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File 139393103131.gif - (652.61KB , 320x240 , mordredmetalfun_by_joeadok-d6oadrc.gif )
224354 No. 224354
Old Thread: >>223495

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>Lots of complaining about trivial things
>Speculation as to which AoStH characters will return
>Tekno art

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>> No. 224355
>Lots of complaining about trivial things
You should have said "minor things" or "nonessential" things.
And we didn't just get Tekno, we also got Shortfuse.
>> No. 224360
Cheating us out of our money is not trivial
>> No. 224363
>Speculation as to which AoStH characters will return

None of them? Has someone suggested that's happening?
>> No. 224365
Flynn did
>> No. 224373
I think they meant things like "SHOULD THERE BE TONS OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS YES/NO" and the really weird argument about TV characters.
>> No. 224375
Remember, just because Ian might have plans for some aosth characters, doesn't guarantee they'll ever get used. Still gotta get past SEGA.
>> No. 224378
Man I really wish nobody had opened their big fat mouth to Iizuka about Archie.
>> No. 224379
Hard to keep Archie a secret outside of marketing when there's a lawsuit over the game that drew upon Archie shit.
>> No. 224380
Sega's been taking a harder look at Archie since 2006. The entire modern run has had their strong influence.
>> No. 224387
I feel like I might of missed something with all the previews and variant covers, but was it confirmed that Sonic will be fighting a bunch of sharks as the villains for the ocean arc? Because I was kind of hoping for a shark good guy instead of the typical.... snakes already have it bad enough in this comic.
>> No. 224391
We dont know and covers and solicits are always intentionally misleading. There's actually a good chance there's no "bad guy" here, but instead another Cats/Wolves situation.
>> No. 224394
Here's a question

How does Eggman view characters other than his arch-nemesis Sonic?

Does he really care about them? Is he making evil plots on the side to take out Amy Rose? Does he have a spare Tails voodoo doll? Does he even know Antoine's name? What's number 2 on his shit list if he ever killed Sonic?
>> No. 224396
In order:
1. We don't know/depends on the writer.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. Tails Doll.
5. Unless they decide to make a running gag out of it, probably. He's the only major character they could do that with anyway.
6. The answer depends on who you ask.
>> No. 224398
>Archie's putting out an all-in-one Worlds Collide GN this year.
>It's $50.
...Why? It's cheaper to just buy the three paperba-
>$80 Limited Edition version.
>Lower page count.
Why would you even do that?
>> No. 224399
I would guess Tails, since he's the only one that rivals his genius.
>> No. 224402
Ian would argue that Sally's a bigger threat.
>> No. 224410
In the comic, she is. Tails would be the second in Sega, of course, but they're not a military force with a clear head of command in that situation. I think the question "who would Eggman obsess over after Sonic" is probably a trick question though, as he wouldn't really obsess over anybody the way he did the blue hedgehog. Sally and Tails and Knuckles might be recurring pains in the neck, but as far as nemeses go it's pretty much 1. Sonic 2. Everybody Else.
>> No. 224413
The complete trade is more expensive because it's hardcover.

Maybe the page count on one of them is wrong. Otherwise that's just idiotic.
>> No. 224418
Wonder how they'll deal with this digitally.
They've never really had truly 'limited edition" trades before, or a collectionof three GNs at once. It'd suck if these versions stayed phys-only.
>> No. 224429
Pssht, no. Sally is an excellent leader, and she'd probably be able to wrangle a function resistance out of the last six mobians alive if she had to, but she's not Sonic.

Sonic can turn the tide of entire battles on his own. Even without the tactical mind, he's got enough raw power to blitz his way to either a victory or at least ruin Eggman's day.

Sally and the F.F. make Sonic stronger, but he could survive without them.
>> No. 224431
...I was saying that you'd probably argue Sally would be Eggman's second stop after Sonic rather than Tails, Ian. Not that she's better.
>> No. 224432
In the old continuity? Sure.

In the new? Ehh... I'm not so sure. Things aren't quite as personal between them this time around. There's still bad blood (see Sonic Comic Origins) but it isn't quite the same.

