ITT HALLOWEEN COMES EARLY THIS YEAR!COSTUMES, DECORATIONS, FOOD IDEAS AND MORE GO HERE!My costume suggestions are between Joseph Joestar and Jason Voorhees.
Gonna try and improve on my Queen of Hearts costume from last year, since I threw that get-up together in two-and-a-half days. I'll probably include a wig and a scepter this time. Actually, scepters are gay. I'm gonna make a flail with a gold-painted handle and a human heart on a chain. Yeah.
Scott PilgrimI'm lazy and poor, just like Scott Pilgrim. Also, bonus points for already having the Michael Cera social awkwardness nailed down too.
The Big Bad Wolf. Because the gf is going as Red Riding Hood, in reality BB Hood but no one knows who that is.
Black Axe Cop
I was Sylvia Plath a couple years ago. Dressed up as a 1950's housewife and wore an oven made out of a cardboard box on my head.
Someone on Twitter told me they were going to try to do a Commander Badass costume for Halloween.
Belle from Beauty and the Beast....what? Shut up, we're going to Disney World for Halloween again this year.
I haven't dressed up for years.
>>274813This.I have an old Dr. Salvador cosplay I like to break out every now and then though.
Quite possibly the laziest costume in Los Angeles County.
>>274813I don't even pass out candy anymore. Not many kids in this neighborhood seem to have the stones for walking up to stranger's homes in the hopes of getting sweets.
My old man used to keep two bowls of candy. One was full of candy from the last year. He gave that to the kids that didn't wear a costume. The faggots. Everyone else got the good stuff.
Can't believe my bitch mother threw out my Dr. Gf costume...Anyway, don't know what I'll do. Maybe just smear some paint and fake blood, tear up some clothes and call myself a zombie.
Man, I've only dressed up once in my life for Halloween. I was five years old, and I had a pink elephant costume.Then my mom threw it away and we never celebrated the 'devil's day' again ;_;
im too old for this shit
>>274847>Devils day>Halloween roughly translates to "The holy eve":|
>>274847Oh god what D:C-comrade, do... do you want to come to Disney World with me for Halloween? They pass out free candy! And everyone wears costumes! And there's, like, barely anyone in the park. It'll be amazing come to D'World with me, bro.
>>274877But it was originally Samhain.
Lazy tier - Sexy Plague Doctor, third year in a rowLow tier - Ramona Flowers or Amy PondMid tier - Blue BeetleHigh tier - CatwomanIf only I knew what happened to my sewing machine's power cable...
>>274886And then it was changed.Why people think it didn't is beyond me.
>>274914I think I will leave Halloween as a night for demons and witches, and I will celebrate it as such, and anyone who disagrees can fondle themselves gently and ignore me and celebrate on their terms.
>>274918That's fine. All Saints Day follows it anyhow.Enjoy your canonized druid holiday. I know I will.
>>274931Pshhht, I never stop celebrating ol' hallows eve. ALL DAY ERR'DAY
>>274935That kinda defeats the purpose of the whole "eve" thing though...
>>274937Well, yeah, but you know what I mean. It's kind of like living inside the pages of Famous Monsters of Filmland, dig?
>>274937Why do you gotta stifle my man's creativity?
>>274939Well, I certainly hope you enjoy it.>>274941No worries man, just making small talk
My tiny friend and I will be rocking up in Hardo Gay Sherlock and Watson to our school's infamous Senior Halloween Disco.
>>274931You can't baptize away it's real nature. Halloween is something deeper, rooted into the human psyche. It's about the fear of death, but also the mystery and allure of it. It's about the fear of the dead, but also the hope for life after death, and that we too will be remembered after we're gone. It's the excitement and joy of the harvest, and the fear of the approaching winter.It's my favorite holiday. :3>>274847My dad's sisters are lame like that too. My deepest condolences, comrade. :(
I WANT TO BE LADY GAGABut I will probably be one of my oc's and look hella gay.
>>274880that... that sounds amazing>>274983that's beautiful. I really do love the whole spirit of Halloween, and the old pagan holidays in general. they're very interesting on a psychological level as well.
Hrm...I really wish I knew a damned thing about putting a costume together.
I'm just going to keep my rusty dull hatchet with me, cease shaving for a week and wear some old clothes.I rock the serial killer look errday.
>>274989JUNK! make the black outfit with the crown from the Bad Romance video! (or the white one with the crown, but that one covers her eyes...) That wouldn't be too soul crushingly hard and everyone would still recognize you!
My friends were tryin to talk me into doing Hannah Montana. I have nothing planned, but definitely not that. Maybe Q from street fighter 3. I have all the materials on hand, I'm just not tall enough>>274913Your cat probably ate it.
