4chan Complaint DepartmentNow 100% more professional
but...I like the captcha.I just wish it was a little more comprehensible at times.
>>266116If one of the two words in recaptcha is unreadable, you can subtitute that word for anything you want (this also includes punctuated words, words with accents, symbols, foreign characters and numbers). For example, I always put 'dickbutt'.
Why are these threads stickied? I have no problems at all with 4chan, in contrast to this site. Then again, I only go there once or twice a week for pron.Protip: Just look at the pictures and don't read any text or make posts.
>>266133This is so every time someone gets banned/4chan goes down/moot fucks shit up//b/ raids a board/someone wants to bitch about how 4chan "isn't as good as it used to be" then you can come in here and post instead of everyone making their own thread.
>>266125That's because one of the two words is for testing your humanity and the other for cataloguing unreadable words from scanned documents for international library databases, if I remember correctly. You just replaced a word in a book or journal with "dickbutt". That's fucking great.
>>266133>Why are these posts stickied if I don't post in them?Well, I suppose we all knew NEET was a self-centered bastard, but still...
Anyone else tired of all the normalfags on 4chan? The place is getting boring.
>>266185>normalfags>4chanmaybe on /co/ but not really anywhere else bro
>>266190You don't get what I mean by "normalfag".You see, I used to go to /co/ and /v/ and the other boards because the opinions and discussions there weren't the kind you'd see in other parts of the internet. Nowadays, everyone on /co/ just apes the opinions of other comic boards, /v/ acts like GameFAQs, or other low-end gaming sites. /b/ is pretty much a direct parody of itself. Even knew boards went from being good, to bad, to very very bad in a short amount of time. It doesn't feel special or interesting anymore.I don't know many other places to go on the web anymore, though.
>>266192The word "normalfag" is a word for persons who are not into anime, manga, video gaming, comics/cartoons, or anyform of geekdom or otakudom.
>>266192 >everyone on /co/ just apes the opinions of other comic boards, /v/ acts like GameFAQsWe must be going to different websites.
what with /co/ getting so reactive whenever any debate goes onI'm sorry, not all opinions are created equal.whats worse is that its a false maturity because if some turribule artist for deviantart tried to do same thing EVERYONE on /co/ would jump them.
>>266127I love captchas.
>>266201But. Why is 4chan even appealing to these people? Why go on the internet at all?
>>266164I'm making history far more interesting for the generations yet to come.
Is 4chan loading super slow for anyone else?
>>266251Seems to be working fine for me.
I find the catchpas hilarious, but I rarely post anyways.
I've never had a funny captcha. :(
>>266223>>266201I was wondering the same thing. Every board on 4chan with the possible exception of /b/ is targeted directly towards some kind of geekdom/fandom/otakudom or another.Or are you just using the word "normalfags" to refer to the "casualfags" that are suddenly cool to complain about?
>>266418Answered your own questionNormalfags are people who cannot into 4chanGenerally (but not always) 60 year old people who stop by 4chan once because they heard about it on Fox News>casualfagsThat means something completely different
>Troll /b/>Get b&WHATTHEFUCKAMIREADING.jpgNo, really, what bullshit is this?
>>266654Forgot the image.Fuck.
>>266655/b/ has no rules outside the global rules.
>>266656I know, this includes the mods.But the fact that I was trolling (not even really, the fact that it pissed off anyone, let alone a MOD is incredible) and got b& from /b/ is silly as fuck.
>>266655>blackOh 4chan, stay classy.
>>266655What the fuck? What did you actually posted on /b/?
>>266664Basically I just spoke nigger.Like "nigga, wut language u think im speakin???"I got b& for typing like that as a joke.
>>266672Man I'm sorry for you for that. Maybe you won't even be tempted to go there anymore. Or you could get a dynamic IP.
>>266674I'm just gonna take a 2-day break and chill here and on 420chan. Hope the appeal goes through, since I got B& for TROLLING /b/.
>>266672Obligatory best bro backup
>>266677Awww shit, he figured out how to post!
>>266672Didn't actually mention trolling in the ban. Maybe it was a "lol u tk him 2da bar|?" thing.
>>266441But this poster >>266185 seemed to imply (lol, >implying) that there were a lot of them and they were hanging around. I didn't think he was talking about the people that show up once and never return.>>266684The global rules say that that kind of stuff is only acceptable in /b/.Also, according to the sticky on /co/, Dan Slott lurks 4chan. Just in case no one has seen it.
>>266719Also, 4chan mod firefox extention leak! Look at the buttons!
>>266719Indeed. Talking like that is acceptable on /b/.Undeserved ban is undeserved.
>>266764Is it possible to show prove that you are over 18 to a 4chan mod in your appeal?
>>266777Perhaps.I can't think of any real way, especially since it would be easy to forge.