Honestly, I'm not sure there would be anybody for him after Sonic. Any contender would be "not-Sonic."
>> No. 224433
I am perfectly fine with this change.
The only acceptable answer would have been another hedgehog, anyway. He hates them so.
>> No. 224437
does France exist in this new universe? i know some real world loactions exist, like Christmas Island
>> No. 224448
You're kidding right?
>> No. 224481
Obviously he wants to know if his waifu Lightning is here
>> No. 224515

But from France.

Lightning is now French.
>> No. 224517

Was there ever a character like Lightning in the comic, actually? Julie-Su, maybe?
>> No. 224519
File 139409968234.jpg - (403.22KB , 600x3204 , shadow boom.jpg )
Hey, Hey, It's Yanimae!
>> No. 224522

Tommy Turtle.
>> No. 224525
File 139411008670.png - (346.79KB , 432x743 , muh waifu.png )
You callin muh waifu french?
You talkin shit bout muh waifu?
>> No. 224526
are his buttocks as flat as lightning's
>> No. 224527
File 139412268422.jpg - (20.93KB , 161x177 , dat but tho.jpg )
>Talking shit bout muh waifus but
aw hell naw
>> No. 224537
I am in love with this.
>> No. 224538
I'm really confused. Are you forgetting that HIS name is Lightning?
>> No. 224540
I think the joke flew over your head, through space and tine, all the way to France.
>> No. 224542
Any of you guys know how to contact CHRIS SENN?
If yes, tell Ian or send Senn Ian's way.
>> No. 224543
Any of you guys know how to contact CHRIS SENN?
If yes, tell Ian or send Senn Ian's way.
>> No. 224549
...why? His mail is on his webpage and I've PM'd it to Ian already months ago when he asked for it on a podcast.
>> No. 224550
Sorry if I sound grumpy btw, just legitimately curious as to why all of a sudden this is brought up. Anything happen while I was playing Pokémon?
>> No. 224551
Check the forums, dweebus.
Ian said email and/or forums are TOO SLOW.
>> No. 224554
Wow, you are taking this way too fucking seriously.
>> No. 224555
Discharges of electricity are French? But Ben Franklin only visited France, he's %100 American. Like %30 of that is colonial, but still.
>> No. 224561
>You're taking this too seriously

I'm starting to worry that we're entering an age of the internet where anything without an admission of friendly jeering signed in triplicate will be seen as serious business and part of the cyberbully syndicate's reign of terror on the unsuspecting masses.

TL;DR: Calm down, partner. I called him a dweeb and put TOO SLOW in caps in a thread mostly about Sanic.
>> No. 224563
File 139420683169.jpg - (14.64KB , 480x360 , 1393662081408.jpg )
I'm posting stuff now.
>> No. 224564
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>> No. 224565
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>> No. 224567
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Do you think Big, Cream and Cheese are permanent parts of the Freedom Fighters now?

How do you feel about that?
>> No. 224569
Worse things have happened at sea.
>> No. 224575
I'd rather Team Rose just spit off from the Freedom Fighters and did their own thing like the Chaotix.
>> No. 224576
They work better than I thought they would. Cream as a non-violent assistant and Big as just a guy who pals around and helps out gives the team a bit of unexpected variety. Their limitations actually make the team a bit more interesting.
>> No. 224577

I'm not hating on them, Ian's used them well, but having game characters comprise 5/10 of the core cast means there's a lot of core cast members whose growth and potential for character arcs are more limited. It'll probably work out, I guess.
>> No. 224578
I feel the exact opposite.
Two characters who would barely get used otherwise are now part of the main cast and work as excellent tools for other characters to bounce off of. You're never going to get more out of Big because his character is self-evident, but you can definitely get more out of other characters by having them interact with Big. Cream is never really going to change, but having a character like her around can lead to stronger dynamics.

