For me, I guess it'd be chocolate-covered crickets. They tasted a bit like malted milk balls, only better. that on my friend's suggestion one day. I nearly vomited and couldn't get the taste of that furry pork out of my mouth for an hour or so. He loves the stuff.
I spent the whole time eating them with my friend, trying to convince myself they were good. The next day I was disgusted with myself and almost puked at the thought of eating them again.
>>2924>Rousong, also called meat floss, pork floss, pork sung, fuzzy pork is a dried Chinese meat item that has a light and fluffy texture similar to coarse cotton.I'd still be willing to try it, but from that overview alone I can see how it would be off-putting.
>>2937Were they more crunchy or squishy?
>>2940They're dried out so crunchy. I also had a box of Salt and Vinegar crickets but I refused to eat them. Instead I put them in an empty bag of Oreos and offered them to people. People would put their hands in and then their hands stunk of Salt and Vinegar all day. The smell from them was like a bag of S+V chips x100.
Jellyfish om nom nom.
>>2941Ah, crunchy I like, squishy is iffy. Salt and vinegar crickets sounds intriguing.Speaking of squishy...>>2942So what did that taste like? I'm both intrigued and wary.
>>2943Pretty neutral. It depends on how it's cooked. What I had was pickled and seasoned with sesame and served with radish, so it was very sweet.Also much more crunchy than squishy.
>>2944>Pretty neutral. It depends on how it's cooked. What I had was pickled and seasoned with sesame and served with radish, so it was very sweet.That actually sounds really good.>Also much more crunchy than squishy.Huh. Color me surprised! I'm guessing that's also dependent on the cooking method?
When I was little my grandma taught me to eat the fat green caterpillars in the yard live. I don't remember how they tasted, only that they keep squirming as you chew on them.
Didn't eat it but some of my buddies had scorpion when we in China and apparently it tasted liked bacon. I now regret not having bacon on a stick :<
>>2946The live, wiggling thing, I'm not sure I could stomach. However, I did once see footage of large grubs being roasted on a hot rock, and that actually made my mouth water. So perhaps in time I could work my way to raw and wriggling.I have a particular interest in bugs as a food source. They're nutritionally superior to most any source of protein commonly consumed in the western world, yet silly cultural taboo slams the door in the face of a viable source of nutrition.>>2947I've heard scorpions tasted good, but not that they were bacon good. I dare say I need to take a field trip.
I'm pretty sheltered, so forgive if balut doesn't count. But so far, definitely one of the more interesting foods I've eaten.
>>2952Ah, I've seen that on the telly! It seems like there'd be an odd mix of textures, between the egg, feathers, bones, and whatnot.
>>2953It totally was. The bones aren't that far developed at the time of consumption and are melt-in-your-mouth chewy, and the feathers taste like soggy eyelashes, for lack of a better term. And it's not the most tasty egg in the world, either.
>>2954Sounds like an acquired taste, then? :PI'd heard the egg itself tasted quite different than a normal egg, but melty bones and soggy eyelashes... that's a new one.
>>2957The balut-eating experience simply isn't complete without feeling the chick's beak catch in your throat for a quickie before sliding all the way down. Incidentally, for me, it would have to be....either grilled horse meat or chicken blood on a stick.
>>2958>feeling the chick's beak catch in your throat for a quickie before sliding all the way downGah. That brings to mind certain vague, half-remembered moments while eating, when something suddenly tasted/felt off, and it was too late as I'd already started swallowing. Few sensations associated with dining are as unpleasant.>grilled horse meat or chicken blood on a stickHorse meat isn't typical fare, but chicken blood on a stick... that's a peculiar one. Is it like a blood sausage?
tarantula paste. it was pretty gross.
>>2952Oh right, that. Had some when I was a kid and still in ze motherland.
>>2960Something like that...we call it Betamax here. It's pretty tasteless without sauce, so it's best to dip it in vinegar and chili sauce, or Pinakurat if you like.
Raw horse liver was my faaaaavourite food as a wee lass.Sturgeon? I don't remember it but apparently it happened.Grandma used to serve us chicken legs and I would just suck the delicious sauce off and not eat it at all.Oh and cow tongue is the best.
Venison. I'm boring. But goddamn was that deer tasty.
>>2973That does look tasty, and I love any excuse to use vinegar.>>2974>Raw horse liver was my faaaaavourite food as a wee lass.My inner carnivore is drooling. I wish more eat could be eaten raw.>Sturgeon? I don't remember it but apparently it happened.Cool! That's some high-class stuff.>Oh and cow tongue is the best.What's that like? I've seen some beef tongue dishes that looked pretty tasty, but I've never tried it.>>2976I had venison when I was too young to remember. Wish I could recall the flavor, as everything I've ever heard is that it's delicious.
