Gummy is better.
Is that what she looks like before she eats the candy?
I like savory candy
I like sour gummy candy.
Eating these things was a sign of courage at my elementary school.
>>2715See... I never liked those because they're pretty much JUST sour. Like, they don't taste good until you get rid of the sour since it's so strong.Also I am a wimp.
>>2715These fuckers burned through the flesh on the inside of my mouth. I still have scars.
>>2715Maybe I'm some sort of machine, but I've never found these unpleasant in the slightest. I'd pop a couple in my mouth at once and go right along normally.
>>2768This. :(
>>2768 >>2771Everyone's tastes are different. I know the first time I tried one, I couldn't keep it in my mouth. After that I got used to them.Then years went by and I had some again in my late teens, and they barely phased me at all. Probably due to the natural dampening of taste buds with age.
>>2768Same here, the only sour candy that seriously fucked me up was this dinosaur egg bubble gum thing. I never even knew what it was called, the store got in a couple of them and was selling them for like fifty cents each out of a plastic bucket. It was a hollow egg made of gum, filled with a jawbreaker-sized ball of solid sour powder. I ate it all in one sitting, and the surface of my tongue was like a bloody sponge, you pressed down anywhere and the blood just welled up.and the store never got them in again.
>>2715Oh god, I remember! Also: sour spray. I was a sour spray junkie in grade school. It helped me stay alert and focused in class.
>>2781Yeah, when I first tried them I felt compelled to run around in the back yard to distract myself from the sour. Then a couple years later I thought they were barely sour at all.
>>2768This.Probably related to why I like my cigarettes unfiltered, my whisky neat, and Tabasco sauce ON EVERYTHING.
My brother bought a four litre jug of that Sour Shocker slush puppy flavouring for shits'n'giggles and mailed me a thermos full of it once.Sometimes I tell people it's water and let them slug some back.It's a wonder I have any friends at all.
I've yet to find a sour thing sour enough.
>>3744Well, they can't mold your personality into an edible item & package it, so I guess we're going to have to continue waiting.
>>3749HAHAHA!...I'm sorry, that was pretty quality.
>>3749He wasn't saying anything that complicated, just that there doesn't seem to be a candy sour enough, ie, a candy that's really intensely sour.A warhead does it for me, but someone's else tastebuds it just isn't satisfying enough...and most sour candies, shoot, 10 seconds in and they are already sweet.
>>3752He wasn't saying anything complicated either, he was calling Senor sour.
>>3753That's racist
>>3754i lol'd