If you'll excuse the completely unnecessary reference to a Japanese product in a thread full of discussion of Japanese video game adaptations (the horror), it's kind of like One Piece. Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, and Brook will never change. Never. They're insanely marketable and the best you'll get is a /slight/ shift out of character. They aren't very deep. At the same time, they play an essential role in providing a far larger range of character dynamics for the characters who DO shift and sway over time and develop. I see the Sega characters in the core group as the same kind of thing. Sonic/Luffy isn't ever going to stray far from the standard because he's the star and the big marketing face, but he can certainly interact in ways that let the audience better understand Antoine/Usopp.
>> No. 224580
I don't really see how you could expect to get more out a character interacting with Big than if they interacted with any other smo.
>> No. 224581
Let me rephrase that for you.
>I don't really see how you could expect to get more out a character interacting with Sonic/Tails/Sally/Rotor/Antoine/Knuckles than if they interacted with any other smo.
Character interaction and relationships aren't just math problems. You can't just take "Well I need this kind of character here" and say the results are the same. That's shoddy writing. Characters like Big add completely different personality types to the basic pool of characters, allowing for interactions to play out differently. The only other character I can think of who really acts anything like Big in the comics now is...maybe Bark? But even he fills a very different kind of role and sets a different tone. Bark's a quiet straight-man character, Big's a space case. When we talk about things like giving a stronger insight to characters it has to be understood that this isn't a black-and-white "Big gives Bunnie a motivational speech" or something like that. It can be something as simple as Bunnie being the most patient member of the team when dealing with him. While pivotal, plot changing moments probably won't come from interactions with Big very often, he still can still add more variety to a scene. It's all about context.

Of course, we can argue that we could have just added a new, original character to fill Big's role and it would /kinda/ be the same.
And yeah, we could.
But then the question runs deeper and we have to ask /why are we even reading a Sonic comic/.

Now, of course
>> No. 224583
Of course?...
>> No. 224585
But, ideally, every character has their own unique personality anyway, so interactions are going to play out differently regardless.

Or, what is it about Big's personality that you think makes it better for engineering interaction than other personality types?
>> No. 224586

A horse is a horse
>> No. 224587
Every character has personality, but you have to admit that Big and Cream stick out a bit more than the others. All the Freedom Fighters have quirks, but at their core they're cabable intelligent good hearted brave heroes. Big's a simple minded casual juggernaut, and Cream's a little innocent civilian. They're more different from the Freedom Fighters than say, Sonic or Bunnie are different from each other. Their inclusion can lead to more versatile situations and character interactions, which (especially since the Freedom Fighters probably won't be having any huge revelations or shifts for a while after all that's happened to them) is way more important than simply having a cast that can be messed with as extensively as possible.
>> No. 224588
Of course! (I forgot to delete it)

I never said it did.
It said that adding two characters who would usually just linger on the side as members of a group is beneficial to the group as a whole. The original argument was that having half the group composed of Sega characters would mean that the group would somehow be less able to expand upon itself and develop, but I'm arguing the opposite: Characters who can and will develop have more ready opportunities to play off of other characters and develop, and these two characters most likely benefit as well by being explored further despite being static.

You're not going to get more out of any two characters interacting than you would with any other two characters interacting on the most basic level. It's all about context. There is no "less" or "more" here aside from the fact that the core group is bigger and the group's personality is more fluid by adding characters that are so different from the main cast in the first place.
>> No. 224589
When was the last time Big and Cream were even in a game? I'd say the in the same boat as other forgotten SEGA characters like Fang and Mighty.
>> No. 224591
Generations or Olympics, depending on how you define "appearing".
>> No. 224594
I know Cream had a small cameo in both. But was big anything more than a Mii outfit in the Olympics?
>> No. 224599
A rose is a rose, a tose is a tose, a mose is a mose?
>> No. 224602
If a human male joined the Royal Acorn Army, would they have to wear the uniform like everybody else?
>> No. 224610
I don't think pants are unheard of in the Royal Army. Certainly Kintobor had to wear them, though as Warlord he may have been able to choose his own attire.

>Big's a simple minded casual juggernaut
Who, apparently, can only perform a Spin attack on accident. (This is my current favorite thing about the new canon.)
>> No. 224611
Man, I really just want to meet all the Egg Bosses already.
The wait is killing me, especially since it might be a few years before we see them all.
>> No. 224622
>Implying Robotnik was ever named Kintobor in this universe
>implying he even got to be a warlord
>> No. 224633
Then why did Sonic remember it?
>> No. 224634
Oh yeah, he did remember that. He might have been Eggman all the time in this new universe, but at some point King Acorn did enter into an agreement with him. Whether it was the same kind, or if we'll ever hear about it, is another question.
>> No. 224657
They're different, but similar events. In the old continuity, Julian Kintobor defected from the Overland and was appointed to the position of warlord by King Maximillian Acorn.

