like Papaya which i dislike
this shit was only just returned to the UK after being banned for the past decade. its being marketed as an energy drink.
>>3340no uTried Whiteout today...this is how regular Dew should taste like. Haven't seen Distortion anywhere yet, so my vote is still going for Typhoon.
>>3471Tasted a bit like the last year blue but weaker
>>3470I like that the United Kingdom markets the international symbol of teenage American couch potatoes as an "energy drink".
>>3476The way things work here, I'm going to assume that due to high sugar/chemical content, they could only legally refer to it as an "energy drink," because those are full of shit. Kinda like how Pringles cannot be chips or crisps because they only have a potato content of 42%
>>3477Guess Pringles can't count to potato.
>>3477Er, here in the states, Pringles ARE classified as potato crisps.
>>3490Yes I know. Why did you feel the need to interject that?
>>3492>>3477>Kinda like how Pringles cannot be chips or crisps because they only have a potato content of 42%>Kinda like how Pringles cannot be chips or crisps because>Pringles cannot be chips or crisps>Pringles cannot be crispsBecause you said they weren't.
>>3493But, he's talking about England, not the USA.
>>3494...Oh, yeah. Yeah, see, it's easier to understand once you read the 10 posts above his. Disregard that, cocks, etc.
Am I the only one who thinks Distortion tastes like some sort of super strong Key Lime Pie flavor syrup? Which is terrible because its the only decent one of the batch.