Anyone in San Diego who goes by Kosh want to work out? I want to break you make sure you meet your goal of one day leaving your house. I'm not going to let this slide until you say no, dammit.Starting beach runs every morning as of tomorrow. I want to see dat sunrise. Love that shit.
>>272610forgot my pic
Okay, then. What's the quickest and/or more efficient way to lose 30-40 lbs./a gut?
>>272611>kosh in the middleI need to find a place in town with all those steps. Mountains just aren't cutting it anymore.
I work out erry day.ERRY DAY
Day A:Squats, 5x5Bench, 5X5Inverse Rows, 3XFailInverse Crunches, 3X13Pushups, 3XFDay B:Squats, 5X5Chins, 5X5Deadlift, 1X5Planches, 3X30 SecondsOverhead Press, 5X5Add 5 pounds every time you do a workout. Do not change between sets. Though it sucks starting with an empty bar, it builds stabilizing muscles and allows you to take the heavier weights. Considering you're squatting 3 times a week (you go A B A, then B A B), you're packing on 15 lbs of squat a week.
>>272616Adding this mandatory fitness readinghttp://www.liamrosen.com/fitness.html
420 sit on the couch every day
>>272623Bea go work out it isn't even hibernation season.
>>272624But she needs to get fat before it starts.She also needs to plug her butt with grass
I run and walk with the dog so he doesn't act like a complete jackass.I kinda wish I was still in the same physical state as last year, I was running and playing tennis and was much stronger despite being chubbier than now.Though I have noticed running is easier now that I weigh nothing.Squats and weight training are probably something I should do because WEAK. SO WEAK. WEAK LIKE KITTEN.
i work out by looking gooddeal w it
>>272625>plug her butt with grass>Look it upWow this is kind of neat. Bears constipation. Best constipation.
I hate walking a mile through the hot hot heat just to get to the gym on campus. Then walk back. I also do not care for the fact that everyone there is gorgeous and seeing them in tight clothes running like beautiful gazelles is slightly discouraging to a blind cave creature like me. Uggghhhhhhhhh but I'M DOING IT ANYWAY OK
>>272626But if you get big and strong I can't carry you across Toronto anymore.
>>272629You didn't know? Bears eat a lot of stuff, often grass, to build up a bunch of poop to block their butts as their digestive system slows down, making them constipated.That way they don't have to get up to poop.
>>272646See anon gets me>>272624no>>272647What if they have to pee?
>>272660watev bea watev
>>272662Well played, Bear.
>Impromptu game of basketball with the labmatesGoddamn I can only shoot when I'm under the gun or playing horse. I need more fundamentals. I need to get gud.
>>272670It's cool, Ferrous. We all can't be the shaqdini
>>272640That's how you do it!
>>272660Then you pee.
SQUATS'N'OATS, BOY.I've worked out once since summer started. Oh lawdy I am squishy.
>>272660Your bladder would shut down so your bones resorb the calcium lost from osteoclasts. That way, you don't get osteoporosis from four months of inactivity.
>>272714Do the damn thang. tooth get swol goddamn
>>272720dudebears are fucking weird man
>>272640This, quite a lot.
I'm taking baby steps, myself.I only need to lose about 10-20 lbs, so I'm starting to eat less and eat better. Once I'm sure I'm on the right track, it's straight to (more) exercise. No weight sets, so I'm just going to run, and do push ups and sit ups. Any other type of exercise that doesn't need weights would be great, at least until I can buy myself a good set or maybe a gym membership (ha ha, SO POOR).The hardest part is dumping colas. Damn you and your caramel taste, colas!
>>272623That's my routine!
well damn I wouldn't like to be around a bear when it wakes up, sounds like a real ass-plosion I run a little, play tennis, go for long walks with the dog and do all the heavy lifting and labor around the house.
For my plans to join some form of the military I need to gain weight and learn to run better.Used to work out and run a fair bit, but I fell out of it due to baww sadness and abloo bloo bloo i hate myself.But I'm getting back in the game.
>>272758It is the right of every man and woman to defy the fates, sir. You know what helps? Working out.
>>272738I've started eating better and less, but it hasn't really been helping me to my knowledge. Also, I feel you on the colas, bro. Jesus Christ, I miss Cherry Coke right now ;-;
Lawd, I need to gain. The hell are these heavy things on the floor doing un-preacher-curled
UHHH I KEEP FORGETTING TO EATPablo I am hawrrible at this.
>>272915I can't stop eating shit food.Clearly we need to fusion dance. We will make one short person who is maybe in shape at best.
One thing to remember for the ladies: hormones have a huge effect on fat distribution.
>>272919Read:>YOU GOAN GET CORGI'D
>>272919What do you mean?
I've begun a self created exercise program with the intent of increasing the strength of my grip. Wrists have always been a problem area for me, which wouldn't be so bad except every other area seems to maintain itself rather eerily well..I picked up a pair of ocean smoothed rocks from the beach. Now when I'm stressing out, I pick them up and hold them for half a minute as hard as I possibly can. Also started using the younger brother's punching bag more often. Access to a big ole bag of sand to punch feels good, man.
>>273012Who knew guys would go through so much trouble just so they could get better at jacking off?Actually, it's really unsurprising.
>>273045You would be amazed, entertained and maybe a little blushed to know all the hijinks and adventure we men get into in the glorious pursuit of superior wankination.But no. Deez hands are just in training for their ultimate conquest: datass. >:)brb heading to Canada.
