I have acquired a martini shaker, what should I shake with it?Rarely do I own enough different bottles of booze at the same time to make mixed drinks, but I'm bringin' it the bread again so I'm in a position to stock up.
I've yet to have one, but I've wanted to try a zombie for some time.
oatmeal cookie!
>>2567*looks it up*Huh... that does sound good!
>>2560I want it and I want it to be on fire.
>>2608>flaming zombieI feel silly for not having thought of that.
MARUGARITA!Srsly. Easy to make, tastes awesome, different varieties.
>>2675Post some, by all means.
>>2560I just dropped like $110 on ingredients for this, I brace for excellence.
>>2560My word this is an alcoholic concoction.
>>2793Legend has it the name is at least partially derived from how you feel after drinking it. :)
>>2795Yeah, I've heard that.It's weird, I have no problem like... doing five shots, but as soon as it's five shots pretending to be a fruity drink my alcohol consumption rate slows considerably. Which could be a good thing, considering how fast I pound back beer.
>>2798All right, I've gotten to the right blood-alcohol level to knock them back now.I think I'm going to go fight a coconut for the full booze-and-pointy-things experience.
Just curious, Coela, but are you a vodka or gin martini kind of person? Neither is also an answer.
>>2802Vodka, gin and I had some bad times and we aren't on speaking terms anymore.Unless I absolutely need to drink it to prove my manhood. I find, having a vagina, that my manhood is often called into question.
>>2801>I think I'm going to go fight a coconut for the full booze-and-pointy-things experience.Careful! They're deadlier than sharks.http://www.unisci.com/stories/20022/0523024.htm
>>2805I like to think I've vanquished it.
>>2810It's shaped like a heart!
>>2810Huzzah! Coelasquid, slayer of coconuts!
Well it's a martini shaker, what else would you use it for?
>>2874>what else would you use it for?Ass play.Which would make for a really...*sunglasses*dirty martini.