>>266777Probably, if you think it's worth it to go through all the trouble. I got permabanned for being underage once. Three days later I was back in, and I've got a static IP. The site hadn't gone down, I hadn't appealed my ban... maybe they just allow random banned IP's back in?
Does 4chan have a new virus because 4chan slows down for an hour when I post there
>>266817>4chan slows down for an hour when I post therePerhaps you are the virus. :o
>/a/ is raiding /sp/>againFuck this shit.
>>266798How could I prove my age, even?
So are the boards crapping themselves for anyone else besides me?
>>267096It's back up now, but it was down
>>267061Might want to go to #4chan irc for that and as for a mod to do that.
oops some on /co/ said the H-wordguess i'm not going back there tonight
Tf2chan.just... tf2chani honestly expected better of them. im not mad, just very dissapointedpic related, its me and the boards
Ejected from /a/ for posting porn? It's just as well. By the time I'm unbanned the stupid sticky and music will be gone.
>>267229isnt that place just fangirls writing fics about scoot?
>>267229I did, too, Hydra.
>>267279its also the only real place i have to post my gmod
>>267402theres always fightingamphibians
>>267229I like TF2chan, the discussion board is filled with ZOMG SO RANDUMB yaoi fangirls, as is /fic/, but Cat Bountry keeps me coming back.
>>267405/g/ got canned when people stopped giving a shit about the serveralso>fighting amphibians
/a/ is raiding /sp/ for like the 10th time this week.I can't stand this shit anymore
>Go to /a/ to see why they are raiding us>See one thread related to /sp/>it's some guy from /vp/ making a thread saying they have /a/'s back in the raid on /sp/
>4chan drama
I never understood this, why does 4chan raid itself?Is it like they almost see themselves as waring nations now? Do they need an Ozymandias like fellow to step up and unite them against a threat that doesn't exist?Or have they just become so fucking stupid they think it's funny?
>>267520>Or have they just become so fucking stupid they think it's funny?bingo
>>267520 >Ozymandias like fellowKimmo. Just watch, it'll happen.
Is 4chan going up and down for anyone else?
>>267611It's acting up for me too.
>>267550Kimmo is the hero 4chan deserves.>harveydent.jpg
Don't panic, but it's down.
Aaaand, it's back.
Seems like an apt depiction of /a/
and how exactly will this Kimmo guy save 4chan?
>>268715have you even read watchmen?i'll take that as a no. Ozymandias changed the world for hte better by destroying a fair sized chunk of it, uniting the warring countries against a common foe
>>268719Except the comic strongly implies that all he did was buy the world some extra time. He really murdered all those people for no real good reason.
I got a sword in my captcha. I really don't know what to make of that.
>>268746in b4 triforces start popping up in it.
>>268746It means Hidecti MUST DIE.
>the Fernando-chan/"Mannschaft" fanfic threads are finally in the /sp/ archiveOh god. Re-reading them. I'm dead. I will surely never stop laughing.
>>268719I have read watchmen. I just wonder how can Kimmo antagonize anything to 4chan.
>>268746I just got this one a bit ago. I also got one with an operator symbol (or possibly more familiar to /co/mrades: the X-Men symbol) and I keep meaning to see if I can freak /x/ out with it.
>>268812>Operator symbolPost it or get raped by slendy's long, smooth tendrils.
After having put >my face when on autoban on /sp/ for months, the /sp/ mod has now made >mfw an autoban.Man the /sp/ mod is terrible.
>>268955>mon visage
>>268979>>Meine Gesicht.
>>268988>mi cara
>>268955You know what's really strange...moot actually enjoys >my face when threads. He actually thought it was amusing. If he thinks so, why has he not told the /sp/ mod that? Why can't he remove the autoban?
>>269020Because he has stated he has nothing to do with what the mods do on /sp/ and he isn't going to intervene with them.Aka: Moot doesn't really care about /sp/
why does /co/ scare away the drawfags?
>>269123/co/ as a whole loves its drawfags. It just has a few individuals who've admitted that if they can't have their petty little requests catered to, they find no problem in making it so nobody else can, either.Plus4 is the place to go for /co/mrade drawfags that want to hock their art, because here the mod(s) actually pay enough attention to ban the little shits.
>>269067Oh my god...that means the 4chan mods are unaccountable and he will not do anything about it. What is worse is that only a few moderators can be contacted. Why won't moot intervene anyway?
>>269149I dunno. There is a screenshot floating around out there of a /sp/artan asking moot on /b/ why he banned mfw and he says he had nothing to do with it and it was the mod's deal.
Ahh, found it.
And here is the fat weeaboo mod saying /sp/ is both worse than /a/ and /v/.
>>269196>and people seem to think that they can post "teen threads" in /s/ latelyGee, I wonder where they'd get an idea like that?
People on 4chan following rules?LOLOLOL- seriously though.I wish people would be less idiotic.
>>269196I actually know that mod from #4chan irc. He focuses only on /a/ , he's the resident /a/ moderator.