Man, Pablo, how am I supposed to find time to workout? I work from 7-5 and then school from 5:30-8:30!
>>273085dont encourage him
>>273049You're gonna need bigger hands, like those huge foam novelty ones.
>>273097new wallpaper right here thanks
>>272918On second thought, maybe not. I just discovered that the H-Mart sells premarinated bulgogi. brb getting fat.
>>273111You are the worst fusion partner. I cannot work out twice as hard.y u do dis
>>273111I'm not allowed near our local Trader Joe's due to increased sightings of bulgogi in their premises.
>>273123I read this as>increased sightings of bulges in their pants.
>>273135>second lookI just reread it as: >I'm not allowed near our local Trader Joe's due to increased sightings of bulging in their penises.I have to fight my urges, Moe.
>>273136>bulging in their penises.
>>273111>bulgogiBRB, moving to Vancouver.
>>273159Some thread on /co/. I lost the source.
>>273160Haha, wait, it's on the side of the image.
So, do lots and lots of situps really help decrease the size a stomach, or is that just bullshit?
>>273175Spot toning is the cornerstone of any workout. As a matter of fact, start a thread in /fit/ about spot toning. They'll be glad to help.
>>273177No, no, no.The proper term is spot reduction./fit/ has a guide to it. You should go ask them.
>>273201>>273177Cool, thanks.
Well I hope your happy, Pablo. I just jogged 2 miles non-stop. Fuck.
>>273573I'll be happy when you can run that under 12:00.
>>272918>>273096>>273117Askal you have to work out extra hard now I just ate some Jack in the Box. WHY ARE THE TACOS SO CHEEAP?In workout news, I did some pretty intense PT today, and I was actually able to best my records, and do a legitimate amount of push-ups/pull-ups. Considering my previous best was shame, it wasn't amazing, but knowing that I'm making gains is awesome.Maybe you are too.
>>273620Speaking of pull-ups, I can always get to 15 really easily, then suddenly 16 becomes really hard and I block at 17 or 18.
>>273620I haven't done pullups in forever, but I can now do 100 pushups without stopping.
>>273792lol did you do that push up training thing too? felt good
>>273801Link? My upper body is weaksauce. It's time I finally changed that.
Preferred Cardios? I need one I may find enjoyable.Strength training is totally not my problem.
>>273873Bag Work.Bag Work and Kicking drills. All day, err day.
>>273801I'm not sure what "push up training" thing you're talking about. I just do pushups whenever I can, and i've gotten pretty good at it.
Lost 10 lbs. Fuck yeah.
I'M MAKING IT HAPPEN. YOU HAVE INSPIRED ME, +4.Here's the deal:-I need to lose fat so I can fit non-stretchpants again.-Most of my fat's on my legs for some reason.-Also needing some serious upper body work.I'm already cutting out soda and crap food, but is there any good diet tips?>>272616Does this look like a good thing to start out with?
>>274012 >but is there any good diet tips?A common unconcious effect is that people will actually eat better foods, but they'll also eat MORE of them. Try to focus not so much just on ONLY eating 'good things', but more about how many raw calories per day you're getting.
...Is there any sane way to lose ten pounds in two weeks? I'm going home in two weeks and my mother is taking me shopping and it's easier to find size 12 jeans than it is to find size 14....
>>274051Lots of cardio (fat and energy burning aerobic exercise) and a high fiber, vegetable rich diet. But ye gods woman, dropping weight on a short calender is not good for anybody. Be careful doing that. :(
>run 5k >come home for mugbrownies and sugary mango juiceboxesgotta get back all those calories I just burned!
My body is tore up from this weekend. Once my wounds heal, I'm going to work out more.
>>274012>>I'm already cutting out soda and crap food, but is there any good diet tips? Be aware of what sacrifices you feel you can make, and ones you can't make.
I busted my ass cleaning the kitchens at school today. Been running regularly and trying not to eat so much sugar, too. but why must mugbrownies be so delicious...
>>273877I have no heavy bag, but I did get an elliptical bike. Aww yeah. Now my motivational music.>>276386You're going to hook me up with your recipe.
Did my first workout in months yesterday.Felt good.
>>276413TOP-SECRET WORKOUT INFORMATION HERE4 tablespoons flour4 tablespoons sugar2 tablespoons cocoa powder (rounded tablespoons for super chocolate goodness)2 tablespoons water2 tablespoons oil 1 eggextra options for extra delicious: dash salt, a little coffee instead of water, cayenne if you like spicy choco, or vanillamix that shit all up in a mugmicrowave on medium power for a minute and forty-five seconds, but obviously this time will vary depending on your microwave. Just experiment, keep checking on it. You'll want it to look kind of molten still.ENJOY DELICIOUS MUGBROWNIENOW GET OUTSIDE AND START RUNNING
Even with weights, I'm clearing my mountain jog-walk in under an hour.Suggest a new challenge, or how I can incorporate more carry-on weight for when I go up.
>>276482my body is ready
>>276482wait shitthat should say 2 tablespoons water OR one egg
>>276484Do it backwards.As in jog backwards the entire time.
>>276576I did that once. Worst muscle ache I ever had. I couldn't walk right for about a week.
FEEL THE BURN.Oh God ... my chest ... it hurts....
Doin' some light joggin'. Gonna MOOOOLD-my-body-into-a-better-one YEAH!Pic related, it's my legs after.
>>276482Works out pretty well, bro!