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File 139336635232.jpg - (121.82KB , 397x600 , 1300448172343.jpg )
389951 No. 389951
For your health.
Expand all images
>> No. 389953
I'm getting fucking tired of cleaning up this CP. Glad my workplace is insanely lax (to a fault) and I have some privacy so I can monitor /baw/ and clean it up with little concern of someone digging up my history or seeing it over my shoulder...
>> No. 389954
Thank you for your hard work. It's appreciated.
>> No. 389955
The other day, I was thinking how neat it would be if +4 had a "meta mod" system like gamefaqs used to have. Basically, if enough people reported something, it would be automatically deleted. I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm here at late nights, and if anyone else is, enough of us could report the CP and get it deleted before you go to work.

Of course, there's two big problems with this
The first is that it's an easily abused system (this is exactly why Gamefaqs nuked it)
The second is that it depends on Anonex being here.

I thank you for cleaning up. Sucks that you can't even browse worksafe websites at work without worrying about running into illegal shit.
>> No. 389956
BW are running a voice acting competition to be in DAI and I'm going to enter it and win it forever.
>> No. 389957
how does one enter, I don't have that great a setup but I think I could swing it.
>> No. 389958
You're quite welcome.

Outright deletion is a bad idea, but I've had similar ideas about such a system. Basically, once it reaches that threshold, it would become hidden; if it's not responded to by a mod in a reasonable period of time (for 4chan, an hour or two; for +4, 24 hours), then it automatically becomes unhidden and cannot be hidden through the system again. (A mod marking it as OK would also mean it can't be accessed again.)

Ideally hidden threads would not contribute to knocking threads off of page 10, and certain conditions could be used to lower the threshold (for instance, no text submitted with the OP image, or the OP image is of very small file size/dimensions which could indicate a crap image just used to be able to make a topic)

This can still be easily abused, but the results of the abuse would be far less detrimental (if the thread gets hidden and then marked as OK, it would bump to the top of the board.) But, yeah, that would require Anonex to be around, so it's all conjecture for now.
>> No. 389959

pick one of the scripts, record it and send it.
>> No. 389960
i got a new haircut and i look hot and i like it bunches
>> No. 389962
>would also mean it can't be accessed again
hidden. Can't be hidden again.
>> No. 389964
My job is a miserable piece of shit, thanks largely in part to the incompetent asshole higher-ups.
My niece is a heroin addict and her mother is an insane harpy who is the worst possible person she could be dealing with right now. I'm too far away to help out directly.
I'm in love with a close friend who is also a married man. I don't want to feel this way about him but I don't know what to do about it.
I have some wicked fucking cramps and I hate being on my period.
Am I healthy yet?
>> No. 389967
oohh I think I'll take a crack at the first one.
>> No. 389971
>> No. 389972
>I don't want to feel this way about him but I don't know what to do about it.

I fall for my friends sometimes, too. Not so much the ones that are dating, though. I don't think there's anything you can do. You can't help how you feel, but you can help your actions. If you think you're going to do something stupid, then be ready to distance yourself before that happens. If it bothers you that you can't be together and you can't get over it or be happy for him, then it might be a good idea to just let it go and move on.
>> No. 389973
Are you coping?
>> No. 389976
>My job is a miserable piece of shit, thanks largely in part to the incompetent asshole higher-ups.
Shitty, but you can change jobs, and it's generally better to do so while you have a job, even if it means your evenings will be taken up with job hunting
>My niece is a heroin addict and her mother is an insane harpy who is the worst possible person she could be dealing with right now. I'm too far away to help out directly.
Ultra-shitty, but if you're too far away to really do something, then you're too far away. That's a sticky situation legally, especially if your niece is still a minor
>I'm in love with a close friend who is also a married man. I don't want to feel this way about him but I don't know what to do about it.
Hyper-shitty. You should probably limit contact and not follow that up. Maybe trying dating around a bit, find someone else to take your mind off your friend.
>I have some wicked fucking cramps and I hate being on my period.
Who doesn't? Pain meds are awesome
>Am I healthy yet?
Bad News: You're dying. Good news: It's reaaaaaaaaallllllllyyy slow
>> No. 389977
>having to poop under time pressure
The woist.
>> No. 389978
Just do what birds do.
>> No. 389979
Well, I told my ex about what happened between me and his brother. He punched his brother and told him he never wanted to see him again and drove over to my house to smash a sewing machine he got for me all over the driveway. Didn't say a word. He was crying/growling. Well, I came clean and so ended that chapter. At least I won't be drunkly trying to explain that I still love him and shit.

