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No. 216493
>>216476 >>216482 >>216471 Man, I don't know.
We need to think about the franchise we're talking about here. This is the franchise where there's been mass robot confusion for decades. "This guy is Metal Sonic, this other guy is also a Metal Sonic, but he's called Mecha Sonic. Wasn't that guy in the comics who is just robotized Sonic Mecha Sonic? No, the S3K robot is Mecha Sonic. Wait, Silver Sonic is actually Mecha Sonic in Japan!" This is the franchise where nobody can figure out if Knuckles is supposed to be Jamaican, Australian, or who cares. This is the franchise where there are fans who will swear by a 20 year old cartoon being the best version of the franchise ever. This is the franchise where people hate the antagonist's "new" design that's been around for over a decade. This is the franchise where people refuse to call the antagonist "Eggman" to this very day.
While the comic is a limited pool, it's still possible to affect the community through it. If Shard remains relevant for years to come, it could be problematic calling him "a" Metal Sonic.
Metal is probably one of the most iconic characters Sega has in the franchise. He's understood despite not saying very many words. He's a robot that exists entirely to best Sonic and he holds a nasty grudge. Even his themes spell it out for you (VS, What I'm Made of, Never Let It Go). It doesn't preclude him from being able to be part of a comedic scene or to do things that aren't sinister, but he's defined in a very solid way. They portrayed him as speaking in one game, but ever since they've flipped him back to silence and only talking in text to try and preserve his "feel" as a character.
He's the definitive robot Sonic, the one and only that comes back again and again, not a new model or a freshened up paint job. In fact, the only time we've seen another iteration of him that wasn't a crazy transformation like a rocketship or a metal dragon monster was when a robot that was built in the future and very blatantly pushed as being another robot based upon him fought him in a spin off game. He's one of the few robots in the series marked as just being himself. He's not a series and he doesn't have a ton of copies, Metal is just Metal. This is absolutely essential to Sega marketing him, which they've been very eager to do over the last few years. He becomes more valuable by being the one and only, THE Sonic Doppelganger, THE perpetual menace. If he becomes an easily replaced line of robots you can't sell him as well. What's the point of selling someone Metal Sonic DLC, for example? If there's just as many Metal Sonics as Eggman can make you may as well just sell customers Egg Pawn DLC.
Sega won't mind you using Metal Sonic parts to create a new character, or have the core of an old Sonic doppelganger robot inside a new Sonic robot. Those are as valid as time clones and ghosts in comic books. They're separate enough to not be a big deal. The problem comes from calling them "a" Metal Sonic when that is a definitive name for a definitive character. Sonic has enough semantic problems as it is (muh mobius) and Sega has a hard enough job telling people that Metal Sonic is just one robot. They don't need more issues down the road.