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No. 78418
That's nothing; look at how well the VAs did for Dragonball Kai. Original Z aired like... 40 years ago, seriously.
Also, I'm currently re-watching Evangelion, too. Usually when I re-watch an anime, I do it ridiculously quickly (like several episodes per day), because I'm so impatient. But I've been really busy this year with, well, actual work and shit, so I don't have time. So this time around, I'm watching it like it SHOULD be watched: one episode per week; and it's a lot more enjoyable this way, with an entire week to think about each episode.
It never fails to amaze me how everything seems to be going pretty well for the protagonists, and then in episode 18, all of a sudden, EVERYTHING GOES TO HELL and keeps getting worse. I mean, seriously...
Episode 18: Touji (almost) dies. Episode 19: Shinji quits in a rage. Later gets absorbed into Eva. Episode 20: Shinji gets mindfucked by his own mother, then "dies", then comes back. Episode 21: Via flashback: Yui (kinda), Naoko, and Rei-1 die. Kaji dies. Episode 22: Asuka is destroyed every way but physically. Episode 23: Rei dies, later comes back as "the third one". All the Rei clones die. Episode 24: Kaworu dies, and Shinji becomes basically useless for the rest of the plot. Episode 25/26: OMGWTFBBQ?! End of Evangelion: Asuka gets better and wins the most glorious battle in the history of the series! and then reality kicks in, and she's eaten alive. Then, EVERYONE ON THE PLANET DIES, except for Yui who will drift presumably semi-conscious in space for all eternity. Shinji and Asuka get better... only not really... No, not better at all, actually.
And then we get to Rebuild, where everything is happening once again, except things get terrible much faster, because fuckyouthisispurgatory.
I'm surprised anyone can watch this without ending up clinically depressed, themselves.