Lol his brother got all buttmad at me when I told him I honestly didn't give a fuck about him and was just sad I ruined my relationship with his shit he immediately deleted me on all social media and told me to delete his contact honey I already did
>> No. 389982
File 139342725077.jpg - (52.52KB , 521x521 , Babby.jpg )
>Just remember this kid’s name before some crusty old white dude “innovates” his design and takes all the credit.
Do you intentionally try to sound like an idiot?
>Do you Thirteen? ,cause you're succeediiiiiiing~
Don’t you start with me. In what world is it necessary to make a “crusty old white dude” comment every time a news post says a kid invented something pretty nifty? Every single time?
>Oh jee the poor white people getting a bad rap for taking credit fdor things someone start a charity. Cry. Me. A River. You honkey motherfucker.
>> No. 389988
Why would you ever bother talking to someone who acts like that?
>> No. 389989
i'm going to need some time to figure out how to respond to that giant bag of cats that is that fiasco, but i'm glad you have a clear conscience at least. that's important. how did it even come up? did you start the conversation?
>> No. 389990
I'm sorry but your life sounds like paradise to me, you don't know how good you have it:
>You have a secure, full time job.
>You have a family.
>You're in love.
>You're healthy.
On the other hand you'd probably enjoy the peace and quiet my dull life provides.

True to fact, the grass is always greener at the neighbors.
>> No. 389993
why do i feel 13's coming up with strawmen again
>> No. 389994
Uggggghhhhhhhhh... I know I promised that girl I like that I'd let her call me to let me know when she's free, but a) it's been over a week since she promised that, and it wouldn't surprise me if she's forgotten at least, that's what I'm hoping and b) it turns out I'm going on holiday next week.

So, I guess I'll call her to let her know, maybe ask her if she's on Skype or something. I like the idea of talking to her at least once a week - last time I tried texting her we ended up being unintentionally brusque with each other.
>> No. 389999

Although I should have stated that the starting > and the other two >s were different people. My bad.

So, quick question. One of my cats, on occasion, sounds like she's trying to cough something up, or make herself sneeze. During those times, her meows get really whiny and phlegmy. She's going to the vet sometime this week, but she's been doing this since January. She also may have a bit of arthritis. What do?
>> No. 390001
Protom's white-male-guilt makes him pretty unpleasant to me, I had to unfollow him, it got kinda unbearable.
He's also one of the people who talks about how Tumblr makes up issues to complain about which is both amusing and kinda irritating.
>> No. 390002
>She's going to the vet sometime this week,
You're already doing it. Just make sure to ask lots of questions, especially related to anything you've introduced to the home shortly before the symptoms began.
>> No. 390008
>tfw having a great day and don't want to go to sleep and wake up and have to go to class and have responsibilities
>> No. 390011
I have a job interview in a few hours and I want to die. It's the first interview I've managed to get in over a year of applying to positions after passing the bar. The stress is driving me crazy.
>> No. 390012
>click on the name "Mother Nature Network"
>it takes me to some other tumblr that was also quoting Mother Nature Network
Great job, Tumblr software.
>> No. 390017
File 139352976847.jpg - (62.67KB , 1280x720 , Cry_Bolin.jpg )

>interview only lasts 20 minutes
>very brief, conversational, didn't ask very many questions

what does that meaaaaaaaaan auuuuuughhhhh did i fuck up, do they already have someone in mind? I guess I'll know in a week.
>> No. 390018
Is this a white collar position? If so, it unfortunately sounds like they already had a candidate in mind and were likely filling some required interview quota.

Still, do the usual interview followups with a letter to the interviewer thanking them for their time/opportunity, expressing your interest in hearing back from them good or bad, etc.
>> No. 390019
File 139353068462.png - (118.14KB , 500x271 , cry a lot Lantern.png )


I'm just gonna go get ice cream and eat until I end up in a diabetic coma. I stressed myself out all week for nothing, probably.
>> No. 390020
Look at it this way: If they have an HR policy for a set number of interviews they have to give per position before it can be filled, they probably have a myriad of other HR bullshit you'd have to deal with. This is actually worse if the company is small, because it means that someone high up the chain is authoritative and controlling (to the point of wasting everyone's time to feel in control.) If it's large, the policy was probably put in place over many years to avoid lawsuits and over-protect the company, which is sort of understandable.

So, while it would have been a job, decent chance it would have been stressful thanks to internal policies. So you likely dodged a bullet there.
>> No. 390026
Yeah neither of you are really in the right here.