In the new continuity, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik entered into an agreement with King Acorn. The details of which are yet to be revealed.
>> No. 224659
So Ivo Robotnik is still his full name? Neat.

But we'll probably not see it used in the comic, huh? Right now I'd expect a shoutout with it printed on some fake degree or a namplate in the background at most.
>> No. 224666
There is like a 110% chance we're going to see him talk to King Acorn as Dr. Robotnik in one of the Sonic Origins strips.

How long until you decide on/print his new first name?
You don't have to keep him first-nameless forever...right?
>> No. 224669
>"King Acorn"? You can't have a monarch with just one name!

Queen Elizabeth disagrees. As do Emperor Akihito, King Philippe, King Harald, King Abdullah, Queen Margrethe, and, apparently, King Tupou.

Ordinals are nice though. Is he King Acorn I or King Acorn VIII?
>> No. 224670

His first name is King.
>> No. 224671
Maybe his name isn't even Acorn. Maybe the royal lineage is like the Pope and they choose their own name, and he was just boring and went with the kingdom's name.

Maybe a past King was named King Leothal. Maybe a past king was named King Radical.
>> No. 224684
I'm okay with this.
If they never address it this is what I'm assuming.
>> No. 224705
What's strange is "King Acorn" of the "Kingdom of Acorn".

Think about it. Was there a King Britain? A King Spain?

Did King Henry I rule the Kingdom of Henry?
>> No. 224709
>Philippines. King Philip II
>China. Emperor Chin
>Saudi Arabia. Muhammad ibn Saud
>> No. 224710
How about all the places named AFTER their founders?
Why wouldn't a family called Acorn name their kingdom after themselves?
>> No. 224722
The Philippines are named after King Phillip of Spain. Not quite comparable to the Acorn situation, that's a small country being named after the ruler of its kingdom that conquered it, but the kingdom that conquered it was Spain ruled by King Philip, not The Philip Kingdom ruled by King Philip.

I'll give you the non-European ones though, but since we're dealing with a vaguely European setting, "King Acorn of the Acorn Kingdom" is a bit of an oddity.

A colony named the Acornia Islands would be in keeping with tradition.

And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with King Acorn and the Acorn Kingdom, or Eggman and the Eggman Empire for that matter. Anon acted like it was strange for a monarch to have only one name. No, that's actually the norm. What's odd is that it's the same name as his Kingdom, but whatevs.
>> No. 224729
>Evan commentates over second/first-not-pilot SatAM episode.
>Says she didn't look up refs and "ruined Nicole forever".

If she's talking about the handheld...the new version looks way less shitty. I don't know why she'd apologize for streamlining a gaudy mess.
>> No. 224775
Wait, is that why new Nicole doesn't have hair plugs? Aww
>> No. 224777
How's your reading comprehension?
>> No. 224840
File 139461511785.jpg - (407.39KB , 1280x1048 , sonic boom designs.jpg )
We going full-on Rajet and Klanc nao.

>> No. 224846
R&C Emerl looks cool.
>> No. 224847
It's funny how after Archie Sonic used these types of characters designs for YEARS before it was decided everything should be SegaSonic style, yet now we have this.
>> No. 224848
File 139463222147.jpg - (1.70MB , 2000x1260 , Sonic 3.jpg )
Perhaps they were just always waiting for the exact moment when all the people who objected to the fact that America drew Sonic slightly different from Japan to go away.
>> No. 224849
Sonic Boom is trying to differentiate itself after all, but I'm not sure those designs are abhorrently lazy enough to be called Archie-style.
>> No. 224850
Jesus dude, that's harsh.
I know Thrash and Khan aren't exactly going to win awards, but damn.
>> No. 224851
It's not that harsh, it's not a big secret that the majority of the old Archie designs were really lazy and boring stock designs of animals. For every Conquering Storm, there was a dozen Wombat Stus.
>> No. 224853
Yeah, but Conquering Storm is from the same people who gave us, like, Constant Vigil, Beuregard, Matilda, Alan Quail and shark/shrimp Mobians. I don't think it's fair to group them with the people who came up with Hamlin Pig, Valdez the Chameleon, the FFFF and all the clone family members.
>> No. 224854
I actually intentionally pointed out Thrash and Khan since they're from entirely different eras of the comic.