Evil jester. In a waist coat.I just happen to have an old jester hat I want to put to use. Also I imagine I'll be working on the night, so I can't over-do it or I'll end up causing a right mess behind the bar.
I found papercraft Daft Punk helmets, which I'm going to turn into a low-tech helmet via cardboard.It shall be /baw/some.
I never get to do anything for Halloween. I need to find a party to go to or something, I've spent the last several Halloweens sitting at home, not even eating candy.
I'm just gonna paint myself a mask and throw on a brown jacket. Was gonna be a Plague Doctor, but I can't find a maskThe fun comes in when people start noticing the Slenderman I'm gonna make and attach to the side of my house.
I'm going to be Ziggy StardustIt's going to be legendary.
I've always wanted to cosplay as Velma but I'm too fat and I have freckles on my legs and that would look weird.:C
>>275146Oh, come on. Velma's the token bookish nerdy girl. Believing she'd be a little chubby isn't so hard, especially under her conservative sweater.And she's always had dem thighs. And freckles? They don't detract from Velma.Just do it.
>>275146>fat>frecklesYou say that like it's not an improvement.My supplies are limited, and I can't just reuse the Arthur Dent costume (my bathrobe, pajama pants, and towel) from last year. Maybe if I plan ahead I can get some decent wizard's robes and be Rincewind; I actually look like him, but with a much smaller beard.
>>274991>>274992>>274993I SUPPOSE THAT IS AN OPTION AS WELL.
>>275007>>rusty dull hatchet with meI wouldn't do that. I'd make a hatchet out of cardboard and paper towel cardboard roll. Someone might call the police if you carried a real one. Even if it is rusted.
>>275191I understand and empathize with your sentiment, mien anon bro. I'm confident it won't be necessary, tho. It's rural/coastal New England. The only trick or treaters you tend to get are friends of the family.
>>275010Another, easy Gaga costume is her Telephone one...any of them.
Probably not gonna dress up this year, though I still want to do a Jeff Andonuts costume one of these days.One thing I know is going to go up is one of those skulls with the eyes that watch you and goes "Hey, I see you! Where are you going?!"
>>275010>>275201I think I'm actually doing her chef outfit from Telephone. :3
we dont do hallooween here.but we do have a zombie walk coming up.i'm going as a zombie sniper. i have a severed arm which i plan to attach to my back via a balisong
>>275208AW YEAHalso disney world isn't happening, so, uh, fuck. Now what.
Fuck man I don't even know.
Gonna be Don Lockwood since we're setting up for a rainy autumn. Wish someone could be my Kathy Selden...>>275260If you think you could pull it off: Shittopi-chan or Adelheid. They're violent enough for your tastes!
Probably Castiel from Supernatural because it is relatively easy and cheap, although I doubt many people will actually know who I am :/ It will be worth it though for that one person that does get it.
My hair is finally long enough again~
>>275319good idea, that one's a twofer.
>>275273I figured you'd just go out in a fancy suit with THE MUNCH gorilla face taped to your head.
Taking a dare, bought a full white suit, shaving my head.Going as Grant.
I have no idea what I'm going as for Halloween. All I know is that if i don't come up with something on my own soon, she who I'm trying to get with is probably gonna pick something for me, and I'm probably gonna hate it.
The problem I have with Halloween costumes is that I have a list of cosplay I want to do, but for Halloween I can't use it cause its too obscure and nobody at any parties will know who I am.Maybe I should slap together an Aquaman costume.....
>>276478If I end up going as Hookman Aquaman this year, I wasn't gonna do much besides wear a an orange shirt and green jeans/pants.That's the beauty of Halloween (over cosplay), especially when you're older; it's okay to not put in all your effort into the costume, so long as you make up for it in general mayhem.
>>276483It is going to be embarassing when we show up at the Halloween party wearing the same Aquaman outfit :I
>>276717I would love to get a bunch of people together to be different versions of Aquaman. One of them would have to be Namor.
I wanted so hard to be Dick Tracy, but I haven;t been able to find a bright yellow trench coat or yellow fedora anywhere. If I can't, and don't hae enough time to sew a Two-Face costume, I may just go as a simple-yet-distinctive 70's Romero Zombie. Even if nobody is going to get it.
My sister suggested I do April, as in big yellow jumpsuit TMNT April O'Neil. I nixed that because I have zero sewing skills and there aren't any costumes like that. Plus jumpsuits are ugly.Instead I've decided to do full drag (king). My first step is buying theater quality fake beard hair and spirit gum.