Calling something out as "stupid" does not make you right or morally superior, it just makes you sound like another form of complainer, one arguing for a side that's a little less than savory, without any actual input or critical thinking. So, Proto might be a little insufferable, but you're in the same boat.
>> No. 390028
Try getting into a factory job like me, there's 150-500 people applying for my opening.
>> No. 390029
and to think i used to take the bacteria in my intestines for granted

God help me ; ~ ;
>> No. 390031
File 139355560422.png - (8.04KB , 158x163 , sir have i wronged you in some way.png )
>be casual friends with a person
>they're nice people
>get friend request on Facebook, okay that's cool
>few months later
>they post politics I don't agree with
>don't want to say anything but still think less of them now
>mfw this has happened at least 3 times in the past year
>> No. 390032
Keep your genitals inside your asshole?
>> No. 390033
Well, this is entirely dependent on said views. You don't need to go into it here, but it's all down to different people. If it's something you don't find agreeable but it's not that important to you, let it go. If it's something you feel strongly about...well, that's a bit more of an issue.
>> No. 390041
i want money but my job keeps making me sick
>> No. 390044
File 139357338834.jpg - (39.11KB , 640x480 , IMG_20140227_231735.jpg )
Its really awesome when people you knew and had a mutual attraction with but things just didn't quite happen with find you like two years later and want to catch up and they seem to have gotten over the things that turned you off before and you're a better person now, too, and I remember the first time we hung out he wanted me to read his mfuckjng full length novels he wrote when he was twenty and we would eat lunch together at work and use weed oil as salad dressing and taking shrooms together. I actually liked him, but it was stupid young guys being insecure and desperate to impress, you know? Not to memtion bullshit at work. But no matter what, we could've been good friends and he likes dungeons and dragons, too.

I got a new boyfriend tho pic related
>> No. 390046
>and they seem to have gotten over the things that turned you off
They didn't. You're just desperate.
>> No. 390048
>2 years
>you are internet anonymous
>I got more hos than u
>> No. 390051
>try ringing her mobile twice
>stright through to voicemail
>send her a text, telling her that we'll have to postpone our next meetup (I didn't want to say "date" this early on. Also, it's not really a date if she brings her cousin)
>accidentally send it before finishing
>send follow-up text, which I append an apology if I've been distant
>get a reply, saying it's okay and asking how I am
>at midnight

I'm assuming it was just my phone being weird. I'll try and ring her again soon, to see about us having another drink when I get back... and to see if she's on Skype, because this shit is getting kinda ridiculous.
>> No. 390053
Ease up there cowboy. Some people are midnight texters, they just can't always expect a reply. Don't freak out too much about it, you seem desperate and needy. Which you probably are, but like comrades' pal you will grow more patient and more understanding with time. Space can be a good thing to give people.
>> No. 390058
Yay~ signing up for healthcare exchange
>> No. 390060
>3 times
Hey maybe you're the one in the wrong.
>> No. 390061
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wow i like my haircut a lot
>> No. 390063
Kinda gay.
>> No. 390064
You have a point there. I guess I can afford to wait a week or so, then ring her when I get back. I suppose the fact that I've technically resolved this whole Girl A/Girl B bullshit makes me want to make sure I don't fuck this up.
>> No. 390070
Just keep it together and you'll do fine.
>> No. 390073
Well if you're pro-life/anti-abortion you would certainly think I'm in the wrong on this issue.
>> No. 390081
What kinds of booze do you guys like?

I really don't have a sophisticated palette when it comes to alcohol. My dad and I will have a drink, and he'll offer his opinion on the taste and how he prefers it in comparison to other brands, and it all just tastes the same to me. As I never enjoy the taste, I usually end up getting whatever is cheapest as I can never tell the difference anyway.

I bought some whisky the other day. My sole motivations for buying the kind that I did was due to it being on sale, and being amused by the picture on the bottle, which was a hologram of a guy whose eyes darted back and forth when you moved it.
>> No. 390087
I rarely drink. I'll usually keep a bottle of something, likely whiskey or vodka, on hand for when I feel like it, but it will take me months to go through a single bottle.

But I'm the same way; I have no real palette for alcohol. If I have anything on hand I'll usually really water it down with something else. I do like a good hard cider, but I get them on rare occasion.

Which is funny because my dad brews his own beer, has for over a decade. That might be why I don't care for it much; he would brew it in the basement, which is where my bedroom usually was when I lived with my folks, and when he was doing the "cooking" portion there would be a really heavy smell like dry dog food that got soaking wet. Not gag-inducing, but not a good smell, and it could be overpowering. So whenever I think about beer I'll remember that smell and lose almost all interest.
>> No. 390089
I like dark lagers, usually.