>>2976>>2982Game meats always > supermarket meats.Especially in stews and burgers omg jhfksgdfhdsjgk
Surprising amount of meat eaters here, do any of you hunt?
>>2985Indeed. Animals permitted to live a more natural life always taste better than something cooped up in a stall and fed byproducts its whole life.That reminds me; anyone ever have bison? Beef will forever pale in comparison.>>2990Not in my adult life, but I went a few times with my father and grandfather when I was younger. Never even saw anything, though.
>>2990Unfortunately, no, I'm just not in a good position to right now. My Dad's friend does though and he sends along venison. Good man.
Ostrich - Better than duck, wish it was more common.Turtle - No flavor, good godGator - Tastes like chicken.
>>2991>BisonShit yes!
>>2990Never have, but I'd like to.
Puffin, (real) haggis, kangaroo, deep fried crickets...might have tried whale, I'm not sure. Also, I'm pretty sure my great aunt's crowdie (basically just curdled milk, left in the slaughter shed for a week or so) is pretty weird by normal standards, and probably the reason I have a stomach of steel...>>2924 I actually liked pork floss when I tried it, and the vegetarian version too.
>>2991I love burgers made with Bison meat.It always seems like I can eat a lot more of it compared to a beef burger; I chalk it up to the bison being leaner.
I was once offered a tortilla made of cow brains. I turned it down before the person had finished their sentence, but a week later I ate cow tongue and a month later ate ants. Tasted like lemons, mmmmm.
>>3067Pig brains are not that large or that shape....
>>3074Brain of cow, not pig.
>>3076Oh thank god
>>3049Haggis I've wanted to try making for some time. Need to put in a special order with the butcher to round up the organs I'd need.Also, Puffin? How'd that taste?>>3050I've noticed that too. What amazes me is that although it's leaner, it makes a far juicier burger than one made of beef.>>3067Brains are perhaps one of the few things I'm truly reluctant to ever want to try. Hard to place just why.
>>3087Because it's like eating a stick of butter.Meat butter.
>>3087 was kinda like fishy chicken. I had it with porridge, didn't like it much.Also, make sure your haggis is really peppery and spicy. It can be quite gross and bland otherwise. And a synthetic skin would probably be better than a normal stomach as they are also quite gross and tend to explode when cooking.
>>3088I presume you were referring to brains?If so, then that confirms a few of my trepidations...>>3094> was kinda like fishy chicken.Guess that makes sense, since they're a sea bird. Turtle supposedly has a fishy taste as well.>Also, make sure your haggis is really peppery and spicy. It can be quite gross and bland otherwise. I like to spice the heck out of a lot of my food, so that shouldn't be a problem. >And a synthetic skin would probably be better than a normal stomach as they are also quite gross and tend to explode when cooking.Yes, I've heard the stomachs like to play Alien.
>>3118Yeah, brains. I haven't actually had any; I'm just going by how they smell and what other people have told me.And this.
>>3119Holy fuck! I think my heart winced at the sight of that. I knew brain tissue was principally fat, but cripes...
>>3119That's a lot of fucking cholesterol content.
>>3119That's not really that bad for you.
I will not eat central nervous tissue because of prion diseases.
>>3136That's another major reason I have no real desire to try brains.
>>3119>1170%Oh wow.The weirdest thing I've ever eaten is fish eye soup, which if you know anyone from China isn't a new thing, but I still thought it was pretty bad.The worst thing I've ever had was this fermented soy paste...dough...stuff that was a specialty where I lived in Japan. I ate a whole thing to be polite and had to pretend I wasn't gagging and crying the whole time. I don't mind natto or other soy based stuff, and I like some of it, but whatever this was (name I can't recall) was just so bad.
Closest thing to "weird" I've ever eaten was raw squid. I definitely recommend cooked instead.Well, I might have eaten weirder, depending. I had this one particular ramen while in Japan where the broth is literally pork marrow boiled til its melted. There's also the absolutely delicious tuna flakes that wriggle when they come into contact with 90 degrees farenheit or hotter foods that was added on top of the ramen, but I'm sure most of you have ahd that before.>>3150Wait, did they make you eat han-natto? Oh god, that's all my grandmother ever ate ew ew ew.
>>3167Probably, they are soy crazy. Most of it wasn't very good, but some of it was alright.
not as exotic as some of these, but people still think i'm weird for eating it regularly. even the people who's ancestors lived off of it
>>3248theres a chain of 'australian' restraunts here that pretty much just put kangaroo in everything.
>>3248I reckon people are weird for not eating it regularly. It hits every single box that anyone (except vegetarians) could want out of a food. Tasty? Check. Healthy? Check. Inexpensive and plentiful? Check. Christ, it's even environmentally friendly!