See, that's kinda the thing. You're saying that Archie designs are generally lazy...but unless you're talking about shit like, yeah, Wombat Stu, or maybe Sir Kicksalot...most of them really aren't.

I mean, let's throw out stuff like the echidnas for a second. That's kind of an outright known problem. In the early days artists like Dave Manak and Art Mawhinney's art styles kind of congealed the, honestly divergent, SatAM character designs into the same basic style as Sonic and the other Sega designs. Throwing out instances of the art just being so bad that everything looks off, how many honest-to-goodness lazy character designs do we have out there?

Even going before Ian, we have characters like Mina, Khan, Nate, the various aliens, Arachnis, Kodos, etc. The problem wasn't as much that the designs were lazy as they were that the individual artists may have been trying too hard to make their characters "work" in the period they were presented in. In the issues they're introduced in, all of those characters basically fit, but then when other artists came in the actual character designs weren't adapted or otherwise overhauled to gel with the rest of the cast. There wasn't really a guideline to work with aside from whoever managed to do them first.

It's not really a problem of the characters being lazily designed as much as it's a problem with the comic itself being lazily managed and poorly structured. Notice how all those lazy designs magically started actually fitting and making sense once the editor and artists changed? Drago, in and of himself, isn't a lazy design. It's the fact that he continued looking like a member of the SatAM Wolf Pack for YEARS after the show was cancelled (yeah he kinda went against the grain again when Butler drew him, but I'm talking in general). Monkey Khan as he was drawn by Strom doesn't work in a Post-Adventure world, but he was designed very competently in his original stories. He worked there.

The inherent problem with this comparison is that we're laying a blanket term for a comic that has existed for over 20 years with a multitude of writers and artists over several dozens of issues as the franchise transformed around them to a single show and its video game tie-in where people are working together to make a set of designs exclusive to one universe in one instance.

You can't expect Manak to reach forward in time to Bates and have the two work together. You can expect people working on Boom to communicate their ideas and keep designs tonally consistent at least within the show or the game itself.

TL;DR: It's kinda harsh to call the Archie characters "lazily designed" when most of them have pretty solid character designs. It's more of an issue of some artists being better at keeping things consistent than others and the evolution of the franchise over time. It's a lot harder to hold the comic creators responsible when they only work on their single iteration for that month than it is to hold the guys who are designing Sega-Looking-Raccoon and completely-different-style-snake-in-a-robo-suit to appear in the same batch of episodes.
>> No. 224856
I shouldn't have used Conquering Storm as an example, as that does make it look like I think only new designs were capable of being remotely interesting. There were gems in the old days, and Khan was one of them.

But characters like Drago were totally lazy designs. Yardley made them workable, but they were at best functional. Larry Lynx, Fiona, Rob o' the Hood, even the characters I've enjoyed often had very lazy designs. Stock eagles, stock cats, stock dogs, stock dragons, stock recolors of Sega or DiC characters (Knuckles had the most but he was far from the only one.) Characters like Khan, Arachnis and Mina were very very few and far between, as the majority of the artists at the time just did not remotely give a shit about making designs.

Also the only remotely interesting Archie-original alien designs were the Xorda the rest were generic as all hell (or in the case of Axer's pirates appeared for about a page's worth of content.)
>> No. 224865
>old Tommy Turtle in Sonic Boom
>> No. 224869
What are the odds this show will even make it to a second season?
>> No. 224871
I was about to say "of course it will, it's fucking Sonic" but even AoStH and SatAM, with their purely American style settings and coming out at the height of Sonic's popularity, didn't last very long.
>> No. 224872
Then again, TV was a whole different animal back then.
>> No. 224879
Well Snyder is gone, so maybe the shady deal of taking good shows and putting them on death row at an abysmal timeslot will end.
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