Nice n' heavy feeling with rich taste. Good stuff.
Another one's rum. Kinda like rum. And scotch, but I'm a bitch and need ice with it.
>> No. 390091
Ugh I had such an amazing time last night I've been floating all day god I'm not going into this with expectations but its just a good thing to happen and its worth the fucking time. Happy days

I like cheap white wine and whiskey
>> No. 390093
I only buy alcohol for myself if I need to sleep or feel especially shitty, so it's bargain basement gin and vodka. I've developed a preference for spiced or dark ale, though.
>> No. 390095

I'm so excited about living right now

CNT hndl it

Wow I just wow and then, whoa
>> No. 390096
How WOW r u rn?
>> No. 390097
File 139373947566.jpg - (120.19KB , 1280x960 , haaair.jpg )
I had to work 9 hours with a cold and that was unpleasant, but me and a qt new coworker spent all night insulting each other and grinning at each other when we made eye contact so that was enjoyable
So it suits me, then.........
>> No. 390098
I'm SUPER tired and also p sick. Hella runny nose. But again, cute new girl, so I'd say all in all I'm alright.
What's gotcha so excited cmrgad
>> No. 390099
This was my profile picture on Facebook forma long time I got confused seeing it
>> No. 390100
Just..... Life. Life has me so fuckking pumped. Everything. Humans. Et cetera.
>> No. 390104
File 139374710825.jpg - (145.90KB , 554x344 , 1342445622949.jpg )

Think I'll do some laundry and perhaps a bit of cleaning.
>> No. 390105
Hey Freehaven, you gonna sell me that Bayonetta gun or what
>> No. 390121
File 139378413095.jpg - (185.40KB , 1600x1054 , Flying-Dog.jpg )
buy good beer

bud light is for fucktards/buying large quantities for people you don't care about

dark beer good. light beer is pale imitation
>> No. 390122
File 139378473713.jpg - (86.15KB , 500x687 , 1393507738593.jpg )
Talking with non-artists about art is probably one of the most soul-destroying things an artist can do.
>> No. 390123
Thanks for the input guys, it's appreciated.
For the job situation the plan is to find another less problematic job in the same company. If I'm unable to do this then I'll leave the company entirely.
For my niece, I love her and I can support her emotionally and morally. But until she cleans up (which I hope she can) I can't support her financially. I just hope this doesn't have an unhappy ending.
For the guy, I can only wait for it to go away. Part of me suspects the feelings aren't one-sided, but he's devoted to his family so it's a dead-end street. He's a very good friend (and co-worker) and I'll miss him terribly if/when I leave.
My period is over, for now. My Dr. and I have decided to try me out on a new birth control formula next month. Fingers crossed that this works.
Am I healthy yet? I'm not certain but I may be on my way there.

Honey, have you thought about therapy? My family is insane and I live three thousand miles away from any of them but still stay in contact via phone and internet. I've been in therapy for ten years to cope with having grown up with them. Maybe this is something you should consider.
>> No. 390133
my stomach is dying a painful death and mostly i'm hoping it's not appendicitis because the doctor sure did refuse to give me an ultrasound ha ha so if it ruptures in my sleep or something
that would be bad
>> No. 390136
>> No. 390141
Why is it cold again?! I thought we where done with tht shit!
>> No. 390144
just snowed a good four-five inches here. why won't it stop!!! And I've heard its flooding in Cali and they have a drought, how does that work?
>> No. 390147
>And I've heard its flooding in Cali and they have a drought, how does that work?
For one, if the ground has been overly-dry, it won't be able to absorb as much water as it has in the past (think of trying to clean up a small amount of liquid with a dry sponge; it just pushes the liquid around at first).

For two, drought or not, if they get far more rain than usual the various run-off areas and such won't be able to contain it, leading to flooding.
>> No. 390149
Cold weather really makes you want to snuggle with someone.
Preferably if said someone's got a cute butt.
>> No. 390153
Anyone else ever get hype as fuck over something mundane?

I'm heating up water right now so I can boil some eggs and am really excited about this for some reason. I mean, it's going to be absolutely delicious when I put the hot sauce on it, but it's not like this is something new for me.
>> No. 390154
>tfw cuddling with qt3.14 all day long
It's the best.

Usually when I'm get bored I get hyped over things like that. It's not a bad thing.

Or when I'm hungry.
>> No. 390155
I thought of that while playing vidya today and started laughing so hard I had to put down the controller.
>> No. 390156
I'm hype as fuck over everything g and I love it. Planting seeds! Building a shitty playpen for my pet rats! My rats eating blueberries! Buying cat litter! Paying a traffic ticket! Going to work! Fixing my plumbing!

But really when you're happy everything is an excuse ton get hyphy
>> No. 390157
>oh hey moose we fired our second-oldest employee this morning
>oh hey we need to flash her computer, follow these 20 steps and install as many programs that take 20 minutes each
>disc imaging? lol is that like the computer imagining something?
>I had planned to leave 45 minutes ago
>Still 45 minutes to go
We're a small company, and the IT duties are handled between my boss/company owner and a guy she'll bring in for really heavy things now and then. I just do a shit load of programming; I want to take over IT duties, but there's so much on my plate now that I can't reasonably offer to do it.

Oh well. I'm basically getting paid to watch a progress bar increase while listening to punk metal.
>> No. 390158
Still cold, ice still on all the trees.
Last nignt the ice was so heavy that it broke large limbs.

Might need to cut back on the meds. Unless you're just naturally happy like that....in that case I'll just be over here being jealous.
>> No. 390159
I don't have an account, but I lurk NeoGAF a lot. Sometimes the video game side gets to be a bit much (not unlike 4chan's /v/), so I venture to off-topic to creepily read posts of people I don't personally speak with online. It's weird, but whatever. Today, I stumbled across this thread


Which discusses a forum-user's brother-in-law that went missing recently. I live in the midwest and don't really have anyone to spread this around to, but I figure I'd drop it here. I don't even know these people and just knowing that some guy disappeared like this makes me incredibly uncomfortable and sad.

I think we have a couple people here who are in the Seattle/PNW area, so take a look at the information in the first post just in case you know something. Even if you don't live there.


Did you get any pictures? Iced tree branches look beautiful. It's one of my favorite winter sights that I don't see too often.
>> No. 390160
i dunno. i think her happiness sounds p legit to me.
>> No. 390161
>>390158 was me the whole time!
Just forgot my name.

I got a 3DS, give me a little bit.
>> No. 390162
File 139391293452.jpg - (120.92KB , 640x480 , HNI_0017_MPO.jpg )
Not very good, but I tried.
>> No. 390163
File 139391309438.jpg - (91.41KB , 640x480 , HNI_0018_MPO.jpg )
>> No. 390164
Can't see the ice all that well, but the 3DS's low quality images are kinda charming. I have have a few 3DS pictures of my surroundings when we got hit with snow late last year/early this year.

I'll post them tomorrow if I remember
>> No. 390165
File 139391337110.jpg - (66.46KB , 640x480 , HNI_0014_MPO.jpg )
>> No. 390166
File 139391347811.jpg - (87.04KB , 640x480 , HNI_0016_MPO.jpg )
>> No. 390168
I agree. I thought It'd be better than this. I was really hoping for a better picture against the street light.
Unfortunately I don't have a digital camera. I might try again when the sun is up, but i think the result would be the same.
>> No. 390169
What should I make my Facebook profile photo? I hate all my pictures of me (either they remind me that I'm still a fatass or they remind me that I was, briefly, fairly fit) and Valentine's is long past so Forever Alone is not long apropos.
>> No. 390171
pictures of cats
>> No. 390174
Picture of you with cats from that shelter you volunteer at.
>> No. 390175
File 139392080286.jpg - (30.27KB , 460x280 , I NEED PICTURES MOOSE.jpg )
you know the drill
>> No. 390177
hey here's an idea

no more CP
>> No. 390178
File 139392203699.jpg - (76.60KB , 720x960 , 1620615_10152149554113880_1594467988_n[2].jpg )
This is far more prescient than you can know, since >>390174 (though not with me in it, because again fatty fat fat). STORY TIME.

So this is Wyatt. Wyatt was abandoned in a foreclosed home for nearly two months, a home that was completely boarded up. Neighbors saw him in the windows now and then and tried calling animal services, but they never responded at all. Eventually they got ahold of the rescue I volunteer at, and someone may have busted down some boards and retrieve him.

When we got him he was extremely malnourished, covered in maggots (amongst other things), dehydrated, etc. We're not sure how he survived in there, but certainly he wouldn't have much longer. An infection in his eye was so bad that the whole thing had to be removed. He was coddled and nursed for 3-4 months, we eventually got national attention for it (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/05/foreclosure-pets-cat-colorado-locked-in-home_n_3875309.html), and, aside from the missing eye and an odd gait with his hind legs (we don't know if he had that before or if it was from being in that situation), he's quite healthy and happy now.

So he will make for a good FB avatar.

Runner up.
>> No. 390179
File 139392216032.jpg - (116.29KB , 640x480 , 128403870421.jpg )
is it normal to not find 3D porn attractive anymore because they girls dont look like your girlfriend because this hasn't happened to me before and its mad weird
>> No. 390180
That's cool.
>> No. 390181
Bitch I ain't on no meds
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